Learn Dota 2 - LPT: Focus fire follows the target through manta and doppelganger

LPT: Focus fire follows the target through manta and doppelganger

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 05:10 AM PDT

If you knows for fact which phantom lancer is the real one, open with focus fire. PL will think you've lost him, go in to attack you and die to focus fire.

submitted by /u/Hoihe
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Looking for advice on some core games (In terms of item build / skill build etc)

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 05:48 PM PDT

Recently I've been trying to branch out of playing only support and have been experimenting with safelane and offlane core but it's been pretty rough. While stuff like positioning and how to use my abilities is more something I'll have to learn on my own any sort of critique of how I built my hero / whether I picked it at the right time would be appreciated.

(These games are all around 2k average) https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4067085976 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4060457113

(These games I was in a party with 4k~ players so more like 3k average)

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4070367687 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4070312910 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4070230279

submitted by /u/prpgecko
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How do I deal with Bloodseeker mid?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 02:53 PM PDT

Bloodseeker for me right now is extremely annoying. I come against him mid around 1 in every 3 games, and I lose almost every time to him. The reason I think I lose to him a lot is because he ALWAYS has a shit tonne of damage and speed from thirst because my team always for some reason love to be on low hp, making it impossible for me to last hit, or trade with him at all! Once he gets the boost from his thirst he just uses his blood rage and can easily out last hit and out deny me, and this also heals him, so right clicking does not affect him whatsoever. Even when he is under tower it seems to be easy for him to last hit and deny. What can I do play against this because its becoming extremely common for people to pick him and basically every game I get screwed because of the advantage he can get from my team just constantly being low. I am legend 3, so keep in mind that most people at my level aren't going to help by ganking, and also most likely will not care if there is a bloodseeker destroying me mid and so will just walk about on low hp all of the time and not heal. Then I get the blame for losing mid pretty hard.

submitted by /u/paoloc08
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macro tips for et spirit

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:55 PM PDT

first of all, why elder titan spirit is not considered as a summon? i have the option "auto selected summon units" on, and the spirit just is not selected. Are they ways for both the hero and the summon to be automatically selected for easy macro? if there other tips or tricks to play well with elder titan please share on this post thank you.

submitted by /u/padelno91
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Am I right in saying you shouldn't deny creeps when pushing outside of the laning phase?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:00 AM PDT

I was going to say something to my teammates yesterday, but I wasn't 100% sure if I was giving out bad advice. If you deny the creeps, then they can't take a tower hit or do some extra damage to a tower or creeps. If they take just one tower hit, then that's one less hit for you and your team to take, which helps the push carry on for a little longer.

I know they don't want to give the xp and gold away, but outside the laning phase is one creep really going to help them in any way?

submitted by /u/SnortWhoresFuckCoke
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How could I win this game as Templar Assassin?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 11:37 AM PDT

Hey guys!
In my last game, I played as TA and although I had the best GPS and XPM in the game, I lost the game =/
Its not the first game that I get fat as TA but still cant win the game, Its happens to me alot with TA and I dont know why
Did my item choices were good?
Did I fight well in team-fights? Could I do something better?
And generally, why did we lost that game?
Thanks ;]

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4070293041

submitted by /u/OrBatson
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[Question] Does PL's Doppelganger disjoint Assassinate if cast when targeted, or only once the projectile is in the air?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 11:17 AM PDT

What do I do when behind as a support?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 11:11 AM PDT

I was playing as a Bane yesterday, and after losing out on vision wars and being behind in items, I honestly had no idea what to do. Maybe it's just at the current skill and knowledge level I am at, but having played LoL and HotS for a while, I have never felt so useless in a moba. Even with the extra range from Aether Lens and his talent, and disabling half the team with Nightmare and Fiend's Grip I would get popped by a blinking Ursa. What can I do other than place wards that inevitably get wiped out? Are there supports that are better at playing from behind?

submitted by /u/schmexyistv4n
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How do you deal with a Visage?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 12:26 AM PDT

As I climb higher, I feel like I'm starting to encounter hero spammers and they play their heroes really fuckin well. I can do my best to counter them but one hero I just don't haven't encountered enough to understand is Visage, and I don't feel like going through numerous games losing for free against Visage picks. How do you counter him?

I don't need hero based counters like 'BB destroys his familiars' because I am playing under the assumption that Visage is going to be last picked. I am looking for more specific stuff like how you're supposed to lane against him post lvl 6, how to treat him in a team fight, how to play the map vs him in the mid game, etc.

submitted by /u/bleedblue_knetic
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Help drafting

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 10:06 AM PDT

when to pick certain midlaner? i pick storm whenever i like it and get away with it,spamming him. pick ta whenever like it. pick sf whenever like it. pick tinker if theres no spectre of zeus. pick invoker whenever like it.

i just dont know when to pick a certain midlaner. Can somebody explain when to pick a certain midlaner or it doesnt matter? 4k mmr.

And which midlaners should i be using in my heropool?

currently running: storm,meepo.

submitted by /u/Mademan1137
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How good are in game tutorials?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:43 AM PDT

Interested in learning dota 2, but worried about time commitment. Just looking to try and see if I like dota.

submitted by /u/reddanger95
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First few games as Meepo, what can I improve?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:13 AM PDT


Felt like my best Meepo game so far, yet I still had some issues. For example, I feel like I can get solo kills with Meepo, but when it comes to teamfights, as soon as I go in I just get blown out without being able to do anything. In this case, it was Invoker just tornadoing and doing his combo on me whenever I jumped, making me very scared to join teamfights.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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Looking for someone 5k+ To Analise a replay and tell me if i could have won and how/where i went wrong.

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:01 AM PDT

The game ID is 4069870334. I played the Storm Spirit, any help would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/K-I-N--G
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Are higher MMR games more relaxing than lower MMR games?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 07:54 AM PDT

I watch a lot of high MMR streamers. Aside from occasional feeders I feel like high level players are either more forgiving to their teammates or they communicate what they expect from a certain hero/teammate. In lower MMR games when something bad happens blame is always on thr support or on the person who died the most.

I have played matches where enemy team sent their sniper solo offlane and that guy could not even get exp. After the match he got blamed. I feel like people just look at the KDA and blame accordingly.

Another common issue I find is lack of communication. I feel it's almost impossible for me to play silencer because nobody says when they need my ult. But if we lose the fight people will mass ping to make sure to tell me I have my ult unused. I've faced situations where I used my ult even when I know it's bad not to get blamed and sure enough I didn't get blamed.

I am 1.9k support player from SEA and I'm losing my interest in playing the game. Do you face these pretty often? If so, how do you deal with it without just muting people?

Sorry for drifting away from my title. I'm not very good at writing

submitted by /u/CaptainOfNumbers
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Learning to storm

Posted: 19 Aug 2018 11:01 PM PDT

Just curious what good guides y'all would recommend for learning how to play storm, or how to play the hero in general. I like mid a lot and I have seen the blitz play by play videos and was wondering how true that still holds. When do you go kaya before orchid? Bstone usually after orchid, right?

submitted by /u/stale_oreos
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New to Dota 2, played the tutorials, want some clarity on some things.

Posted: 19 Aug 2018 09:14 PM PDT

Played through the 3 tutorial bot games. Here are my impressions and some questions about the 3 champs I played.

Game 1 with dragon knight went pretty badly. Drow Ranger kept destroying all of us. I had to basically farm side lanes and jungle then hope to catch someone and use the item that makes me invisible to escape team fights. Is Dragon Knight an offlaner? Seems pretty squishy for a tank, weak CC compared to what else is in the game and his passive regen is pretty useless in team fights.

Game 2 was pretty one sided. As sniper I would outrange everything and collect easy kills and gold. I'm guessing in a regular game, the enemy would try to engage on me since I have nothing to escape with. Sniper is a carry, right? High damage but no burst.

Game 3 was with the Shadow Shaman. The Drow Ranger was back and was destroying everything in sight. After a while, I figured out how much CC and burst I actually have and it was an easy one sided match again. Shadow Shaman is a midlaner, right? Good and long CC, great burst.

Couple more questions:

  • How do I heal and get mana back? Are my only options single use items, items with actives, items with passives, walking back to base, walking to those things in the middle of each side's jungle?

  • Trees. Simply decorations and source of small healing or do they have actual purposes?

  • What happens if a courier dies with my items?

  • Attacks do only physical damage and spells do only spell damage?

Lastly, why are the characters so boring/uninspired? Drow Ranger, Sniper, Dragon Knight and Shadow Shaman? Really? No names or specific identities? It's like if in league Caitlyn was called Gun Lady and Rakan was Bird Guy.

submitted by /u/zaneprotoss
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Tinker = Acc booster or Script?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:28 AM PDT

Hey all. Im going to deinstall this game I think but Im curious if the match that broke the camels back had a scripter on it or just a basic deranged parasitical acc booster.

Ive never seen something like this where he deletes someone, then instantly does the blink refresh thing into someone else, deletes them etc on our entire team in less than 20 seconds.

My thoughts are that there is no use playing anymore because I play for 1500 hours and I can't even imagine doing something like that but people that can apparently do it without scripting are landing in my games.

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4069417101 - tinker

thanks a lot in advance!

submitted by /u/Minrathous
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Lotus Orb?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 12:12 AM PDT

I recently purchased the item in a match where a Slardar was giving my team trouble (after noticing my Glimmer Cape doesn't really help), and I was surprised at its effectiveness! It wasn't cheap, but having a dispel that's castable on teammates was immensely valuable. I got to thinking, why am I not buying this item more often?

So I came here to ask, do you have any heroes that you like getting Lotus on? Or any enemies that will prompt you to buy it ASAP? Maybe just general situations, like "strong frontliner, lots of enemy single target"? Or do you never buy Lotus because there's always other, more valuable support items to get? Feel free to share any thoughts here.

submitted by /u/Jefrejtor
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