Factorio Is it theoretically possible to make Factorio inside Factorio?

Is it theoretically possible to make Factorio inside Factorio?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Thought of this after I watched this video of Pac Man in Factorio

submitted by /u/Jobnm
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Since you all wanted me to press ALT... here we go! Bask in my horrific inefficient glory!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:54 PM PDT

2.5k SPM, Single exit rail.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:58 AM PDT

My spaghetti is hurting me...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:15 PM PDT


Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:08 PM PDT

I want to share my current base, for fun and feedback!

crappy imgur jpg

dropbox small jpg (9mb) -- chest contents a bit hard to distinguish
dropbox big jpg (20mb) -- can distinguish all except circuits

dropbox small png (43mb)
dropbox big png (78mb)

I'm playing with some QoL mods, nothing crazy.

Currently producing a rocket every 10 minutes. But I like to upgrade by order of magnitude, so it'll be under a minute pretty soon.

My main goal at first was to avoid using a typical main bus design, preferring a more organic approach. I started a line of assemblers and kept that line going, bringing belts in and out as needed.

This ended up being roughly equivalent to a mainbus but with less planning needed, and maybe a tighter use of space? It's certainly suboptimal, but I enjoyed it more than mainbus, and I didn't even go full pasta.

submitted by /u/Revolio_ClockbergJr
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Me and a buddy sent the spoon to the moon!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:52 PM PDT

Decided to try the "There is no spoon" achievement. Made it first try with minutes to spare!


submitted by /u/achenick
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My huge biter problem and the great race against time...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:48 PM PDT

So basically I'm building my huge main bus after having stripped my spaghetti base for parts and expanding and adding furnaces and so on so forth. Anyways I just hooked up all of these electric furnaces into the grid and they all get switched on. I expect no problem right? But I forgot how much power my tiny spaghetti base actually used so I hook it up and suddenly everything goes dead in power. I'm like oooooh shiiit. Turns out it was nighttime so my accumulators had run out (I'm using solar) so I presume they had already run out or something because of this huge spike in power. About 1 minute later day rolls around and my power is slowly increasing. As each megawatt slowly piles up my dread increases. It stops at 75MW that's 65MW more than I was using during construction of the bus. I can support it during the day with panels but not at night. Seems like the all clear just sounded right? Wrong. I have a huge biter problem. I'm nearly constantly manually adding ammo and replacing broken turrets. Clearing them out takes too long for the problem I have and I don't have the necessary ammo. If I'm having a problem with the extremely minimal amount of power I was using just imagine the pollution problems I'm going to have!

So what's my solution you ask? Gather some panels, scavenge my abandoned oil facility for parts and buildings, and kill the power entirely. No power no pollution. The plan is to create thousands of batteries over a long time so I can absolutely splurge on power. After that I'll be busting my ass rushing for laser turrets. I have green and red science set up just need to hook up military. (Without turning it on!) and let her rip. Make as many lasers as possible and just decimate the biters before they overwhelm me and all the pollution that'll be created.

Truly a race against time...

submitted by /u/_Gixty_
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[Angles/Bob] Got too much copper ?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:51 PM PDT

After 60 hours of playing this game...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:19 PM PDT

I recently bought this game after a couple of years of thinking about buying it. I sunk 60 hours in two weeks and finished my first playthrough launching the rocket.

With some games when you "beat" the game you feel as though you have mastered it.

With this game however I'm at the point now where I think I'm finally starting to learn how to learn about how to play this game. :)

Maybe I'll have it mastered in a 1000 more hours.

What an amazing game.

submitted by /u/maharbamt
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Cooking spaghettis in my base

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:08 PM PDT

I finally understand how the deciders work!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:32 AM PDT

Welcome to Spaghetti Hell

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:08 AM PDT

Questions about Oil

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:39 PM PDT

1) Should I be hooking up all of my Pumpjacks for Crude Oil up to 1 Input Pipe to my factory?

1a) If no: How many Pumpjacks can 1 Pipeline handle to fill the pipes to maximum capacity (Maximum Crude Oil Throughput)?

1b) How exactly *does* the fluid-filling-the-pipelines work for filling them to max capacity?

2) How many Oil Refineries can pull from 1 Full-Capacity Oil Pipeline (assuming the Oil Refineries are working constantly)?


I basically have no idea how to efficiently manage Oil at the moment. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Day 5 Player here- I don't know a lot of the advanced tactics that you veterans do; please keep that in mind when replying. <3 Thank you to anyone who can answer my questions!

submitted by /u/throwawaysmy
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Any mods that can update transfer belts from slow to fast?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:46 AM PDT

I don't really feel like replacing my entire map on my own

submitted by /u/WatchTheEmojiMovie
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Automating ammo fill

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:56 PM PDT

Instead of using belts and inserters can I have robots fill my turrents ammo when they get to a certain point of low ammo? Thanks in advance, under 50 hour player so I'm still kinda newish.

submitted by /u/waddup_gnomie
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What do you think of my gem sorting facility? (Seablock)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:20 AM PDT

What do you think of my gem sorting facility? (Seablock)

And yes, I do know that the liquifier ratios aren't correct to the amount of gems produced.


submitted by /u/Letmeflyfaraway
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Blue science spaghetti

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:13 AM PDT

I started a new game with 500 copper. [railworld]

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:09 PM PDT

Am I understanding buffer chests properly?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:32 PM PDT

So, I've never used buffer chests before, but I'm running into a problem now, and I'm hoping that buffer chests will be the answer to this problem.

My current setup is a main bus factory with plates, steel, circuits and plastics on the main bus (and some liquids), and everything branching downwards from the main bus. So everything NOT on the main bus, I try to make locally. The factory is belt-based, I use bots for building stuff and bringing me shit I need.

For my logistic networks, I have some storage sites, but to make sure they do not turn into a dumping ground of crap I wanted out of the inventory, all across my base I have requester chests pulling shit in, and dumping them back on the main bus (or smelter lines)

So I have a requester chest on my iron/copper ore lines, pulling in raw ore, and inserting them back on the belts to be used by my factory, and I have setups like that for pretty much every item you can imagine.

This works perfectly for not clogging up my storage chests, but I notied one big problem:

If I want to handcraft something, and I just want to pull in some raw resources, there's nothing for the bots to bring me. I used to put small amounts of plates etc in provider chests, but I guess the requester chests drain those chests too.

Is that the use case that buffer chests fill? I never found a use for them, which is why I never bothered to understand them. Thanks in advance for your answers!

submitted by /u/MoreIronOre
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Ever done this?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:38 PM PDT

I was in the middle of a complicated sulfer manufacturing (getting it set up) well I downloaded another game and took a break from factorio, couple weeks later I come back to my map and I have no idea what's going on. Cant remember how to fix my problems or where I was going, I dont feel like starting over but some of the problems are stumping me.

submitted by /u/waddup_gnomie
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Noob questions

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:48 PM PDT

Hello all, I am a newish player. I have about 100 hours in but I always hit the same spot and give up. I had a few questions about what seasoned players do.

Do you plan your entire base at the beginning? Do you space everything out and build so that you can always expand or do you have to tear up your base and reconfigure?

I always get frustrated around purple science, do you have any general tips? Sorry if this post is a common one. Any info helps! Thanks

submitted by /u/Llyde
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How not to drive a train, round two

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:40 PM PDT

Mega base oil question

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:24 PM PDT

Is it better if I'm trying to make a mega base to create oil refineries on site or train in my crude oil?

I'm thinking to have one main refinery but I think it could be fun to have some logi trains running lube and sulfuric yknow.

submitted by /u/WackoDesperado2055
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Control center update

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:20 PM PDT

Incentive to make your base have multiple power grids to prevent blackouts or when you simply don't need production anymore. Long range circuit networks/wireless. Central hub to control trains. Train junctions/storage. Control hub to monitor and manage logistics consumption and productions.

Not necessary but I think it would be cool to be an overseer at some point.

submitted by /u/WackoDesperado2055
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