Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - August 18, 2018

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - August 18, 2018

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:09 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Snowcrows using inflated and misleading benchmarks

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:54 AM PDT


I wanna preface this by saying that this is not supposed to be a witch-hunt and it's not meant to hate on SC, we know how much effort it is to keep guides and benchmarks up to date. However, not only do inflated and faked benchmarks make it harder for players to manage expectations on what number they should hit on the golem and which dps is best right now, but it also makes it harder for the balance team because a part of their PvE balance relies on benchmark numbers.

We and a lot of other people had the suspicion that certain benchmarks were faked for a long time but due to the player in question hiding his log, hero panel, food and in-game time it was very hard to proof it was cheated. Nevertheless we did some research and are certain at least 3 benchmarks are cheated.

Base Guardian and Dragonhunter

Its very simple to see that a Writ of Masterful Strength was used here, which inflates the overall DPS by about 600. Binding Blade always does the same damage on each tick and scales off of power. There's no weapon strength rng involved. If you are running the normal build as advertised on SC's website your Binding Blade should hit for 1085. However if you use a Writ instead of a Sharpening Stone it will tick for 1100 damage(1101 in this screenshot because the person used 1 more power infusion than in the SC benchmark video). You can see the ticks clearly here and here which confirms the use of a Writ.


Power Soulbeast

The first Maul in this video hits for 41.415 damage. According to the wiki the formula for base damage is

Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target's Armor)

so, inserting the stats for the build used in the video:

Damage done = (1155) * 4197 * (1.75) / (2597)

= 3266.53 base damage, multiply this by all the modifiers in effect at the time Maul hit and you get a value of 41026. This is the maximum amount of damage you can possibly get with Maul at that time and only with perfect weapon strength rng, yet in the video the Soulbeast hits for 41415. This means either a Night sigil or a writ was used to inflate the DPS by 600-800. Some other "interesting" numbers on this video in this spreadsheet


We can't prove that other benchmarks are also faked since it's a ton of effort for condi builds to do the math, but unless the person that does the benchmark shows his hero panel, weapons and food at some point in the video you should be suspicious. This has also been going on for quite some time since even the benchmark back from May was cheated as well click.

Again, we don't want this to be a witch-hunt but it's just fair if the cheated benchmarks are re-done so everyone can get a better picture of how DPS classes really compare against each other.

submitted by /u/FennecOwO
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[Parody] A Crappy Guide to CC and Breakbars...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:35 PM PDT

Can We Not Wipe Squad/Party Chat after Leaving?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:42 AM PDT

i get to a party... some are toxic, and some are cool. i get frustrated =( and leave the group. but then i realize, that one guy was cool... Let me PM to play with him again or form a group, add him also to my friend list.

OHHH WAIT D= forgot his name. and no way to get chat logs? well you need some 3rd party sht. Data Mine the Universe. but you can get the chat logs you scrub. We Don't Need To Read Previous Talks/Chat of Group/Party you went with... What do you think this game is? A Interactive game with other people?

submitted by /u/SheepPoop
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Drew my warrior and boyfriend's revenant

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:06 AM PDT

Working on a GW2 Cooking Experience, Looking for Feedback on style

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:35 PM PDT

Why isn't everything available in the gem store?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:29 PM PDT

Hey all, just recently got my boyfriend into and currently hooked on this game (it only took about 6 years). We are playing through Heart of Thorns and he has the ugly default glider. Upon looking at all the ones that have been released, maybe 10% of them are avaible for purchase, and none of them are the ones he wants. Same with outfits, there are like 4 he wants but they aren't available for purchase.

I don't remember if Anet has ever said anything specific as to why they create this artificial digital "supply and demand". I mean, my boyfriend is literally willing to pay money for gems for these things but has to wait? Not having everything available just seems like they are missing out on potential sales with newer players. Can anyone make sense of this for me??

submitted by /u/webtoehobbit
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Does anybody else hope the six human gods will make a return to Tyria?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:44 AM PDT

since presumably all gods have left Tyria [Fan theories exist of Lyssa still being in Tyria] and went to a whole different universe/world/dimension [idk if they went to another world since I can't find out where they went but since they left Tyria I'm presuming they can't have gone into non-existence]

The gods wanted to leave since the magic spike that was created when Kormir's ascension to godhood has awakened the slumbering elder dragons, and the gods not wanting to fight the elder dragons due to the possibility that the unleashed magic or clashes of magical power that could possibly re-shape Tyria into an unhabitable place.

does anybody still hope they will eventually return to Tyria and just be there?

because now, every time your human character or a human npc calls upon the gods for power/vengeance/blessings, it falls flat on deaf ears since there is no god to answer it or just listen to their prayers and assist them. This may be my own personal pet peeve since I love interactive gods in games and GW2 with the ongoing living world that keeps expanding and bringing back old enemies, it just saddens me how they have somewhat ditched the gods [I am aware that GW1 has focussed a lot on the gods and I wish I would have played that game before GW2 was released, would have loved to be able to visit their realms in GW2 or do more god related quests].

Because now there are barely any replacements for the current gods I only know that Grenth has his first priest that supposedly is now trying to control the underworld since all 7 reapers have died while sealing dhuum forever, all realms are now presumable going either into a revolution/rebellion/ or they have a stand-in who will try to control the realms while they have fled Tyria.

I just dislike the fact that 6 immensely powerful beings have just disappeared and basically said "Good luck on fixing that, we ain't helping" and hope they will eventually make a return or have somehow left big parts of their saved up divine powers inside hidden vaults/items/relics they can only be opened by those who are deemed worthy by the previous gods.

Oh yeah also necro buffs when?

edit: GambitDeux : "The story of the human gods is not over." ~~some dev from an AMA

submitted by /u/Mask_Enthusiast
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[Solo] MAMA CM - Condition Holosmith (8:34)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:40 AM PDT

Is there any way to change the cursor size ingame?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:56 PM PDT

Got a new gaming laptop, started up GW2, and the cursor is gigantic, and I don't see a way to change it in Settings. Am I blind, or is there some other way to do it?

submitted by /u/Panamania1
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Cleaning my bank chars, found 1.2k item

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:09 AM PDT

So I was cleaning my bank chars and selling some worthless items when I found this.

TP says 1200 gold. But why? Why is it so expensive? I can still select the stats. I have no idea where I got it from, the skin is unlocked. Is it really worth it? Should I sell? Instant sell is still 300 gold.

submitted by /u/kintetsu
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My issues with pvp

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:30 PM PDT

Matchmaking based on profession needs to be changed or we need to stop letting people change after entering matches.

For that matter elite specs need to be taken into account by matcmaking.

A firebrand is NOT a core guardian, which is NOT a dragonhunter. One is nearly essential one is decent and one is utter trash. In current match making you can get firebrand called equal to a dragonhunter by match making when everyone knows thats not true. If one team has a firebrand and the other doesnt everyone knows from the start which team already has a 90% chance of winning and thats the team with the firebrand.

A daredevil is not a thief, which is not a deadeye. Two are decent and one is a one shot pony that will make you groan 'ugh our thief is a deadeye' since two can actually rotate while the other will camp in the middle of nowhere bragging about their kills while not doing the one role thief is actually good at. (PSA to thieves: Thief is not a 1v1 class that gets 'sick killz')

A holosmith is not a scrapper, which is not an engineer.

You get the idea by now Id hope. Elite specs being changes as big as they are means that matchmaking taking class into account as it currently is cannot continue. Theres just too much differences and its only going to get worse as expansions continue.

For that matter theres also one spec that stands out to me that is just not at all fun to play against. Its mirage. Because mesmer wasnt too fun to play against already with clones and stealth and now on top of this mesmer now switch places whenever and has a lot more mobility. Its honestly too good at too many things imo it needs to be extremely glassy or toned down. Its like thief but without as many downsides to balance it out and only slightly less mobile and trying to comprehend it is like having a brain aneurysm.

Besides that i also think if someone leaves or disconnects mid match someone form the other team should also be at least forced to stay out maybe rotate between the five members so theyre not infinitely out of the match to make it so you dont get a one sided 5v4 match up.

Also i think the number of points from kills should be upped a bit bc as is too many people leave people downed and thats just doing nothing with them. It may be strategy but i dont think its healthy for the game or fun for the people on the receiving end staring a screen where youre bleeding out. Increasing points would give better incentive to stomp people because people neglect to do that even when theyre preventing capture point progress.

Lastly i also think there should be a higher rank requirement for ranked and a harsher more immediate punishment for afking at spawn. Since its ranked and the purpose is prestige id suggest making it so that bronze gets 50% less of every reward silver 15% less gold gets the base and plat gets 10% and legendary 25% more of the rewards. I think this would discourage afking and quitting and i think leaving a match should remove pips.

Sorry about my username btw. Im trying to raise my legitimate concerns.

submitted by /u/GW2pvpsucks
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Mystic Curios need additional recipes

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:27 PM PDT

Please add additional new mystic curio recipes for the mats that are currently glutting the trading post, bags, and banks. Sadly sinks were not added for them in Labyrinthine Cliffs this last festival. Currently they are close to worthless, so adding more uses will certainly add value, and reduce the surplus of these materials. Currently you only need them to make a particular stat or item, and then never need them again.

Leaf Fossils, Barbed Thorns, Milling Stones, Resonating Slivers, Flax Fiber, Pieces of Ambrite, Auric Slivers, Quartz Crystals, Mussels, Sawgill Mushrooms, Slivers of Twitching Forgemetal, Congealed Putrescences, Eyes of Kormir

I realize that maybe some of these don't need to be on there, but they are on my wish list to have recipes.

PS. If you could add something to deal with the Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Ley Line Sparks too, that would be swell.

submitted by /u/Evil_Octopi
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Sudden weirdness with mouse actions like dragging and clicking.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:58 AM PDT

My connection isn't experiencing lag, but somehow something's up with my mouse lately. Like for instance when I drag to rotate, sometimes it would stop when I accidentally hover to an NPC. This also is a problem when say, I'm targeting someone when my target suddenly shifts to a friendly for some odd reason. Is there a new setting implemented, because I was away during the whole Festival of the Four Winds so something might have been implemented.

I even tried this with other mice and USB port, this game has that problem. Never had this problem with other programs like say, when playing Age of Mythology, so maybe it's a client side problem?

EDIT: I tried dragging around the camera in an empty place. I see the mouse pointer appearing for a short time before the dragging continues. Huh weird.

submitted by /u/PantherCaroso
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QUESTION: So I have 14 Gifts of Exploration...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:01 PM PDT

And I have neither the resources nor the desire to make a Legendary so I've just been dumping them in my bank, but today a guildie told me there are often people who are interested in "buying" them, i.e. paying like 450g and giving me the rest of the materials to make a Legendary for them. Is this a thing? If so, I'd be very interested. Can anyone confirm and let me know how I might go about finding a buyer?

submitted by /u/Steeltrap666
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Did Charrs in GW have hunchbacks?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:01 AM PDT

Ive never played the original GW but when I google "Guild Wars Charr" I see models that stand upright and ones that have hunchbacks. So whats the deal?

submitted by /u/guccitoucan
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Where can I get cheap and easy to get skins

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:49 AM PDT


I just hit lvl 80 but my character looks like i just turned lvl 20. Are there any nice pistole/dagger skins that look nice and aren't as hard to get?

submitted by /u/vapianoo
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The Strange color

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:33 AM PDT

The Strange color

Hello ! dear reddit is that by chance you would know a dye of this color ? , I searched and found nothing why this color is not in the modremoth dyes pack. :'c

submitted by /u/Asteorik
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What is the current gw2.dat filesize of a new game install?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:32 AM PDT

Just checking whether I should redownload the game again, as it builds up slowly over time, mine is 40.9GB.

submitted by /u/gahata
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Holosmith vs Revenant (1vs1 Duels w/guildmate)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:59 PM PDT

Gw2: What the tankiest build/class in WvW?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:29 AM PDT

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