Civilization - [Civ of the Week] Germany

[Civ of the Week] Germany

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:06 AM PDT


Unique Ability

Free Imperial Cities

  • Each city can build one more district than the Population limit would allow

Unique Unit


  • Unit type: Naval Raider
  • Requires: Electricity tech
  • Replaces: Submarine
  • Does not require resources
  • 430 Production cost (Standard Speed)
  • 6 Gold Maintenance
  • 65 Combat Strength
    • +10 Combat Strength when fighting on Ocean tiles
  • 75 Ranged Strength
  • 2 Range
  • 3 Movement
  • +1 Sight when fighting on Ocean tiles
  • Can reveal other stealthed units

Unique Infrastructure


  • Infrastructure type: District
  • Requires: Apprenticeship tech
  • Replaces: Industrial Zone
  • Halved Production cost
  • 1 Gold Maintenance
  • +1 Production from each adjacent resource
  • +1 Production from every 2 adjacent district tiles
  • +2 Production if adjacent to a Commercial Hub
  • +2 Great Engineer points per turn
  • +2 Production per Citizen working in the district
  • Does not reduce appeal of adjacent tiles

Leader: Frederick Barbarossa

Leader Ability

Holy Roman Emperor

  • Gain an additional Military Policy slot in all forms of governments
  • All units gain +7 Combat Strength when fighting city-states


Iron Crown

  • Will try to conquer as many city-states as possible
  • Likes civilizations who do not associate with city-states
  • Dislikes civilizations who are suzerains of city-states or has conquered city-states

Vote for the next Civ of the Week.

Check the Wiki for the other Civ of the Week Discussion Threads.

submitted by /u/Bragior
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Please don't hurt me Napoleon

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:40 AM PDT

My reaction when Nubia’s 2000 year old Pitati Archer shoots at my tank

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:35 PM PDT

"It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity." - Kofi Annan

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:27 PM PDT

It may not exactly be game related, and some of you may have already read it, but one of the quotes of the Globalization civic in Civ 6 belong to the person who died today - Kofi Annan. I just like to share, because just a few days ago I searched who Kofi Annan is and now he's dead, and it feels a bit surreal.

I didn't really read much about him either, but he seems like a great guy.

submitted by /u/kd103
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Well this OCC deity start looks promising

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:49 AM PDT

Ready to Invade yet?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:13 AM PDT

Are you having fun with your saves titles too ?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:49 PM PDT

Turn 69, 420 AD, a dab and Petra

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:38 PM PDT

I got my dream start today

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:20 PM PDT

R5: Never had a city with such high population

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:12 AM PDT

This is the most interesting city I have ever seen

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:03 PM PDT

I found an exploit in civ v that is ridiculous.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:02 PM PDT

Please don't tell anyone as Austria is the only civil I can play favourite and if I wouldn't have pointed this out it wouldn't even be considered a tier 1 civ. But it is op. Sorry for putting low effort into this post and it providing footage or evidence of any sort but am currently on my phone and don't have the time to play another game till the end. Sorry this is also one of my first posts on Reddit in the 2 years I have had the account and I ONLY have 250 hours.

At least now everyone can play it and see how op it is first hand.🙃

Strategy coming from noob.

Normally playing as civ you would want to win by science or domination, but nah this time you go diplomatic, always make sure to have the most votes and it becomes very possible to win in first world leader voting thing. Try and get as much GNP to keep allied with city states, the money gets more important towards the end As you'll need to save enough for buying a couple city states. I play on quick pace and they cost about 500 something.

Before world leader voting comes make sure to ally with the city states and prevent others from taking from taking that status from you as you won't be able to buy the city states in time.

Rambling too much sorry- Just buy the city states on the turn you are voting and you reduce the amount of votes needed to become world leader by 2, this leads to very easy victory through diplomacy making Austria a bit op.

No you will not lose any votes as they are already locked in, which is why allying with city states on the voting turn won't either work, but but doing a diplomatic marriage you are forcing the game to rice the votes needed to be world leader. Keep in mind that when normally attacking and annexing/puppeting cities will remove 1 delegate vote, but buying them as Austria will remove two.

Last time I did this I had 32 votes and only needed 37 but bought 7 city states decreasing the needed votes to 22. Made it as low as 9 votes the first time but I was far ahead of everyone that game. Gold is very important as you'll need a lot of it.

Ps. Sorry for no evidence, but someone will surely make a video or gather some footage as it is quite a big exploit. Though it is strange that it is unknown for being so simple. Gn.

submitted by /u/haze1711
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464 hours over the past almost 2 years I've put into this game, and I've been reading trade routes wrong until now.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:02 AM PDT

I'll look at the trade routes and pick whichever one provides the most gold, usually. I've been adding both gold amounts the whole time, assuming that's what I was getting. I just noticed the arrows facing left are for me, and the other civ is the right facing arrow.

Anyone else notice anything much later into the game than you should've?

submitted by /u/Lebowskerino
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Gandhi Bollywood Victory

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:28 AM PDT

Biggest city I've ever had. Excuse the rebels...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:58 PM PDT

Emptied out the treasury on these 2 Minas Geraes, but totally worth it.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:49 AM PDT

Civ 6 mods

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:37 PM PDT

Are there any popular Civ 6 mods such as the Civ 5 no quitters mod that makes things a more fun playable experience in single player?

submitted by /u/ihatepeoples
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Is it always better to have spaces between your cities?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:44 AM PDT

Civ 5 AI Only Fantasy Battle: The Elder Scrolls, Rage of Tamriel

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:16 AM PDT

Age old new player Civ 5 or Civ 6 question with a slight twist.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:39 PM PDT

I know this basic question has been asked a million times on this subreddit, but this is a bit different.

My girlfriend was never a gamer until I showed her Cities: Skylines and she got hooked. I think she would enjoy Civ 5 or Civ 6 but I am unsure which one I should have her try out. I have been leaning a bit more towards Civ 6 since it is a bit more colorful and seemingly more streamlined, but my Civ 5 may just seem more complex to me because of all the mods I have stacked up over the years.

So my question is this: If both Civ 5 w/ all expansions and Civ 6 w/ all expansions were the same price, what would someone recommend for a brand new player to the Civ series AND one who has only ever really played one other video game in her life?

submitted by /u/AndroidAssistant
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Weather mod?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:56 AM PDT

I've always wondered if there's been any discussion about the introduction of a weather system mod from Firaxis. It could really have an effect on gameplay in a variety of ways, such as;

  • Excess rainfall or lack of rain having an effective on food production

  • Heavy snowfall impacting movement speed of military units (Napoleon invading Russia in the winter comes to mind)

  • Tsunamis damaging harbours, sinking naval trade routes

submitted by /u/ColConanEcob
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New Civ 5 mod: Oriental Republic of Uruguay under Juan Antonio Lavalleja

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:13 PM PDT

Game Concepts: Mechanics that should make a come back!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:15 AM PDT

Hello Y'all SeanNada here with another post on what I think can be down to improve Civ VI. Today rather then suggest a new concept I am instead bringing up all the mechanics from previous Civ games (Mostly V). I find that alot of these mechanics are simple and should have already been implemented or should be implemented soon in a future update rather then people having to make mods for it. So here is my list of features that I think should make a comeback or are minor tweaks that should be implemented or maybe small new features that are simple enough that they dont require a full dlc package.

1.) A production Queue for each city- This is pretty self explanatory

2.) The option for great people to make special tile improvements and specifically have a roster of great prophets that are for starting religions and then a separate one for great prophets to be used like missionaries and apostles too make religious game play and victory more viable because religious victories aren't really viable right now.

3.) The option to select a trade route specifically for the ocean or for land. Im not saying you should have to make a special unit for each but have the option to tell a trade unit to stick to the sea's or stick to land if possible. Also I think they should have separate advantages like sea routes give more money but land routes give more (Science, Culture, Religious, ect.) bonuses. Also it might be nice if a city with an entertainment complex could grant a amenity to trade route.

4.) This wasn't a previously available option I dont think but having the ability to close yourself off from AI Trades. An example of this is when Im playing a game as maybe Russia and then Khmer comes in and cuts me off from what Im doing to ask for 6 of my paintings, three of my luxuries, all my gold and two of my cities and in exchange give me an open borders pass. The option to close yourselves off from these near constant trade requests would be nice.

5.) Serious UI Improvements- I'd like to see timers for how long my trade agreements are gonna last and how much longer I have on my alliances and declarations of friendship. Also maybe a screen that shows me, my nations demographics as well as all the resources and units I have at my disposal.

6.) The option to pay separate nations to go to war for me on my behalf and likewise have the option to give them something in exchange for making peace with someone so that way every time when Persia declares a war on my city states I dont have to fight him and liberate the city state.

7.) I want the option to have puppet city states back because without the production queue managing all these cities can become too much and the option to make puppet cities can make things a bit more manageable.

8.) Government policies that arent just about boosting your yields but also have profound affects on your interactions with other civs. A good example of this is the "police state" which reduces how well spies from other civs perform in your cities. I awhile suggested maybe something like a "Tariff" Economic policy that would reduce how much other civs would make from sending you trade routes but would boost how much you would make from trade routes sent to you. Maybe there could also be a "Religious Resistance" card that reduces pressure of religion from other cities and religious units. There could maybe be a card that boosts how fast your alliance points grow with other civs. Also Based on your relationship I feel like there should be a certain level or means of seeing what policies other civs have.

9.) While a minor feature it was one that I think made wars somewhat interesting and can be built upon I think the option to blockade a city should be re-implemented. I think the option should exist for land and sea units essentially blockading a city doesn't immediately start a war, Instead the leader can approach you and you can "Make a demand" for something in exchange for an end to the blockade. This could add a new dimension to conflicts and make use of the already unpolished "Make Demand" Option.

If there is anything else I can think of I will most likely make a sequel post but for now what do y'all think should any of these mechanics make a comeback, please do let me know!


submitted by /u/SeanNada
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Which leader is the worst in the game right now in your opinion and why is that?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:37 AM PDT

I think it's Tamar. Damn she is completely useless. You need to commit to religion to make use of half of her abilities but you also need to have strong military presence to keep your city states safe and they can still be way too far to do anything about them. Oh, and I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but when you are an ally of someone and s/he takes a city state you are suzerain of, you don't get the Casus Beli even after the alliance expires. So you shouldn't ally anyone either.

And I think there is a really small and easy fix to make her pretty decent. Make her unique walls to replace Ancient Walls instead of Renaissance Walls. They don't even need to be as strong as the original walls, let's say as strong as Medieval walls and build in half the time of Ancient walls. This will do a few things. First and foremost, the 4 era score you get from your Unique Building may allow her to get a Golden Age in Classical which will allow her to start making use of her Golden Age passive and make it way easier to start your religion. Also since you will not be making friends with other civs in order to keep your city states safe, building your first wall in half the time for twice the effectiveness will actually help immensely.

If the devs insist on keeping all of her strengths in the mid game, they have to be much stronger because right now it's nearly impossible to employ any of her abilities. It's really hard to get golden ages with her (except for medieval when you can get easy era score by converting a few cities and building her UU), you need to be really lucky to have city states near you that are worth it, her UB requires you to build 2 sets of walls that you might not want to build otherwise, her UU is a dead end branch in the tech tree that you might not want to research at all in most cases and being able to get religion when the AI's have insane bonuses makes you want to commit to Religion hard which of course cripples your science and culture output. On paper this leader has nice synergies but in practice nothing about her clicks.

submitted by /u/dantemp
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