True Dota 2 - TIL: Zeus's Nimbus Strikes Quicker With More CDR

TIL: Zeus's Nimbus Strikes Quicker With More CDR

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:06 AM PDT

Maybe it's a known fact to people or I'm just late to the party, but title says it all. There are videos on Youtube and Twitch where players would get stuck between 2 Nimbuses or watch people get stuck with the level 20 talent. So next time you play Zeus and you get aghs, Octarine core is a really good item on Zeus already, but keep in mind that it also makes Nimbus shoot quicker. If you want to keep someone permanently stunned, you need Aghs, Refresher, Octarine Core, and Arcane Rune and laugh at someone perma-stunned. Obviously this is countered by BKB, Euls, and Aeon disk.

Also along with knowing this, it might be worth it to think about which Level 20 Talent you might want to get and your item build if you plan to go aghs.

submitted by /u/kupa707
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Late game atk spd/dmg talent for supports : how are you adapting your build and gameplay ?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:36 AM PDT

I am speaking for CM, Techies, Nyx and DW as of 7.18 (you can add Tide but he is mostly played as a core) ; for the guys from the future : 250 atkspd vs 60 freezing field dmg, 251 dmg vs 25 mines move speed, 100 agi vs free pathing on ult, +1.5 sec terrorize vs 200 atkspd

All of them got outstanding talent against questionning talent (Freezing Field might be useful only if they don't have bkb piercing stuns and heavy one target right-clicker, Techies talent is a meme at 25 speed and not being able to spawn a red mine anywhere, both for Nyx are good and can't speak for DW though)

What is your opinion about them and how are you building your heroes (in normal situation and if you are planning to go late because of your team) ?

submitted by /u/Sushignago
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How do I carry games easier?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:48 AM PDT

I'm fairly new to DotA2 and I have been struggling a lot to win matches. I had a stint in dota in september of last year but it quickly faded as I went back to my main games, league of legends.

In league of legends I am a diamond player who plays jungle and mid but in DotA2 I am a guardianIV player who can't seem to find his identity. I feel like I'm good at playing roam(position4), and I feel like I win lane 80% of the time but I can't transition it to a win.

Games feel like they drag on easily into 40 and 50 minutes and even if we have rax on them, 1 teamfight loss into diebacks or lack of buybacks leads to them pushing mid to win. I love this game but I hate it at the same time.

A lot of times there are toxic teammates, or teammates that are terribad but I can't blame those people for my stagnation and decline because if you put any good player on my account he would be able to climb in no time.

This has been a bit of a ramble, but I feel so lost trying to win nowadays. I hope I can get some advice because it feels like every match is out of my control even if im fed.

submitted by /u/Pepzki
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Why diffusal on brood?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:43 AM PDT

I've seen a lot of pros going this build on brood. Anyone know why or if it's the best option?

submitted by /u/Wasobby
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Still only getting +5 mmr for wins in ranked

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:37 AM PDT

I thought they said they've fixed this but I'm still only getting ~5 mmr for a win in my bracket (Legend 3). Is anyone else still having a problem?

submitted by /u/ReaganxSmash
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Ancient Apparation in 7.18 - position 4 or 5?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:11 AM PDT

Hi guys

So ever since the rework of AA I haven't been playing him much. Mainly because of the nerfs to midas, but now that midas got a cooldown buff we might see some of the greedy position 4's back in play. Namely AA. So since AA has a pretty good winrate in the current meta, especially in the lower brackets, what is your thoughts on playing him as either 4 or 5? Is he strong enough in the current laning meta to be played as a 5 or would you stick with him on the offlane? Is he a viable go-to pick in terms of first phase drafting, or would you categorize him as too situational for that?

submitted by /u/monsieur_ramboz
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7k+ players, how did you improve from 6k to 7k?

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 11:40 PM PDT

Recently reached 6k on SE Asia. I'm just interested in knowing how higher mmr players improved from my skill level to their current skill.


submitted by /u/StorM-1
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Rank the boots

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:17 AM PDT

There are 4 main boots in the game, Phase, Arcane, Treads and Tranquils. Obviously, there are also Greaves and the two Travels, but those are more niche, with Travels being a must on some heroes (Tinker, Ember, etc.), or simply a late game item to save inventory space. The 4 main boots are good at different roles, but i want to know how you feel about them. Some metrics to evaluate them by:

-Bang for your buck.


-Number of heroes that use them in their primary build.

-Ease to assemble.

-Personal preference.

My rankings are:

1) Phase: I feel like phase is the boot to get for most cores. The additional damage in the early game coupled with the speed boost make it superior to treads on a lot of heroes. The phase boost is such a natural element that it feels strange not being able to activate it. There are so many cores that have attack speed skills and/or need more escape that Phase provides.

2) Tranquils: Tranquils are the cheapest boot upgrade in the game, and they're amazing for any support that can build them without suffering mana problems. They give you some great sustain, 90+ movement speed when unbroken, and the 65+ broken movement speed is still faster than all other boots save for when you activate phase boots. They can also help mitigate damage over time effects like Doom and Venomancer poison.

3) Arcanes: Arcanes help solve the mana problems of a lot of offlane strength heroes and spell spamming supports. If activated every time they're off cooldown, they give you 2.5 mana per second, which is pretty significant. They're also very good for pushing with your team, and keep your cores topped up on mana. They build into Greaves, which is a big benefit for tanky position 3 players. On the downside, they're much more expensive than Tranquils, and for supports, rather than being able to build from windlace into boots into ring of regen, you have to build the boots then jump straight into Arcanes, which can be difficult if you're not getting any assist/kill gold early game.

4) Treads: I think treads are currently the worst boot in the game. They're mainly built on position 1 carries that require attack speed for burst and flash farming, get a multiplier effect from the stat boost and don't need the speed boost from Phase because they have their own repositioning skill. One of the big upsides is that it's the only boot that can be built entirely from the side shop, which is useful for carries that build it.

submitted by /u/Wave_Sunray
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Lycan Laning

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 07:14 PM PDT

I have been in love with Lycan over the past few weeks, and the great thing about him is you can take him in nearly any lane and he will do fine.

What are some particurlarly bad match ups in lane for Lycan and how do you deal with them?

For example:I love taking Lycan mid.

How do you deal with Sniper? (Sniper in early levels is fine but once he gets range and starts getting headshots on you for harassment it starts to get unbearable, you cant harass with wolves because he hits under his towers or he can just pick them off.)

It is true that 1 gank onto sniper and its possible for the lane to just be over like that after 1 push by Lycan, but what if you cant rely on team mates?

I also hate versing phoenix. His slows and burn damage is so shit for Lycan and his units.

submitted by /u/Ditkovich
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Question regarding Unranked for MMR Calibration

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 06:59 PM PDT

First of all, all the games that I have ever played is unranked turbo. My question is, does all the matches that I played on turbo mode still count as normal "unranked all pick" when I play ranked for calibration?

I'm just curious about where I stand as a player. Life as a family man doesn't allow me to play a 40-50 minutes game. I play Dota mostly as a hobby.

Thank you for all the input.

Here is my profile just for information.

submitted by /u/MR__47
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