League of Legends - "Hold [shift] to view more info" on Aatrox's ability descriptions is completely pointless |
- "Hold [shift] to view more info" on Aatrox's ability descriptions is completely pointless
- PSA: If you go out of Fiddlesticks' vision when he is making the Fear animation (T-pose), the fear will be canceled and he will get the CD
- G2 Hjarnan on the upcoming Rift Rivals: "Everybody will go 110 percent in scrims because we want to beat the shit out of NA teams."
- Olleh: “I believe everyone has scars in their hearts that need to be touched to heal.”
- Help me change my League name. I'm tired of my name, so in 24 hours I will change my name to the most voted comment.
- Dragon Sorceress Zyra Chibi Fan Art
- Meteos' Team Update
- I made a cute Sona
- Caps' Dad tells the story of how his Son became a Pro Player: "Eventually I realised that although I might not understand esports myself, this is a great opportunity for Caps."
- Rerolled skins should be disenchantable even if you own the champion
- TL Xmithie: I think NA is much more macro heavy rather than mechanics. EU is sort of the opposite.
- Why your champion got Olaf'd.
- Voice Chat indefinitely disabled in Russia
- Short Comic About The Current Botlane Meta
- EVOS Esports vs. Gambit Esports / Rift Rivals 2018 - LCL-TCL-VCS Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion
- GIGABYTE Marines vs. RoX / Rift Rivals 2018 - LCL-TCL-VCS Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion
- Meddler confirms that Conqueror nerfs are likely sometime in the near future
- Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 4
- Aatrox Q dmg ignores Fiora W
- Champion Ability actual numbers should also be included in the LoL Client
- Do not forget that Riot released an official software to use League artworks as your background called League Displays. Check it out.
- Royal Never Give Up - Mic Check Ep. 3 [ ENG SUB ]
- Is Lethality Broken or Just Certain Champions? (8.13)
- I drew star guardian ahri
"Hold [shift] to view more info" on Aatrox's ability descriptions is completely pointless Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:56 AM PDT This splitting descriptions into a basic one that doesn't give numbers, and one that does, is redundant. 95% of the time, if someone is checking their descriptions, it's to check the numbers on it. Currently, the hidden info hides how much bonus damage the sweet spot of the Q does, how much bonus AD the E dash gives and for how long, the cooldown on the charges, how much movespeed the ult gives, how much bonus AD it gives (this one is special "Increased attack damage" to "20% increased Total Attack Damage", nice one cutting out that complicated info there) and how much health the ult heals. If I'm mousing over the skill, its for info. Just give me the info, don't make me hold an extra key to see all the important stuff too. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:22 AM PDT As a Fiddle main, I kept this secret, but now I feel like I should reveal this. It's super annoying as Fiddle, but it's something that everyone should know. If you flash to a bush that Fiddle has no vision in when he is going for the T-Pose, he will get the CD but you won't be feared. A lot of kayns did this to me with his Q EDIT: (Sorry fellow fiddle players, this secret needed to be revealed) [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:34 AM PDT
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Olleh: “I believe everyone has scars in their hearts that need to be touched to heal.” Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:16 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:47 AM PDT proof that I have enough BE for doing this Edit: I am main Kindred as someone is asking Edit 2: I'm sorry but remind me 22h already exists. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dragon Sorceress Zyra Chibi Fan Art Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:02 PM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2018 11:30 PM PDT
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Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:02 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:44 AM PDT
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Rerolled skins should be disenchantable even if you own the champion Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:44 AM PDT Currently if you reroll 3 skin shards in Hextech Crafting to get a skin for a champion you don't own, you get a skin permanent in your inventory. You then can disenchant it for more Orange Essence than a skin shard's worth. However, if you do own the champion, the skin shard automatically gets activated. I think it would be better if rerolled skins always drop a skin permanent, which you can then activate if you own the champion, or disenchant if you don't want the skin. I am aware I'm talking about free stuff, and I'm thankful for it, however it feels bad to receive a skin for a champ you don't even play. This just feels like a waste. Also it feels counterintuitive that you get 'punished' for owning a lot of champions. I'm curious what you guys think. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NA Vs EU TRASH TALK THREAD - RIFT RIVALS 2018 Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:21 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TL Xmithie: I think NA is much more macro heavy rather than mechanics. EU is sort of the opposite. Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:22 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:28 AM PDT
GnarHaving little control on your mega form can be a burden to players, but it's a burden to the balance team as well. Gnar suffers from seasaw balancing. His chaotic kit forces the developers to over buff Gnar's stats to keep him competitive. But that same kit can be too good when mega-gnar lines up perfectly making the enemy team feel somewhat helpless against Gnar when he is a meta pick. KalistaKal is a weird champ who is too good in too many ways. Simply put, Kalista checks too many boxes. Objective control, check. One of the best engages check. A lot of champion synergies, check. Pretty insane kite mobility, check. These non-damage aspects of her kit overruled her damage aspects granting her the status of pick/ban for professional players. So when Riot decided her damage should be her weak point, soloqueue was not kind. Tahm KenchTwo words, mechanic negation. Too many champions in league are entirely dependent on their ability to lock down a target and allow their team to initiate. Something Tahm Kench totally negates with ease. Giving a tanky support this ability was a mistake. Tahm himself is a difficult target to focus due to his tanky kit, leaving the enemy team with few options to engage on a single target. NunuGold funneling. ZacRiot learned a hard lesson with Zac. zero-indication off-screen ganks are pretty cancerous. There you are top lane being nice and safe. You're not over extended at all, you're playing back because you know their jg is out there and can strike at any moment. Next thing you know, Zac's on you anyway and you're in the middle of a cc combo that gives your bruiser enemy top laner enough time to sort his mail before he walks over and casually collects his gold. A lack of counterplay makes Zac a freightening presence that nerfs your ability to lane even when he is not around. Riot needs to give players a better way to react to off screen ganks against Zac (like they did for Kayn, Eve, Pyke and Shaco.) SyndraGlass cannons can have their challenges to go against, but Syndra's ultimately a very manageable champion to go against when balanced correctly. Her point-and-click nuke ult is frustrating, but not game ruining. The problem is while Syndra's in lane, no ones touching her tower. High wave clear was a serious problem in midlane. With proper vision and jungle support Syndra shoving most enemy's champion's back to the tower was not healthy. On the same note buffing Syndra's damage would make her already high damage kit too oppressive to be healthy. IreliaWhere to start with this pick. Irelia's original identity was a complicated thing. She was absolutely devastating to ranged opponents and somewhat competitive against melee opponents. However when Irelia starts going mid, we know we have a problem. It means the two sides of this power imbalance between ranged and melee opponents have gone off the rails. Tact on the high skill ceiling on Irelia and what you end up with is a bunch of Irelia mains going on a tear whenever her winrate gets even close to 50%. Riot must have learned some things from Yasou, but clearly not a lot. RyzeThe rework champ himself. Riot has an ultimately unsustainable goal for Ryze's identity. The machine-gun mage. No gap closers, no disengages. Just a lot of tank and even more spank. I honestly don't know why they're insisting on this design. All you end up with whenever Ryze is even remotely fed is an unkillable monster with no mana and infinite damage. Here's to rework number six finally ditching the Goku-esk power fantasy that is Meta-Ryze. OrnnOrnn suffers from the Kalista problem. Too many check boxes, not enough weaknesses. Riot anticpated this problem from the start and released Ornn with some pathetically weak base stats. Theeeeeeen buffed him over and over until he was an oppressive laner with powerful clear, massive tank stats, cc and one of the most impactful engage ults in the game. Here's to you fuzzy, apparently there's such a thing to being designed too well. Karmakarma's the anti-Ornn and anti-Kalista. She in a sense checks a lot of boxes, but does nothing overly well. Having a single damage ability means that Karma lives or dies based on the vaibility of that ability doing damage. The final verdict? It doesn't. Here's hoping her upcoming mini-rework will de-specialize some of her abilities. AzirRaising soldiers from the ground sounds like an extremely cool concept, until you realize the amount of mechanical skill that goes into doing anything with this. Contrast that with the ease of something like Ahri's Q and you can start to see why Azir will probably remain in the gutter for years to come. The only way to reward the mechanical challenge of playing Azir is to convert difficulty to damage. But when experience removes difficulty, all you have left is a kit with some pretty insane potential for doing damage. Frankly Azir looks like a champion who belongs in another game. New Azir players are not going to have fun until they crank out a lot of Azir games, and experienced Azir players can't be properly rewarded for the challenge of their champion's kit without also imposing some Xin-Xhao on release tyranny on soloqueue. Honerable Mentions: (Semi-Olaf'd or to-be-Olaf'd.)VladToo much damage? We'll nerf that and buff his healing. Too much healing? We'll nerf that and buff his damage. Too much damage? Again??? Fuck it. Nerf em both. -Riot Probably. SejuaniOrnn Syndrom, Jungle edition. GalioSee Syndra, but you know. As a tank with a semi-global roaming tool. KassadinHow do you balance a melee champion with a low-cd medium range blink? You don't. -Riot Probably. LissandraWhile currently not doing too poorly, at least not poorly enough to be considered olaf'd. Liss is the bizzaro Irelia. Too much anti-melee specialization in her kit makes her the top lane queen when she's meta, much to the dismay of bruiser and tank kind. ZoeDefinitely in the crosshairs to be Olaf'd. Many champions can be frustraiting to go against when you're losing, but no one benefits from map control like Zoe. How does Zoe benenfit? By comboing your squishies. Zoe is tragically a specialist that does one thing extremely well. Extremely well. Good luck Zoe, I hope Riot gives you a few more tools while they inevitably gut that one thing you do. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voice Chat indefinitely disabled in Russia Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:27 PM PDT https://ru.leagueoflegends.com/ru/news/riot-games/announcements/otklyuchenie-golosovogo-chata Translation:
The law in question is also known as "Yarovaya's package/bag", which was called out numerous times by many Russian services and providers as impossible to follow. Due to this law there were mass Amazon IP blocks made in attempt to block out Telegram, which caused numerous problems for many Russian users and gamers. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short Comic About The Current Botlane Meta Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:39 PM PDT
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EVOS Esports vs. Gambit Esports / Rift Rivals 2018 - LCL-TCL-VCS Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:58 AM PDT RIFT RIVALS 2018 LCL-TCL-VCSOfficial page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL EVOS Esports 1-0 Gambit EsportsEVOS | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Facebook MATCH 1: EVOS vs GMB
Note: Following Rift Rivals 2018, threads will contain spoilers in the titles per the new subreddit rules. This week will serve as a notice period. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GIGABYTE Marines vs. RoX / Rift Rivals 2018 - LCL-TCL-VCS Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:44 AM PDT RIFT RIVALS 2018 LCL-TCL-VCSOfficial page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL Gigabyte Marines 1-0 RoXGAM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg MATCH 1: GAM vs RoXWinner: Gigabyte Marines in 30m
Note: Following Rift Rivals 2018, threads will contain spoilers in the titles per the new subreddit rules. This week will serve as a notice period. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meddler confirms that Conqueror nerfs are likely sometime in the near future Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:39 PM PDT In response to a forum post. "With you on some degree of anti synergy between Conqueror and BC. Most likely outcome there is that Conqueror gets nerfed a bit, some concern it's a bit too dominant at present both as anti tank option and in terms of total power." As someone who's been championing this for the longest time it's nice to know that it's on their radar. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 4 Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:15 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Champion Ability actual numbers should also be included in the LoL Client Posted: 03 Jul 2018 11:38 PM PDT I think the champion profiles in the LoL Client should show the actual numbers in the Abilities section. I find it weird to have to start a game OR view the wikia page just to see them. I understand that it might be intimidating to new players, but I think they can just add something like "See Full Ability Details" option to each ability. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2018 07:17 PM PDT if you were looking to use league wallpapers, check out https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/league-displays as it is the official one by riot. They have some cool artworks beyond just champs and skins. EDIT: They also have animated wallpapers and even wallpapers of lore related places such as bilgewater and shurima EDIT2: The app can be buggy at times and if it is, you can just use it as a downloader and then manually set their wallpapers as background through windows. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Royal Never Give Up - Mic Check Ep. 3 [ ENG SUB ] Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:52 AM PDT
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Is Lethality Broken or Just Certain Champions? (8.13) Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:01 AM PDT Assassins are pretty tough to balance. They're usually fun for the person playing the champion, but it's rarely enjoyable for a carry to be one-shot by the enemy mid laner or jungler. One of Riot's countermeasures to assassin snowballing was to limit their access to early armor penetration by gating it behind their champion's level (Lethality). I was looking through some stats recently and noticed that a number of lethality users have astronomical win rates and started looking for a pattern. I pose this question to you: are these champions broken themselves, or is their itemization unbalanced?
The Winners (Wukong, Talon, Nocturne, Shaco, Miss Fortune)The champion that first piqued my interest was Wukong. He's played in 4 roles right now (everything except support) and boasts 53-55% win rates in all of them. Wukong's typical build involves 1-2 lethality items plus The Black Cleaver and usually more AD items like Guardian Angel. Wukong also can double-proc Duskblade by going invisible with his W and he has great team fighting compared to most assassin-type champions. Wukong was buffed in patch 8.6, but I didn't think that buff was enough to make him one of the most dominant champions in the game, so I started looking at other assassins to see if they were all doing well. First I checked Talon and Nocturne since they both had solid win rates last I checked. Sure enough, the meta has been kind to them as well and they're doing terrifically well. Similar build, minus The Black Cleaver, with both champions often building both Duskblade and Ghostblade as well as GA. Nocturne's Lethal Tempo build is also great for early dueling and scuttle control, so it makes sense that he'd be at the top of his game at the moment. Shaco is another jungler with a strong early game. Plenty of Shaco players run Ignite as their secondary summoner which gives him great river control. Shaco's win rate is also through the roof and he often builds two lethality items. Finally, the last lethality user is Miss Fortune. While not an assassin, Miss Fortune was virtually untouched by the crit changes in patch 8.11 and has a really strong early game to deal with all the bruisers and mages in bot lane. For an ADC, the strength of lethality is perhaps more relevant in terms of how strong the alternative builds are, and right now there aren't too many ADC options that weren't hit by the crit nerfs. These champions all dominate some of the top slots for their respective roles and they all tend to use lethality items. It would seem that lethality is in a strong enough state for these champions to ascend to greatness, but there are some counterexamples that call into question whether lethality is to blame for this at all.
The Losers (Kha'Zix, Kayn, Zed)I called this section The Losers even though these champions have decent win rates, just because the champions I discussed above are much more dominant rather than just being average. Kha'Zix was hit hard by the nerf/rework of his ultimate. At the same time, the jungle changes caused a surge of strong duelist junglers that can contest him early and he has some trouble clearing multi-target camps like Raptors and Krugs, which are now more crucial to clear to keep up in XP. He does use lethality items and even has some great synergy with Duskblade, but compared to his recent dominance, Kha'Zix is pretty average right now. Kayn is in a similar boat, though admittedly he has an easier time clearing out jungle camps. Kayn also has a decent 51% win rate but he's not dominating despite being a lethality user. Admittedly, Kayn's stats may be slightly skewed since Rhaast players tend not to buy much lethality and prioritize items like The Black Cleaver, Death's Dance and Spirit Visage instead. Finally, we have the quintessential armor pen assassin: Zed. It seems Zed isn't enjoying the same dominance as Talon as a solo lane assassin, despite using virtually the same items. Despite several successive buffs this season, he's still pretty average compared to other mid laners.
Conclusions:Clearly lethality items alone are not enough to make a champion broken. There are enough examples of assassins that aren't dominating in the meta that assassin viability does depend (at least partially) on the champion's kit itself. That said, there are still more AD assassins dominating with lethality than those who are just sitting in the middle of the pack. What makes these champions so strong besides their itemization? Some of these picks haven't received any recent major buffs, yet they're at the top of the food chain in solo queue. I've heard other theories involving the champion's roaming power, time-to-kill, dueling strength and power curve, but I'm still not quite sure what the answer is. What do you guys think is the cause of some assassins being outrageously successful while others are only mediocre? Are lethality items too strong, or are they balanced just fine and there's a different cause at work? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:53 AM PDT |
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