Overwatch - Weekly Quick Questions Thread - July 04, 2018

Weekly Quick Questions Thread - July 04, 2018

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 10:07 PM PDT

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.

No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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They told us we couldn't win a 2v6 teamfight after our team left.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:04 AM PDT

When you panic and it turns out just fine.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:24 AM PDT

When you make a mistake but the enemy Rein has your back

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:53 PM PDT

Baby D.va needs healing

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:51 AM PDT

This is getting out of hand now...

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:31 AM PDT

Look ma, no hands! Wrecking Ball still swinging after Mei wall disappears

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:41 PM PDT

I'm a bad person

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry...

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:27 AM PDT

My personal, “I Should Not Be Alive” D.Va Story

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:34 AM PDT

Is This Good Team Comp?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:52 AM PDT

Hammond's PileDriver in Slow Motion at 480fps Slowed Down by x40

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:03 AM PDT

I've peaked, time to hang up the sleep dart

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:43 PM PDT

I don't think I will ever stop loving Ana Paintball.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:16 AM PDT

An interesting way to get rid of Genjis.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:32 PM PDT

Say the line Symmetra

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:15 PM PDT

This is what I get for trying to be nice in QP...

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:24 AM PDT

Sappy Overwatch Story from a Teacher

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:11 AM PDT

This is a super sappy little story that happened at school today. The first time I watched the Overwatch cinematic trailer, I felt so inspired! The world could always use more heroes! It struck a chord, and I felt like a little kid again who believed in heroes and helping people. It was.. magical.

Cut to the future. I teach elementary school, and as we were packing up the laptops from a computing class where we had to code little characters, one of my students says, "Mr. Keenan, my hero won't die". I closed the laptop, and the said the first thing that popped in my head, "Heroes never die." He paused for a moment, broke into a huge smile and ran out to the playground.

Thanks Overwatch for bringin a little magic to our lives. =)

submitted by /u/Brightwing33
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I too like to live dangerously

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:52 PM PDT

Happy Fourth, my American friends!

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:48 PM PDT

PTR Sombra Changes 2.0 Feedback With Explanation

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:10 AM PDT

Hello! Some of you might remember me from my last post, Sombra Player's Displeasure with the PTR Changes Explained.

Since my post, another set of changes were made to Sombra on the PTR, I would like to explain those changes to you, as well as provide some feedback on them.

The changes that were made are as follows:

  • Stealth Detection radius reduced from 4 meters to 2 meters (Reverted to Live)
  • Translocator sound cue reduced (Reverted to Live)
  • Translocator cancellation changed to Interaction buttong from Looking at the Translocator and then press Interratction button
  • NEW: Wrecking Ball ultimate is disabled for 10 seconds by EMP
  • NEW: Sombra's reload can now be interrupted by Hack

The changes that still presist from the previous batch of changes are as follows:


  • Sombra's stealth is now infinite
  • Sombra can't contest cap points anymore
  • Stealth movement speed bonus reduced to 50% from 75%


  • Translocator is now infinite
  • It is destrucible by Sombra
  • It has 5 hp

One thing that we should keep in mind, is Geoff Goodman's note:

"We're still evaluating the changes overall, but shes unlikely to regain the ability to contest objectives or have +75\% move speed while invisible. The goal of these changes is to make her stronger overall, even if it means being slightly weaker in some areas."

It seems like Blizzard wants to keep the infinite Stealth and Translocator changes, however they are willing to iterate on them to make Sombra better overall.

With that in mind, let's go into detail about how the new changes feel.:


Stealth was greatly improved by the Detection Radius change, while the slower movement speed is still something that I'm the most bitter about, it is something that we need to get used to, as Goodman said.

The reduced Detection Radius allows Sombra to once again, flank with more confidence. Now she is again, able to go through chokes without being noticed. While it still somewhat encourages a more passive playstyle, the reduced range makes Sombra able to ambush enemies from a shorter distance and thus opening up the opportunity for more damage before the enemy realizes the ambush.


While the Translocator recieved less changes, the reduced sound cue makes it easier to hide the Translocator. I experienced a lot less Translocator destruction during my testing, however a new issue arose. The new Translocator prompt that says "E to teleport, F to destory" is a bit delayed. It is actively on the screen for ~2 seconds then it disappears. This helps players for the first few times, but then it becomes and annoyance. It sadly does not monitor the uptime of the Translocator, thus the visual and audio feedback on the Translocator is still lacking. Overall the Translocator feels a bit better, however** the limited hp still makes it unreliable, especially that turrets can auto target it and destroy it as it lands**.


The ability to cancel reload with Hack was a long awaited feature, that arguably should have been in the game since Sombra's release, considering that only two (now one) ability cannot interrupt the reload animation (Reaper's Shadow Step). This feature gives Sombra a lot more fluidity, she is no longer blocked to take advantage of a great Hack opportunity because of her reload. This is definitely worthy of recognition and appreciation. Thank you Blizzard!

However, with all being said, Sombra is still not at the finish line yet. In order to make the infinite abilities work, they still need to be changed a bit. Here are some of my feedback and explanation of them, that could improve the use of these abilities to feels and handle better. Keep in mind, these changes are recommendations, not demands and multiple recommendations are not meant to be used together.


  • Slight speed increase (50% to 60-65%)

While Stealth is getting better, it still feels a bit slow. While I agree, that with Infinite Stealth Sombra should not be able to contest and move with such speeds, a little bit of movement increase would be appreciated to get back her sense of pace.

  • Damage Threshold on Stealth

One of Sombra's major issues is that she is easily disabled by less than a single Hp worth of damage, the most used example is "D.Va shooting Sombra from across the map and entirely disabling her kit". A Damage Threshold should make Sombra able to use her Stealth in a fight, if she is not the main target and only recieving chip damage.


  • Faster projectile speed

With the Introduction of the Infinite Stealth, Sombra is now unable to use her Translocator as agressively as before. What that means is that She can still use it to close gaps and teleport into or out of a fight, however only if the Translocator doesn't land on the floor, when it becomes destroyable. A good change would be to make the Translocator fly faster in the air, making it able to cover a bit more distance to make up for the fact that the Translocator can now be destroyed thus allowing it to be used a bit more agressively.

  • Increased Translocator health

The 5 Hp Translocator we currently have on PTR is too fragile. While the sound cue reduction makes it a bit more surviving in hidden areas, it is still hard to use it in combat. Having more Hp would allow the Translocator to survive chip damage as well as misguided shots and projectiles. A single shot more to kill something can sometimes make a huge difference, a split second in this case can mean that Sombra can or cannot translocate.


Sombra's main issue on Live currently, is her lack of uptime during team fights. What that mean is that she can offer very little during a time when everyone is fighting in the same spot. Due to the lack of damage threshold on her kit (Stealth, Hack) she is being shut down by chip damage with less than 1 damage in total. On top of that, her disengage, the Translocator displaces Sombra away from the fight, forcing her to run back as opposed to for instance Tracer's Recall of other deffensive abilities. There are a few suggestion that I have seen many times by other players.:

  • Damage Threshold on Hack + Stealth (optional)

A damage threshold would allow Sombra to continue her hack and not fearing chip damage which may or may not be intentional damage on her, but ultimately not doing much damage if any at all. This would boost Sombra's reliability during team fights by a huge margin.

  • Increased reload speed

As I said earlier, Sombra's issue is her downtime. That includes both her damage output as well as utility. The previous suggestion dealth with her utility, the reload speed increase is obviously her damage output. Blizzard is afraid to make Sombra's gun more lethal, resulting in turning Sombra into an assassin, thus no damage increase. However a slight reload speed increase would make her move consistent in team fights as she can keep on alpplying damage more consistently ultimately making her sustain damage better, but not making her a stealthy assassin.

This is it for now. Please comment your opinions, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback! As I said, Sombra is getting there, she is definitely feels better, however to reach Blizzard's goal, as in make her overall better, she still needs a little bit more.

TL:DR: Sombra feels significantly better, however to truly reach the goal to be overall better, she still requires some alterations to her changed kit, as well as a little bit of buff to her fighting capeabilities.

submitted by /u/Ryuu19941229
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6 Piece Deadeye

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:45 PM PDT

"Alive I Should Not Be" A Pharah Story

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:05 AM PDT

Games reinstating will still reduce your endorsement level.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:45 AM PDT

As the title says, a game reinstating will still reduce your endorsement level. My whole team left, the game was canceled and I was hit with a "your endorsement level has gone from 4 to 3" message. This is ridiculous. I know I can always earn it back, but it feels fucking terrible to have your level reduced for something out of your control.

Do I now have to earn back like several hundred endorsements to hit level 4 again or does it only remove a few endorsements?

submitted by /u/CrazedFirebaIl
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Please Blizz, enable Endorsements and Achievements in Mystery Heroes

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:49 AM PDT

Title basically says it all.

Here's the longer version:

I see no reason why achievements and the endorsement system are locked in mystery heroes... or am i overlooking/missing something?

I mean I do understand that Mystery Heroes counts as an arcade game mode, and achievements should definitely remain locked for the majority of arcade modes - Mystery Heroes is different however - I'd argue that obtaining most achievements is considerably more difficult in Mystery Heroes than otherwise.

Same goes for endorsments - why am i not allowed to commend a team mate for trying his best regardless of what hero he rolls, or for showing a strong emote game in spawn?

Im certain that the numerous mystery-heroes-mains out there would agree, right? <3

submitted by /u/insrr
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