Learn Dota 2 - TIP: When placing wards, make sure to shift-queue your next move command.

TIP: When placing wards, make sure to shift-queue your next move command.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:03 AM PDT

This will make your movement uninterrupted and more natural, and not give away your warding should any enemies have vision of you.

Obviously they could still be checking your inventory, but the number of times i have dewarded enemies after seeing an enemy support walking, stop and turn slightly, wait 0.5 seconds then keep walking... I think its a nice little tip.

Maybe everyone already knows this though 😅

submitted by /u/Nydhogg
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9K MMR Enigma main here (a TI winner as well btw)

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:43 AM PDT

In this guide I'll just describe the bare bones of playstyle I lean to and explain the unique elements of the hero compared to other offlaners. If you want specifics, or you don't get why (or just disagree) about any part of the guide, feel free to ask questions ITT.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1360012671 - here is an in-game guide ( updated! )

Disclaimer: My original post doesn't have a goal to provide thorough analysis, it's more of a quick memo. I provide explanations for my reasoning here, in the comments. Second, in Dota there is rarely such thing as The Only True Thing To Do, it all varies not only depending on matchups and in-game situations, but also on the player's playstyle. It is extremely underlooked. In the original post I just throw my style of playing, which may or may not suit you, even if your hero pool is the same as mine. If a pro player builds soul ring, arcanes, octarine and BKB without blink, I don't give a fuck, honestly. Also, sometimes I intentionally do not describe the best way of behaving in certain situations for the sake of simplicity.

Go to the settings and set up three buttons: for selecting your hero, all your units, and all units except for the hero (I use F1, F2, F3 respectively, but chose whatever).

Lane either solo, or with a roamer who will either take on the supports or just roam around the map, sometimes ganking your lane. You need solo experience and farm. Don't pick Enigma for Dire unless you are sure that this is gonna be a good lane matchup.

Start with basilius, tango and a pooled ward. Place the ward closer to your tower and wrap-around paths (cliff for Radiant, or just in the lane to cover both lane and river). Try getting the rune. Run to block the creeps, let one melee out and block ALL the others until the game timer goes to 00:26. Once you have enough money, buy one Clarity and one Mango. Stay back for now; get vision of all the heroes on the map: if there is a possibility that you are against a trilane, forget about the creeps for now. Use your amazing microskillz to block both camps with the eidolons and wait until the creepwave goes closer to your tower. Lasthit & deny (practice that in lobby or in 1v1 mid matchmaking beforehand). At this point, there are three threats:

  1. Enemies flash-farm your eidolons and/or deal significant damage to your tower (Sven, Gyro, Medusa, Jakiro etc). In this case, push the waves out (still denying your range creeps) and jungle (or stand around doing nothing if you're playing for Dire), come back to the tower once the creepwave is there.

  2. Enemies dive and kill you (Juggernaut, Slark, Spirit Breaker etc). Play as safe as possible, push the lane out (don't let them double wave you, as it would just make it easier to dive). Have a cliff ward (or get fucked if you're playing for Dire) and jungle, wait until the supports get disappointed in you and rotate.

  3. Support constantly pulls (because it's really hard to manage to block the camps at 2:00 as well. But if you do, ignore this paragraph). In this case, you have to have the experience of offlaning and fucking with pulls, know when it's happening and how to aggro creeps.

If none of these happen, just furiously drag creeps under your tower non-stop. Your ability to pull the wave is REALLY strong. Juggle your Basilius, turning it on when your eidolons are taking damage. If the 5:00 creep wave (the one with a catapult) does under your tower, feel free to eat the catapult, as it might rape the tower to half HP. If you are playing against Treant/Pudge/Tusk etc, you might consider skilling Midnight Pulse at lvl 2 or 4 and break trees in the offlane, where people can hide.

Buy Midas and brown boots. Raindrops, magic stick if needed. Proceed to saving for Blink. Kill people occasionally with Black Hole.

If the supports are out, and the carry is jungling (this happens a lot in pubs, actually), you can push the lane. You will pull the enemy heroes to yourself, so only do that when your teammates are struggling; otherwise you'll just give your lane creeps to the enemy carry and fuck up the equilibrium. With catapult wave and eidolons, you can easily trim the tower down to 20-50% HP. Don't forget to turn the Basilius on. Use Midnight Pulse to break trees where people might TP to defend. While pushing, you can send one eidolon behind the tower to scout and drag enemy creeps from you (so that your lane creeps could keep hitting the tower).

[that's kinda it for the early game, the rest will be finished soon™, ask your questions if you want me to continue]

submitted by /u/bulgak_off
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Ember VS Invoker

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:17 PM PDT

How the hell do I lane against invoker? He denies every last hit and his high physical dmg forces me out of lane. He always ends up 2-3 levels up on me.

submitted by /u/sheepzillasheepzilla
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How do you not get destroyed by Clinkz mid as SF?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:49 PM PDT

So I played this game as SF where my team got absolutely destroyed. It got to the point where we were grouped behind tier 2 so the enemy clinkz would not kill us (the tier 1 was still up) but he could still kill one of us and get out.

I would love it if someone watched the replay, I'm going to mark every death and hopefully someone can tell me how I could have avoided them.

My first death was at 1:30, this was completely my fault as I underestimated how much damage Clinkz can do, especially with Drow Ranger in his team.

At 8:50 I die again, I was on my highground and he got on top of me with invis. Maybe this death was avoidable as well if I had sentries, guess my supports should've bought them but oh well, next time I'll buy them myself.

Third death is at 10:50, I was feeling quite safe farming in my own jungle, when Clinkz pops out of nowhere and kills me in 2 seconds. I don't know how I could have avoided this death as apparently I couldn't farm the jungle, but if I showed up in lane he would have killed me as well. Surely staying undertower the whole game isn't the only possible play?

13:30, fourth death. I was now farming on the jungle to the left of the midlane because I felt safer there, when bam he comes again. A sentry here wouldn't have saved me as he came from in-between the tier 2 and 3 towers, and I would have been dead before I reacted.

17:10, I'm literally standing behind my tier 2, just below the highground.

18:20, this time I can see him coming to me because of a sentry, I immediately hide in the trees Treant saves me but I still die because Drow ranger was there.

Thanks in advance to anyone who watches the replay.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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What is the best option to use to improve your last hitting, the last hit trainer made by dota or a custom lobby?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:40 PM PDT


submitted by /u/St4Ik3r
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Hey guys, 6k core streamer, will answer any questions and explain as much as I can! Come tune in!

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:56 AM PDT

What to do if you get placed above your skill level.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:53 AM PDT

I did my placement matches (getting carried hard in many of them) and got Archon 4(?). I think I read that was around 3k mmr and I know I'm bad (at least 1k below that mark). What do?

submitted by /u/DKN19
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Right-click to force deny, yes or no?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Its been a few weeks since I tried to switch to "attack" to deny and cs, an effort to better laning and reduce misclicks but its been so damn hard and unproductive that im really considering switching back.

What I dont like is:

  • You put a lot of stress on the hand (spamming "A" and "S") to fake cs or time it right
  • If you misclick a 50% deny then you will autoattack and push the wave

What I like about force right click deny:

  • Easier to time just spam "S" to fake
  • Easier on the hand
  • Easier to get 50% deny (force right click until threshold)

The misclick on range heroes that could put you out of position is when you go for aggro pull but thats done with smart attack command, what do other people do, best method to lane and cs?

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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Any normal dota 2 map with markers where you should place your wards?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Question: Pushing Lanes Instead of Taking Neutrals

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:32 PM PDT

I find myself winning a lot more lanes because the pressure applied by doing this makes it so easy to win fights that are unfair for the enemy team. I do have one question, since I have started taking less creep in the jungle I find myself not buying lifer steal items. I think this is correct but I would like to make sure that this is still good to do as long as I have another sustain Item Thank you. Also any other general tips about applying map pressure and warding are gladly accepted. As a carry many times I buy the wards and put them places.

submitted by /u/reformingindividual
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TIL: Zeus's Nimbus Strikes Quicker With More CDR

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:24 AM PDT

How to safelane?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:50 AM PDT

In the current meta of 2-1-2 is there any tips or things I can do as a pos1 during the laning stage, I often find it hard to last hit when I have the offlaner and support harassing and burning my regen. I try my best to keep the lane equilibrium outside of the tower, but often I get harassed back and they force there wave under the tower. Despite having my support pull the wave and trying to get the lane back

I miss a fair bit of last hits trying not to take harass or trying to last hit under tower and losing lhs I come out of the lane with 35ish last hits and struggle to try and get back into the match

submitted by /u/txash
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Does Ember's Spirit flame guard count the damage it absorbed before or after reductions?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:52 AM PDT

For example, at level 4 it absorbs 500 magic damage. Does this mean I need to deal 500 magic damage to remove it, or ~ 700? (which would be 525 magic damage after reductions.)

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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What could've I done in the laning phase?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:34 AM PDT

Hey /r/learndota2,

So I had a ranked game where the enemy Lycan steamrolled all over my team, ending it in about 20 minutes.

I was the one who laned against him, and here's why I think contributed to my loss:

  1. Lycan already had a quelling blade from the start. Paired with his E, his last hitting potential kind of ruined my mindset throughout the laning phase, as I missed some free last hits (back to the cookie challenges then).
  2. Lycan had a Spirit Breaker with him, so I was even more scared to get a last hit.
  3. My team decided to make me solo safelane even when I said that I needed a support.

So, I got killed by Lycan a couple of times as I tried really hard to get a last hit. Even buying items at a side shop was really hard and I was forced to use the courier early or get killed by the Lycan (or maybe I shouldn't have done that?).

Eventually I switched lanes with Axe, but I guess I switched lanes too late. He also died to Lycan and the T1 Safelane was destroyed. After that, despite my efforts to win the game (I skipped battlefury and just went yolo with a drum and yasha), Lycan was just too fat and the game was over.

Here are some mistakes that I noticed that you don't need to point out:

  1. My camera placement was horrendous.
  2. I didn't even try to block the lane. Silly me.
  3. I used my Omnislash pretty badly in some situations. I get panicky sometimes.
  4. I didn't even try to splitpush (shove lanes) once and tried to 5-man, which was not a really good thing to do for the whole game.

I have a couple of questions:

  1. Should've I went to bot instead of top at the beginning?
  2. How in the world do you out-lasthit a Lycan? (Asides from practicing last hitting, which I'm doing right now)
  3. Was this just a really bad game draftwise?
  4. What item should've I just built?
submitted by /u/axl2468
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Slark vs Meepo?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:27 AM PDT

Is Slark supposed to beat Meepo? It feels really hard to play against a Meepo since he can just poof out when I jump him and once he gets a Hex he's very dangerous kill threat.

submitted by /u/hrq123
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Offlaners and the midgame (requesting help)

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:19 AM PDT

I have two main heroes, Abaddon and Pangolier, which I do well on, but I can't seem to do well with Faceless Void. So, which offlaners do you have the most success with?

Second, does anyone have any information on how to perform well in the midgame (25 mins - 40 mins). Videos or text would both be appreciated. Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/Splodge6357
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Is it ok to jungle if I'm being constantly in mid lane?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:07 AM PDT

So I was doing decent pre level 6 on my arc warden against ember spirit matchup.

Spirit breaker kept ganking me and even Jakiro rotated.

So I said I was gonna jungle and I didn't wanna deal with ember doing remnants with the spirit breaker follow up.

It put me behind and ember spirit snowballed and I couldn't recover and we lost at 34 minutes.

Should I have not jungled? I was able to get my Midas by 12-13 mins. If I kept getting ganked mid then I wouldn't have been able to.

The matchID is 3988400203


I was the Arc Warden.

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Some basic tips for a better invoker(QE) game (sub-3k ish)

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 10:02 PM PDT

So I've been playing a bunch of invoker and have learned a few handy tips in playing him in pubs. May not apply to higher mmr but do correct me if you think im mistaken about any of this advice

  1. Use your forge spirits.

In QE invoker you can pretty much out-cs almost any mid hero in the game. Learn to micro the forge spirits by utilising select hero, select all units and select all other units. Very simple to do, no crazy tab switching or anything. You can deny almost everything from enemy midlaner and throw the spirit at them when the duration is almost up for ez harass.

  1. Prepare your next spells soon after you used your previous spells.

Try your best to throw spells in pairs or triples. They have good synergy when timed well and will help you do max damage. I used to get caught in a position where im just spamming any spell i can think of and they all land underwhelmingly. Say you want to cold snap and alacrity forge spirit an enemy, invoke alacrity, then cold snap, before casting it to maximise alaxrity duration so you dont waste it while invoking your other spells.

  1. Drop meteor depending on tornado quas level.

What i mean is you should position meteor after tornado depending on your level of quas. If you have 3 quas, throw meteor immediately after tornado hits. If you have max quas, wait around 1.5s and make sure to place meteor slightly infront the opponent so that the meteor rolls onto the enemy instead of placing it directly on the enemy and then all they have to do is walk forward a little and the meteor damage is negated.

  1. Consider getting hex in more games

This ones debatable but blink hex initiation compared to blink tornado initiation is better for nuking someone instantly in my opinion. Ive had more success with the instant disable. No travel time, no immune time, good synergy with blast + meteor(blast first then meteor) and you can delete most supports. Extremely handy against ember and storm even if they have linkens. Just have cold snap and blast invoked then blink>snap>hex>blast>meteor they usually die.

  1. Know who has escapes

Check items, check levels, know the enemy. Axe with blademail? Dont full combo him. Just tornado emp and ice wall try to bait out a bkb or a blademail. Against force staffs and euls scepters, this again justifies my priority on hex. Supports cant usually go linkens or bkb so your hex will always be useful.

  1. Avoid cataclysm without stuns or roots

Any 2s stun or root will do to make it worth the damage. You deal over 1000 damage consistently with the new buff if the enemy cant move. Doesnt matter if the stun hits 1 hero. If its a core its always worth it. Focus on dealing more consistent damage rather than sniping with sunstrike. You're a core to deal damage not sit around wait for kills to come. And ive seen many tornado cataclysm attempts. Its usually lackluster.

submitted by /u/WallTheMart
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What are the best tips for pos 5 supports in the current patch?

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 08:28 PM PDT

As in, best times to pull your wave into the jungle, how to ward more effectively, etc

submitted by /u/thenumber6603
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Watching Dota Games on 3rd party site

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:58 AM PDT


Is it possible to watch recent Dota games (dotabuff guide games) on something other than Dota client since I try analysing games on job and installing Dota there is not feasible.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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How do you refill your bottle with courier in Turbo?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:50 AM PDT

The couriers in Turbo are not directly controllable. Through some trickery, you can send them to the secret shop, but that's about it.

Is it possible to refill bottle with the courier in Turbo?

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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Learning to play Chen.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:51 AM PDT

After the new MMR reset I have been interested in playing a new hero and I think I am going to settle with Chen. I have played a number of games as him and it might sound a bit weird but I am finding that his skills are like a mixture of Dazzles with a touch of IO and maybe Brewmaster (when you include creeps). Incedently those 3 are some of my most played heroes and I feel like I will enjoy playing him for a long time...

However the problem that I am seeing when looking at the hero is that he is so open ended with the direction he can be taken, I feel like I am in a quagmire just thinking about it and the possible lane pairings he could have in the offlane in the first 1-2 minutes of the game could be absolutely disgusting. especially when you can pull the creep equilibrium back to your offlaners tower by sending melee creeps back to base for like 210 mana?

I am looking for advice and suggestions on routes to take to get ahead in the laning stage and what items to progress towards. I know I could hard jungle for X minutes but then we are destined to lose. any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks

submitted by /u/xwyfgotitall
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What makes 3-star carries hard carries?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:21 AM PDT

I have trouble understanding why some hard carries are categorized as such. For example Arc Warden. He has decent damage (250ish each?) and a hex, what else does he have for him to be considered a hard carry?

It also appears that heroes which have scalable physical damage are considered hard carries, e.g. Sniper/PA whereas a hero like Zeus usually does more damage than these heroes and it's a carry 0. Still though, why is a hero like LC not considered as hard carry?

submitted by /u/BigDaddyN0Brain
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As clockwork, which item should I build first to deal with heroes like Anti Mage, Puck and Phantom Lancer? Blademail or Orchid?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:26 AM PDT

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