Destiny - [D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-07-06]

[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-07-06]

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Xûr, Agent of the Nine


A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine.


The Rig, Titan

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Cost
The Jade Rabbit Primary Scout Rifle 29 Legendary Shards
Mechaneer's Tricksleeves Hunter Gauntlets 23 Legendary Shards
Synthoceps Titan Gauntlets 23 Legendary Shards
Karnstein Armlets Warlock Gauntlets 23 Legendary Shards


Name Type Cost
Three of Coins Consumable 31 Legendary Shards
Five of Swords Challenge Card

Once per account, per week, you can buy a Fated Engram for 97 Legendary Shards. It will guarantee you an exotic weapon or piece of armor for your current class that you do not own yet.

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the Worlds, depending on the current Flashpoint. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-07-06]

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:02 AM PDT

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 17am UTC on Tuesday.

Trials of the Nine Map

The Burnout

Game Mode


7 Win Options

Flawless Options

  • Helmet
  • Arms
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Do you think big Destiny enemies will ever be able to do more than just ground slam?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:11 AM PDT

With these unique Barons coming, several of whom are large, it's got me really pining for a big boss enemy that does more to up-close Guardians than just a knockback slam -- I'd love to see somebody get up close with a shotgun, only to be plucked off the ground and lifted up, suffering some crushing damage before being flung back. And they and other guardians could still shoot at the boss, causing it to drop the player if enough damage is dealt!

(note: I know bosses have indeed added more moves to their arsenals over the years, bust mostly those are ranged attacks or applying status effects; the physical interaction with bosses/big enemies is still pretty minimal, and it's still generally a bad idea to get up close)

Edit: a lot of interesting discussion and ideas in here, and I want to make one important note: I think we all understand that the idea of a boss having an attack that knocks you back when you are too close is sometimes necessary and makes sense, because game-design wise it's saying "it's dangerous to be this close." Being close with high-damage, short-range weapons also comes with high risk. BUT the issue here is that the slams are such simple, 360 degree attacks, rather than directed melees. If a boss smacks you with its arm and sends you flying, that's a lot different than a boss hitting you no matter where you are and sending you flying. In the latter case you avoided aggro and got behind it, which could be rewarded.

Edit 2: Like this! Thanks, u/lmpossibear.

submitted by /u/Rivverrabbit
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Hey bungie, can you PLEASE just grant a significant damage buff too all melee based abilities.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:41 AM PDT

Seriously, with the upcoming new forsaken subclass paths, a lot of the grenade and melee abilities sound A LOT more interesting than our current abilities. I would love to see all current fully charged melee abilities be buffed to deal significant amounts of damage (regardless of how much the cool-downs change come forsaken).

Quick example; when using the sunbracers exotic for Dawnblade, in order to proc the exotic perk on the gauntlets, a solar melee ability must KILL the target. On both trees the melee ability is a one and done if you use it and don't kill - the ability is now on a cool down. Trying to utilize a exotic like this in higher level content is just a pain in the ass; gunning down a target and hoping they are now at the right HP for your melee ability to finish them off. If it doesn't.. then oh well, gotta wait another minute now to try again.

This goes for other abilities as well like; Strikers; shoulder charge. Sentinel; melee ability from top tree. Sunbreaker; bottom tree melee ability. Voidwalker; both melee abilities. Gunslingers; both throwing knife abilities. Arcstrider; top tree melee ability. Stormcaller; both melee abilities. Pretty much everything other than - Nightstalker; smoke bombs due to being very unique with good cc capabilities and the power to go invisible (depending on path). Arcstrider; bottom tree; once again for its decent CC potential. Strikers bottom tree for its unique bonuses. Sentinel; bottom tree for cc capabilities. Sunbreaker; top tree, hammer strike/melting point: also due to its potential to add massive DPS against bosses.

A lot of them just don't feel like abilities. By doing something as simple as beefing up all the melee abilities will further differentiate the subclasses and add even more personal flavor to the classes.. and you know make it MORE FUN. Using abilities is what makes this game fun, and by having more uptime and gaining more usage out of these abilities will drastically make the subclasses feel more unique and the game feel that much better.

Also wouldn't hurt to take another look into additional passive abilities and either extending there timer or just outright buffing them. Referring too;

  • Dawnblade
  • 1)Top tree; Swift Strike - extend the duration of bonuses. Heat Rises; add text - casting daybreak while airborne grants a damage boost until you touch the ground.
  • 2) Bottom tree; Combine fated for flame and everlasting fire into one ability. Give a new ability that gives some type of neutral game benefit.

  • Gunslinger

  • 1)Top tree; Combine deadshot and six shooter into one perk. Bring back combustion from D1; but now it activates on all solar ability kills (explosive knife, golden gun, and grenades)

  • 2) Bottom tree; Change practice makes perfect to now activate on precision kills which will now grant grenade and melee energy at an increased rate the longer you can hold a 3x stack. Also combine crowd pleaser and line em up into one ability, and bring back gunslingers trance from D1.

  • Nightstalker

  • Moebius Quiver; allow each tether to benefit from orpheus rig and BUFF the damage output. Or just decrease the number of tethers to 3 with slightly less range then top tree so it can benefit from orpheus rig.

  • Arcstrider

  • Disorienting Blow; Give the disorient debuff a slightly bigger radius. Make it so killing disoriented enemies recharges your melee (20% per kill).

  • Striker

  • Front Assault; extend the duration of stability bonus (Don't play bottom tree striker much, but it seems well rounded. If I'm wrong please let me know)

  • Sentinel

  • 1)Ward of Dawn; add additional nodes that branch off to select an additional passive for it such as; blessings/weapons of light, or gift of the void.

  • 2) In the trenches; slightly increase the additional super energy gained.

  • 3) Superior Arsenal; buff to 50% energy gained on grenade kill (as opposed to 25%).

  • 4) Shield Bash; Give the disorient cc a MUCH bigger radius, and the target who takes the actual hit takes massive damage.

  • Sunbreaker

  • 1)Tempered metal; buff duration bonuses to 25 seconds

  • 2) Mortal Blast; enemies that die from the after burn still create a sunspot. Make sunspots radius slightly bigger. As per commenter (u/perplexdonut) from below; apparently this melee ability does WAY less damage then a regular melee attack. Can't test at the moment, but if this is true, should be altered ASAP.

  • Stormcaller

  • Combine; Chain Lightning and Arc Web, bring back feedback or pulse wave from D1. Add/alter to Transcendence text; stormtrance last longer and begins health regeneration on kills.


Edit: added stormcaller and typos.

Edit: also forgot to add, regardless of your melee ability being on or off cooldown, melee's should ALWAYS be 2 hit kills in crucible. Make all shoulder charge based abilities do enough damage to the enemy in the crucible so they can be tickled to death at that point (or hell bring em back to 1 hit kills). If your the one risking getting right up in someones face you should be rewarded for it, not put yourself at a disadvantage by doing laughable damage.

submitted by /u/Favure
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3 of Coins should slightly increase catalyst drop rates.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:16 AM PDT

3 of coins serve 0 purpose in D2. I think I bought a handful when they first came out, used it once and the rest have just sat in my inventory.

I was thinking that they should slightly increase catalyst drop rates, and expire after 1 use like in D1. Plan on playing some strikes. Buy a bunch and pop one at the beginning of the strike. If you don't get one, or do and want another, pop another one the next strike. Same thing for heroic adventures for Huckleberry and Raid encounters for skyburners and prestige ones later this month.

submitted by /u/erterbernds67
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Fellow D1 veterans... we have created a monster.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:05 AM PDT

The Mindbender

As a starving, runty little Dreg, the Mindbender "fell" into the Moon's Hellmouth. He's never spoken an intelligible word since. But his time in the Hive's domain changed him, gave him a life-long obsession. After years of study, he found a way to carve a throne-world of his own from the Ascendant Realm.

You remember that time you knocked a dreg into the Hellmouth? No? Ne neither. But we probably did and this is the result.

In all seriousness though, could make for a interesting D1 veteran dialogue in the adventure, like if you are not from D1 he just says some unintelligible hive speak but if you played D1 he yells in you in Eliksini about how you kicked him in and he wants payback. Ghost would of course translate/make a dumb joke about it.

submitted by /u/Kylestien
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DON'T Abandon Calus' Story

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:29 AM PDT

Plz bungo, our interactions with Calus are super interesting and I think the majority of the community wants to see where it leads. At the least, you can add new dialogue every week/month or as you do more and more runs of the raid so we can progress the story further.

submitted by /u/Woodynio-
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Hunter Meets His First Arc Soul

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:26 AM PDT

I'm pretty sure this Hunter just saw his First Arc Soul.

I can definitely relate, I'll never forget running over a rift in crucible and wondering what in the world was now attached to me.

I had to add some music at the end, I'm very proud of how well the ghost icon synced with it.

Edit: Gifv from the wonderful /u/Mblim771_Kyle!

submitted by /u/Zimrino
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Bungo, what is the point of a throwing knife if it doesn't do significantly more damage than a bullet? They need more utility. (PVE)

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:57 PM PDT

In 99% of cases that I throwing knife an enemy, I could've just as easily domed them with my Midnight Coup. Since D1 I've always wondered why they aren't stronger. Alternatively I think they should have more utility. Suggestions might be: Burning for longer and catching other nearby enemies on fire, or adding a solar debuff similar to Tractor Cannon. What do yall reddit folk think?

Edit: throwing knives are fun but not very practical

Edit 2: While we're here, I would like everyone to make fun of the Ophida Spathe, carry on

Edit 3: DeeJ if you see this, just know there are a lot of guys who would happily take your aisle seat on a plane full of female softball players. Also a Hunter would've dodged the flight attendant every time.

submitted by /u/NinjaFysh
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Game Informer feature on the new exotic auto rifle: Cerberus+1

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:04 PM PDT

There needs to be a better path to getting the mods you want.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 05:19 AM PDT

I wanted an arc grenade mode for my Titan's chest piece. I spent 100,000 glimmer at the gunsmith and never got one.

That's ridiculous!

There should be a better system in place. Like, for instance, literally being able to buy the common mods with glimmer as needed. Not waiting for them to be sold, or RNG.

submitted by /u/Climaximis
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[Spoiler] I hope there is a callback to the Captain we helped...since everyone helped them right?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:28 AM PDT

On Titan we have several run-ins with a Captain who seems to be one step ahead of us but otherwise not trying to fuck us up.

At the end of the mission-chain, you come to your final objective where you see the Captain and a Hive Knight dueling. You are then given the option to fight either. True Guardians obviously chose to help the Captain and he peacefully gives you, your objective.

Then skitters away.

I hope the Captain or..if you arent a real Guardian..the fate of the Captain ends up being a call back in Forsaken.

submitted by /u/The_Gentleman_1
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Them Barron's better drop specific loot related to that Barron.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:04 AM PDT

I think we can all agree on this. But will it happen?

submitted by /u/leonvanburen
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Only 67 Losses to max Valor rank this weekend only!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:19 AM PDT

At 30 valor per loss and 2000 max valor rank it's a blazing fast 66.66667 games or 67 rounded up to max rank! Have fun out there!

EDIT: More useless data! considering this quad XP lasts 4 days that's only 500 rank each day meaning only 17 matches the first day, then 16 matches the following days assuming all are losses

EDIT x2 factoring each Mayhem match at the longest of 8 minutes that's 136 minutes at most each day to get max rank.

submitted by /u/littlegreenakadende
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3x Valor Rank gains are available until the next Weekly Reset

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:29 AM PDT

Bungie - @Bungie

Starting now and lasting through the weekly reset, players may earn 3x Valor Rank gains in all Valor-supported playlists! If you want to nab that Exotic Ghost or are looking to finish your Crucible Ornaments, this weekend is the time to fight in the fires of the Crucible.


submitted by /u/Mblim771_Kyle
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Can we get a Randall the Forsaken

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Randall the Perfected I'm still not sure was real or a great hoax. But damnit Randall the Forsaken showing up on the Tangled shores PLEASE.

Not sure how to do that Bungie suggestion thing but damnit I hope they do it. Hidden boss in one of a lost sector

submitted by /u/Theidiotgenius718
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I was watching Datto's Gambit impressions, and dear Lord, the Fallen Armor looks worse on female Titans. Bungo, please stop this madness.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:40 PM PDT

"You stare and say nothing, Guardian. Are you foolish, I wonder, or truly wise?" -Lakshmi-2

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:01 PM PDT

I wonder that too sometimes.

submitted by /u/Recnid
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Guys, IB control is coming back next week. Please make sure to crouch and stand up repeatedly to grab those zones quicker!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:31 AM PDT

The T-Bag zone cap is something that comes from the og Destiny and makes the zone cap quicker. Dancing may also work but only in groups of 3 at least. So go get those zones Guardian!

submitted by /u/ricdvs
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Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:13 AM PDT

"Mods are also being overhauled, and are recoverable dismantling legendary gear"

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:26 AM PDT

I know that there was a big summary post about the articles bur after reading the article again i noticed that we can get the new mods by dismantling gear. Which is fucking dope. So you get a bad roll but it has that good icarus mod. You dismantle it get the mod and apply it to your better rolled weapon.

submitted by /u/GimmeFuel21
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Armamentarium should have significantly reduced grenade recharge rate (equal to 3 mods), so it's at least worth putting on)

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:51 PM PDT

I'm wondering what changes would need to come to the Armamentarium to make me actually wear it. As it stands, there is NO reason to wear Armamentarium. It's a wasted exotic.

Why would you trade it for Hallowfire Heart if you're running hammers, or Mask of the Quiet One if you're running shield? And Striker has 2 grenades already, so it's totally useless there as well, mostly because the top tree, where the 2 grenade perk is, is far superior to the bottom tree.

To make it a semi-usable exotic, (because it no longer carries extra heavy EITHER), it should significantly reduce your grenade recharge rate, making it equal to the effect of 3 grenade mods on your armor. To make it fair, the trade off would be that applying grenade recharge mods do nothing.

Furthermore, it would create another advantage by freeing up mod slots, if you're someone that would be running grenade mods otherwise, so you could put things like reload speed or recovery mods or whatever you like.

I'm sure 100% of people would rather it go back to it's D1 iteration and give us 2 grenades AND extra heavy, but if the grenade recharge rate was maxed out, without using any mods, it would at least make it a viable exotic.

submitted by /u/vivereFerrari
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Asher Mir

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:08 AM PDT

I'm seeing a lot of hate (okay since D2 launch). Can you Asher haters please accept that there is one character in the game that doesn't adore you and your magnificent hairstyle. Asher is Asher, interesting character, full of personality, and with an excellent backstory. He doesn't hate you, he's just always pissed. Accept it

(Same with Failsafe)

Edit: btw, is Sloane green???

submitted by /u/elipa2
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Dragon's Breath would probably have to be a Grenade Launcher in the Power Weapon slot

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:35 AM PDT

By the end of D1, the Dragon's Breath was reworked as a single-shot rocket launcher that fires a napalm canister that could explode once you released the trigger. This mechanic seems to have inspired both breach-loading GLs and drum-loaded GLs with the Precision Frame archetype.

Since D1's rework, Dragon's Breath never felt to me like it was a true rocket launcher, even if it had the add-clearing ability of one.

I suppose it's not to hard to picture it as a Grenade Launcher in the Power slot that features a similar destructive power and with the mean warpaint everyone knows, is it now? That Exotic value has to count for something.

submitted by /u/Knight_Valfodr
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Kinetic vs Elemental damage and enemy types.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:55 AM PDT

Hi there, guardians.

As there isn't much to do this week and I saw a video on youtube with some damage numbers that made no sense whatsoever I decided to do a comparison between kinetic and elemental damage types against shields. I thought this would be incredibly easy, and that a simple 5 minute test would solve every possibility but oh boy was I wrong: It looks that shielded enemies have different toughness which means that there is stuff that needs testing.


-All weapons and equipment are 385.

-The Handcannons tested are: The Old Fashined - Annual Skate - Minuet 42 - Old Sister III

So, hand cannons are the same archetype. I did some quick tests with autorifles and the same stuff shows up (well, there is a slight difference in a few scenearios, but nothing too significant). I just did less testing with autorifles is all, and thus why I'm not posting anything related to that type of weapon).


Nightfall, against red bar INCENDIOUR. They have void shields. In Prestige the differences are the same.


So... yeah. How about that? In this example it seems like Kinetic simply has a 50% penalty against shields, that Off-element do the same damage all the time and that On-element gets a 3x buff. This 3x buff, though, makes it do a bit more than 5x the kinetic damage against the shield. Not a small number by any means. Problem solved, right?

Not quite. I jumped into a Lost Sector in Titan, one that has a Wizard Hive yellow bar "boss". So, some more testing...


And now... what the heck? Why the difference? Here we get that Kinetic do the same damage all the time and that Off-element gets a 2x buff against shields and that On-Element is 3x. Is it because it is from a Lost Sector? What if we find a normal, red-bar, Hive Wizard around... OH! FOUND ONE!


Mmmmmmmmmm, same behaviour?

Lets go to the EDZ, where we can test some more... OK, so what if we go into the Lost Sector in Trostland?


And the Fallen Captain that appears in the same area (outside any of the Lost Sectors) that spawns a chest on death?


So... why is the system so strange? Why does the system have so much disparity? Even in the same area, against the same type of enemy...

I don't know, but it makes 0 sense whatsoever. Damage should work the same against the same type (red-bar, orange-bar, yellow-bar, etc) of enemy, provided you use the same type of damage.

Anybody has more info on this?


The difference against a shield between Kinetic and Elemental weapons is INCONSISTENT. Sometimes a Kinetic does 0,5x its normal damage against a shield; sometimes same-element damage do 3x different-element damage, sometimes it does 1.5x... what the heck?

submitted by /u/jprava
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Shoulder Charged A Little Too Fast

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:36 AM PDT

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