RuneScape Weekend Group Finder - 29 June

Weekend Group Finder - 29 June

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:14 PM PDT

The Weekend Group Finder is a weekly sticky where you can use this post to find players looking for individuals for group activities such as raids, bossing, minigames, Elite Dungeons or anything else. Similarly, use this post to advertise your group to other players. When making "looking for" posts, make sure to include pertinent information on the type of activity you're looking to take part in, or planning on taking part in.

This post is made every Friday, continuing into Saturday for players looking to group up for the Weekend.

Have fun!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Milk the cow

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:25 AM PDT

The only thing that Jagex will listen to.

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:27 AM PDT

PSA: World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is launching on August 14th, this is a great opportunity to vote with your wallet until Jagex starts to listen.

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 04:54 AM PDT

October 2017 MTX statement

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:02 AM PDT

this was a good read at the time, so thought i'd share it,367,817,65960268

submitted by /u/cam-rs
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Actual footage of Jmods reading our complaints over MTX

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:37 PM PDT


Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:51 AM PDT

How many more players need to quit?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:32 PM PDT

Every time the MTX outrage comes back in full force, there's always this logic thrown around...

"If you don't like it, vote with your wallet and quit"

So here we are, MTX outrage spiked with RunePass being announced. And out come the posts telling us to quit if we don't like it, that we should stop paying so Jagex gets the message.

Look at the player counter for RS3.

People HAVE quit. We regularly have less than half of what OSRS has, and even in peak times where we'd have around 100k players at said times...RS3 comprises just barely 30k of those.

Hasn't the message been clear? How many more players need to quit? This slow march to our doom has seen an ever-shrinking playerbase, and people HAVE voted with their wallets, they HAVE quit.

How many players leaving the game do people think it will take for the situation to improve? The truth, it won't be enough.

EDIT: Some people might be missing the point. People constantly use the "if you don't like it, quit" logic, implying that if players stop paying and leave it'll get Jagex to take notice and they'll change their ways in hopes of bringing players back and retaining existing ones.

And the point is that people are quitting, the playerbase for RS3 is dwindling. And yet, we're getting yet another form of monetization, so it hasn't caused Jagex to change.

submitted by /u/Aterivus
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Batten down the hatches, gotta wait 2-7 days for the PR team to craft our response!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:43 PM PDT

Suggestion: Move the Grand Exchange to Dusty Divot. Jagex ripped off the battle pass, why stop there?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:25 PM PDT

Time to quit and play WoW

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 04:38 AM PDT

  • Another expansion full of quest, raid and dungeon content coming in August
  • Actual live support
  • 99% bug-free, quality, QA'd and fully alpha and beta-tested content
  • No additional fees to pay for content apart from subscription ($11) and a new expansion to buy once every 2 years
  • Mostly cosmetic MTX that is extremely negligible and has no impact on gameplay and other players' experiences whatsoever
  • No retarded walking animations and cosmetics

Stop being prisoners to Jagex's bullshit and start speaking with your wallets. They don't care, and as long as their financial statements are saying a completely different story than your whining, they never will and you won't see any change.

submitted by /u/solo_your_colon
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how 2 protect ur games integrity

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 01:14 AM PDT

I don't know how this will go, but it's worth a try.

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:25 AM PDT

[SUGGESTION] Add 4000% Telos to Shanghai

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 05:46 AM PDT

Now that everyone is quitting finally i could do abyssal demon alone =)

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 05:58 AM PDT

Just quit.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:31 PM PDT

Stop with the spam, and moaning and crying.

Do what will speak the loudest and just fucking quit. They don't listen to you and haven't the last 10 times Reddit chimped out.

Let their concurrent players go from 11k (lol) to 8k. To 7k.

The last time they said they'd change things they removed one shitty promo no one really cared about and then literally ran a promotion every single day for half of the entire year.

Just quit. It's not fun any more, everyone is covered in cancer overrides, is a floater or has some terrible walking animation, there are in game ads for a p2p game. It's bad. They don't care.

God damn Stockholm syndrome is a bitch.

submitted by /u/Massa100
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You can't be serious Jagex.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:23 PM PDT

Look Jagex.

Now you want:

- Us to pay membership (at increasing cost).

- Us to pay for in-game 'conveniences' such as presets, bank boosters, wealth evaluator, legendary pets etc (absurdly priced).

- Runemetrics (doesn't work properly)

- Treasure Hunter (worst of F2P, brought to P2P)

- Solomons

- Holiday events removed (Easter, Xmas etc) and replaced with Macrotransaction Events.

- and now... You want to add a Battlepass to the mix?!!!

Here's my feedback:


- Scrap membership, focus on RunePass (aka BattlePass) and have the usual MTX. (I'm not a fan of this. But the game being F2P is the only way you can justify this excess).

- Leave membership, bundle all presets, bank boosters, etc with the membership. Open up a cosmetic shop (proper one, not Solomons jank - make it flashy, make it attractive and I guarantee you can make bank) which you could also pair with Runepass (cosmetic only) - My preference, as I understand your overlords need regular sweet paydays. You will have amazing PR for this. Many returning players and a thriving community of people happy to shell out money for cosmetics.

- Keep screwing us customers. Though we won't be here much longer with this multi-directional screwing - even the gradual and slow erosion of value, and normalisation of these f2p tactics won't work forever.

submitted by /u/Viktor_Fury
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Remember back when in-game events were fun little Holiday based mini-quests that brought a sense of season and spirit to the game?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:45 PM PDT

And not what we have today, half-baked reused game assets just being used as an excuse for more micro-transactions?

submitted by /u/Northcliffe1
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Is Jagex even listening to us?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:16 PM PDT

What the hell. Another source of revenue? As if there isn't enough? The reason games get away with these kind of revenue bringers is because the games are FREE.

This game costs $11/month to be a member. Now let's look at other ways Jagex makes money

Bonds: $5 gets players in game cash (about 17m in-game)

TH: Pay for in game items, cash, experience and cosmetics

Runepass: The newest addition to Jagexs income. Pay a monthly fee to get cosmetics without TH

RuneMetrics Pro subscription: $6.99/month to get information you should be getting for free

Wealth evaluator: 1 bond ($5) = 14 days, 3 bonds ($15) = perm unlock

Solomon's Store: Purchase a bunch of cosmetics with RuneCoins, purchased with real money (This also includes bank space. There are over 12k items in the game, and we can only have 571 of them unless we pay for extra space)

Action bars and bank presets: This is just stupid to have to pay for.

OSBuddy: A 3rd party tool for Old School RuneScape that costs money and some of the funds go to Jagex.

But every update seems to be made in more of a hurry every time. All of the actual good updates for the game are getting delayed by years. With this kind of income couldn't you hire a bigger team? Or be willing to work harder on the games actual content?

What I think would be the best solution: Leave membership as it is. Leave TH as it is, because obviously that is going nowhere. Include bank presets, action bars, wealth evaluator and rune metrics in the RunePass. If you want RunePass to be accepted, this is the only way in my honest opinion. Then, show us that our money that we are spending on the game is going to the game. Show us that we are paying to improve the game. Your profits are higher than ever. You should be able to pump out some quality updates, a little more often.

Or include all of those things in our monthly membership fee. (Seems to be what most people want based off the 170 [as of typing this] comments in this thread)

submitted by /u/brainwilcox
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Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:27 AM PDT

Don't let your dreams be dreams

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 07:23 AM PDT

I'm leaving Runescape

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 06:07 AM PDT

for about 30'ish minutes, going to go buy some snacks and laugh at all the people saying they are quitting :)

submitted by /u/Certified_Lawyer
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Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:17 PM PDT

I can’t be the only one thinking..

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:34 PM PDT

I've been playing Runescape since I was in the 3rd grade. A whopping 14 years. I've gone through upwards of a dozen accounts, settling upon two active accounts; a main and an alt (usually a hcim). At a young age, I learned a lot from this game. The community was welcoming to say the least. It quickly became a place to call home. I met people from all around the world; male and female, child and adult. I learned to accept those who were different from me. I learned the value of teamwork and working together. I'd like to think that my social skills were sharpened by my time spent just hanging out with other players. I remember summers in middle school spent on my hp desktop computer all night, every night. I slept when the sun woke, to awaken for dinner and back to scaping. I even found a love interest who I dated for several months. Sometimes I would find myself taking breaks from Runescape. These generally lasted for several months but I then found myself drawn back. At the beginning, Jagex was almost like a parent to me. I felt cared for as a player. As micro transactions were integrated into the game, I told myself that it was necessary to hire more staff and keep expanding the game. In the last few years, it's honestly been rough. I'll still keep up with my quest cape because lore has always been close to my heart. I go back and forth between being with a clan that I don't even recognize most of the time and searching for a new "home". I worry that RuneScape isn't much of a place to call home anymore. Sometimes I think about how much money I've spent. Estimating? $2160 dollars in membership, taking into consideration changing membership prices and number of accounts. Probably around $1000 in treasure hunter and bonds. That's lowballing. It's not about the money. It's also not about the time, but I won't get into that. My sadness. My anger. My frustration. It's like the local mom and pop general store got replaced by a Walmart. I miss the game I called my home. Sometimes I wonder if a harsher, more competitive climate in-game arose from the shift towards a more financially driven company. This game was an absolute pillar of my childhood; 2/3 of my life. After 14 years, I look around at my fellow Runescape brethren and sisters, some who are veterans and some who haven't been around quite as long, and I think to myself.. I can't be the only one thinking that maybe it's finally time to just say goodbye.

submitted by /u/Gagan-Miner
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What the Mod responses really say

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 04:30 AM PDT

Jagex; Just a reminder the "battle-pass" in freemium games is their membership.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:22 PM PDT

So much for year of the player.


All the things you told us you were polling to get done and out, nah they are at the end of your list again with such classic statements as:

  • "We don't have time"
  • "We're too busy"
  • "It's being looked at"
  • "It's too much work"
  • "Sorry it's just bad coding"

But don't fret daily RS player now all this can be yours for $11/month, NOW WITH MORE MTX! =D

submitted by /u/DestinyPotato
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