RimWorld There were 2 mufallo migration herd events in the space of 4 days. But she is only a lone girl with very low shooting skill. She managed to kill just a few of them.

There were 2 mufallo migration herd events in the space of 4 days. But she is only a lone girl with very low shooting skill. She managed to kill just a few of them.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:33 PM PDT

Randy drops a cargo pod of venison almost on top of a herd of deer

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:35 PM PDT

I was going through my old screenshots... I don't remember this

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:22 PM PDT

A neat addition I didn't notice: pawns can kick dirt into people's eyes.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:11 PM PDT

What was an “ah-ha” moment you had playing this game? Trying to compile some lesser known tips. Mine was when mining out whole hills I leave a block un-mined here and there to prevent the roof from collapsing.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:46 PM PDT

[1.0] Complete Changelog since initial 1.0 unstable release

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:50 AM PDT

Aggregated from Tynan's post on the official Ludeon forums. Changelogs through June 28th 11am EST.

June 20th

Fix: Blueprint graphics for wall/sandbags/door don't match the edge detect shader properly (missing inner solid transparent field)
Removed some text that doesn't pluralize well.
Unified table style so all tables fit the cell more precisely.
A bit more text content.
Added multicount silver graphics.
Adjust some apparel draw sizes. Won't be visible in-game until we fix bug that causes drawSize to do nothing on apparel items.
Added new multicount graphics for steel.
Multi-stackcount graphics for stone blocks.
Various item art improvements.
Add wood log full stack graphic.
Adjust smokeleaf joint graphics for size.
Refined wood log graphics.
Unified health item graphics.
Simplyify body part item graphics.
Uranium is no longer a small-volume ingredient.
Precious lump more likely to form with uranium, less likely with jade.
Made StatPart_Difficulty more sensible (though it's not actually used anywhere :/)
Buff flak vest and flak pants.
Start with flak vest, flak pants, plasteel helmet.
Food poisoning chance is now affected by difficulty.
Wanderer joins letter text specifically notes that you can't question the pawn.
Fill in some text_todo for new body parts.
Wall smoothing work amount 9000 -> 6500.
Changed "abandon" gizmo order.
When RegionTraverser finds a small region, put it to the front of the queue instead of the back.
When health tab is empty, instead of writing "(no injuries)" we now write "(no health conditions)" in the center.
Fix: "Show what will buy" gizmo overlaps "choose landing location" buttons.
Fix: Index out of bounds exception in ToTitleCaseSmart() while generating names.
We no longer warn about proximity goodwill change when settling near permanent enemies because it's pointless.
Fix: "Romance attempt" interaction repetitive text.
Some minor changes to string.Flatten() and string.MergeMultipleSpaces().
GrammarResolver is now more careful while removing excessive whitespace. This fixes issues with incorrect linebreaks in letters.
Rebalanced some prosthetics-related thoughts.
Refine shadow data for buildings.
Clean up some shooting accuracy code, collected constants together.
Clarified refugee pod crash letter and made it specific to the pawn who is crashing. Added _title text output from pawns. So now you can use [PAWN_title] in any text.
Fix minigun and charge blaster balance. Minimum accuracy for ranged weapons changed to 0.01.
Fix: Missing translation tags for direct hit chance and miss radius.
-Balance down watermill 1400 -> 1200 watts. -Healroot grow time 10 -> 7 (crop version only, wild version remains at 10). -Flak pants occupy middle layer (can't be worn under power armor).
Tie forcedMissRadius to whether a weapon is explosive; remove it from non-explosive weapons and adjust accuracy.
Fix: Adjusted forced miss is not applied properly.
Move verb-related ConfigErrors into VerbProperties.
Pass a little extra information into ApplyPatches.
Abstract mod loading into a variety of overridable functions.
Fix: Phrasing mistake.
Fix: Typo.
Added stat minValue where appropriate.
Raiders are no longer allowed to self-tend.
Fix 3443: Colonist with low Animals skill gets 'Product Wasted' when shearing alpaca, but alpaca still has 100% wool
Fix 3439: Item stash contains Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, and Silver
Fixed back compatibility issue with ScenPart_IncidentBase.
Fix 3435: Backwards compatibility: Issues with missing/changed defs edition
Allow tribalwear for all starts (for naked brutality scenario, mostly).
More content for interaction descriptions.
Fixed issues with hediffs B18 back compatibility.
Fixed some B18 back compatibility issues.
Reduced predator prevalence in most biomes about 30%.
Balance prevalence of harvestable wild plants (mostly reducing raspberries).
Goodwill daily gain and fall for factions reduced 0.5 -> 0.25
Adjusted and added some content for world feature name generation.
Fix: Semi-frequent errors on world generation from name use checking by text generators.
RulePack refactoring. Fix: Tribe factions use outlander union names for name generation.
Rulepacks refactor and naming consistency.
Some minor rule pack refactors.
Fix: Waterwheels don't rotate the right direction.
Integrate backstory translations using the same fuzzy-match logic used for loading.
Improved tribal name generators. Removed various duplicate rules in favor of probability markers.
More naming content for trade ships.
More content for world name generator.
Update string replacement symbols for Tynan easter egg backstory.
More random naming content for pirate factions.
Fix: Some world text still clips with the planet.
Adjust mortar description to explain its inaccuracy.
Exclude wav and png files from VSCode.
Name generation tests now inject the name "Smithee" for ANYPAWN. This is so that rules which require a pawn name (e.g. art titles relating to a Tale about a pawn) get tested as well.
A bit more content for weapon art namer.
Refactor some naming data into global to reduce duplication.
Added more variations to art name generation, and restructured for greater re-use between art types.
Syllables are now global for text generation and renamed to SylE (English) and SylG (Galician).
More content for artwork naming.
Rename some RulePack XML files.
Fix: Art namers don't appear on namer test rulepack list (since their names didn't start with Namer). Renamed them to NamerArtXXX. Fix: Some bracket mistakes from last commit.
Reorganized and renamed various art generation text symbols. Removed a bunch of redundant references (re-defining things already defined in global utility def).
Increase deep counts per cell somewhat (this is balanced because we now have drill-caused infestations)
Credits update (testers)
Delete two meta files that Unity keeps deleting.
Display "(various) x5" instead of just "(various)" when various things are selected.
Grayscale-out disabled Commands.
Fix 3436: Exception while saving Maneuver_Smash_MeleeHit
Fix 3441: Gray turns into __Gray__ when drafted. (Underline on entire textbox rather than name) (maybe)
Fix another smattering of old text-replacement tokens.

June 21st -

Differentiated colors of different variants of the same faction type.
Remove uranium cost from shield belt.
Applied Jon's new properly-aligned wood floor texture, and made the burned version for it. Applied Jon's proper headless projectile graphics for firefoam and incendiary shells that match the item graphics (e.g. no head).
Rebalanced deep resources: More resources per cell, smaller but more numerous lumps, plasteel and uranium more common, silver moved to same low commonality as jade and gold.
Revert some recent increases to sowing time.
Reduce food poison chances significantly.
Adjusted poker table graphics to standard table style (filling the cells).
Solve a quirk where some items are faster to craft at crafting spot than on proper benches (e.g. tribalwear). Solution: -Set crafting spot to 50% speed. -Crafting spot and butcher spot are both now subject to temperature and outdoors work speed penalties. -Made smokeleaf joint and pekoe makeable at drug lab. -Adjusted work speed penalties, outdoors 80%->90%, bad temperature 60%->70%.
Group melee-related stats away from ranged-related stats.
Group Miss Radius and Direct Hit Chance stats.
Add Direct Hit Chance to shot report.
Fixed bugs, made a debug output for, and rebalanced the code that adjusts backstory selection chances to try to achieve a relatively even spread of work disable commonalities.
Fix 3442: Typo in Mini-Turret's description
Intercept_Object_HitChancePerFillPercent 0.10 -> 0.15
-Random intercept chance for wild projectiles is now the same as hitting cover for world objects adjacent to the target. This solves issues where if two people are hunkered behind sandbags, it can be weirdly likely to hit the neighbor of your true target since the sandbags don't protect him at all, while they do protect your true target. Unfortunately this doesn't perfectly solve the issue when the shooter misses *behind* the target since the sandbags aren't adjacent to the target point. Still have to work on that. -Fix: Shots can randomly intercept targets who are inside the destination cell (now it only hits using the target cell impact code). -Improve on-map shooting debug output. -Increased chance factor for randomly intercepting world objects for wild shots 0.07 -> 0.10. -Intercept_Pawn_HitChanceFactor_LayingDown 0.10 -> 0.15. -Condense shooting-related tunable constants into ShootTunings
Fix: If a hunt target gets up after being downed, it still gets slaughtered in melee.
Added XML translation handles so it's easier to translate list elements.
Added RulePack.rulesFiles field which just instantiates specially formatted Rule_Files so translators can add more Rule_Files. Added MayTranslate attribute.
Fix 3448: Buildings marked for deconstruction yield no resources, so colonists should not refuel them
Added translation repos clone/push scripts.
Minor clarity text changes in bill config dialog.
Open doors no longer always intercept stray bullets. Chance reduced to 5%

June 22nd

Caravan BaseJoyGainPerHour 0.31 -> 0.35
Fix: Smoothed stone floors have no market value.
Condensed all the dependent RoomStats into a single worker class driven by a SimpleCurve in the def instead of using complex case-specific math. Adjusted a few numbers. Renamed defaultScore -> roomlessScore to be clearer.
Refactor cleanliness calculations into a SimpleCurve.
Reviewed heat generation from buildings game-wide. Made a new debug output to help analyze it. Some buildings produce heat that didn't before (stoves, etc).
Multi-analyzer advanced component cost 2->1.
Fix: Various recipes have no work speed stat, and so work speed is unaffected by injury or traits. -Make chemfuel at organic bench. -Make stone blocks. -Burn drugs/apparel, cremate corpse. To fix, added a UnskilledProductionSpeed stat that is affected by health conditions only.
Reworked brewing speed into drug cooking speed, applied it to brewing, pekoe and smokeleaf. Smokeleaf making is no longer weirdly divorced from all health conditions. Renamed drug production speed to drug synthesis speed to distinguish it better from drug cooking. Reworked recipe skill debug output into a table.
Incendiary launcher can now target locations. Minigun can no longer target locations.
Reduced various infection chances (around 25%).
Watermill cost 340/20/1 -> 280 wood, 80 steel, 3 components.
Increase animal gestation times roughly 20% game-wide.
Adjusted some constructionSkillPrerequisites and UI icon draw sizes. Campfire no longer has a construction skill requirement. Short bow crafting skill requirement 3->2.
Saguaro cactus wood yield 10 -> 20.
Minor text fixes.
Added TranslationHandle attributes where appropriate. Translation handles are now sanitized properly.
Added translation report syntax suggestion for helpTexts.0. Moved some code from Pawn_RotationTracker to FaceTarget() so it can be reused by e.g. JobDriver_SitFacingBuilding which fixes some rotation issues.
Finished working on translation handles. Moved translation handles code to a separate file. Fixed some issues. Translation report now suggests using translation handles instead of raw indexes.
Fix 3451: Faction Kinship of Abetra of def TribeRough has no usable PawnGroupMakers
Added a sound that plays when the build script is finished.

June 23rd -

Text adjustments on prosthetic appreciation/disgust (since prosthophile/phobe was renamed).
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected apparel. Also resized some oversized art and made minor art fixes.
Wild men now show up in the Wildlife tab.
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected bodies.
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected head and hair art. Also made some minor art corrections (some fuzzy/bright pixels around hair edges).
Add ProstheticAppreciation/Disgust thoughts for Transhumanist/BodyPurist.
Reduce PSD size: Tribal headdress. Centered it (I intend to center the rest of the character art so we don't need a weird offset forever).
Fix: Stuff offsets not applied if stat value is zero or below because of accidental interaction with applyFactorsIfNegative. Also, moved stuff stat offset application after stat factors, since there's no sense in multiplying a stat's offset but its own factor. Adjusted gold, and silver beauty stat offsets. Result: Walls made of super expensive materials now have beauty.
Resized ship AI core building (3,3)->(2x2) to make symmetrical ships possible. Resized art to standard size per cell as well and cleaned it up a bit.
Reduce centipede health, armor, and melee attack power. Increase scyther armor.
PointsPer1000Wealth 7.8 -> 7.5
Fix: Shooting small-size targets makes people spray bullets more widely.
Fix: Shot spread suddenly becomes a lot wider if the target lays down (this problem still exists for target size).
Allow multiselect of wild healroot.
Tuned shooting spread curves. Moved shooting spread curves into ShootTunings.
Allow running conduit through smoothed walls.
Set a minimum aimon chance at 2%.
Refactor some shot accuracy code; moved accuracy variables into ShootTunings.
Remove meleeshoot functionality.
Add debug output to tune wild miss results.
Implement new wild-miss behavior.

June 25th -

Watermill generator requires a 5-wide line of moving water instead of 3-wide.
Fix: Def direction of watermill generator is reversed.
Corrected nutrient paste dispenser def direction and cleaned up some of the art.
Watermill size (4,5) -> (5,6). Including art upscale.
Reordered skills and defined the order in defs so mods can insert skills anywhere.
Fix: Packaged survival meal now has no research prerequisite.
Rename skill: "growing" -> "plants".
Reduced soaking wet thought impact 10 -> 6. Adjusted text to hint about bridges.
Minor trait commonality adjustments.
Add hediff debug command now shows all HediffDefs on the first page.
Reduced food poisoning impact to no longer down the pawn, but rather slow him and put him in pain.
Fix 3458: Damaged graphic for side-rotated 1x2 table is offset from the table graphic
Humans can now drop their terrain-source filth several times.
Added trash as a variant of human filth.
Change difficulty labels to the traditional ones.
Rearranged construction work priorities. Repair is below construct, and other changes.
Crashlanded scenario now starts with 10 wake-up.
Adjust GiveUpExit mental break text.
Gift silver for one goodwill 20 -> 25.
Nutrient paste dispenser no longer requires research.
Adjusted multi-analyzer art match other table types in style (i.e. tabletop fills cells).
Mining against constructed structures is now much slower than mining against natural walls. This will slow down sappers and insects when they're digging through your defenses.
Remove construction skill requirement for passive cooler.
Allow opportunistic haul for pawns with hauling work disabled. Loosed up distance limits on opportunistic hauling. Refactor opportunistic haul tunings into new AITuning class.
Rename some classes Tunings -> Tuning
Reduce max world feature text size. When there are giant oceans it was making insanely huge text that Z-fights. Slightly reduced mid-tier feature size as well.
Minor rebalances to trade requests.
Fix: Unnecessary decimals on money amounts in trade request letter.
Debuff trade quest rewards 200%~300% -> 180%~260%.
Buff sandbags 60%->65% coverage.
Clarify skill descriptions.
Marble now has +1 beauty offset. So marble walls have 1 beauty. It's still the weakest stone type.
Increase theshold for bionic uneasiness from 2 parts to 3 parts.

June 25th v2 -

Fix: Stats window displays armor penetration even for weapons that don't interact with armor (e.g. EMP)
Rebalanced several weapons to increase damage per-shot (and thus armor rating) without changing DPS much: -Assault rifle -LMG -Minigun -Charge rifle
Adjusted mining speed vs walls.
Armor penetration stat now has an explanatory description when you select it in the stats page.
Bloodlust social fight chance factor 2x -> 4x.
Heart attack adjustments.
Remove some erroneous newlines in messages.
Crashlanded no longer starts with wake-up.
Rename SimpleCurve2D -> SimpleSurface.
Reduced soaking wet thought impact to -3. Slightly slowed down movement through water. Marsh now counts as a form of shallow water.
Changed steel graphics to be more visible.
Art cleanup: Ship parts.
Change some armor categories (mainly bomb blunt -> sharp)
Reduces armor penetration on some specific weapons.
Fix: Armor stats' post-process curves are tuned assuming 100% is perfect protection.
Fix 3444: Wide rivers can spawn with unsupported overhead mountains
Fix 3455: Extreme slowdown while right-click prioritize float menu is open
Implemented three-way roll armor system.
Improved art for dessicated animals somewhat.
Made special dessicated version of thin body type and applied it to female/thin bodies. This fixes a bug where clothed dessicated corpses that are thin or female draw the skeleton past the edge of the clothes. Also refactored and simplified body graphic loading code a bit and adjusted head stump graphics.
Fix: Human skin shader is applied to dessicated skull, making it reddish.
Improved art for dessicated humans.
Transport pods now write their contents on the inspect pane.
Tightened up meal graphics.
Changed letter dismissal option text from "OK" to "dismiss". Thanks, Apple human interface guidelines.
Inspirations are now associated with skills and are more likely if a pawn has passions in those skills. Reduced inspiration skill level requirements.
Non-tribal colonies start with nutrient paste researched. (this is so tribals don't get it automatically as well).
Revert "Nutrient paste dispenser no longer requires research."
Brawlers can no longer get shooting inspirations.
Animal infection chance factor 0.20 -> 0.10.
Watermill generator now requires heavy terrain, so it can't be built on bridges.
Power armor research cost 1600 -> 3000.

June 26th -

Building watermills too close together now makes them less effective (water turbulence).
Adjust naked brutality description.
Reduced "soaking wet" duration and made it happen in rain as well as water.
Fix: Minor issues with time speed slowing in combat.
Autocannon turret is now significantly more powerful and somewhat more expensive.
Fix: Pawns who are incapable of hauling can still do opportunistic hauling jobs.
Multi-analyzer no longer requires advanced components. Plasteel is enough.
Buffed wind turbine power output 15%.
Insect meat is now priced lower than other meat.
Fix: Some text still uses the term "joy" instead of "recreation".

June 27th -
Added cocoa tree, for growing your own chocolate. This is a useful recreation source at high expectations levels. It takes a lot of grower skill and sowing time, as well as research.
Explain armor system better in armor rating stat.
Adjusted population intent balance slightly to not be so aggressive about adding people at very low populations.
Increase shotgun stagger, slightly buff autopistol and slightly debuff revolver.
When a recreation tolerance hits 50%, we now disable taking job of that recreation type until it falls to 30%. "Bored". So instead of endlessly doing the same recreation activity which they aren't getting anything from, pawns will have an unfulfilled recreation need instead until more variety of recreation is available.
On recreation tooltip, we now mention the recreation types available current expectations and tolerance fall rate.
Need recreation variety alert now lists kinds from items (chemical, gluttonous).
Added more detail to "need recreation variety" alert. It mentions current expectations level. It lists the recreation kinds extant on the current map, and which building they come from. It says you can check a building's recreation kinds in its stats.
Expectations and joy tolerance rework. Recreation tolerance drop per day now varies based on expectations. "Need recreation sources" alert now activates whenever there are not enough recreation sources for the specific expectations level on any PlayerHome map. Expectations levels are now defined by defs and queried from a central utility class.
Adjusted quest reward item quality generation.
We explain how to reorder colonist bar in a tooltip now.
Increase centipedes points cost (since their weapons are a bit better now). Sped up centipedes a bit.
Bomb explosion now has stopping power.
Fix 3460: Doe graphics look unusually big
Fix 3462: Watermill generator 'turbulence from another watermill' updating issues
Added flak jacket. Still using jacket art.
Refugees now get "Rescued" thought on rescued.
Reduced frequency of family members of colonists by 50%.
Trade quests now only accept normal or better quality items.
Fix: TryAppendRelationsWithColonistsInfo() doesn't append newlines correctly (no newlines before relationship info).
Bomb and Flame now have defaultArmorPenetration 0.05. Added DamageDef.defaultStoppingPower.
Animals tab now accepts nameless animals as a workaround for nameless animals bug.
Fix 3452: Memory leak detected: map (Map-0) is still live when it shouldn't be; this map will not be mentioned again
Caravan interface: "pause" -> "rest".
Overall armor calculations now correctly handle >100% armor ratings.

June 28th -

Remove unnecessary meta file.
Reversed def directionality of comms console to make sense and match B18 again.
Reversed def directionality of dresser.
Fix: Ship engine graphic reversed east/west.
Fix: Comms console has chair graphic on interaction spot but doesn't use it.
Plate armor research cost 1800 -> 1400. Plate armor armor rating reduced ~3%.
Relations shifts over time are a bit slower (0.25/day -> 0.20/day)
Exclude Photoshop .psd files from VSCode.
Armor rebalance: Double armor of devilstrand, hyperweave, thrumbofur. Increase other leathers' armor ratings. Reduce flak pants/jacket to 40/10/10. Thrumbo now has natural armor, but reduced health (thus fewer permanent injuries over long-term use).
Changed Thing.SpecialDisplayStats from a property to a method.
Costed up autocannon turret and made it no longer stuffed.
Royal bed gold cost 10 -> 50
Fix: Some armor can be made on the wrong table.
Reset the minimum ticks until mental break upon mental state recovery. MinTicksBelowToBreak 1500 -> 3000.
Improve transport pod contents output to show stack counts and combine same-def items.
Display manhunter chance even if it's zero.
Less heart attacks for young people.
Adjusted pyro and gourmand special mental break rates. No longer related to mood.
Add special requested name to get around tech problem on website.
Settlement -> SettlementBase, FactionBase -> Settlement
Escape ship map is now considered a PlayerHome.
Fix: Ship quest's computer core is disconnected from the rest of the ship.
Fix 3459: Randomly-generated player faction name is invalid
Fix 3466: Obedience-training an animal doesn't auto-assign master
Fix 3467: Pawn faces the opposite direction when burying a corpse
Fix 3470: ToWild bullets can damage conduits that are underneath walls
Fix 3461: Escape pod notification befriending text is still present if there's a pirate inside
Fix 3468: Back compatibility-related errors with new joy boredom state.
Fix 3464: Exception filling window for Verse.Dialog_InfoCard: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an

June 28th v2 -

Fix: Deep drilling gold is insanely fast since portion size is determined by stack size. Fixed by defining deep portion size directly per-def (for steel it changed from 38 to 35).
Rebalanced to make late game production less grindy: -Allow reinstall of deep drills. -Deep drill health 140 -> 300. -Deep drill work per lump 16000 -> 13000. -Deep drill cost 200 steel + 3 components -> 300 steel + 4 components. -Deep drill work to make 5000 -> 10000. -Deep drill power consumption 250 -> 300. -Deep drill research cost 1500 -> 2400. -Deep drill infestations size increased (if player has the points for it) and more randomness to the raid size. -Deep drill infestations cooldown per drill group 8 days -> 7 days. -Long-range mineral scanner MTB 30 days -> 18 days.
Wording changes in a few places.
The player can now research and build flatscreen televisions.
Increased poison ship part radius maximum 50 tiles -> 100 tiles.
Moved pekoe production from crafting spot to campfire and stoves. Normalized the way campfire work speed works; it's automatically 50% of normal, which allowed removing the custom campfire-only recipes for simple meal, pemmican, burn drugs, and burn apparel.
Fix: Deep drill doesn't give comfort but still has a chair icon for the interaction spot.
Decrease quest start frequency a bit, normalize it between storytellers.

submitted by /u/schnightmare
[link] [comments]

I walked for three days through mountains and deserts, got ambushed by tribesmen and then ambushed by blood crazed monkeys for this...?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:42 AM PDT

99 year old Grandma attempts to raid me with a Heavy SMG. Completely changed the way I look at this game.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:52 AM PDT

Loved ones add sentimental value

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:10 PM PDT

I hate Dinosaurs so much [Jurassic Rimworld experience]

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:06 PM PDT

So a friend let me play a pirated copy of this game some days ago. I spent 12 hours on it and loved it and bought it and now I tell everyone about it. I felt dirty playing the pirate save file so I decided I had a good grasp on the game already and started anew with mods. One of those that I chose was Jurassic Rimworld, a dinosaur mod. I soon came to regret that decision. In the mod description, it warned that dinosaurs spawn like any other animal, and may be dangerous in the early game. I took this as meaning that there may be a few dinos lurking about and I need to just keep an eye out for them. Due to a spawning mishap I guess the only animals on my cell when I drop are dinos. This would soon cause me much pain.

I drop with a medical assistant, a doctor, and another woman who has a passion for medicine. I am completely lacking in any crafters, construction workers, or cooks, so things tend to take a long time in my colony thanks to incompetence. However soon enough, a escapee clerk comes and we take him in and repel the pirates chasing him. Some time later I find out that when dinosaurs get hungry and theres no other animals on the map (because theres only other dinosaurs) they choose a colonist at random to eat. Clerk is currently buried next to the dinosaur that slew him. A long time passes, with every so often a random fucking dinosaur attack. You know what the worse thing about dinosaurs are? Fucking everything. Them being gigantic also makes them super tough, and they tend to blitz any fortifications I put up. My only defense is the fact that pirate raids happen all the time and I steal better weapons from them. Not even a cetarosaurus can defend against a sub-machine gun, bitch. Right now my current strategy is when a dinosaur walks in to town, is to draft everyone that can walk and ambush their ass down mainstreet. My colony is at 7 people fully armed, yet very few of them have any shooting skill which doesn't really matter when focus fire will annihilate anything in 2 volleys. Or so I thought. Dinosaurs can also be used in the "manhunter pack" event I learned. Shit went super wrong, super fast. Six of the biggest dinos (I forgot their name) speed blitzed my colony. I was able to gather 6 of my colonists to rally against number 7's hospital bed (This colonist was left critical after an earlier dino attack. Go fucking figure) The plan was to draw them one by one in to a kill zone, where the combined might of our firepower would override their genetic and speed advantages. What really happened was that one of them saw my colonists, messaged the other dinos, and all 6 of the dinos busted down the doors and bumrushed the firing line. This was the only time in this entire game where I save scummed (I justified this by saying "fuck dinos" in anger before reloading.)

At this point in the game, I had a strategy of "Let them roam, and ambush if they ever attack a colonist" which had changed to a "kill on site" policy. I could afford this because I ended up having a level 13 Doctor, and three level 9 medical assistants. They had amazing experience since I always had at least one colonists in the hospital thanks to dino attacks. What I lacked in crafting, or literally anything else (My grower is a level away from growing healroot) I made up for it by guaranteeing that nobody in my colony will ever die. At this point dino attacks are just a fact of life, since ordinary defenses are useless considering they're organic speed tanks, and I haven't been able to research turrents thanks to my 14 intelligence medic also always be on call to handle dino attacks.

Despite all of this, theres been a few pros. All my colonists where dino-scale cowboy hats, and a manhunting dino did put a stop to a pirate sapper raid, so that does put a smile on my face.

submitted by /u/Stev_Zarr
[link] [comments]

Is an eclipse enough to remove his power production? Just to be sure, let's give him a solar flare, that'll shut it all down!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:58 PM PDT

Is there a mod for stackable organs?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:02 PM PDT

Victory, launched 27/27 people on Extreme, RandyR, Extr Desert biome

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:13 PM PDT

Nobody left behind. This was my goal. (played not in the 1.0 unstable version, but on the main stable version)

I love this game, i am enjoying it so much, it's a perfect game for my taste. And i play other games like Minecraft, Factorio, Path of Exile.

Warning: Long message.

Playing it hardcore, no load allowed if i lose anything, i am going with whatever happens. I can't play any game softcore, btw i come from Path of Exile as a HC only player for 5 years. This makes me prepared for hardcore environmetn, and i adapt and learn quickly.

This is my 3rd victory since i started to play Rimworld something like a month ago.

My first victory was on rough difficulty on easy biome. Had to retry many times before i finally made it, i had to learn the stuff.

My second victory was on extreme difficulty Cassandra, boreal forest biome (mild difficulty biome). I launched into space 10/21 people there.

Now i made it on extreme desert with Randy random, extreme difficulty. Launched all my 27 people. It was a very hard game, brutal.

Here is the story.

Start with 3 people, quickly i had joins and recruited some and had 6 people, and then after a big raid, i got plague for 3 of my people. No more medicine and 3 people die from plague, my doctor was very unskilled. Another guy die from infection, because idiot tried to fight with megascarabs (my poor doctor skills fault being unable to outheal infection).

So i am left with only 2 people, but i do not give up, because i had solid defenses built, many traps and walls, and then new wanderers join, and i defend against raids, again i get to 5 people, but all of them are very good fighters, just bad at medicine and crafting, but i persist and win against raids, because of my defenses, and good fighters.

I increase my population to 12 people and AI persona core quest pops up, i smell trouble, but i gotta get that core. I send 5 of my best people on caravan, i arrive and there were 4 mechanoids sleeping, i was doomed, but somehow i managed to defeat them, because i had one guy with minigun who came to melee range and destroyed them one by one, while all my other guys were incapitated. I try to heal them, but my doctor is incapitated. At the same time, a psychic ship arrived in my main base, and i lack manpower, i underestimate the power of psychic ship and manmode it melee with my people and about 7 animals, but i forgot to give them melee weapons, so they melee them with riffles, and that's weaker than if i equiped them with swords and maces.

As a result, i lose 6 people. I lose 4 on the AI quest because of infection and one was killed immediatelly, i did not had enough medicine and my doctor was badly wounded to treat other quickly, so 3 died from infection.

2 people i lost with battle against psychic ship mechanoid in my main base.

But i survive, the one person surviving AI persona core quest brings it succesfully. Her name was Blackrose and she was my main doctor pacifist.

So i am left with 6 people, down from 12. They go mad, they go berserk, they insane. But i don't give up. Some new join, and after some raids i recruit more, and this time i increase my people to 15+ .

Now mid game time Randy sends me raid after raid, mostly mechanoids and sappers, because all 4 factions are friendly to me, the pirates are only hostiles, and they send sappers after sappers.

In one raid they send 2 waves of sappers and destroyed 30% of my base from behind, but i recovered. I had to call 3 factions for immediate help.

They shattered spine of one of my guy, who i kept alive, without euthanazing him. I actually put him into casket ship at the end with all others.

Lost some people, gained some. But i did not had crafters. And i did not know that tailoring increases crafting skill quickly, i was pissed that stonecutting does not increase the skill at all. I could not craft advanced components for a long long time. When i learned about tailoring being good for increasing crafting skill i started to train some of my people who had a flame for crafting but very low skill initially.

And by that time i had thousands of leather/fur from mahnunter packs.

In one battle i had sapper raid, and 45 elephants migration, so i activated the animal pulser and the elephants destroyed the raiders ,and most of my turrets and damaged my base, and i called 2 factions for help, and they killed plenty of people, just luckily not my people. Very hard battle.

But the reward was massive, 45 elephants, so much meat, leather and tusks. :D

One of my guys called BlackJack, was killed by a single first shot from a sapper raider. I could not believe that, BlackJack was fully armored guy, and a very skilled one. Bad loss for me.

Near the end i found 2 ancient danger rooms, and as i opened one without preparation, a scyther single shotted to death my guy named Duncan, i was sad for him. :(

I learned many things during this game, and made a big win, with all 27 people launched. But plenty of them died for this (28 died total). I picked extreme desert because i wanted it harder than some green biome in summer.

results https://imgur.com/a/jrI2BDO

I will make another post about my opinion on the balance.

submitted by /u/Jarabino
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All my colonists are saying they have a decent prison cell.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:40 PM PDT

They're colonists. Not prisoners. They also have a debuff for an awful room and a buff for the decent prison cell.

submitted by /u/War_Emu
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"Chickens Join"

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:11 PM PDT

Colony Wipe: A long, tragic tale [unstable 1.0]

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:12 PM PDT

Dramatis personæ:

Sesha: Original colonist, married to Chris, top negotiator, fair doctor and hunter, terrible cook.

Chris: Original colonist, married to Sesha, missing an eye, a nose and a finger, but still the colony's top fighter. (Also served as: doctor, builder, animal handler)

Stin: Original colonist, main grower and cook, melee fighter. Tried to seduce Sesha when they landed, kept trying every few days for the following two years (how long my colony lasted). Guy could not take a hint.

Chaney: Colony man-of-all-work, poor fighter (which is why he was captured in an early raid), good tailor, fair cook.

Linn: Chased refugee, burning passion for art and shooting, terrible pain tolerance. Appears in the middle of our story.

Grace: Ill fated prisoner of the pirates, a minor player at the beginning.

Icarus: a noble Husky, bonded to Sesha

Emily: a loyal fox, fights alongside Stin

also featuring: various pirates, four dromedaries, and an assortment of chickens

If I were to pinpoint the moment that sent my colony spinning into this disaster, I would have to say it was the prisoner rescue. I never should have sent Chris and Stin to that camp. Yes, I wanted more colonists, and Grace, age 39, Sailor fit the bill. Yes, the camp was temptingly close. Yes, I'd never actually attempted a prisoner rescue and was curious to see what would happen. In retrospect, it was obvious what would happen.

So Chris and Stin (2 of my 3 original colonists) set off for the prison camp, bringing along Stin's trusty attack fox Emily and a dromedary as a backup meat shield. As they near the camp, a caravan request comes in -- they want camelhair, 180 units of it, and they're willing to give an artistic neurotrainer in trade. It so happens I have plenty of camelhair. So off goes Chris's wife, Sesha, the third original colonist, carrying the camelhair.

My first caravan reaches the prison camp, which has far too many guards for my colonists to attempt to fight. Mistake number two: they should have turned and left immediately. But Grace had good skills and traits. I thought I would at least make an attempt, for the hell of it. It was hell. Stine was downed quickly, along with his fox. Chris held out and had hope of escape, and then a bullet caught him in the leg and he went down and I found myself back on the world map, my caravan lost.

Oh well, I thought. Get the comms console up and see if they ask for a ransom. It was a long shot anyway. I check my remaining two colonists' thoughts to verify that Chris was captured, not killed, which seems to be correct. Meanwhile, Sesha reaches our neighbouring settlement, fulfills the trade offer, then begins the journey home ... and the mood debuff hits. "Colonist died." "My friend Chris died." "My husband died." Well, crap. Now Sesha's going to be near breaking point for ages.

Back at the colony, Chaney is holding down the fort when a refugee is chased nearby: Linn, age 16, story writer. At this point we really need the new people, so I say yes, although Chaney has no fighting skills to speak of. Fortunately, the teenager can shoot, and she grabs a gun. With the help of a couple of huskies, she takes out the three pirates chasing her. Incapable of nothing, fast learner, three burning passions and two lesser interests ... and a wimp. Oh well, no pawn is perfect.

Sesha gets home, the three of them set about digging graves and cleaning up. Then the double alert: fibrous mechanites, colonist downed. Linn collapses over a grave (oh, the foreshadowing) ... Now she's bedridden with the pain, Sesha is looking after her and the animals and researching in her spare time, and Chaney finishes the tailoring bill for the other caravan request I was working on. Winter has begun, and if I wait for spring I'll miss the deadline -- a megascreen tv, flatscreen tv, and two solid silver helmets is hard to pass up. It's a 10 day round trip. I finally decide to send Cheney and resign the colony to occasional food poisoning until he gets home (Sesha is a terrible cook). Everything will be fine, I tell myself. Everything will be ...

Oh crap, a raid. Cheney is two days away, but Sesha is decent at both shooting and melee. With the dogs, she might be able to take out six raiders solo. She manages to kill two, wound two more, and she's most of the way through the door to go patch herself up when a bullet catches up with her and now she's downed. This is when I know the colony's doomed.

The raiders decide to kidnap Sesha and leave. In an unprecedented show of loyalty, Sesha's bonded husky, Icarus, chases after the pirate carrying her and kills him. Unfortunately, another pirate picks her up and carries her off the map, and Icarus is too slow, too wounded to catch up. Sensing Sesha's death shortly thereafter, Icarus goes manhunter. He doesn't find his way inside the mountain to where Linn lies in a pool of her own vomit, still crippled by mechanite pain and with food poisoning to boot. The dog just runs around biting dromedaries until he finally collapses from blood loss.

All the animals recover. I expand their allowed areas to give access to the main food stores -- the colony may be doomed but they don't all have to starve. I discover that hauling dogs can actually bury raider corpses in available graves, like my old dog would bury bones in the laundry basket. Linn begins to starve. Lying in her room deep within the mountain, she can have no idea what has happened, but still the -10 mood debuff: My friend Sesha died. She must guess. She must know what happens to her now, bedridden and alone.

And then the alert. Another raid. Two pirates come charging in through the door Sesha propped open with her body and then her gun. There's no one to answer them but a couple of chickens, whom they gun down ineptly. These raiders are ludicrously weak, but I have nothing with which to oppose them. They light the windmill on fire. They smash my telescope into slag. The fire spreads to a tiny segment of wooden wall that I forgot to replace, and now they're in the base. They light the medicine on fire. They smash apart the chairs, the production tables. Linn dies of malnutrition as they're bashing their way into the storehouse.

Twenty tiles away, Chaney is still en route to Zagabi to make a trade he hopes will bring the colony wealth and luxury. Little does he know ... he's the only one left.

submitted by /u/fight-like-a-girl
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Archotech legs are awesome

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:27 PM PDT

So I slapped an Archotech leg on my hunter cleo, I had a lot of silver to spend and I felt like I needed to get rid of it fast to lower the wealth so I bought an Archotech leg for over 3k. Expensive as! But then I slapped it onto my hunter at random because she missed a few toes and from now on I feel like bionic legs on handlers and hunters is my new strategy.

She has 140% movement(hows that work with only one bionic leg? is she hopping and letting the meat leg flap behind her? is there a wheel in it? Did I mention she has one of those rail gun cannons the mechanoids use?(found it in an ancient danger.) She can outrun any angry animals though only elephants survive into melee with her, I literally just have her sprinting around the map wiping out all wildlife blasting everything, I have Like 8 pawns who basically live off Cleos work with 3000+ meat at any time. I know theres a debuff but im super considering getting her another to see how fast she ends up, like 180%? Shes got 17 shooting now and shes basically my ace in the hole, I love to harass raiders with her and draw them into my toughest defenses.

submitted by /u/fieldy409
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Tips for an animal army?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:15 AM PDT

I've been wanting to get back into rimworld and I really wanted to try a strategy that I've heard of and seen used but haven't successfully done myself; a swarm of animals.

Now the reason this hasn't worked for me before is one of two reasons, usually. One, I run out of food. I make a lot of hay and I keep a large "yard" of grass, but it eventually gets eaten or destroyed by nature, and then the animals dwindle from starvation.

Secondly, my animal tamer dies. This is usually my fault, but going outside the walls to tame things makes me a prime target for predators or sudden raids, if the thing they're trying to tame doesn't kill them.

I've tried boars (starved in winter), dogs (didn't breed enough to sustain from casualties), and wolves (lost my tamer on a wild wolf tame attempt).

submitted by /u/Paradox043
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Anyone want to be part of my new colony?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:49 AM PDT

Leave a name, you'll either be added to starter pawns or later on!

submitted by /u/Spaceyplaysxx
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Glitterwood batteries

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:02 AM PDT

In the description, it says that they can recycle power. Does that mean less power is drawn from the batteries or what, are they worth investing in? Thanks

submitted by /u/poptudor
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Defense without a killbox?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:16 PM PDT

I'm doing a run right now where I'm trying to avoid using a killbox for defense, as I feel like it makes raids way too easy.

My current colony is a wide open desert. I have the whole base walled in with the Medieval Mod embrasures in some of the walls. I haven't suffered any fatalities yet but I'm getting hit hard every raid with plenty of injuries. I'm either getting blasted by pirates' guns through the embrasures or the tribals are shooting through them abd climbing over them faster than I can kill them.

I'm in summer of 5501 on Cassandra rough. I feel like I'm a few unlucky shots away from losing the colony. What are some effective defense strategies that don't use the kill box?

submitted by /u/Underbridged
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Modern art in a nutshell

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:13 AM PDT

What does /r/rimworld think about the central design of my next base?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:28 PM PDT

Purpose of double/triple wide hallways other then defense? Are single hallways actually slower? and if so, when and by how much?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:33 PM PDT

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