Guild Wars 2 - ANet, for the love of god, just show SOMETHING!

ANet, for the love of god, just show SOMETHING!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:46 AM PDT

You don't need to release the content patch EXACTLY 1 week after a trailer. I'm totally fine with waiting an extra week or two after a trailer, because AT LEAST THEN I have something to look FORWARD TO in the meantime.

Hell, even if you haven't even MADE a trailer yet, even just a 10 or 15 second Teaser montage of clips from the new map would be ABSOLUTELY FINE. Just SHOW something! Anything!

Your players need something to look forward. It's not that it's been over 3 months, it's that it's been over 3 months with no evidence of your work. (And before I even start getting those ignorant comments, No; that is not me "accusing ANet of not doing any work". It's me saying that the players have nothing to look at to look forward to.)

Having something to show is a lot more powerful than just saying "we're working on it." And if it's going to take a lot longer than usual to get this one out, you need to give your players some samples to tide them over.

submitted by /u/GambitDeux
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Reaaaaaal original idea Bethesda

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:52 PM PDT

Finally, my mesmer appearance I almost happy with

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:31 AM PDT

Shoutout to mesmers who open portals at Jumping Puzzles

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:22 AM PDT

As someone who dislikes (and is very bad at) Jumping Puzzles, thank you for taking your time out to help others with your ports.

Without the ports, I probably would have just ragequit half the dailies....

P.S is it good etiquette to tip the mesmers after you've used their ports?

Also shoutout to those who put up tags for mini dungeons/locations of JP or events as well!!

**EDIT: in case anyone else ask me why I don't just do the JP myself, I don't really play much video games in general so Im not great at dexterity stuff...I am trying to get better and attempt the jumping puzzles on my own first. But after like 15 failed attempts, I really appreciate the portals so I can get the daily done.

Different people enjoy different contents, I have very limited amount of time to play everyday so I rather do things I enjoy like personal story or completing hearts.

submitted by /u/coldSocks
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Kalla Scorchrazor responds to Scorchrazor's Fist

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Kalla Scorchrazor's Legend just talked to my Renegade character (norn), and it's a quote that I haven't seen so far, at least not on Reddit or the GW2 Wiki.

"Kalla: A mace? For me? I can get behind that. Blunt. Solid. Hits you in the face."

AND, I'm making a guess that it might have been triggered by the exotic mace, Scorchrazor's Fist, that I keep on my Renegade character (just because it's SCORCHRAZOR). Anyways, I just wanted to see if other people have noticed this too? And is it really because of the exotic mace? Also, any Wiki editors reading this can add the quote onto the Kalla Legend page!

Here's a screenshot of the quote and the mace in my inventory: screenshot

(edit: some typos)

submitted by /u/honoraryskritt
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Gemstore Update - Elite Reinforcements Package & Venom Warblade

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:01 AM PDT

New Items


  • Kasmeer's Package - 1360 gems - 15% OFF
  • Marjory's Package - 1360 gems - 15% OFF
  • Taimi's Package - 1700 gems - 15% OFF
  • Rox's Package - 1360 gems - 15% OFF
  • Braham's Bitterfrost Frontier Pack - 1700 gems - 35% OFF
submitted by /u/dulfy
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I did it. My first legendary.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:25 PM PDT

Griffon mount shares an idle animation with...

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Like the title says, the griffon mount appears to share a skeleton and idle animation with Aurene. Doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it certainly adds a little weight to the argument of people in the "I want/think that we'll get Aurene as a mount" camp.

submitted by /u/Vincent_Bread
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Tyria, Forever - A music video I created showing off the awesome world of the core game, in celebration of the recent influx of new players!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:13 AM PDT

What is your favorite class and what makes it so?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:10 AM PDT

Guild Wars 2 offers a lot of unique takes on MMORPG classes. Ranging from using a 2 handed hammer or greatsword as a ranges weapon, to using holograms as weapons.

As a player. Which class do you like playing the most. That one you always go back to. That one you think "This is so awesome".

What makes you like it so? Is it the elite specs you can choose? The lore behind the class? Perhaps a certain skill line?

submitted by /u/PalwaJoko
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Shoutout of thanks to this Jade Quarry Tempest who helped me to the top of Obsidian Sanctum! Shame I cant figure out who you are.

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:14 PM PDT

Claw of the Khan-Ur: Two Left Paws

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:13 AM PDT Did a quick search and didn't see any mentions of this at a glance but... why prints curved as if they're two left charr feet facing inwards--For both feet? Are the right foot falls not supposed to be flipped? I thought it might just be using the summit print from their flag, but it's a hand print vs a foot and leaning the opposite way, and even if it was using an existing symbol, I dunno. As far as foot prints go, the right curve of both feet comes off as visually strange as a trail when you're running around. Opinions?

Edit: Just to add clarification, I appreciate people pointing out that the symbol is supposed to be the emblem of the Claw of the Khan-Ur. It did help clear up my confusion. But my overall opinion is still that a symbol that makes my footfalls look like I have two left feet is still gonna be a bit silly. I love the legendary, that's why I made it, I just wanted to see what others thought about it. o7

submitted by /u/Samarog
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WvW death when downed is so much fun.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:08 AM PDT

Didn't had that much fun in WvW for a very long time. It force people to play better and be more cautious about their surrounding. Skilled players gets the opportunity to win 1v3 battles. No more cancerous guards getting people up.

Tho you really need to disable the buff in the obsidian sanctuary so we can still do GvG and duels there.

This brings fresh gameplay to WvW.

submitted by /u/ledernierrempart
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I found this snazzy dolyak in Divinity's Reach :)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:00 AM PDT

I feel like I should have known this is a feature a lot sooner.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:38 AM PDT

Please Help Me Understand Living World

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:52 AM PDT

I don't understand this stuff at all. I just bought the game (again) and I'm trying to make sure I get all the content. For some quick background, I played GW1, was in beta for GW2, preordered, and then barely played it until last week where I started a new account.

I don't understand what LW is, and since I've missed all of them so far, can I go back and do them? What are they exactly? I know S1 isn't still available, so does that mean none if it will make sense? I hear there's a somewhat consistent release schedule for more, and that they come in chapters rather than the entire season at once? If someone can give me a good explanation of what exactly they are and how I should approach doing them I would really appreciate it. They sound fun but I just don't understand them lol

submitted by /u/sacdmb
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How did you find the game

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:57 AM PDT

Hi, internet. If you don't know me; I roleplay as a news reporter. I came up with questions to ask guildies; creators; and today you guys.

I am interested in hearing how you found GW2. If you're new; old, or returning. If you came from gw1 or from Bless.

I look forward to reading your answers. xoxoxo

submitted by /u/askaiddagw2
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Weekly "Trailer or Riot" thread. Just post here to vent.

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:40 PM PDT

Edit: See ya next week lads.

Trailer or riot plz !

In all seriousness, I'm praying it's today or next week at the latest. Been quite the wait so far. I heard they're trying to discuss information with various MMO reporters as they have with previous releases, but that's just rumor. The hype is real.

submitted by /u/Fixed_Device
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Is anyone here at E3 and can go to ANET's booth?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:21 AM PDT

I know they aren't scheduled to announce anything and are just there for business, but if anyone here is at E3, do you have access to their area? Can you go in or near their booth?


I've never been to E3 so I don't know exactly how it works, but if anyone here is there and has seen their area, I think it would be nice if you could share sth with us, anything. :)

submitted by /u/mrdanielfields
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Is it just me or are some off-build prefixes (i.e. Zealot's) really hard/expensive to get?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:19 AM PDT

Zealots in particular is what I'm thinking of. Watchwork sprockets seem incredibly, especially since they're not exactly mainstay builds.

It's incredibly simple to get core prefix gear, but any of the expansion statlines seem unnecessarily prohibitive. Is this intentional, or am I missing some esoteric crafting trick?

submitted by /u/NikolaiLev
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E3 ArenaNet booth...?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:02 PM PDT

I was at E3 today. After I tried out Super Smash Bros Ultimate (which was amazing btw.) and Mario Tennis Ace, /u/mrdanielfields suggested to check out ArenaNet.

They were located in concourse hall which is a place where many companies have their little meeting rooms. I went to their meeting room and spotted a front desk with two meeting rooms on each side. One can immediately tell they don't have anything to show. However, I can share a short conversation with you guys on what they responded to me.

At first, there was no one there. After a couple minutes, a lady came back and I talked to her for a little bit.

Me: Hi, I'm not sure if i'm supposed to be here... FD: Did you have an appointment with us? Me: No. I just came here to say hi. I just started GW2 recently and loved the game. FD: Thank you!!

I didn't know what else to say and left the place. Instantly regretting on not asking for more information on any new content. So I went back and talked to her again.

Me: Hi, I'm back again. Just wanted to see if you could comment on anything if you guys are working on any new content? FD: Oh no. We are focusing on only Guild Wars 2 at the moment. Me: (Hmm, that wasn't my question, but that tells me they aren't working on any new game.) Oh, I mean if there's any new content for Guild Wars 2 coming out. FD: Ohh. I don't have any information on that. Sorry. Me: No worries. Thank you!

So that was it. It looks like they are not working on anything other than GW2 and does not comment anything on new content coming out either.

Here's a few pictures of the little meeting room they have.

submitted by /u/coltonpan
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What is there to do other than hearts and events?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:47 PM PDT

I know there's a ton to do other than these two but I don't know where to go/how to do them.

I'm lvl 20 and taking my sweet time leveling and taking in the world. I sometimes get bored of just farming levels and want to do something in between. Since I'm a player favoring PvP more than pve i tried doing PvP but as an elementalist with a staff I got absolutely demolished when I tried. Im guessing because i dont have the right specs/enough hero points? I'll probably do PvP when I'm a higher level.

What else can I do? Thanks

submitted by /u/mody_bird_s
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Support Service Backlog Status?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:45 PM PDT

I created an anonymous support ticket last Thursday in an effort to recover my account.

I attempted to log back in recently after a long time, but because it was from a new network, location, and IP, they sent a 2FA code to the email tied to that account. Unfortunately I do not have access to that email anymore (hotmail address has been removed after 2 years of inactivity and Microsoft support will not restore it). Hence the ticket.

I still have the CD key, sent to a different email, from way back when I pre-ordered GW2, several character names, the name of the guild I was part of and several accounts on my friends list. Now it appears to be a waiting game with ANet support.

My question is, how long is the current que time? Could someone who has received a response from ANet support recently tell me how long they waited? There's a post from 8 months ago:

Obviously it's been some time since PoF was released but is this backlog still ongoing?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Mr-Popper
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Streamlining to the "new" specs?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:40 PM PDT

I'm aware this is gonna sound a little whiney but is there a way to speed up the process of getting things like spell breaker and reaper? I'm really interested all of them but I'm so bad at playing pvp it's demoralizing so I can't enjoy them there. Or do I just have to go from zone to zone collecting skill points?

I got the raptor so that's making things easier, but still

submitted by /u/ThreeArmedHobo
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