Factorio Say what?! 3D factorio.

Say what?! 3D factorio.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:15 AM PDT

Where to find sleep nodes/ patches?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:42 AM PDT

So everyone is telling me I need to get more sleep. I started playing properly only a few days ago and have since found, copper, iron, uranium, stone and crude oil. But no sleep Where is it found? How can I automate it?

submitted by /u/Behemothical
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My first base

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:02 PM PDT

Tried the "There is no Spoon" achievement. I was 4:25min late :(

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:46 AM PDT

Mega-base rail design?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:27 PM PDT

I've had a rough plan in mind to put together a huge megabase, but the one thing I can't get straight in my head is how to design the rail system. Even basic things like what size train, let alone how many rails etc. Is there a rule of thumb for this, like "aim to require no more of one type of train required to load/unload per minute" or something? What's your starting point?

submitted by /u/goatymcgoatfacesings
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Feature suggestion: Nuclear fuel should give 30% top speed bonus

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:26 AM PDT

Otherwise my car cannot accelerate to 141.6 km/h

submitted by /u/koi-sama
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Self Expanding Solar farm

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:54 AM PDT

So someone had made a request of me to make a self expanding solar farm using the recursive blueprint mod. So I did. This blueprint book allows you to make a self expanding solar farm in one of four directions. Hope you all like it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uot5Ped4Bl7J8ek9xCUWybgeIwOC8GuBV86WNjq5bus/edit?usp=sharing

submitted by /u/theDemolisher13
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Why train is not going to free middle spot?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:17 AM PDT

Boilers not receiving water

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:50 AM PDT


Been playing factorio for around 400 hours in Total but did not make it to yellow or even purple science most of the time. However, this world did, so I need to upgrade my energy by now.

I built a power station that consists of 20 rows of 10 boilers + 20 steam engines. I run a belt of coal and pipes with pumps along the array, pumping towards the boilers and further down the pipe (2 pumps per connection to a boiler array, if you understand me) . However, the water in the pipes does not flow beyond row 8 or something like that. I have added enough offshore pumps to drain an ocean, so that shouldn't be the problem.

I'm like really close to rage quiting since I feel like a complete first timer :| Not in the position to provide a screenshot right now, but will add it when I'm home.

I really hope some of you can provide me with some insight based on the information above. It's driving me nuts.

submitted by /u/JDaK_
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Balanced Splitoff with Double the Throughput

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:57 PM PDT

I understand that the following design:


Is popular; however, it can only output one belt due to throughput issues, making this:


Invalid because it can only pump out one belt's worth. I set out to fix this. First, I tried to reverse engineer the above design. Because it is symmetrical, it's clear that it is merely a doubled version of a 2-wide design:


From here, I just further simplified it:


With the right-most design being the starting point. You can see that because the splitter sticking out has only one input but two outputs, when resources are flowing at full speed, the splitter can only at most output a half belt onto each belt:


This demonstrates why the 4-wide doubled-up version can only produce one full belt (2 * 1/2).

So, to fix this, I decided to try a new starting point. The following design:


Takes in two half belts when resources are flowing at max speed, and produces a full belt. Once this is doubled up to fit a 4-wide bus, it will produce 2 full belts.

It is important to note that there is no need for a splitter at the end to rebalance the two belts since all belts are taken off evenly:


The question is now how to make this more compact so that it fits on a bus. I came up with these three designs:


Double up each of these designs up, and you get:


Clearly, the middle design wins. What is interesting to note is that the longest 2-wide design does not lead to the (exclusively) longest 4-wide design. Also, don't use the first design with red undergrounds; it actually doesn't work.

Now, because the 2-wide design produces a full belt, the doubled-up 4-wide design should produce a full two belts (2 * 1), solving the original problem of how to get two belts off the bus. All I needed to do at this point was test and confirm this assertion. Here is a screenshot:


And if you're curious, here's what my testing setup looks like:


So, yeah. A design that pulls a full two belts off a 4-wide bus. Please comment and let me know if there is anything I can do to improve this post (errors, clarification, more pictures, etc.).

P.S. Here's a blueprint book if you want it: https://pastebin.com/fLnRtz1r. This book contains the following variations of the same design:


submitted by /u/NetherGranite
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Dare I ask, is this game fun?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:50 PM PDT

I enjoy rimworld, ck2, prison architect. I constantly hear people relate those games in the slightest to this one, so please allow me the knowledge I seek. Is this game fun?

submitted by /u/MichaelTXO_
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Iron for 5KSPM. Read Description.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

Oil management

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:28 PM PDT

So I'm building my first "megabase" and I'm having a problem with oil. I have a separate facility that houses my mall and module production, it has its own local refinery set up. I laid down a few blueprints that in total needed around 50K blue belts, this very quickly drained my lube which dropped my blue belt production greatly. I was unable to produce enough heavy oil for lube due to not using enough petro. I put down some more storage tanks for petro but they filled up very quickly. I solved my problem by switching my refineries back to basic processing, and while it solved my lube problem I quickly ran out of petro and light oil. As far as I can tell I can't set up a circuit that will switch recipes in my refineries.

My idea is to build a 2nd group of refineries and use a circuit to power off the advanced refineries and power on the basic refineries depending on how much heavy oil I have. Is this my best option or is there another way to do this that I'm not seeing?

submitted by /u/Tistics
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How important and useful is oil?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:32 AM PDT

So I've been playing Factorio for a while and I've been eyeing this oil processing in my research menu, I've seen some people talk about how messy it is and stiff? But I wanna know, should I really use oil? Is it useful and is it important? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Nanimator7
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Feature suggestion: roboports report missing items that logistics needs

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 09:51 PM PDT

So I've been playing with LTN (although this isn't a modded-specific idea), and I discovered that there's no way to feed "items missing for construction" or desired modules into a circuit network for automated fulfillment.

It would be amazing if either 1) roboports report wanted items as negative signals when set to "report logistics contents" or 2) roboports have a third option for "report needed items".

Note that roboports already emit negative signals sometimes when logistics robots go to pick up the last available item and have a greater-than-one carrying capacity.

In my case, this would allow me to generate blueprints for huge train-based modular sections, only carry enough items to build the maintenance stub station, and have the rest delivered completely automatically from my mall or wherever the buildings are being made.

I'm certain this feature could be used to do some really interesting stuff in vanilla factorio as well - what would you do with this?

submitted by /u/triffid_hunter
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How do you keep the main bus working properly (stacked)?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:30 AM PDT

Ok, so I've played a few saves before and I'm on my first save/megabase in which I'm playing after the rocket is launched, so I'm aiming at launching a lot of rockets, which consumes a lot of resourses.

I'm using the main bus concept which was very used in the last patch and I think it's fair to assume a lot of people still use it (4 belts of iron, 2 spaces, 4 belts of copper, 2 spaces, etc)

So, I've set a huge furnace area in which I smelt iron and copper. These furnaces are stacking hard 4+ belts of iron/copper, in which I balance and stack at the traditional 4 belts format. The problem is that I'm not finding a way to rebalance the belt properly after taking resources on a hungry part of the factory, like circuits.

I take one belt with a splitter of iron to my first patch of green circuits, which in order "weakens" one side of the belt, while the other side is very saturated. I try to balance the saturated side so it also saturates the weakened side, but I'm failing. It never stacks properly after the middle of my base.. before the end, which there is not much iron being consumed, everything is stacked. I'm pretty sure my production is way more than I use, I'm just not finding a way to rebalance my bus with a lot of consumption. I'm also avoiding expanding my belt to 6x or 8x, it would take a complete base redesign and I'm simply very scared to do that. How do you guys manage the rebalancing? Do you just go for bigger buses? Is there a trick I'm missing?

submitted by /u/alessandrouw
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What is the point of refined concrete?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:17 AM PDT

Other than a minor walking speed boost?

submitted by /u/NappingYG
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Self-sustainable coal liquification setup

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:06 AM PDT

Last few days i was trying to create compact self-sustainable coal liquification setup and now i'm finished. Result can be seen there image.

Setup is 19 tile wide and 22 tile high with T3 modules. It is possible to run it without modules however one more steam engine is needed.

It needs to be primed with some heavy oil and few watts from your main grid (until first SF is produced) or few pieces of coal/SF. After that you only need to provide enought coal.

There is some circuit magic to eswitch between lube and heavy oil cracking and some logic to disable whole setup if there is not enought coal or output belt is full.

When whole setup is shut down there is still one inserter and two decider combinators running whole time. In this mode you have more than 3 hours (with full belt feeding boilers and 5 pieces in boiler itself) before you need to prime whole setup again.

You can possibly tile this setup with additional pipes/belts outside base footprint.

submitted by /u/Luke_CZ3
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Bob & Angels - What the hell to do with all the nickle ?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:34 AM PDT

Im ending up with warehouses full of nickle, but i have no idea what to do with them. I am about mid game, so i dont have all the advance reseach yet. some old topic was talking about turning it into acids, but looking into FNE there doesnt seem to be any recipies that include nickle for gasses (so i can flare over capacity)

submitted by /u/1869_Flame
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Factorio Noise Disparity Fix

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:41 PM PDT

Back in version .15, I remember most sounds being more-or-less equal. Didn't have any issues with the sound, really. except the sand. I hate sand. Anyway, recently I upgraded my computer parts and downgraded to windows 10, meaning I had to format my hard drive. I start up factorio and mess with the volume sliders a bit and suddenly I find that my shotguns all come equipped with a silencer and trees all contain unstable nuclear reactors, so crashing into one detonates an atom bomb in my ear.

I searched around on reddit and elsewhere to find a fix for it and didn't find anything (one post was exactly like the xkcd denvercoder9 strip, with no responses. WHO WERE YOU TEA2THEBAG?).

Finally I tried something I hadn't done with my headphones before, and this has fixed it for me (even though I'm pretty sure I hadn't done this before, but whatever). I turned on loudness equalization.

So, people of the future. If your factorio seems to have really loud pickaxes and completely silent guns, right click on your volume button on the task bard, click playback devices, right click your headphones/speakers/whatever you're using, click properties, go to enhancements, and turn loudness equalization on.

As a warning, everything will be louder after you do this (though the nuclear trees, pickaxes, and chisels will be quieter), so make sure your volume is low enough before attempting this.

(this block is just tags to help people who're searching on google. quiet guns loud pickaxe concrete roboport robots tree)

submitted by /u/Ridesdragons
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