RuneScape TL;DW 380 - Patch Teasers (May 18th)

TL;DW 380 - Patch Teasers (May 18th)

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:41 AM PDT

Twitch Vod

Every Friday Mod Shauny will show off a few patch notes and that week's update. These are not the only patch notes that will be released.

Patch Week - Monday's Update

Patch Week on Monday to prepare for Solak's release the following week.

  • Updated Lodestone models
  • Improved lighting in the Slayer Tower and made it brighter
  • Removed annoying pop-up boxes that appear in combat and made them messages.
  • Updated Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza interfaces and allowed the abilities to be placed on your action bar(?).
  • Augmented Ice Dyed weapons from Telos/GWD2 will now appear in the wealth evaluate at their actual value.
  • C4TAA will be removed, but 4TAA will remain. More Info here.
  • Gravite shortbow will now deal the correct amount of damage.


  • Added the Waterfall fishing teleport for 300 crystal urchin points each. Arrival Location
  • Ability to right-click configure Divination rifts to select the main (left-click) option.
  • Tears of Guthix improvements
    • Tears to stay in place longer
    • Make the running easier and make the action of gathering tears cancellable.

Build-A-Backlog: May Poll

This poll will go live next week with the following options:

Which of these Game Jam updates would you be eager for us to work on?

  • Achievement Bonanza: more achievements, focused on skilling and Ports
  • Alchemical onyx new items, including teleport compactor
  • Boss Practice Mode: Vorago and Telos skippable stages
  • Clan changes, including clan broadcasts, clan mutes etc
  • Cooking Guild increased functionality and miniquests
  • Player-owned House contracts: build rooms for NPCs
  • Portable hunter swarms: unleashed at social areas like a balloon drop
  • Ripper demon pet
  • Shops rework: stocking shops to receive Managing Miscellania-style rewards
  • Unstable resources dungeons
  • None of the above.

Which of these smaller updates would you be eager for us to work on?

  • Aquarium-style 'perk' system for Safecracking and Thieving
  • Elite slayer creature improvement: new, separate drop tables
  • Entranan smuggling: new monthly D&D to get items on the island
  • Gameplay replacement for continuous 4-tick auto-attacking
  • Halloween Event/Quest
  • Ironman and Group Ironman Guild
  • Max Guild Improvements: more functionality, relocation to GE
  • New permanent hiscores: boss times, achievements, Dungeoneering times.
  • Platinum tokens, raising the cash max stack (No GE functionality)
  • PvM Hub and introduction to bossing
  • Reactivation of Oktober fest
  • Reactivation of old Halloween events for Halloween
  • Sagas and mini-quests added to the quest list.
  • Wilderness death mechanic rework, to make it less punishing.
  • None of the above.

Which of these larger updates would you be eager for us to work on?

  • Champions Challenge 2: more challengers
  • Dragonkin Quest
  • Fremennik 6th Age quest
  • Player-controlled automatons: arena for invention-created battlers
  • Raising Summoning to 120: more familiars, new ways to train (Zarosian summoning, for example)
  • Rework Accuracy and Defence: make combat feel more satisfying
  • Temple Knight quest, taking player to next rank
  • Unified activity tracker; bring your objectives onto an overlay on game-screen
  • Vampyre and Werewolf 6th Age quest
  • Vampyrium Wild Hunt: Temple Trekking, in competition with vampyres
  • Xau-Tak Quest
  • Zanaris 6th Age Quest
  • None of the above.

Next week there will not be a Patch Teaser stream as Shauny is getting Married.

submitted by /u/ImRubic
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I often wonder how Hardcore Ironmen die to silly things... here's some insight

Posted: 19 May 2018 02:11 AM PDT

Meanwhile in the Grand Tree...

Posted: 19 May 2018 02:08 AM PDT

On this day, a psychopath was born...

Posted: 19 May 2018 01:54 AM PDT

Congrats to J a me s for first HCIM Master of All :)

Posted: 19 May 2018 04:07 AM PDT

Make a wish!

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:24 AM PDT

Why in God's name do i have to log in 100 times while browsing on the offical site?

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:29 PM PDT

Trying to set up authinticator , going to forums , account settings, going back and forth you have to keep logging in each time. Please make a session that saves your email and password for like 30 mins?

submitted by /u/bsharab94
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Coming back after 5 years to my now 10 year account and getting membership for the first time feels so... refreshing

Posted: 19 May 2018 03:34 AM PDT

I've never been a member before and holy shit, there's so many things to do, places to explore etc. Feels quite ovewhelming, but in a good way!

submitted by /u/klaafas
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I guess I'm not visiting Draynor then..

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:23 PM PDT

An Informal 1-99 Construction Guide

Posted: 19 May 2018 07:34 AM PDT

What happens after a mass clue scroll opening...

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:34 PM PDT

"Gameplay replacement for continuous 4-tick auto-attacking" - Don't poll, just keep your damn promises and finish what you satrted.

Posted: 19 May 2018 01:30 AM PDT

WHY is this being polled? Seriously?

It was promised, but now it will be polled and obviously fail. 95% of the player base couldn't care less, or doesn't even understand what this is. This is for the people that want to put in some serious effort, which is a small minority that can not influence this poll in any way!

EDIT: Woops, meant 4taa instead of continuous, forgot to cross it out, my bad.

submitted by /u/T3un_RS
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I see what you did there

Posted: 19 May 2018 01:49 AM PDT

This clue scroll is against my religion!

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:35 PM PDT

If Summoning was increased to 120, the max combat level would be 141.

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:29 PM PDT

If all combat skills were raised to 120, the max combat level would be 168.

submitted by /u/ImRubic
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[Suggestion] When you don't remember if you got the soul or not

Posted: 19 May 2018 04:55 AM PDT

Literally unplayable.

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:32 PM PDT

Can we have a (mini)quest where we dismantle the mining camp by killing all the guards?

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:10 PM PDT

Rescuing just one prisoner and leaving the rest to suffer seems downright cruel.

When your combat level is high enough, it would be extremely satisfying if you could have a miniquest where you can kill enough guards and let the prisoners free. It literally doesn't have to be more complex than that. It could have a non-lethal way to do it if people want it, but just for once let us resolve problems by brute force rather than with stealth and fetching random items!

submitted by /u/user_48217
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When you get 99 agility and then realize what you were doing.

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:41 PM PDT

Are we still getting the new lucky sigil this month?

Posted: 19 May 2018 02:39 AM PDT

Jw. Don't remember where i read about this originally

submitted by /u/Xarnageone
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Destroying a clue scroll

Posted: 19 May 2018 05:54 AM PDT

So I've been doing a lot of hard clues recently. After about 3 steps in I came across one that I didn't have the requirements for and couldn't be arsed to get, so I destroyed it. After moving onto my next sealed clue, I managed to get a casket after which I could have sworn was only another 3 steps. Does destroying a clue save the number of steps you've progressed so you can move on with another sealed one? Maybe I'm wrong and just lost track of the steps I was taking, but if it is the case does this mean I could potentially complete a master clue by constantly destroying ones I don't have the requirements for?

So far I'm loving the revamped treasure trails, it's actually enjoyable!

submitted by /u/Ross0203
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Why do Demon Flash Mobs price check threads keep getting locked?

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:05 PM PDT

A prices check thread was made recently and then locked. And I've read on the forums that they keep getting locked.

Mod Matthe said in the fall of 2015

"Not every item needs a price check thread and the CM team are in agreement these do not. Please do not continue to start threads on this issue."

Is there some back story or drama to this? Cause I've had a title I've been trying to sell for a while and price check thread would be useful.

submitted by /u/AhMadMan
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Rare Item Tokens - New items anytime soon?

Posted: 19 May 2018 01:51 AM PDT

Just got some tokens from maw, and it got me thinking: When will the next batch of items be released?

I am looking forward to the next batch! Does anyone have suggestions for new items?

submitted by /u/Just_Lagging
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RuneLite gets green light to continue development

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:56 AM PDT

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