Learn Dota 2 - Getting close to hitting my peak performance. |
- Getting close to hitting my peak performance.
- I don't need Aegis, I've got raindrops
- Laning Meta - How to play Dual Lanes?
- The role of Legion Commander
- Help with Cookie's 750LH/30 challenge
- Can someone analyze this bad PA game I had please?
- Need help with early game techies
- Need help with kunkka itemization
- Casual Dragon Lance on Lone Druid?
- Dying is underrated
- How the hell does the bounty system work?
- Analyzing replays for free as frequent as i can
- Undying spectre mathch ups
- I need help, please. (Ancient Bracket- Sea Server)
- Was there a way to fix this game?
- Do you want to survive a gank? solution: stop trying to survive ganks!
- REQUEST: Guide/tutorial on personal replay analysis.
- Will MKB proc and Bloodthorn active pierce Clinkz's strafe?
- Zeus is just before all else <3
- Phoenix 7.16 guide
- Quote from a low mmr frustrated player
- What should I do as an offlaner if all my other lanes lose?
- Coming from SMITE
- Why does Riki get the crit talent at level 15?
Getting close to hitting my peak performance. Posted: 28 May 2018 05:11 PM PDT Hey all, getting close to that spot where I feel that every game is like TI levels or quality and my matches are all extremely tough. Mechanically, I most certainly do not belong in my bracket - I suck at last hitting during laning, fight too much, hate buying farming items and anything else seriously core related. I rarely use hotkeys for anything and sometimes I have problems activating certain items because they are not in their correct slot due to muscle memory (ie usually have both Phase & Blink on space bar, so in the instance I have a hero with Phase & Blink things could get ugly). All that said I still feel as if I do fairly well in my bracket (Legend 5). There's some things this old dog ain't gonna learn but I'm sure a few of you young cats have tricks up your sleeves that would really help me win just a few more to get to Ancient 0. Below are my linked profiles and feel free to review, opinionate, ask questions and provide feedback on any of them - good or bad. I aim for the stars but I'm happy to land on the moon. [link] [comments] |
I don't need Aegis, I've got raindrops Posted: 28 May 2018 03:45 AM PDT Best item in the early game. Buy 3 sets, if you have run out you definitely need more. I'll tell you a story. I was playing pl. There was an Earthshaker with too much mana. He and his teammate dived my tower(some rightclicker idk who). Anyway I was critically low health, around 100-150 health. So ES proceeded to dive until T2 . 3 fissures were used and I survived and got the kill at 20 health. Another story. I was playing Windy. I had a lane partner tide hunter.we got hit by a number of spells. Surprisingly I tanked them better than the tide, got a kill etc. The tide died. Windy survived. WTF? Lesson: Just buy raindrops every game, unless you're AM(maybe then also if you need it). Every hero in DotA has spells and this can save your life multiple times. If ES fissure does 50 damage, they're not going to dive you(usually, sometimes you get lucky...) Guide is intended for low MMR players Enchanted raindrops does not guarantee to save your life. Each sold separately, batteries not included [link] [comments] |
Laning Meta - How to play Dual Lanes? Posted: 28 May 2018 03:04 PM PDT Hi Bois. I've seen plenty of threads discussing the dual lane meta, but I've hardly read any discussion about how to properly approach a dual lane - this thread is meant to be an open discussion. Here some guiding questions that came to my mind - feel free to add anything, or contribute with, or without them: what are your objectives in a dual lane (compared to previous meta)? how to achieve them best? what kind of dual lanes are there (different approaches / kind of setups)? and how should each be played best? What heroes/setups do you put on top / bot lane, and why? In the Birmingham Major it seemed to me like VP is pushing the lanes in very aggressively from the beginning on. What is the reason / benefit / downfall to this? When would you want to do this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2018 03:52 PM PDT I just started playing LC and I'm really loving the playstyle. However, I find that when my team needs more of a team fight initiator I tend to struggle and not do so well when I'm the one that needs to start the whole fight. I find that I play much better as a follow-up to initiation, not the initiation itself. I like to be in the outskirts of fights using my W and Q before I commit with my ult when there's a low health enemy. If it's someone that is squishy then I tend to do ok blinking in on them and deleting them with a duel but if the enemy is all grouped up I find it impossible to actually go in first and come out on the winning side. If my team needs me to be the initiator what are the best items that I should be building that can help me initiate and survive long enough to get to the fight? What is the best strategy here? Am I wrong in thinking that LC is not the best at 5v5 team fight initiations? [link] [comments] |
Help with Cookie's 750LH/30 challenge Posted: 28 May 2018 06:25 PM PDT I've tried this challenge 4 times so far using Luna and Antimage and I'm struggling to break 650 last hits. Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong? I realize it's hard to analyze without a replay, but it's in lobby so I don't know how to record. I was hoping that someone else that got stuck on this challenge and eventually solved it could give me a hint. Some random questions 1) I know AM can do this challenge. Is it possible on Luna? Can every hero do it? 2) Using AM, what should my battlefury timing be in an empty lane? I'm pretty good at last hitting with AM now, and I'd say I don't miss more than 5 creeps in the first 10 minutes if I am allowed to buy items. 3) I've been going Stout/quelling into treads into battlefury, should I skip the treads and go straight into BF? 4) What items further accelerate farm after BF? I have been going S&Y into moonshards. Wondering if I should go for more movement speed, or even more waveclear like radiance or mjolnir. 5) I'm assuming talents are blink range and blink CD? [link] [comments] |
Can someone analyze this bad PA game I had please? Posted: 28 May 2018 01:31 PM PDT The game id is 3919971203. I didn't farm nearly well enough, especially towards the mid-game but also on the laning stage (I feel like there was no way for me to farm in the lategame.) 460 gpm is way too bad for a position 1, however I think getting crushed in the lategame lowers it a little bit. My build was very questionable as well, last time I played PA was a couple of patches ago, so I didn't know if the same old items were relevant so I just bought a battlefury because it was under the 'popular items' tab. Afterwards I just bought whatever I felt like because i had no idea anymore. [link] [comments] |
Need help with early game techies Posted: 28 May 2018 07:13 PM PDT Im really struggling to get xp and farm on this hero early as a pos 4. I play in ancient and im quite often against a tri safe lane and i cant really do anything. If i start roaming more i get really underleveled. I feel so useless with level one green mines 20 minutes into the game [link] [comments] |
Need help with kunkka itemization Posted: 28 May 2018 02:42 PM PDT Kunkka player here. Any tips on when to diverge from his normal items of phase boots-armlet-daedalus,blink divine (in no specific order)? Like when to buy drums, when to get halbred etc [link] [comments] |
Casual Dragon Lance on Lone Druid? Posted: 28 May 2018 08:59 PM PDT I have some item questions on LD. So there's this bear build where you go Radiance, AC on the bear and Aghs on LD, right? 1) Is it worth getting a casual Dragon Lance in there somewhere? 2) What about Midas? Yes or no? 3) Is the ranged build or the bear build better right now? 4) When I go for the bear build, do I just stand back with LD in True Form and let the bear fight or do I fight with both? I've seen a recent Inyourdream replay where he just kind of does nothing with LD and lets the bear do everything. He didn't even hit jungle creeps with LD which I found weird? Ty for any help. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2018 01:14 PM PDT So this is something that I've been thinking about lately. Opinion: Dying is not really a big deal in low skill games. Similarly, kills are tremendously over valued. Level 1 it is very apparent. Its not worth going for a kill unless its 100% certain and you dont miss more than 1 wave CS in the process. But, even mid/late game. Most of the time pushing lanes is worth almost certain death as it greatly reduces the chance of losing objectives and increases the chance of gaining objectives. Obviously, this only applies to shitty pub games. [link] [comments] |
How the hell does the bounty system work? Posted: 28 May 2018 11:31 AM PDT I was 3/11 as NP last game, just ratting away when I get ambushed by their WR. Somehow he gets 1,1k from me. How? [link] [comments] |
Analyzing replays for free as frequent as i can Posted: 28 May 2018 12:36 AM PDT hi guys. i'm sia. so i've been answering questions in dota subreddits lately and i saw a lot of people are just asking for others to take a look at a specific match of theirs and tell them what they did wrong or what they could've done better and etc. Since i already do replay analysis for myself, and also answer your guys questions anyway, i thought i can help by analyzing replays for you. i did this for a couple weeks by typing the analysis but it really takes a lot of text or conversation in text to cover what i gotta say. and so from now on i'll analyse replays for anyone who asks (unless i get overwhelmed, then i have to archive your replays until i get the time and inform you of it) with video on the youtube platform. so if you guys wanna ask me to analyse or take a look at your replays, you can ask me on discord (also here on reddit but ideally better to have everyone in a place where we could communicate in chat. discord : https://discord.gg/u7468qG youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCei0I_lPyJHNArHF6oQcZRQ [quick update] guys since i got a bunch of replays to analyse (9 at this very moment) i'll do it in the order i put in the archive channel on discord. will probably be able to do 2 each day. also sorry for the quality of my mic i'm recording using WO mic app to connect phone's mic to pc, so it's not that great. gotta ask u guys to just bare with it for a while. i found an app to help remove white noise gotta test [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2018 01:24 PM PDT According to Dotabuff undying has 7.17% advantage vs spectre what's the reason for this advantage [link] [comments] |
I need help, please. (Ancient Bracket- Sea Server) Posted: 28 May 2018 11:59 AM PDT I reached Ancient 1 by only playing mid but we all know that there are many cancer players in sea server, I hate to say it but I too, cancer sometimes when tilted. I've been playing dota 2 for 3 or 4 years and I don't really know much more proper actions on other roles aside from Pos 2. I can play Pos 1 but I feel like I'm not good with it. Pos 3, err I followed what I read in reddit but I get flamed often like I failed top (Who can go near against trilane while no one helps you?). And lastly pos 4 and 5, I'm extremely garbage when it comes to pos 4 and 5 like I'm not playing dota or lets say I'm not happy with support roles. Should I learn support and change my mindset so I can reach divine? Or I should just pursue the role which I am okay with? Sorry for my grammar and thank you for taking your time reading. [link] [comments] |
Was there a way to fix this game? Posted: 28 May 2018 11:54 AM PDT The game id is 3919862176, I was the Axe. So I took a break from Dota, came back three days ago and I've been destroying all my games in the mid and safelane. However, I just played my first offlane game in a while, and it was a shitshow. My main questions are: • What things can I correct about my gameplay as an offlaner/as Axe? Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Do you want to survive a gank? solution: stop trying to survive ganks! Posted: 27 May 2018 11:50 PM PDT Some of this is gonna be very hard for me to explain, because these aren't tips/tricks about gameplay, but rather the way my brain works during a match. It doesn't even matter what things i'm thinking about, but more particularly how i'm thinking about them. You can try to apply this concept to anything in the game, and see how it goes. I have cultivated an ability to stop myself from trying to think/survive/solve a problem, this ability allows me to analyse the map, survive ganks, take efficeint teamfights etc. much better than 99% of the playerbase i can even watch the map while teamfighting, because i'm not trying to use my brain to do either. So,let's start. While everyone should know what Tunnel-visioning is; only seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but not seeing the darkness of the walls around you. This is one of the biggest problems in pubs, as people simply fall into this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much, but one thing i've noticed, while everyone mentions this as a problem, no one actually gives the solution. And in general, the solution has a much more powerful usage later on as you practice it. So, how did i learn to prevent myself from tunnel-visioning? Simple, i learned to turn off my brain whenever i'm being ganked, analysing the map, farming, team-fighting etc. I don't experience any stress or anxiety of those people killing me, i simply don't care and i just do whatever - if they kill me then they kill me, simple as that. At first you might think this is super counter intuitive,and some of you might say:
And this is the exact thinking that can't solve the problem, you are simply thinking about the problem too much to be able to solve it. As counter-intuitive as that sounds, that really is the answer, wherever the solution required is to solve that problem; it's not what you're focusing on. so most people would have a ''omfg i had a bkb, i could've not only survived - but killed them all'' moment a tenth of a second after they die, BECAUSE they no long need to think about survival, so their brain now can think clearly. So, in a tenth of a second they solved what they couldn't in all the time they were getting ganked. Imagine that was the thought you got to as soon as they jumped on you, you would've instantly gotten a tripple kill, or at least survived. If you can cultivate the ability, to stop using your brain on, to simply stop trying to solve the problem at all, and just let yourself die; then you will finally be able to start building the skills for making the fastest reactions possible - and in result you won't be dying anymore to ganks. If you can't just shut down your brain, what i recommend is to simply try to put yourself into a flow-like state by imagining you're doing something you're really good at, and remember that feeling, so try to re-call that feeling when being ganked. For example i'm good at farming challenges, so all i'd have to do is imagine myself doing a farming challenge, where my hands are last hitting those camps on their own - i'm in a place where i'm challenged - but not challenged enough to be stressed, just going with the flow. For you it could be any activity that puts you in that state: like driving the bike, working out at the gym, drawing some dickbutts, playing the guitar etc. This helps a lot when it comes to map awareness, because when you're watching the map, you don't want to be stressing out where everyone is ( there are obviously tricks to predicting people's location on the map, but that's secondary), you want to be able to just let your brain track everyone on the map by itself. You need to learn to just let your thoughts float away, because you're switching from being focused TO not trying to think at all. For example, you were just last hitting (something that requires lots of concentration) and are now trying to do something with 0 concentration (watching the map). Same goes for teamfighting, once a teamfight starts, just disable your brain and press your buttons. One thing that i do want to note is you want to obviously have chosen your target priority before the teamfight starts. TL;DR in times where most people would think you need uber concentration; i try to do the opposite, i shut down my brain. So the better you are at going from focused mode to braindead mode; the better you are at the game. p.s these are just examples, try to think of your own examples to see if you can understand what im saying, like i said i can't explain a way of thinking - i can only give you examples of how/when it happens and how it feels. p.s.s i guess one could say ''going from focused mode to big picture mode" P.P.S.S My optimal suggestion for training this would be you're gonna go into the next 50-100 matches and you're gonna STOP AND LITERALLY take your hands off the mouse/keyboard when you're getting ganked, only when you can figure out a positive solution for the gank are you allowed to put your hands back onto the mouse/keyboard -if you are too slow to solve it then let just let your hero sit there and die, you're gonna get a lot of time to think while you're dead so think of a way you could've turned it around or prevented it from happening. i will guarantee you, after 50-100 matches your death count will almost basically disappear. [link] [comments] |
REQUEST: Guide/tutorial on personal replay analysis. Posted: 28 May 2018 06:25 AM PDT Hi guys, I see a lot of requests for replay analysis and sometimes I see offers for free or paid replay analysis. I was wondering if someone on this splendid community could write down a couple of things that would help people like myself to improve our own analysis of our own games? As a support, I have been working a lot lately on watching the clock, trying to stay busy with pulls, stacks, warding, checking other lanes, and not just babysit my carry. I sometimes watch my games (especially when I get stomped) to see what I could have done better, and what major mistakes were made (by me) with the aim to work at limiting those. However, I still think I would benefit (probably a lot) from someone analyzing my games. But instead of asking for that, I feel we can all benefit from a simple/progressively more complex replay analysis guide, with pointers on what we should focus on when we analyze our own replays. The noob in archon, [link] [comments] |
Will MKB proc and Bloodthorn active pierce Clinkz's strafe? Posted: 27 May 2018 11:34 PM PDT Strafe now dodges all projectiles during its duration. Will MKB and Bloodthorn still be effective? [link] [comments] |
Zeus is just before all else <3 Posted: 28 May 2018 12:19 PM PDT Match ID: 3919847768 I'm really proud of this game so this post is kinda part showcasing and part suggestions to see how I could improve. There were definitely players on the other team of higher ranks and I would say the BH and QoP were feeding a little. Also, our AM was moving at a snail's pace in terms of levels. But I guess when placed into any hands, even the greek god can turn a sub 1k scrub such as myself into a defending monster which in turn delayed the the enemy's push long enough for our pos.1 to farm up. The Aeon disk at the end was kinda like "shits and giggles" buy and also due to the fact slark and huskar woulda bent me over every single time without protection, a kiss, and a cab ride home. Shout out to that abaddon for the wards, even though the NP kept on tp'ing to the exact same to deward. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2018 09:54 PM PDT Check out my 7.16 Phoenix guide here, I made it after some people messaged me asking for a Phoenix guide after I posted this on reddit. I am a Legend 4 player, Dotabuff here Let's have a bird discussion!! 7.16 patch notes:* Phoenix: Fire Spirits damage increased from 10/30/50/70 to 20/40/60/80 [link] [comments] |
Quote from a low mmr frustrated player Posted: 28 May 2018 11:10 AM PDT I guess I'll call myself M, the frustrated player F and my other teammate T F: GG Guys. Don't be like this player. You might be the best one on the team but you can't be dying in dota unless you want to stay < 3K MMR. Bad players might not know this but you're allowed to initiate a fight and leave or kill one person and leave or spam your skills and leave until they're off of CD. Just because someone gets into a fight or chases it doesn't mean you should. Also for complete beginners just because I harass it doesn't mean I want to fight. Focus on killing creeps for gold please. [link] [comments] |
What should I do as an offlaner if all my other lanes lose? Posted: 28 May 2018 10:41 AM PDT At 4.1k, my last 12/14 games have had all other lanes lose with me playing offlane. I mainly pick Axe or Doom or Timber if it's a really good Timber game. The only games I have won are 1 with playing roaming Earth spirit and two others by playing Timber offlane and carrying the game and ending within 25 minutes. With Doom and Axe I am able to win the lane fairly easily, especially if we are duo offlaning (I usually solo) and I can get the same or more amount of XP/farm as their safelane carry. However lately it's just feeling like I can't do anything because of my teammates who just lose lanes super hard before I hit my power spike (Doom lvl6 and axe blink) and I'm unable to do anything. I've had great trilane combos lose to a solo offlane Ember, people give up and tilt after 1 death, two games where our carry walks into unwarded areas alone to farm and gets ganked, it just feels so unwinnable. I feel like I don't have as much impact in the game as I should, one game I picked nyx into tinker, got lvl6 and went mid and killed Tinker twice, but eventually their offlane ember got a battlefury and spectre with radiance, and killing the tinker meant nothing. Essentially the same thing would have happened with Doom. Sometimes the enemy has a strong jungler like axe and my supports don't do anything about it and all the efforts I put in to help my team during the mid game are put to an end by their jungler who farmed uncontested for 20 minutes. If any offlane players could help me out and tell me how you are climbing/winning games right now then it would be a huge help because every game just feels unwinnable in this lane no matter how good I do and how much I try to help my team in the mid game. Sorry if this post sounds like a cry post I'm just dumbfounded on what to do right now about my mmr. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2018 10:30 AM PDT Pretty straight forward, new to DotA2 coming from SMITE, just posting for two reasons:
Any tips would also be appreciated, specifically things I won't find on YouTube (maybe a "what items work best together" guide?) [link] [comments] |
Why does Riki get the crit talent at level 15? Posted: 28 May 2018 09:37 AM PDT Riki's dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/riki If you look at the talents, the -7s cooldown for smokescreen is barely ever taken and the crit talent has 3.3% higher win rate. Overall, the crit talent basically increases his attack damage by 10% (his backstab bonus damage can crit according to the wiki page). It's actually a decent amount, but I have found the 4s CD smokescreen to be a lot more useful. Perhaps it is just my bracket (3.4k MMR), but lack of team coordination makes force staff less of a problem. Just throwing smokescreens all over the fight messes with the enemies a lot. Greedy carries without a BKB get ruined by it. Even just getting the cloud on them after BKB expires can be useful. 4s CD makes it last so long that you can recast it on top of them indefinitely (as long as you have the mana). The utility of 4s cooldown smokescreens just seems so much better. I thought people were just following Torte de Lini's guide and that I would be vindicated by checking the dotabuff page but, to my surprise, the crit chance had higher win rate and top riki players were getting the crit almost every game. Is 10% increased damage output really that valuable for Riki? What am I not getting? Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
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