Factorio I decided to make a construction robot too, cause every bot needs a friend

I decided to make a construction robot too, cause every bot needs a friend

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:57 AM PDT

The zooe is open for biddness

Posted: 27 May 2018 11:10 AM PDT

A train throughput test comparing trainlengths, because there was a slighty discussion the other day.

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:03 PM PDT

Self defense furnaces

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:33 AM PDT

14 inserters unloading 1 cargo wagon / rail car. Throughput advantage? (more in comments below)

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:00 PM PDT

My first Green and Blue Science factories, not very efficient but I'm proud of it :)

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:55 AM PDT

T-Junction Jam

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:07 PM PDT

Noobie question incoming: will this setup will divert one quarter of whatever's incoming to the right?

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:41 AM PDT

Opinions on factorio PC (pcpartpicker.com link inside)

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:11 PM PDT

I'm eyeing a "Hardware upgrade for megabase", and have put together, but not yet ordered, this build. It will run Linux and is supposed to be reasonably quiet, at least when not under load.

Any opinions/suggestions/etc? It should provide ample megabase support, right?

submitted by /u/fstd_
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My first spaghetti

Posted: 27 May 2018 01:27 PM PDT

Compact science pack 2 farm. Suggestions?

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:35 AM PDT

Factorio Maps - Timelapse in Google Maps API

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:56 PM PDT

Watch the base evolve over 130 hours

You can zoom in on an area, and view it at max resolution, at 12 points in time. Each snapshot is ~5GB - hence the reason for using S3. ~37k objects at last check

Would love to work with a more experienced modder to add polylines (train stations to start) and other layers to the Google Maps layers!

Made with FactorioMaps + some jQuery / IFRAME magick + lots of patience to generate 5460 images for each state.

Todos for me

  • make it so I can add a # to the main URL to pass to a map - perhaps using the index of the list as the first part (#2,-24.92,-35.03,7)
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for traveling through time
submitted by /u/Bobbravo2
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Sushi-based red-circuits - the most compact design?

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:30 PM PDT

I present a sushi-belt based red-circuit fabricator that is compact and tileable.


  • Two arithmetic combinators ensure that an ideal number of materials is always available on the belt, ensuring smooth operation with minimal waste
  • Output is balanced, i.e., the same number of products are output on either lane of the belt (the input consumption is even, too).
  • As each unit cell gobbles up copper plates at a rate of 7.5/s, the central red belt can support 3 cells for a red-circuit output of 4.5/s, or upgrade to blue belts for 5 cells in series.
  • Bottleneck-safe: When an input is limited (e.g., one ressource runs out), the cells merely operate slower until coming to a halt. Combinators ensure that no ressource becomes over-represented.
  • Overflow-safe: Likewise, if the output belt is blocked, the assemblers merely pause until the clog has been removed.

Review of alternative designs

There are many other ingenious red-circuit designs out there, and I do not claim that this one is better, but it is perhaps more compact than most alternative early-game designs (i.e., I did not look into designs with bots nor beacons). One figure to describe the compactness of a red-circuit design might be the number of tiles required for an output of 1/s:

  • The "simple, easily expanded red circuit production" by u/IronCartographer is from back in the day when each copper cable assembler could supply 8 red-circuit assemblers, but the design should still work in Factorio 0.16 if we just cut off the last unsupported assemblers. It then takes up 191 tiles for a 1/s output.
  • The one by u/Setharial is OCD-friendly in all its glorious symmetry, although it does impose some redundancy making it take up 178 for each 1/s output.
  • This really cute and compact one by u/Extrien doesn't even need a green-circuit input, but of course, producing them within the unit cell takes up space, so any comparison would be incredibly unfair. Anyway: 330 tiles for 1/s.
  • Although "My ultra compact Red Circuit layout" by u/Oscuraga doesn't easily tile, it is quite compact. Not counting tiles on top that can be considered outside the cell, the area is 165 for it's 1/s output.
  • u/qaudforce linked to this one, although I don't know if he also made it, which takes up 187 tiles for a 1/s output.
  • Then there's the "Early game compact tileable Red Circuit build (without long inserters)" by u/3f6b7, which also inspired my sushi-based version, has a footprint of 15x22 tiles and produces 2/s, i.e., 165 tiles for 1/s. It's almost as compact as the sushi-based one, but as sushi-belts are objectively cool, it's slightly less cool.
  • This funny wiggly design by u/WEeeEL78 is also highly compact, taking up just 154 tiles for 1/s output. However...

The sushi-based design takes up 300 tiles and produces red-circuits at a rate of 2/s. Thus, this design requires 150 tiles for each 1/s, making it (at least slightly) more compact than the other (non-bot & non-beacon) designs I stumbled upon (feel free to link to other designs I missed!). And again, sushi-belts are just objectively cool. I hope you'll like it!

submitted by /u/CircuitArtist
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Posted: 27 May 2018 09:43 AM PDT

Launching rocket#500, after 510 hours in-game. Still having fun 😁


submitted by /u/_direland_
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Factorio stuttering after NVIDIA update to 397.83 from 384

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:50 AM PDT

I have a Nvidia 940MX on a i5-7200U with 8GB of ram. I was able to run the game just fine before the update but now it has been stuttering a lot and I had to deactivate many graphic options (clouds, smoke and turn down the light rendering resolution).

I would like to know if there is anybody else who have the same issue. If someone else does, please post more information here so we can report a bug, if there really is one or I'm just crazy.


Found out what the issue was. The sprite's resolution was set to maximum. It seems that NVIDIA messed up with the configurations from the game trying to 'optimize' it. It did the same to Fortnite, setting everything way up. It seems that for NVIDIA, optimum is when it is running at 30FPS. The strange thing is that on the in game FPS counter, it was showing 60FPS... but it really wasn't

submitted by /u/SoftCoreDude
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Glitched graphics, what do I do?

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:47 AM PDT

How "cheaty" do you think the Max Rate Calculator mod is?

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:02 PM PDT

Obviously, the game should be played in whatever way is most fun for the individual. But I've recently found Max Rate Calculator and I love it. I've been using it to optimize my production of productivity modules. For the first time, I actually understand the flow of materials through my base.

Now, I could do all of this calculation by hand, but when I'm dealing with a massive build partially filled with beacons partially filled with modules, the problem becomes intractable.

So what do you guys think? Should I feel bad for using it?

submitted by /u/Stultifer
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This train says there is no path to the station that is almost right there, and I can't figure out why. Help?

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:45 PM PDT

Trying to make a refueling train. The train won't go to the station and I'm not sure why. I'm sure its something dumb but I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance!


Edit: nevermind, figured it out. The station was on a piece of rail that jutted out a little and I deleted that rail, so the station wasn't actually on the path.

submitted by /u/grkirchhoff
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Poseable Inserter 3D model

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:58 PM PDT

So, I started working on a poseable inserter that I can print on my 3D printer. I should be done with the design by tomorrow then I will test print the results.

As you can see, I plan on it being very much like the in-game design.

Also, if anyone wants the model when I done with it, I will post it on Thingiverse.

Quick Render

Design View

submitted by /u/Kryoclasm
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I also have a zoo now!

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:48 PM PDT

Factorio like mobile games?

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:45 PM PDT

TLDR: looking for an IPhone game somewhat like Factorio.

I've decided most mobile games aren't worth the time to download. Are there any games like Factorio on an iPhone? (Simple, yet complicated. Compelling to play for infinite amounts of time. And NO MICROTRANSACTIONS.) I want something to play on a road trip.


submitted by /u/Averonicx
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