Besiege Satisfying Simplicity & Speed

Satisfying Simplicity & Speed

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:24 AM PDT

Complete ID List

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:52 AM PDT

The Blocks name might be different to those you know from in-game, in this list will be the block name the key mapper shows in-game.

Footnotes in "[ ]" at the bottom.

ID Block
0 Starting Block
1 Double Wooden Block
2 Wheel
3 Blade
4 Decoupler
5 Hinge
6 Metal Ball
7 Brace
8 Not In Use [1]
9 Spring
10 Wooden Panel
11 Cannon
12 Scaling Block [2]
13 Steering
14 Flying Block
15 Single Wooden Block
16 Suspension
17 Circular Saw
18 Piston
19 Swivel
20 Spike
21 Flamethrower
22 Spinning Block
23 Bomb
24 Armor Plate Small
25 Wing
26 Propeller
27 Grabber
28 Steering Hinge
29 Armor Plate Round
30 Bomb Holder
31 Flame Ball
32 Armor Plate Large
33 Plow
34 Wing Panel
35 Ballast
36 Boulder
37 Half Pipe
38 Cog Medium Unpowered
39 Cog Medium Powered
40 Wheel Unpowered
41 Wooden Pole
42 Slider
43 Balloon
44 Ball Joint
45 Rope Winch
46 Large Wheel
47 Torch
48 Drill
49 Grip Pad
50 Small Wheel
51 Cog Large Unpowered
52 Unknown Block (52) [3]
53 Shrapnel Cannon
54 Grenade
55 Small Propeller
56 Water Cannon
57 Pin
58 Camera Block
59 Rocket
60 Large Wheel Unpowered
61 Crossbow
62 Vacuum
63 Log
64 Unknown Block (64) [4]

[1] ID 8 was in earlier versions of Besiege called "red muscle" and it had no functionality. It looked like a Spring but the yellow thingy was red: Look at it here.

[2] ID 12 was discussed here:

[3] ID 52 is a Small Propeller (ID 55), but has at the end another connection point.

[4] ID 64 has seemingly no function, floats and doesn't burn or explode. Nonetheless when shot with a cannon, it starts falling.

Block ID 52

Block ID 64

submitted by /u/Crazy_and_lazy_Daisy
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Chains for gear blocks

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:22 AM PDT

I was thinking about this the other day.

Chains for gears would be really cool, as it'd allow you run a seperate "motor" (some stacked wheels with a gear on top of them maybe) further into the machine, thus keeping it out of harm's way.

Implementation would be kind of like how you place braces; you click, you drag to the other gear, and then release and voila, a chain. If the sprockets move too far from the original position towards each other, it'd "break" off just like a brace would, thus removing the function of it.

This has probably already been said at some point in the sub, but I'd still love to see a block like this (as well as blocks that do the same as blocks we already have, but in different shapes, i.e. a triangle-shaped plow, an even smaller wheel model for tight spots, etc.)

submitted by /u/DunderboltWasTaken
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