Neverwinter Lost City of Omu is Live! |
- Lost City of Omu is Live!
- Tomb of Annihilation is Live!
- Developer Vlog: Tomb of the Nine Gods
- Announcing Tomb of Annihilation!
- Shroud of Souls is Live!
- Neverwinter: A Thank You From Cryptic Studios
- Announcing Shroud of Souls!
- Neverwinter Trading Cards Are Live!
- The Cloaked Ascendancy is Live!
- Explore the Sea of Moving Ice!
Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:16 PM PST ![]() Greetings, adventurers! The time to delve deeper into the jungles of Chult has arrived with the release of Lost City of Omu! The long-forgotten city of Omu hides the secret to fully exploring the Tomb of Annihilation's depths and the last chance to overcome Acererak's Death Curse. Explore the decaying ruins of the city with its labyrinthine tunnels, continue on with the expanded Tomb of Annihilation Campaign, face new monsters in the hunt, survive the end-game trial, and more! Visit the Developer Blog Hub[] for a detailed look at some of what Lost City of Omu has to offer! Discuss on the official forums![] |
Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:14 PM PDT ![]() Greetings, adventurers! Starting to get wanderlust after making safe the streets of Neverwinter? Yeah, us too. Luckily in Neverwinter, there is always adventure to be found! Tomb of Annihilation starts with Sergeant Knox asking you to look into a dreadful death curse afflicting people across Faerûn. You begin your investigation in Helm's Hold, where many victims of the sickness have gathered for treatment. As you find clues, you are offered to set up an expedition, funded by a secret patron to the Jungles of Chult hoping to find a cure. Helped by Tristopher Chettelbel you secure supplies and a ship, as well as advertise (LFP) that you need adventurers. Some gladly volunteer, like the famous Volothamp Geddarm, eager to gather more material for his books. Some are volunteered to represent Neverwinter, while others "jump" at the chance at adventure! After a long and harrowing journey to Chult, you arrive in Port Nyanzaru, an exotic new hub for endgame players. Most all the conveniences can be found in Port Nyanzaru, as well as some found nowhere else. Along with the new story quest line chasing down the cause of the death curse, you can Join Volo's monster hunt with a new "Hunter's Mark" game. Treasures abound in the ruins of the jungle, or in pirate lairs, for those who can get access to treasure maps. To top everything off, we have a new campaign with great new gear! Some Travel Tips: - The jungles of Chult are deadly. We've said this before, but I'm going to stress it here: team up. The creatures of Chult certainly do when they are hunting you… - Once you've unlocked the secrets of the death curse, a new dungeon, Tomb of the Nine Gods is ready to explore. - Have your khyek from Sea of Moving Ice? Try it out on the Soshenstar River! - Repeatable Adventure Quests are a great way to procure treasure maps. - The King of Spines is named that for a reason. - Whatever you do, do NOT snicker at Nanny Pu'pu's name. - Searching and exploring will turn up cool stuff. - Sunscreen. Seriously. Let me put on my dev hat for a bit. When we began to work on River District last year, our art team also started working on assets to build Chult. At that time we had one "jungle" looking plant. It has been a lot of work, and I am super proud of the team in not only what we've achieved but the daily excitement level to show off each step. Our goal with Chult was to create a really new place to explore. It has been a great adventure creating this module and we look forward to you sharing your adventuring stories with us… should you survive… Cheers Thomas Foss For more details on all the new features and the development of Tomb of Annihilation, check out the Dev Blog Hub! |
Developer Vlog: Tomb of the Nine Gods Posted: 11 Jul 2017 10:22 AM PDT ![]() Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation will stomp in to PC on July 25 and later in the year for console. Inspired by Wizards of the Coast's latest storyline, adventurers will arrive in the jungles of Chult, where they must uncover the cause of a death curse plaguing the inhabitants. Join Charles Gray and Patrick Poage, as they discuss the Tomb of the Nine Gods, a brand new Dungeon filled with traps, puzzles, and enough peril to wipe your team more times than you can count! Fight bosses with brand new mechanics, which have never been seen before. Make sure this tomb doesn't have your name on it. |
Announcing Tomb of Annihilation! Posted: 07 Jun 2017 11:18 AM PDT ![]() On July 25, venture into the jungles of Chult! Based on the storyline announced during the Stream of Annihilation, the new expansion will bring: - New Hub: Port Nyanzaru - New end-game Dungeon: Tomb of the Nine Gods - careful, it's filled with traps, puzzles, and doom! - Discover the wonders of Chult in a brand new campaign! Navigate down the Soshenstar River and meet new and familiar faces! - Join Volo's hunt for exotic monsters. Remember, you are the best bait. We can't wait to bring you more information on our official website. Until then, we hope you're ready for dinosaurs! -The Neverwinter Team |
Posted: 02 May 2017 11:00 AM PDT ![]() Greetings Adventurers! First off, I want to thank you for all the great adventuring and feedback during our Cloaked Ascendancy update in the River District. We love your stories and comments! It's been great to be able to come back to Neverwinter, and we want to wrap up that module with a follow-up story about the Mad Illusionist Lukan of the Mystic Veil, the last surviving member of the Cloaked Ascendancy. Lukan, not the pointiest wizards cap in the closet, confesses to have "broken" something while hiding out in an excavated vault beneath the River District, unleashing some sort of evil. Since then he's been plagued by shadowy figures seeking his death and so went to Kavatos for help. Sergeant Knox in turn has started receiving reports from the Neverwinter Guard about assaults from evil spirits in the River District, and- who's he gonna call to help him clean up this mess? His favorite drinking buddy- you! The Shroud of souls is a sleuth like adventure that takes you to some interesting new locations, and meeting up with some old, very old, friends… Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. Next up as we continue on our quality pass on the game, we've dedicated a large portion of this update to stronghold love with not 1, not 2- but three new things! We've thrown open the doors of your stronghold Great Hall and provided you with a famous decorator (internally named "Fibonacci") who will help you set up and decorate your Great Hall interior! A fantastic new Stronghold siege event! Delzoun Dwarves pay tribute in the form of supplies, to your stronghold- but mention that they are being followed by "bandits" Defend the supplies and keep the loot! New Temporary structures! Merchants and craftsmen come from all around to help you with all your Great Hall needs. Last but not least in our update is Loadouts!Loadouts is an easy way to switch your character from one setup to another with the click of a button. This feature lets you switch from a PVE to a PVP set up, or just your fashion for the latest of Piratical attire quickly. Upon reaching level 30, every character will receive an extra loadout, giving you 2 total. Currently you have enough slots for 8 loadouts. We also had a series of developer vlogs outlining a few of the key features in Shroud of Souls. Take a look: |
Neverwinter: A Thank You From Cryptic Studios Posted: 27 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT Greetings Adventurers, all 15 Million (and counting!) of you! Since its original Launch in June 2013, Neverwinter has continued to bring exciting new adventures and content from the Dungeons & Dragons Universe. Today we are happy to boast of more than 15 Million players across PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation®4 in 110 countries worldwide! Thank you to all you heroes of Neverwinter! We look forward to what the future has in store! |
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 04:19 PM PDT ![]() Warning! This article contains spoilers for Neverwinter's latest expansion, The Cloaked Ascendancy! If you want to discover the story on your own, play through that first! On May 2, the threat upon Neverwinter continues with the release of Shroud of Souls! When breaking the warding runes on the Kelemvorite Crypt, Lukan set free the necromancer Morlanth. She has now vowed to raise an army of the dead and overtake the city of Neverwinter. It will be up to you, hero, to continue defending the city! Shroud of Souls will take adventurers to Evernight, a twisted reflection of Neverwinter inhabited by both unsavory living residents and the undead. Heroes will also enter the Shard of Night, a spire from the Plane of Shadows belonging to the Netherese. This update also brings new features, new storylines, and great new content for guilds! New feature: Loadouts – Swap between Builds to manage the different needs and roles of your character! New Guild Content: The Great Hall – A new customizable gathering place in your Stronghold for your guild! New Stronghold Structures – New temporary structures to give boons for your guild! New event: Stronghold Siege – Guilds will need to defend their Stronghold against attacks in this new guild event! New Storyline – A new story arc following the adventures in the River District! New Lockbox (with the new Celestial Stag Mount) and updates to Artifact Weapons! Over the next few weeks we will be releasing Developer blogs on the various new features and content that await you in Neverwinter: Shroud of Souls! Make sure to head to our official new page here[]. |
Neverwinter Trading Cards Are Live! Posted: 22 Mar 2017 01:29 PM PDT ![]() Trading Cards You can now collect up to 8 Steam Trading Cards for Neverwinter. Every card is based on familiar faces from the game! Collect them all and get your rescuer badge. You can also unlock background images and emoticons too! :nwfail: ![]() :nwsuccess: ![]() :nwkey: ![]() :nwruby: ![]() :nwdiamond: ![]() :nwquest: ![]() Follow this link to learn more about Trading Cards on Steam! |
The Cloaked Ascendancy is Live! Posted: 21 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST ![]() Greetings Adventurers! After your adventures in the frozen lands in the North, it's time to come back home to Neverwinter. Hang up your cloak, have your laundry done, and tuck away your newfound treasures. Enjoy the warmth, both in weather and the welcome of old friends like Knox. It's a time to relax and reflect, and to drink a toast to absent friends. But heroes in Neverwinter never rest for long… Trouble is stirring. Rumors of magic and uprisings fill the taverns. And now Lord Neverember is calling upon adventurers to help reclaim the old River District. It's time to pull the boots back on and see what's happening to your city! Let's dig into what we'll see in this new expansion, The Cloaked Ascendancy: New Adventure Zone: The River District - Lord Neverember has made good his claim to reclaim and expand upon Neverwinter by opening up the old rich merchants and nobles neighborhoods of the River District. Now he's looking for adventurers like you to help him secure the port and land. By establishing guard posts around the River District you can help recover wealth from abandoned mansions and crypts through excavation sites. The trouble is, he's not the only one with the idea. Several powerful wizards have laid claim to the River District, and even worse - one of them has claimed sovereignty over Neverwinter! The River District comes complete with a new campaign with alternate paths towards completion. More Treasure Hunting! The River District is full of possibilities and hidden treasures. All you have to do is find a map! Ships ahoy! The opening up of the River District port means lots of opportunities for trading. Protect treasure caravans and barter with travelling merchants willing to trade fresh supplies of Voninblood and other sought after treasures in exchange for resources from the River District. New Skirmish: The Illusionist's Gambit! This crazy skirmish has you battling wits and blade against the mind of a mad illusionist. Be ready for anything- then play it again and be ready for something else! The skirmish has dozens of play combinations. Go test your luck! The Return of the Spellplague Caverns! Refurbished and remastered, we've cleared out all the corpses of adventurers gone by, and reopened both standard and Master versions. New challenges, new boss fights and of course new epic loot. The Mimic King compels you! For everything mentioned above and more, follow the quest path to these blogs: New Zone: River District[] Monsters of the River District[] Instances of the River District[] River District Environment[] New Ascendant Weapons[] Updated and new dungeons Spell Plague Caverns[] New Skirmish: The Illusionist's Gambit and updated Enviroment[] Many-Starred Lockbox[] Thanks for reading, welcome home and look me up in the Driftwood Tavern - I'll buy you a drink! Thomas "Mimic King" Foss Lead Designer |
Explore the Sea of Moving Ice! Posted: 23 Nov 2016 04:15 PM PST ![]() The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around… The Sea of Moving Ice brings our story of Storm King's Thunder to its epic culmination, finishing up the exciting adventures far up into the frozen north. To recap on our story so far, Artus Cimber has pinpointed the location of the Ring of Winter. It's in Svardborg, the lair of Jarl Storvald in the far north oceans called the Sea of Moving Ice. It seems an impossible task, but with the fate of the world on the line, an attempt must be made to punch through the frost giants' defenses and recover the ancient artifact. This can't be done alone. You need help. You need allies. You need an army! Between helping their new allies by freeing them, arming and supplying them with food, you must also work with the arcane brotherhood and the Storm King's daughter, Princess Serissa, to forge an alliance against Storvald. The goal: track Jarl Storvold to his lair, breach his defenses, and launch an assault on the stronghold to take back the ring of winter. Our new update has many exciting and new features: let's take a look. New Zone - The Sea of Moving Ice is a loose connection of 7 large and 10-12 smaller icebergs with the largest big enough to support a small army, or an entire tribe of Ice Hunters. Jarl Storvald has been using this vast floe to muster his forces and gather his resources to attack once he controls the Ring of Winter. Artus, Catti-brie and a hand full of other heroes have set up a secret camp on a small iceberg, magically hidden by the powerful mage known as Kavatos Stormeye. From there you will set about to take down Storvald and his army. New Ways to Travel – Is that flail snail mount of yours afraid to go into the salt water? Fear not, as when you come into the Sea of Moving Ice, we give you a khyek outrigger boat for travel between the icebergs. Work hard and you'll get a better one. Remember you don't have to be faster than a dragon turtle, just faster than the guy in a khyek next to you. Fishing Mini-game – We've revamped the old fishing and come up with an engaging mini game. Come try your luck and skill, and try not to become bait yourself. If you are really lucky, you may even catch a bottle with a treasure map. Treasure Hunting - While adventuring in the Sea of Moving Ice you can come across bottles with bits of map in them. Match up the image on the map with a place in the zone and start digging. New Trial - Assault on Svardborg. Join nine other adventurers on an epic assault against Jarl Storvald and his army, to take back the Ring of Winter. Artifact Weapons - In your continued efforts to reclaim lost relics from the frost giants, you will earn powerful artifact weapons: weapons far stronger than any seen before. You are going to need them to take down the Jarl. Extended Campaign - This expansion also sees an extension to the Storm King's Thunder campaign. As players conclude their search for the Ring of Winter, the story takes them to the Sea of Moving Ice. The campaign extends to cover this new zone and introduces new tasks as players meet and win favor with the Elk Tribe and explore the floating icebergs and frozen islands that drift in the region. The campaign screen tracks your standing with each ally and provides additional awards from each faction Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy adventuring in the Sea of Moving Ice. Remember, you don't have to have the fastest khyek to outrun a dragon turtle, just faster than the guy fishing next to you! Thomas "Mimic King" Foss Lead Designer |
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