Learn Dota 2 - Which damage sources are included in critical strikes?

Which damage sources are included in critical strikes?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:51 AM PDT

Obviously your inherent attack damage, as in base damage plus whatever you gain from stats and (I think) flat damage bonuses from items.

But I cannot find much about whether damage from additional "special" sources gets counted before or after the crit, such as:

  • Diffusal Blade mana burn

  • MKB pure damage procs

  • Faceless Void bash procs

  • SB/SE Shadow Walk damage

The reason behind this is I've been using Void a fair bit lately and he really needs a couple items to boost his damage in the mid game, and all of the above are options for it. I tend to get MKB or Silver Edge pretty often because there's a PA in EVERY game and often a Bristleback. And of course Diffusal is a go-to item for the hero for straight damage/AS increase.

Wondering just how much of this damage gets amplified by Crystalis, which could be great for cheap if it was all of it. (I've also been needing Orchid a fair bit lately for Weavers and Storm Spirits and such, because no one else will build one, so Bloodthorn is a natural complement to that).

While I'm at it ... MKB seems to be really good as a second item on Void after Battle Furry .. I've been doing a lot of builds like Brown Boots -> BF -> Treads -> MKB -> whatever. Assuming I get the BF at a reasonable time like 15 minutes, at which other items are quick to get, is that the way to go?

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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How to refresh Elder titan buff?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:51 PM PDT

Am I ready to play ranked?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:14 PM PDT

DOTABUFF: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/129605624/matches

Hey guys,

I'm relatively new (~250 hours) but recently I've started improving heaps in terms of stats. Based on my stats am I ready to jump into ranked and play a carry role or should I keep playing normals for a while longer. If there's something glaring that I need to improve on what is it?

I've identified that my kill participation is very low and that's because I tend to prioritise farming to get an item advantage over their carries. I'm not sure how far this strategy will take me in ranked before I get punished for it

Thanks heaps!

submitted by /u/Dasastarous
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Who/what determines the Dota meta?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:50 PM PDT

And where can I find what the current meta is?

On dotabuff, I can see the most commonly picked heroes in each tier. Are most commonly picked heroes in the highest tier just accepted as the meta or what?

submitted by /u/moldykobold
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How much commends do we have?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:04 AM PDT

So I've got the message that I've used all of my submisions or something and I'm curious about how much of them do I have. And is it counted by day or week or what I'm clueless..

submitted by /u/killercock24
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What makes Monkey King weak?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:41 PM PDT

The hero has a 46.08% win-rate right now, but I can't really tell why this is the case.

I want to know his weaknesses so that I can better play around him.

submitted by /u/ElderCat
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I want to make a youtube series, but dont know how to edit videos. Help.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:07 PM PDT

Hey there learndota, I have a problem, i coach players from all brackets and skill levels and i have noticed that there is some basics that people arent aware of like when and how to maximize lane efficiency, applying pressure, taking objectives and why its important and the reason for split pushing and what it does which i would like to make a youtube series about where i talk for 10-15 minutes about the concepts and give some examples off how to do it correctly and what it does. But, the problem is that i have no idea how to edit videos and if there is a not to system straining way of recording and editing/uploading videos since my pc isnt that good. If anyone got a good solution for me i will gladly offer a free coaching session as a reward. Either respond here or add me on steam through my coaching profile: https://dotacoach.org/Kungozai

submitted by /u/Kungozai
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Lategame carries

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:52 PM PDT

Which one of these three carries is the strongest during the really lategame stages of the game? Like I'm talking full build + everyone max level. Sven,Wraith King, or Phantom Assassin? And which one of these three falls off the earliest?

submitted by /u/Rao-Ji
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my mic doesn't work

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:31 PM PDT

I know this isn't really what goes down in this sub but it is important. My mic won't work in dota. it works in other games, just not this one. I always shows an x through the icon, I know i works on steam, but i can't find anything wrong in the settings.

submitted by /u/Classy8anana
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Is Scythe of Vise considered a carry item?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:30 AM PDT

As the question says, I always play support since noone ever does in m bracket and I particularly spam Crystal Maiden, in my bracket 2.5K the game always last forever and since im usually the only support I tend to get hand of Midas which lets me afford all the wards and dust required as well as a few items.

When the games get really long i long 45 minutes plus i usually end up with a scythe to which people seem to flame me for... but i see it as means of extra control, is not really like i can solo another hard carry unless very specific situations are met, so I do it for the team fights.

My win rate with CM is positive as you can see from my games I dont not take farm from my carries and I do buy support items throughout the match so I really dont understand the hate.

I get supports technically dont need money, but a support with items makes a hell of difference in the late game.


EDIT:To clarify, I do not ever rush the hex on boots, I get glimmer aether lens, blink or atos / force staff depending on how the game is shaping up before I even consider it, I think a glimmer and and an aether solves a lot of the problems CMhas during engagements and surviving fights means extra income

submitted by /u/Yatzil1923
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Jakiro Support

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 11:12 PM PDT


The link above is a replay commentary. Everything is in there, I talk about my decision making and what mattered to the game. I am sitting at Divine 3, so if you're anywhere below wanting to climb by support, the video may help you!

Skill Build

1-0-1 at level 2 seems most efficient. That would be one point in Dual Breath and another one in Liquid Fire. Your job is to protect your carry by offensively trading HP with the enemy offlaner. If you bring enough regen to the lane, you shouldn't lose to any solo offlaner whilst trading from level 1 - level 2. Jakiro powerspikes at level 3, by having 2 points in Liquid Fire. You have a great pushing power. You are still competent in zoning out the enemy offlaner. This is why Jakiro is also viable in going aggressive duo or trialne, but that's too high level strat, so I will mention it in another thread. Normally, you should start as a support to babysit your safe lane carry.

If you worry about the enemy TPing out, it is okay get a value point in Ice Path early. By level 7, your skill build should be something like this: 2-1-3-0. Remember to be flexible in your skill build. You have Void in your team? Get Macropyre at level 6. It synerzies with Chronosphere.

Game Play

Push tier 1 tower by shoving in double wave with Catapult at minute 5. This can be achieved by single-pulling 4:30 wave or 5:00's. If your carry has Aquilla, you will end up dealing a lot of tower damage, more than enough to take down the tower. You'll need at least 2 points in Liquid Fire. Therefore, as a Jakiro, it is crucial for you to find level 3 before minute mark 5:00. Once you've taken down the tower, TP to your offlane or mid and start pressuring the tower with Liquid Fire. By taking tier 1 towers early, you will gain map control and limit the enemy's safe place to farm. It is a huge advantage.

Jakiro may transition into a semi-carry and counter the enemy with BKB, once he hits level 25 ( Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity). However, your enemies are not going to stand still dumb on the Macropyre. Unless you can collaborate with RP, Chronosphere, Blackhole, I don't think Jakiro can shine as a semi-carry role in late game. The build is really fun, and will work, but it's very situational. Jakiro is best played in position 4 or 5.

Item Build

Tranquil+Eul is most recommended. Jakiro will get mobility and he can set up perfect stun for his Ice Path with Eul Scpt. You can then work on your way up to Blink dagger, Force Staff, Glimmer Cape, Lotus Orb, etc depending on the lane up you're facing against.

Arcane+Mek can be done if you are confident your team can push all the way to tier 2 tower by minute 20.

Talent Tree

8% Spell Amp talent at level 10, combined with and +40 Dual Breath damage at level 15, makes Jakiro very strong magic nuker. If you want to powerspike at level 15 and put an end to the game, this should be your build.

Jakiro's talent tree is pretty strong in either way at every level. You can be creative in taking any talents. I've tried every crazy build and I've seen it all in Jakiro. Anything can work. The confidence that your build is going to work will win you the game. Ask me anything. Good luck!

submitted by /u/profHam
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MMR Help

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:27 AM PDT

Hello, I am new to this sub Reddit but not to dota itself, in fact I have been playing the game for a long time. I was lucky enough to fall in love with the Original Dota back in the Warcraft days. When just to enter a game you had to pass a price quiz usually asked by the person hosting the game.

But enough about the good old days, From dota I moved into playing Hon for a few years and then eventually dota 2 once it was released. I have played the game off and on over the years in various degrees 1sometimes 5-10 matches a day to as little as 0-1 matches in months.

when I started playing Dota 2 for the first time I made a mistake and played Ranked matches before I even understood the game and destroyed my MMR,

Now after learning to understanding the game a bit better I am having a terribly hard time digging my way out of the super low MMR basement. I would like to just say it's the players im getting matched with on my team But I am the only constant in the equation.

So DO I just SUCK at DOtA and should I just except I might never be as good as a think I am ? or could it be something else.

If you absolutely must be a dick and trash me that's cool but if anyone has a real response that would be great also.

Thanks for your time


submitted by /u/Mrsixties
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<1k Faceless Void needs help

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:59 PM PDT

Hi I'm new to dota I started a couple months ago. I've taken a big liking to faceless void and I have been playing really well with him. I have games where I get 30 kills and plus 30k net worth but there are games I still lose bc I might have a slow start than usual. I will still play well but not carry the team on my back well and for this I'm finding it hard to go up in mmr.

My main question is about my item choice and what order I go. I usually buy tangoes, quelling blade and stout shield to start. First item I get is mask of madness everytime which I'm not sure is a good idea but i get it around when i get level 6 so i can ult and use it. I'm not sure if it's a good choice tho. Then I go treads, shadow blade, daedalus, silveredge butterfly etc.

I do suffer from mana regen but I buy clarities regularly. I just want to know if there is a better build to capitalize on my power curve better than what I am. I'm still fairly new so I'm not sure what order to go in my items and what's my best late game stuff.

Also I know everygame is different and I will learn that with experience for what items but i just want some general advice from experienced players. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/otayo-otayo
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Can anyone give general Dota 2 tips for me? (meta, counterpicks, good heroes to focus on) Returning player here from dota 1 and I have very little experience here. I'm planning to climb the ranks as fast as possible.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:30 AM PDT

Hi Guys, I've played dota 1 and I have little experience in Dota 2 last year, I've only downed around 80 hours last year and now I'm just playing for a week. I can say that I was pretty good back in dota 1 and I'm already sitting at archon(0) after finishing my 10 games this week. I had 8 wins and 2 losses playing mainly support. But I really want to play as mid since I'm mainly a mid player in every moba that I play.

I know its easy to google things but I think its better to hear experiences from people around here.

Things I want to know:

*Good all around heroes for mid that you MAIN and you like to suggest. (back in dota 1, I used to play with tinker and storm spirit alot).

  • your miid Routine* ( what mid players should do and focus as a routine in mid).

*Notable items that I should learn and try. Apart from the items that I only know in Dota 1.

submitted by /u/darwinquintos1130
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Qop players: which treads to fight in?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:16 AM PDT

I'm new to mid (and carries generally), and unsure whether I should be fighting in int for damage or str since she's a little squishy.

submitted by /u/Boredonfire1234
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Training to be a better carry at Ancient 5, what do you do when all your lanes are lost?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:15 AM PDT

I just had a game where all our lanes were lost. Here's the Match ID.

We pretty much lost all our lanes. I was wondering what could have I done to make this game better for us? Is this one of those games that are just unwinnable?


submitted by /u/karlo471
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Ok, so how do you build guides?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:06 AM PDT

If i got to dota2.com my guides are there, but I can't edit them. Which would be all I need. Additionally I can't see anywhere to build the actual guide where I can add like descriptions to items, etc.

submitted by /u/jonesxander
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HoD popularity

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:54 PM PDT

Why does Helm of Dominator get built on plethora of different heroes from Viper to Centaur or Abaddon?

submitted by /u/brandonx0x0x
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returning dota player. need help getting me back to the game

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:46 AM PDT


i used to be a 3.5k offlane/roam player, mainly playing cent, spirit breaker, and timber. lately ive been struggling in my games trying to keep up with everyone, so ive got a few questions:

  • how has the offlane and roam meta changed ever since 9-12 months ago? back in my day i used to be able to spam shrines and win lanes easily but i see thats not an option now.

  • what offlane heroes are meta, and how do you typically play this role now especially in the laning phase? (lane management, creep pulls)

  • EDIT: i forgot to mention builds. with the addition of new items, what are the most efficient item builds for my three main heroes now? i checked the dotabuff guides section for this and while not a lot has changed, there seems to be a lot more variation now (ex: tide has noticeably two builds; the typical greaves bllink utility and another using soul ring phase drum which i assume is for snowballing your lane). i'd also like to know builds for the meta offs/roamers suggested above.

trying to get back to this game has been a nightmare so far; i still know the laning basics (csing, creep aggro, pulling, etc) but doing them is another thing entirely. most of the time idk when to use them (creep aggro), or i dont know the timing (cs, pulling) so i end up losing lanes 24/7. im espcially worried about my low cs count; i feel like im missing too much but im pretty sure this one comes with practice

submitted by /u/Alice_Is_Third
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best counter for CK? support/carry

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:33 AM PDT

whats the best counter for CK? ive started to spam him and ive been having some good games, didnt really have problems against most heroes, except for sven i guess, he gave me a hard time. but once i reached lvl 20 i could kill him with no problem (the lvl 20 talent lets CK use W on enemies with bkb)

first thing that comes to my mind is medusa cus she can just clear his army of illusion easily, but what other heroes are really good against ck? i just wanna know when not to pick him and who should i ban when i wanna play him

submitted by /u/PsychoMUCH
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Tips for my Venomancer?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:08 AM PDT

I've been playing a lot of Veno (mostly Jungle) lately.


But even though I'm always top farm, I don't feel like a strong farmed core.. I feel like I die too much, and should have a better impact on the late.

Any tips based on my items?

I know that Jungling is questionable. But I've been leaving jungle at 7 minutes with a Midas, and helping the team from 7 minute on, so I really believe that at my bracket, it's the best course of action.

submitted by /u/vinniffa
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infinite gold in sandbox lobby

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:46 AM PDT

how to get infinite gold in sandbox lobby mode?(gold don't reduce after buy items)

submitted by /u/trando24
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An interesting problem

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:39 AM PDT

Started playing roam clockwerk in unranked. It went good for a few level started getting assists and all, we were winning a lane so we got more kills. One thing I noticed...he's slow. Should I buy tranquil? Another thing is he really needs levels(or farm I can't tell which) . I think it's levels since the levels give a reduced hookshot cooldown and that brings me to the next point:... He seems terribly useless without his ult. Is aghs his 3 Rd major item after forcestaff +1? My build here was like boots wand urn then force then blade mail then aghs. The aghs made me insane. I was hooking people like hell. I bought mana boots btw. Spirit vessel later.

My skill build was 4-1-1-1 at lvl 7 then I maxed flare. I can send the replay but it is quite poor considering this probably my second game as him and not knowing his limits I fed atleast 5 deaths to a wind ranger who was saving the ult just for me(shackles +Deso should be a crime) aside from other pointless deaths

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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