H1Z1 Weekend Event: Show Me The Bunny Returns for 2018!

Weekend Event: Show Me The Bunny Returns for 2018!

Posted: 30 Mar 2018 12:39 PM PDT

Spring is in the air and there's a brand new Chocolate Rabbit Mask waiting to hop into your inventory! From now until 10AM PDT on Monday, April 2, log in to H1Z1 and play 5 matches of Battle Royale (Solos, Duos, or Fives) to complete the Show Me The Bunny Event Challenge this holiday weekend.

Are you dressed in your Sunday best? Share your latest outfit using the Chocolate Rabbit Mask with us on Twitter, Reddit, or Instagram[www.instagram.com]!

Server Maintenance: March 27

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 12:24 PM PDT

Live servers will be coming down at 7PM PT tonight (approximately 7 hours from now) for server maintenance expected to take about 2 hours.

This maintenance includes the updates listed below, and you may also notice a new item has "hopped" into the Helmet section...
  • Trees no longer disappear when viewed at a distance with certain settings enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to lose the ability to shoot after exiting a vehicle.
  • Reordered the Play menu to be back to what it was before the previous patch.

Play Auto Royale DUOS this weekend only!

Posted: 23 Mar 2018 07:49 PM PDT


This weekend only, we're adding a new variation to Auto Royale - Duos! From now until 10AM PT on Monday, March 26, it only takes one driver and one passenger to bring home the win.

To celebrate Auto Royale Duos for the weekend, there's also a limited-time Event Challenge: complete three games of Auto Royale and you'll receive the Red ARV skin!

Plus, we've added a brand new weapon just to Auto Royale - the guided rocket launcher (LG-IR)! If you thought this mode was an explosive spectacle of mayhem before, wait until you get your hands on this weapon out of Purple or Gold pickups. The guided rocket launcher is available in both Auto Royale Duos and Auto Royale Fours.

What's the craziest shot you've gotten with the new rocket launcher? Share it with us on Twitter, Instagram[www.instagram.com], or Reddit!

Game Update: March 22

Posted: 22 Mar 2018 12:18 PM PDT

Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight (approximately 8 hours from when this was posted) for an update which is estimated to take 4 hours. Test servers will be unlocked for play at that time, and patch notes will be added into this thread once the downtime starts.

EDITED 5:38PM - Full Patch Notes Below!

Today's patch brings a brand new weapon just to Auto Royale - the guided rocket launcher (LG-IR)! We're also introducing a new Auto Royale Duos mode.

General Updates
  • There was some logic behind the scenes that would allow players to get into games that were close to starting which caused numerous issues including those players parachuting in before others and then encountering bugs such as the inability to shoot or interact with objects in the world. This scenario should no longer occur and players will instead be put into the next available lobby.
  • Mouse cursor will no longer occasionally get stuck on screen after opening and closing UI elements such as the map.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hosts' games per week allowance to not properly reset.
  • Black and Gray Jacket can now be skinned normally.
Auto Royale Updates (Duos)
As mentioned above, Auto Royale is now available as a Duos mode as well! Hop in with a friend (or stranger), decide who's driving, and get into the action.
  • Weapon damage and loot distribution have been rebalanced for only having one shooter per vehicle instead of three.
    • Weapons do more damage to other vehicles and loot crates.
    • Players can equip more than one heavy weapon (e.g. Crossbow, LMG).
    • Weapon pickups supply one weapon and half the ammo.
Auto Royale Updates (Duos and Fours)
  • Added a guided rocket launcher (LG-IR) that can be found in the Rare (Purple) and Ultra-Rare (Gold) pickups. Rockets can be guided while in flight by aiming down sights, firing the weapon, and then moving your reticle (stay ADS to continue guiding the rocket). Rockets do high explosive damage and cause disruptions similar to land mines. The weapon has a long reload time and spawns with just five rockets - use them wisely!
  • Removed numerous small objects from the world that vehicles could get stuck on or have a hard time navigating through. Also removed the sapling trees that would stop vehicles.
  • Skill jump pickups now appear with a Star icon (instead of a weapon or supply icon) and give both weapon and supply loot in a single pickup.
  • Weapons tuning:
    • Decreased arming time of land mines from 2 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
    • Decreased crossbow damage by 15%.
    • Sniper rifle damage against players significantly increased (vehicle damage unchanged).
      • Headshots now 1-shot incapacitate.
      • Bodyshots now 2-shot incapacitate passengers leaning out of the vehicle and 3-shot incapacitate passengers inside the vehicle.
      • Helmets and body armor now provide less protection against sniper shots (but still offer a level of protection).
  • Added an Event Challenge through 10AM PT on Monday, March 26 - complete three games of Auto Royale and you'll receive the Red ARV skin!
Known Issues
  • When in Auto Royale Duos, using Ctrl + Number to switch seats will also use the corresponding item in your hotbar. While this isn't an issue for weapons, consumable items (such as oil slicks, landmines, and springs) will be used when doing this if they are on the corresponding spot. 

3/20 Hotfix - Cursor Issue

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 11:23 AM PDT

Hi all - we've just pushed a hotfix to Live that only contains one thing: a possible fix for the ongoing cursor issue. You should see a small download hit Steam momentarily (or you can grab it right away by verifying your files).

If you're still seeing the cursor issue AFTER you've patched, please document exactly what you were doing before it occurred, along with your location and the region you're connecting to. You can then submit a ticket directly to us using this link[help.daybreakgames.com] and make the subject of your ticket "[reddit] Cursor Issue Steps" to help us further - we appreciate it!

Weekend Events: Double XP, Auto Royale at Night, and Shotties & Snipers!

Posted: 16 Mar 2018 06:51 PM PDT

This weekend is chock-full of goodies in H1Z1, as we're bringing you Double XP, a nighttime version of Auto Royale, and the return of the fan-favorite event Shotties & Snipers! Here's a quick breakdown of each:

Double XP
We've turned on Double XP just for this weekend, from now until Monday, March 19 @ 10AM PT! Double the XP means faster leveling, which means MORE REWARDS - remember, with each level you gain you earn two Victory Crates.[www.h1z1.com]

Auto Royale at Night
We're trying something a little different with Auto Royale this weekend: all matches will be kicking off around dusk and getting darker as the match progresses! If you'd like to turn on your headlights, the default keybinding is G (beware - this could be a dead giveaway to your foes!)

Shotties & Snipers
The Shotties & Snipers event returns for the weekend with a matching Challenge and Skull rewards to boot! You can read more on that here.[www.h1z1.com]

Game Update: March 15

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight for an update that includes Shotties & Snipers for the weekend, the retirement of some classic Skull Store items, the animated update to the 2018 Showdown Participant AR, and some additional fixes. The downtime should be approximately 3 hours - full patch notes below!
  • Retired the below items from the Skull Store
  • Brightened non-drivable vehicles and several warehouses in The Arena in order to help with visibility and target acquisition.
  • Players are no longer able to switch seats in Auto Royale until all teammates have loaded in. This prevents a few bugs that occurred as a result of this behavior.
  • Royalty icons are no longer incorrectly shown in the UI after playing ten games of Auto Royale.
  • North America no longer takes longer to load into Region Select than other regions.
  • Fixed several UI bugs in the spectate camera and versus panel for Hosted Games.
  • No longer auto-opening the Spawn Selection panel when entering the box. This should help resolve the stuck cursor issue.
  • Added the Shotties & Snipers event for the weekend.
  • 2018 Showdown Participant AR Skin is now animated.

[UPDATED] Welcome To Season One!

Posted: 14 Mar 2018 04:34 PM PDT

Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game.

Now that we're out of Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Here's a breakdown of our new Scoring System now that we have data to work with and we understand how players are behaving.

Season One Scoring Equation
Season One introduces a revised scoring system that reflects a player's overall performance through the season. During the Preseasons, Royalty was solely achieved by a player's ability to get high kill games and nothing else. This lead to player behavior of jumping into a match, getting as many kills and possible and not caring about anything else. The new scoring system starting in Season One rewards players who can get kills AND place well on a consistent basis. The skill to accomplish both a high kill and high placement game separates the top players from the rest.

The formula we're using to generate your overall score comes from taking your 10 best matches as a base, and then we apply a modifier to it based on your average kills per match and average match placement for the season. The important thing to note here is that if you perform poorly over and over again, you can find yourself sinking into a lower Tier.

So, how does this all work? What are some of the details? What does this mean for kills? Let's take a moment and break some of that down so we can provide the context and insight needed to help everyone understand our end goals. Here's the base equation so you can understand what's going on behind the scenes:
  • Top 10 Matches = Your Base Score
  • Average Season Placement = Placement Multiplier
  • Average Kills Per Match = Kills Multiplier
Base Score * (Placement Multiplier * Kills Multiplier) = Season Rank

(There's a lot more to the equation than just that, but this showcases the basics and how we're coming up with your rank for Season One.)

This equation gives us a ton of control and tuning knobs to adjust and emphasize the aspects we'd like to. If we wanted to make a Season about nothing but your Top 10 games, we set the min and max multipliers to 1 for placement and kills. If we want to emphasize kills, we can; same goes for placement. For Season One, while Placement is a factor, we've decided to give the Average Kills Per Match a higher modifier, so while Placement definitely matters, Kills per Match are still extremely important and carry a heavier weight in ranking. You'll need both if you want to rank among the elite!

Season One Tier Thresholds
Similar to previous Preseasons, the score thresholds for each Tier have been adjusted slightly:

Season One Example Stats
Looking for some examples on what to aim for if you want to reach the top of the leaderboards? Here's what some of the current averages are that you'll need to reach Royalty 1 in each mode type:
  • Royalty 1 - SOLOS
    • 10 Wins
    • 181 Kills in Top 10 Games
    • 52nd Place Average
    • 5.4 KPM Average
  • Royalty 1 - DUOS
    • 10 Wins
    • 241 Kills in Top 10 Games
    • 27th Place Average
    • 8 KPM Average
  • Royalty 1 - FIVES
    • 10 Wins
    • 408 Kills in Top 10 Games
    • 14th Place Average
    • 13.7 KPM Average
Keep in mind that the above are just examples, and the system awards players more flexibility when it comes to how ranks are achieved. For any of these examples, you could get fewer kills in your Top 10 but increase either your Kills Per Match Average or your Average Placement and still reach the same rank. One of our goals with the new scoring system was to give you the ability to play how you want to play, and allowing this kind of flexibility helps us deliver on that goal.

So, how did we come up with some of these numbers? Data! We did a massive dive into the data from prior Preseasons to see how players stacked up in general and we found that the above combination was a good mix of consistent playstyle and aggressive killers. Keep in mind, the above examples are all SEASONAL averages - for something like Kills where you're expected to get 5 kills every single game, players should be fighting opportunistically and making calculated plays (rather than camping).

Season One Rewards
We're continuing the tradition of rewarding players at the end of every season based on what Tier they achieved. As before, you'll only need to reach the required rank in ONE mode in order to be eligible for the Emote, and you won't earn multiple Emotes for placing in multiple modes. However, you WILL receive the designated amount of Skulls from each mode based on your placement. In summary, while you'll only receive one instance of an Emote that you qualify for, you'll receive the Skull payouts of each Tier across modes. Since it's possible to sink into a lower Tier during Season One, the rewards you receive at the end of the Season are based on the highest rank you achieve within the Season, NOT the rank you finish with at the end of the Season.

Here's what you can expect out of Season One:

Along with Season rewards, we've also introduced MATCH rewards in the form of the Victory Crate - you can read all about that right here[www.h1z1.com].

We want to thank all the players that joined us on the ride through Early Access and the various Preseasons. The feedback and data you were able to provide during that time was invaluable. And now, without any further ado…welcome to Season One!

New to H1Z1? Check out H101!

Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:49 AM PDT

If you're about to drop into your first game of H1Z1 Battle Royale, we're here to help with some quick video tutorials on the basics of the game. While we can't hold your hand and help how well you aim (which will come with practice), these videos should help you to survive longer, understand the core mechanics, and loot up properly to ensure you start to rise up the leaderboards.

Remember to try out the Combat Zone before your first match as well to try out all the weapons and learn how to properly aim down sights, compensate for recoil and reset time, and understand the individual purposes. Combat Zone also has the special Super Serum, which will instantly heal you.

Watch below!

H101: Armor & Helmets

H101: Vehicle Keys

H101: Healing

H101: Hit Markers

H101: AR-15

H101: AK-47

H101: Hellfire 4-6

H101: Crafting

H101: Throwables

Hotfix - March 9th

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:32 PM PST

You'll see a small download on Steam in the next few hours for a hotfix that includes the following:
  • Vehicle movement in Auto Royale should no longer appear choppy.
  • Vehicle HUD is no longer occasionally missing when starting a game of Auto Royale.
  • Exit Vehicle key-binding now works properly after being rebound.
  • Incoming hit-markers now show as expected when wearing Laminated or Makeshift Armor.
  • Gas grenade damage radius now matches its visual radius.
  • Updated the 8am lighting (currently only in Duos) to reduce sun brightness and improve performance.
  • Through 3/14, play three games of Auto Royale and receive a Cherry Sedan skin.

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