Guild Wars 2 - Storm Wizard is flattened and stored under the platform when defeated.

Storm Wizard is flattened and stored under the platform when defeated.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:49 PM PDT

[ART] Blikxie by Eleode

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:02 AM PDT

Family business

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:02 AM PDT

Can we get a sound queue for ready check? [request]

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Its not uncommon for raids and other squads to be waiting on some members in LFG or to get to a certain place - and it can take some time. Lots of people tab out but just guess when to tab back in because theres no sound queue for ready check. I know its only a small - low priority request but would be great :)

submitted by /u/Ajaiixx
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The wiki needs your help - Unlockable home instance characters

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:42 AM PDT

What is this about?

I'm trying to document every unlockable character for the home instance. Most of them are tied to Personal Story progress, your biography in the character creation and the choices you take during the story affecting who you unlock.

How can I help?

Take a character that has completed at least one episode of the Personal Story, and visit his racial home instance. Then check for NPCs with unique names, and post them here, together with the story options you chose (you can check these in the Story Journal).


These are the characters unlocked in the home instance for my sylvari elementalist, plus the episode where I suspect I unlocked them from:

  • Biography, Cycle of Dusk: Kahedins
  • 1-10, Green Huntsman, Weakness of the Heart: Gairwen
  • 10-20, Act With Wisdom, A Vision of Darkness: Larra
  • 20-30, Durmand Priory: Iowerth
  • 30-40, Durmand Priory, The Stone Sheath: Priory Explorer Kalliee ????
  • 40-50, Quaggan: Shashoo
  • 50-60, Claw Island: Mira
  • 60-70, Dishonored by allies: Scholar Octavian Inkblood and Amphebe ????
  • 70-80, Durmand Priory: Laranthir of the Wild


This is the page where I've recorded the unlockable characters I've been able to confirm so far:

There isn't a lot of information about these characters in the wiki, and there's a lot of wrong assumptions mixed in, so I'm not trusting any character that hasn't been properly verified.

Most characters are unlocked at the final mission of each episode, but that's not always the case, and some are unlocked mid-episode. There's also a few episodes that unlock different characters depending on the path you take inside that episode, too. Sometimes you unlock multiple characters at once, and rarely, unlockable characters will spawn with generic names.

Don't forget to explore the whole home instance. This includes the roof in the sylvari home, the terraces in the charr home, the lab in the second floor in the asura home, etc. Keep the alt key pressed to see character names easily from the distance.

That's all!

I'll compile and update the article with the information gathered here, so don't worry about that. I've tried compiling this information in the past, but I've never gotten the full picture. Now that we seem to be getting new unlockable characters like Ridhais and M.O.X., I decided to resurrect the project.

These characters are mostly useless, and probably a remnant of some old scrapped system, but I still think it's interesting to record them. Who knows, they might be useful some day!

submitted by /u/Lon-ami
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Two disappointments with the new chair system

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:28 AM PDT

First of all, let me say that while the title is negative, I think that the chair system as a whole is fantastic. However, nothing is without it's flaws and I ran into two fairly annoying ones earlier today.

So for a bit of context. I go to university out of state, so GW2 is one of the main ways that I hang out with my younger brother, given that he's about 1000 miles away. Earlier tonight, we decided that the mystic forge was a bit too crowded to enjoy a nice chat, so we relocated to the Crow's Nest Tavern to test out the new chairs, enjoy the scenery, and listen to people in map chat gripe about how much they lost gambling. Along the way, I stopped by the Free Market to pick up a few flasks of firewater (because of oddly enough the Crow's Nest Tavern doesn't sell drinks :/ ).

However when sat down and tried to knock back a swig, I realized that you can't drink or eat while sitting. What's the point of a barstool if you can't enjoy the bar or a hunters chair if you can't enjoy a steak made from the ambient deer you just killed (you heartless bastard!)? It's a sad thing knowing that I will never be able to eat my seaweed salad on a salad chair while chatting with a salad. While I am not a role player myself, being able to eat and drink while sitting would round everything out nicely. This would not require extra animations.

While we were chatting about our inability to consume alcohol despite the abundance in our inventory, we noticed that there was one other crucial feature missing. ANet knocked it out of the park by allowing us to emote from sitting, but they missed the most important one: /talk. Talking is easily one of the best emotes available (besides /dance of course). It's a shame that if Iron Legion engineers want to discus their latest war machine or a pair of asuran scholars need to corroborate on a new thesis, then they are bound rigidly to the chair, rather than engaging fully in the conversations that make Tyria better. As for me and my brother, we were stuck with trying to /wave at a waiter that would never come, to ask for a drink that they don't even serve, and that we couldn't really drink in the first place.

TL;DR: Being able to drink and /talk with people would complete the chair experience, because apparently I'm not able to drink and /talk with people enough in real life.

submitted by /u/acorico
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Struggling to find groups using the group finder, am I doing something wrong?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:32 PM PDT

Hey so I've recently made it to level 40 on a Ranger for the first time even though I bought the game when it first released and just never got into it till now.

I'm trying to use the dungeon finder/group finder to do some of the dungeons that I've unlocked and I never see groups in there at all. Am I missing something or am I doing something wrong in searching for them?

Any advice would be helpful.

submitted by /u/IHoebot
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Solo Arkk CM Full Viper No Edit

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:45 PM PDT

[V2.0] EDM Update

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:26 AM PDT


EDIT: Personal stats don't currently work, but they should start working once our backend process manages to chew through the 300000 logs and update the stored format. Thanks for the patience

EDIT 2: I apologise for any slowness/disconnects you may experience over the next day or so. Once everything has calmed down a bit I'll hopefully be able to see what kind of usage the site gets and upgrade the server as needed. Unfortunately, there's only so much our little server can take at the moment ><. Thank you again for your patience.

Hi Reddit,

It's here. Sorry it took so long, but hey, now you can measure stuff and definitely see who's is bigger ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

Major Feature Updates

  • New uniform colour metrics to easily tell what percentile band values sit in
  • Compare encounter values to more than just the average across multiple percentile bands
  • Clearer boon and buff display
  • Improved visibility of the number of data points used for global stats
  • Now mobile friendly!
  • See exactly where you sit in the community for most metrics to the nearest percentile

Next Feature



Seriously, don't be a dick. Our data shows you can clear raids with pretty much any comp and build for the most part. The analysis and info shown is to help assist you with developing as a raider, not to exclude people you deem as underperforming.

Muh Privacy

All data collected is in line with TOS. Don't like it? Make a profile and set it to private.

submitted by /u/merforga1
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The Commander Saves The Day

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:49 AM PDT

[Research] 3750 Trader's Crates/Caches (250 of each type)

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:18 AM PDT

So, I've been collecting those material crates sprinkled all over PoF for a while now... Here's what came out of a full stack of each crate type.

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
H. Wood 1757 1962 - - - -
H. Ingot (Refined) 240 (Bronze) 238 (Iron) 108 (Gold) 152 (Darksteel) - -
H. Cloth 1015 826 - - - -
H. Leather 582 1007 - - - -
H. Trophy (Blood) 31 43 42 43 74 15
H. Trophy (Claws) 30 47 33 60 83 15
H. Trophy (Bones) 41 36 38 31 76 11
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
C. Wood - - 484 1012 - -
C. Metal (Refined) 140 (Copper) 124 (Silver) 214 (Steel) 263 (Platinum) - -
C. Cloth - - 960 931 - -
C. Leather - - 483 395 - -
C. Trophy (Venom) 19 33 48 46 81 17
C. Trophy (Fangs) 6 42 51 40 82 29
C. Trophy (Scales) 9 40 37 42 86 25
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
D. Wood - - - - 1569 192
D. Metal (Refined) - - - - 1550 120
D. Cloth - - - - 4659 668
D. Leather - - - - 1371 67
D. Trophy (Totems) 36 50 51 36 124 20
D. Trophy (Dust) 50 32 40 33 137 16
D. Trophy (Misc) 79 (Barbed Throns) 49 (Leaf Fossil)

H. = Hamaseen

C. = Cowrie

D. = Daoud

Feel free to use the information for the wiki or whatever.

submitted by /u/jucelc
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After all the SAB dying We can now chill on Chairs \o/

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:32 AM PDT

sPvP Guide- Role-Based Decisions - Builds, Rotations and More - (Beginners/Intermediate PvP #2)

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:40 AM PDT

Left click stops targeting.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:36 PM PDT

Is there any fix?

submitted by /u/high_apm
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[SAB] Tribulation Tricks

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:07 AM PDT




Hello fellow Jumpers ! I'm here to share a few tips and tricks for the different world of the Super Adventure Box Tribulation mode. Most of you should know that TACO can guide you through Tribulation Mode and with the additionnal marker pack you have different options for the path that are either faster or safer. Just to be sure :

The extra marker pack is really nice but will often skip intermediate checkpoints (balloon + cloud) so it can be a lot more dangerous. Those checkpoints are never skipped with the default TACO route (Green Stars) so don't hesitate to mix them for an easier playthrough.

Furthemore... I have found that several great shortcuts/easier paths are not displayed on TACO. There are also no indication on how to "easily" go through harder sections of the run so I'm here to give you a few setups/shortcut to make your runs even easier.


World 1


Zone 1

  • Alternate Path in the last section : The TACO path makes you go through a tight jump near spiky traps. This way is much safer. Simply jump over the lava pit. Dodge forward in the rock to avoid knockback then follow the ledges/trees until you land near the mountain bottom.


Zone 2

Edit : You can use the worm shortcut in W1Z2 however I do not take it because my 350ms ping doesnt allow me to bounce properly

  • Lava Rock 1 setup : Jump on the 2nd small rock, jump back on the first one, then straight for the plants.
  • Lava Rock 2 setup 1 : Jump on the small rock, jump back on the grass, then straight for the plants.
  • Lava Rock 2 setup 2 : Jump in the middle of the plant, the knockback will push you up where you can safely go to the next part.
  • Poison Water easy way : If you want to get the balloon. Remove the explosive barrel with a bomb. When you reach the balloon, throw a bomb toward the wall (entrance of the Secret Shop). It will remove the water and you can walk safely.


Zone 3

  • Shortcut 1 : There is a small ledge where you can land at the begining of the tunnel and climb above it. Once on top continue forward and aim for the middle flower. You will land on an invisible cloud and you can proceed to the end of the level. Its takes a bit of practice to get the hang of it but once you do it consistently it save quite a lot of time.
  • Shortcut 2 (require Dodge-Jump) : If you Dodge-Jump on the bumper you can land on the leaf and proceed forward. Careful there are spikes below the carnivorous plant so cut the corner.


World 2


Zone 1

  • Shorcut 1 : You can jump in the water. Once you get up from the knockback simply dodge forward twice and jump on land. From there you can rejoin the TACO path by going forward.
  • Shorcut 2 : There are no spikes in the water so you can just go for the crocodile.


Zone 2

This world is still a bitch but less than before. Ill share how I go through the box puzzle and Octopus which should save quite a few headaches once you get the hang of this route.

  • Pushing Blocks Puzzle : you can do it in only 4 pushes. For the 2nd and 4th one be careful to not go forward too much or you'll get killed by arrows, try to push from max distance. Cloud behaviour is pretty much rng so pray that it's not as annoying as in the video :P
  • Easier path to the Octopus Tower: this skips the last spike jump, the last pink ninja and the fountain. When you get on the tower floor you have to be careful : there is an explosive barrel on your left (right to the door)
  • Octopus tower : First I clean all enemies in the tower, then I proceed to feed the octopus. The Dodge-Jump for the 2nd feed is not required (and will kill you if you get too close because spikes) : you can go all the way to the top again and drop on the balance. I've never understood if you can prevent the fishes from exploding in your hands so I just play it safe and wait a bit everytime so they don't disappear (exploding on clouds/bumper/balance).


Zone 3

First thing first set the gamma of the game at 1.60+ so you can see what's going on

  • First ice room setup
    1. You should first take the time to kill the bananas and the red barrel near the end (slingshot works great for all).
    2. Set a key to toggle Walk/Run.
    3. Pass the cloud in the wall
    4. Wait for the air current then walk arround the turn.
    5. Go straight for the cloud and wait to get knocked back : this will give you invulnerability frames that allow you to dodge through the spike
    6. Jump above the last ones. Dodge-Jump at the end is faster and safer but not required.
    7. Careful when picking the balloon to not get knocked back by the air current
  • Second ice room setup (require Dodge-Jump) : If you don't have the recorder (or the song), you can use the cube near the exit bridge to put it below one of the central pillar (require 3 push). On top of the pillar you can dodge jump on the other and climb it to reach the exit. This allow you to skip using the other cubes entierly.


To finish


If you have more tips of your own don't hesistate to share them. Cheers

submitted by /u/WizLiz
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PSA: Do not overdonate to Drooburt

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:52 AM PDT

I was at 80/100 and donated 100, then 20 in that order. Now I am at 20/100 and have completed it 1 time.

submitted by /u/tt__
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[NA][Raid Training][Discord Server] The Raider’s Inn is looking to expand its community!

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:03 PM PDT

Hello Reddit!

The Raider's Inn is a NA-based Discord server dedicated to both training and gathering groups for raids. We are currently sitting at around 2600 users and are looking to expand our numbers.

What we offer:

  • Training several times a week. We have a variety of trainers that cover different time zones but the majority of our trainings are during prime time. Trainings happen on a scheduled basis as well as impromptu trainings.

  • Fast responses to any raid-related questions you may have.

  • Highly knowledgeable trainers that are experienced in the raids themselves and are available to answer questions about classes and boss fights.

  • A learning environment. We understand that some of you may join because you want to learn how to do raids, others join because you want to learn how to play a new class. Working together to a kill is a team effort so we do offer a welcoming atmosphere.

  • A more laissez faire training atmosphere. Some bosses are harder than others so we may require at least some previous raiding experience but for the most part we do accept just about anyone provided you have a proper build.

  • 99 and 100 fractal CM trainings as well.

  • Portals for those who lack updraft gliding.

General server rules:

  • Don't be a dick. Joking around is fine, toxicity is not.

  • Meta builds are recommended. We do reserve the right to refuse training if we see a build that we deem unworthy (power Herald for example). Meta builds are tried and tested and are the most effective. If you are running an alternative build, at least know how that alternative build works (for example: Sword/Shield power Holosmith, Shortbow/shortbow Soulbeast).

  • Be accepting of criticism. We'll help you as much as you can but the best way to improve is to understand where you messed up as an individual.

  • If you sign up for a training, please show up on time or let us know if you cannot make it.

If you are interested. Join with the following link and follow the instructions on #read-first.

Feel free to ask any questions here as well.

Previous posting with some testimonies:

submitted by /u/PaperLuigi2
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Spellbreaker WvW roaming video!

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:30 AM PDT

Help making tempest solo PVE build?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:27 AM PDT

hi, im awful at making builds and cant seem to get my ele to be as effective as i would like (and am told it can be)

i use tempest as weaver is too much for me to keep track of at once, currently my specs are set up like this, im useing d/wh for my weapons and my gear is just whatever has the highest stats that i could find, im totally open to buying more specific gear off the TP if it would help though. any advice would be appreciated. thanks!

submitted by /u/xlis1
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fractals with warrior

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:26 AM PDT

so i played a lot before and restarted to enjoy gw again, until i was doing daily fractals and got to final boss or tier 4 and got kicked out for not dishing enough dps.waisted 2 hours and so now im here to ask for tips. i have full zoja set with 160 agony resist, i use great sword and dagger/axe but starting to think id need some range (though i find bow and gun slow) currious but whats better berzerker or the new trait with dagger? for fratals, i basicaly dont wana hinder my team but still wana enjoy the game, anyone have any good links or tips?

added: thanks for all the tips. apreciate it

submitted by /u/zabi15
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Will playing briefly on another computer trigger Anet's antifraud/anticheat algorithms?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:05 PM PDT

As it happens, I have to turn my current computer in to replace some faulty parts. The process will take about 2-3 days. Since I'm enjoying the current skirmish in WvW, I want to keep on playing....on my older computer that had GW2 on it, but hasn't been touched for a while. It'll be on the same network, so it'll show the same location, just on different computers.

The question is, if I use another computer just for that brief time, will Anet's algorithms think I'm cheating/have been hacked/am sharing my account? Or is this safe to do?

submitted by /u/glowinggoo
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Can't create an account

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:29 PM PDT

So I decided to try the game out, however every time I try to make an account the website freezes for about 30 sec and then just gives me an error message, I tried doing it from my laptop as well, but the same thing happens, I tried searching for others with similar issues but found nothing?

submitted by /u/Amorianesh
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