Guild Wars 2 - Lunar Arch Tower

Lunar Arch Tower

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:21 AM PDT


Posted: 27 Apr 2018 02:16 PM PDT

Zhaitan Weakness confirmed

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 04:07 PM PDT

Fractal Instabilities Feedback

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 09:18 AM PDT

Hello Reddit,
I know I QQd a lot about the instability change before but I'd like to for once try and get myself to give some constructive feedback.
Instabilities ARE a good idea, making them random IS a good idea, it brings diversity and a "fresh feeling" to fotm.
The change wasn't the problem, problem are the actual instabilities. I'll try and express this by pointing out the good instabilities.

  1. No Pain, No Gain. Makes Spellbreaker a viable alternative or makes Chronos use Disenchanter. Very good Instability that can be either worked around for more build diversity or completely ignored.
  2. Hamstrung. As long as you're full hp you won't notice it but it does punish bad plays by making you really not wanna get low hp. Again a good example of an instability that can be ignored fully with good gameplay.
  3. Adrenaline Rush. As with previous ones, can be fully ignored if good gameplay but will make fights like Mamma snowball if bad placement.
  4. Fractal Vindicators. One of my favourite instabilities. It punishes your group for your mistakes. Now you have to think twice before downing.

So this was my list of good Instabilities. One thing they all share is they can be fully ignored with good gameplay but they do punish bad placement and misplays.
That's how instabilities should be, add difficulty but not punish people for playing well.

Now onto the instabilities that I consider bad and should get either removed or reworked.

  1. Last Laugh. The Daze change made it more manageable but it still forces people to walk out of boon range or stop channels. I'd suggest to keep the damage portion but halve it and remove the daze. This way people can still do their stuff but they'll have to think about if that Well or Meteor Shower is worth losing hp for.
  2. Afflicted. Applies too many random condies. Sure it barely damages but it makes Condi cleansing bit annoying to do. Good example is in Grawl Fractal at endboss, you wanna cleanse Burning but cleanse other random condies instead. Poison also makes healing more annoying to handle. One suggestion I'd have is to let it apply only Vuln with 0.33s icd. This can mix well with Adrenaline Rush. Imagine 25 vuln on you and mobs doing double damage. Makes positioning even more key.
  3. Toxic Trail. Idea is fine, makes positioning important. Problem is this field appears UNDER bosses and not behind them. This is especially annoying in 99cm because standing under Siax and Enso can make you avoid some damage but you get forced to walk out and then you still take damage during channels. So my suggestion is to let it proc only on moving mobs/bosses and behind them only. Maybe remove the poison part and keep damage only too.
  4. Flux Bomb. Completely destroys rotations, forces you to walk out from stack and stop any channels. This should either get reworked or change it to a damage only pulsing field. Something like 1.5k per pulse and pulse 5 times after bomb explodes. This will have similar effect as with my Last Laugh suggestion, makes you think twice if what you're doing is worth staying or not.
  5. Mist Convergence. This is at the same time fun but the RNG factor can make it annoying sometimes. It adds a really fun effect during your runs with the 1 shot Rabbit and Tentacle knockback. For Mossman I'd suggest removing poison from his attacks. For Skyhammer remove knockdown at the end or make it able to get blocked. For Mai Trin Canon Barrage I'd suggest removing burning from the fields.

And now onto the last Instability....

  1. Social Awkwardness. This is the only Instability that has to get removed. Reworking is not an option. There's no fun in it, doesn't add anything either and just makes playing with it plain annoying. People stack to get buffs, heal, cleave, los mobs, avoid x mechanic/attack and that's how this game works. Don't add stuff that goes against your own games basics.

As you can see, my general idea is to make most of damaging things raw damage only and not condies so it's more controllable and add a decision factor to your choices so it's not always only 1 choice.

This comes from a guy with over 21k hours and Fractal God. I've been playing Fractals since the very start and I'd really love to see them being great again for EVERYONE.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

submitted by /u/DerpyMoa
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Dear new players: Please make your own opinion out of PvP

Posted: 26 Apr 2018 11:48 PM PDT

This is probably getting downvoted into oblivion but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

If you never tried out gw2 PvP but spend lots of time on this subreddit, what exactly is your initial impression of this gamemode? The only stuff that gets attention here are drama posts and whining how my garbage build I can't even play does not win against the meta. You are probably thinking PvP is an unbalanced toxic mess and getting into it isn't worth it.

But in reality it isn't that bad as you may think. While I agree that (like in any PvP gamemode in any game) you are going to meet toxic players. However there are not many of them who take it to a personal level. I play all three gamemodes and in my opinion the quantity of such cases is higher in sPvP, but the really crazy people who want to fight you in IRL (just one example) I always met in other gamemodes. Balance should not be your concern. Especially for new players. The devs aren't afraid of making dedicated balance patches for competitive gamemodes and generally listen to feedback which is a very good sign. Of course it's not always perfect.

Also in terms of loot this gamemode is crazy. The rewards are awesome, especially if you try out ranked. You don't even need to be good to enjoy worthwhile rewards.

So the point I'm trying to make is that you should make up your own opinion of gw2 PvP. If you have a good amount of games and you hate it with passion - fine, try something else. But please don't be put off by the loudest voices on this subreddit. They are probably just...well...not that good and never tried to improve.

submitted by /u/gummihirn
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April 2018: Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 Lore: Summary.

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:58 AM PDT

I gathered some really interesting informations from April's ArenaNet Forum Chat.

1) Matthew Medina has been working on unfinished yet Malyck's story arc. He said it's still an early project.

2) Jessica Price confirms there is no relation between the Elder Dragons and the Human Gods.

3) Linsey Murdock said: "There is a great deal about the gods that has still not been revealed and it goes a whole lot deeper than "the god of war likes war"." Confirmation that the Gods may have their impact in the future story.

4) During a discussion about "The Most Well-Developed Arc" Linsey Murdock said that she likes how Braham' story arc has been handled in Living World Season 4 (in general). She doesn't reveal any details to avoid spoilers, but she said that this arc will conclude in the end of the Season 4.

5) Scott McGough's favorite arc is Canach's. He likes the evolution of this character- from the antagonist to the Commander's friend. He pointed out the interactions with Rytlock saying that they are just like "brothers-in-arms", said it's just like he and his brother.

6) Jessica Price on "Joko's Origin Story" said that this whole story arc is "awfully juicy story material" so it will most likely be revealed in the future story.

7) Linsey Murdock on "Deep Sea Dragon" said: "It amuses me to call s/he Selbbub". And therefore she gave a possiblity that this Dragon may be a female.

8) Jessica Price confirmed that Glint was Kralkatorrik's biological daughter.

9) Scott McGough said that Kasmeer's ability to detect lies "aren't rooted in a god's blessing", but she is able to see through lies thanks her mind, and her experience in high society.

If I missed anything, please write it below this post. I'll also be updating this post if new informations appear whether in here or GW2 Forum.

EDIT #1: Adding point 9.

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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Mapping out a Possible Underwater Expansion

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 01:42 PM PDT

WvW World Linking 4/27/2018 thread

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 11:08 AM PDT

I started an initiative to help players with style advice for their Fashion War conquest and would love to know if there are any interests on reddit.

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 01:37 PM PDT

Show us your character you're the most proud of!

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 12:51 PM PDT

I'm gonna show mine as soon as I get home, just curious what's yours :)

submitted by /u/frayed_
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Anet Dev in local commercial

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 04:30 AM PDT

Saw a commercial yesterday featuring Elizabeth Bergeron, showcasing her success story with Anet and Guild Wars 2. Was the first time I've ever seen anything GW2 related on TV.

submitted by /u/fighthouse
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Alright you got me guys

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:44 AM PDT

So I joined a couple of days ago and I am loving my ranger so far! lvl 37 and counting!

Did my first raid yesterday as well at ascalion catacombs which was super fun but only because there was a dude there who literally just happened to be there to guide me through it and be really patient so thank you to "Zy Gar De" you really sold me the full experience.

Also thanks to the community on this subreddit because whenever I left a comment saying i was new not expecting any replies, cause it was more of a joke than anything , it spawned 35 other comments telling me how to improve and basic help.

Your community is awesome and you have got me hooked I am riding this game until it dies thanks guys!

P.S If anyone can help me with a frame rate issue it would be most appreciated because sometimes my game just drops to 5 fps from like 100 is this a common issue? It seems to be random.

Again thanks and I am away to grind.

EDIT:dungeon not raid sorry about terminolodgy

submitted by /u/Poddyd
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Scourge - Solo Guild Hall Claim - Sandswept Haven

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 02:30 PM PDT

Please give "noobs" "constructive criticism"!

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 10:31 AM PDT

Is this really necessary?

Why can't people give just some advice?

It would help a lot to reduce the "toxic spvp community".

Please help instead of insult each other. :)

submitted by /u/Fluffy-Lizard
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Musician’s Guild of Tyria Event

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 03:43 AM PDT

Hi r/GuildWars2!

Someone posted a pic for MGT's event from our insta yesterday and I want to follow up with some details!


If you don't know us, MGT is a small guild dedicated to playing music in-game. We're on NA only. We play music by hand - our members are not allowed to use macros to play while repping MGT. If you want to check us out, we are on YouTube and Instagram. The full event details and rules are in this google doc, with a quick summary below.


We will be playing in each main city for a week, starting Sunday, May 13th. While touring, we are holding musician competitions for guild members. If you've written an original song for GW2 you are welcome to compete even if you aren't in the guild. (Macros are acceptable for this competition!) The winner will receive their choice of an instrument from the gem store.

We are also hosting some in-game cosplay competitions and "name that tune" contests that you're welcome to enter. We're giving away Black Lion Keys and some modest in-game items as rewards! Finally, we're holding a screenshot contest on Instagram. The winner will receive a private MGT concert at a time and place of their choosing and their choice of gem store items up to 800 gems.


Please enjoy our music, and I hope to see some of you throughout our event! If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

submitted by /u/mbit15
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[raid] If you are inexperienced at chrono, please consider getting extra boon duration

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:55 AM PDT

From personal experience as well as gw2raidar stats, pug/inexperienced chronos usually struggle to give boons on any fights that aren't just stack and dps. Good examples are Matthias and Slothasor, with the average chrono only giving about 60% quickness/uptime to their party. Keep in mind that these stats are only from clears, and stats from groups that wipe are probably worse.

I've checked the rotations of some chronos that struggle. I've realized that a lot of the time people do not use concentration sigil correctly. They either don't time their weapon swap well, or only swap weapons like once every minute.

If you use a meta chrono build, you probably have 67% boon duration without concentration sigil. Not using the sigil correctly will lose you a lot of boon uptime. It can also have a snowballing effect if you don't pay attention to your SoI (Signet of Inspiration), as if you don't have boons SoI won't share any.

Obviously one way to solve that is git gud, practice more etc., but if you don't feel like doing that for whatever reason (like time constraints), one easy way out is to get more boon duration on your gear and use chaos traits so you don't have to rely on concentration sigil. This way you also greatly simplify the chrono rotation since weapon swapping isn't that much of a concern anymore, so you basically just pay attention to continuum split, and mash wells + SoI + shatters + phantasms off CD.

The tradeoff here is you lose dps (and resistance uptime if you compare to optimal chaos build), and you are also playing a meme build and probably a meme rotation, so you won't get into the speedclearing raid guilds. You also can't use other trait variants very well if you rely on chaos for boon duration

Imo quickness/alacrity uptime is most important for chronos, and other factors only come after you are good at those, so it's probably still a good option for most of the inexperienced/casual chronos.

How exactly you make a build like that is fairly easy. If you don't care about your dps you can just stack boon duration gear (commander, harrier, minstrel, giver?, etc.) while minding your toughness. If you don't feel like making your own build, here are 2 easy options:

  1. Use SC's regular support gear, but chaos traits. I suspect many people are already doing this anyway.

  2. Use this for budget build (exotics, everything can be bought from TP and fairly cheap)

TLDR: concentration sigil chrono rotations seem too hard for new/pug players, so using a build/rotation without it might be a good option for starters

submitted by /u/Ivalia
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We're starting to look alike

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 08:17 PM PDT

If i leveled a crafting to 500 and than swapped crafting specs and than swap back will i get my levels back too?

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 08:01 PM PDT

Issues with redeeming code?

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 07:51 PM PDT

So I bought a code for my SO to play GW2 with me, the standard bundle of HoT and PoF, and it is throwing the error 'This serial code is not recognized by our system.' which makes no sense. I bought it through the standard website and bought a code for a friend literally days ago and it worked just fine. Any ideas?

I put a ticket in yesterday but I'm just kind of twiddling my thumbs. This sucks a lot for obvious reasons but I'm just sending feelers out to see what other people know.

submitted by /u/Xalthir
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Dialogue is amazing!

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 07:29 PM PDT

Recently decided to drop all my other sub fee MMOs and come back to GW2 and play through the entire story and I forgot how wild the character dialogue through the story was. All I can saw is that GW2 has made me laugh way more than any other MMO has in the past few years! GG Anet, you've won me over once again~

submitted by /u/Solorit
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Didn't all of the Abjured get banned for life for account-sharing? So why is Chaith sponsored by ANet, with a PoF affiliate link on Twitch?

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:30 PM PDT

Was looking through the directory for GW2 on Twitch, noticed that he's streaming on his channel, 'chaithh', and has a sponsored link to PoF sales. Seems like a weird change of heart for ANet, no? Or does the sponsorship department perhaps not know who he is? His channel lists where they placed in tourneys, but no mention of "the Abjured" or "Astral Authority". Seems strange to me that someone who was banned for something so dishonorable should be allowed to represent the brand in this way.

submitted by /u/SuckleFricker
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Trouble downloading the game.

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:27 PM PDT

So my friend went to download GW2, he has over 300 GB of free space on his hard-drive. It will start downloading but randomly stop and tell him he doesn't have enough disk space. We had him download a fairly large game on steam and it did it just fine with no problems. So this is only an issue with GW2, has anyone had this problem before and know how to fix it?

submitted by /u/Dalgon1516
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Rune of dwayna vs rune of monk for wvw healing?

Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:06 PM PDT

I'm playing a healbot ele with dwayna runes currently and with the 6th set on heal bonus of 5 seconds of regen, its aout an extra 5.5k healing from that.

would rune of monk be better for the 10% healing to allies? i feel like the regen from the 6th dwayna bonus also helps in keeping me alive too, but idk

submitted by /u/p00ying
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