Destiny 2 Hmm... What's that... Huh, I've never seen an exotic engram on the ground before, I bet it's another aeon swi-

Hmm... What's that... Huh, I've never seen an exotic engram on the ground before, I bet it's another aeon swi-

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:05 PM PDT

lol bungie okay...

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:03 AM PDT

Better Nightfall Rewards (worthy of the grind)

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:45 AM PDT

Exodus Crash - a Fallen shock blade (sword) with a perk that allows you to crouch in place, and after a short time, turn invisible for 7 seconds Savathûn's Song - a Hive shredder (energy sidearm) with a perk that, after getting 2 quick kills, grants a void soul (purple arc soul) for 10 seconds. The Arms Dealer - a Cabal headhunter (sniper rifle) with a perk that, after hitting three critical shots in a row, applies burning and weakens the enemy hit with the third shot for 10 seconds. The Inverted Spire - a Vex torch hammer (grenade launcher) with a perk that, if a direct hit on an opponent is achieved, a pool of fire will erupt on the floor around the target, that burns those who are in it. The Pyramidion - a Vex line rifle (linear rifle) with a perk that, when reloading from an empty clip, grants a temporary over-shield during the reload and shortly after wards. A Garden World - a Vex slap rifle (energy scout rifle) with a perk that, after getting a kill, the subsequent landed shots, are refunded for a short (5 seconds) time to the magazine. Tree of Possibilities - a Cabal bronto cannon (rocket launcher) with a perk that, when in the air and aiming down sights, you'll hover, gain better accuracy, and a over-shield that drops faster the longer you are in the air. These are just ideas, there are probably balancing issues, but this is the level of things I'd like from strikes.

submitted by /u/Montregloe
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Some people need to accept that they suck.

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:51 AM PDT

Just won a rumble as a night stalker with rat king and graviton forefit, and a dude just jumps down my inbox with with "recorded and reported for lagging cheating good luck lagging trash" and 'lagging garbage *** trash" and my favorite "lag is not skill snowflake"

So I uploaded the match, reported for harassment and posted to bungie. And told him as much.

He sends back a screen cap of his network test (133.2 down, 7.1 up) going on about how his Connection bar dropped every time he was next to me and understanding terms of service about false accusations that will get me banned.

So I respond with a network test of my own (216.0 down, 11.7 up) and about how I'm hard-wired in, and suddenly silence.

Keep in mind that his original three messages came mid-match, so it's no wonder that he was in 7th place.

submitted by /u/KameronDarkwood
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Why Mayhem Should Come Back

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:51 AM PDT

The sandbox update is really fantastic. Thanks Bungie.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:10 PM PDT

To be fair I hated pvp before that, I had zero fun everytime I was grinding for the iron banner. When I launched the game today I was really hyped for rumble or anything and I was really suprised that I actually enjoyed myself , I had fun, I still can't believe it.

I really love the new speed , ttk, and the power ammo respawning a lot faster and also being able to take power ammo from the enemy just like in Destiny 1. Also being able to have more than 1 super per game is refreshing. Rumble is pretty cool too but the spawn need to be reworked because the amount of spawnkill in this game mode is crazy.

Thanks Bungie for giving some love to prophecy weapons, and sniper (especially Darci) this is really the first time I go for pvp just for fun. Keep up the good work Bungie !

submitted by /u/Platypus-Commander
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Is it wrong to enjoy the game?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:09 PM PDT

After all the bad things that I read, I still decided to buy the game this week. And well, I'm enjoying every second of it, and I can say that I got my money worth. But when I read the main sub, feels like I'm guilty for liking the game. I'm so ignorant that I can't see all those "unplayable" problems? (Not that I think criticizing is wrong, I still think the game has flaws and Bungie needs to work on that, and pressuring is important, but I think people mission on the main sub is to complain).

submitted by /u/Vibess
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arc strider bottom tree question

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:33 AM PDT

does the dodge during super ALSO make it harder for you to kill?

if so... does anyone know how much harder? I feel like there's a difference between dodging your way through 4x people shooting at you vs maybe taking 25% less damage 1v1

submitted by /u/Tac-wodahs
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New player. Which class for PVP?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 06:51 AM PDT

Just started playing. More focused on PVP. Looking for class recommendations. I am having a hard time deciding on my own and it seems like a lot of the data I can google is outdated. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/clearpresentdanger
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So im looking for some raids and crucible partners. If u want in leave your battle net in the comments.Btw Im pc

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:50 AM PDT

Sorry guys, I think I found where all the RNG Luck went...

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:57 AM PDT

I stole it. I didn't want to say anything for fear of being exiled.

Orpheus Rig? That was my Hunter's first exotic. Lord knows how many duplicates dropped for me since then.

Antiope-D and Old Fashioned? I have so many, I scrap them for parts.

Crimson and Prometheus Lens were my first Osiris exotics.

I think I've had almost every exotic skin drop from Tess out of level-up engrams.

I rarely have to turn in an excessive amount of faction tokens since I've gotten most of their stuff early on.

I think the only item I ever had to grind for was Wings of the Sacred Dawn, but Xur sold that the very week I realized it was the last exotic I needed to finish collecting all of them.

I'm sorry guys :( If there was someway for me to give back all the RNG Luck, I would. Please don't kick me out.

submitted by /u/Lennsik
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Artemis watching my husband play Destiny 2

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:25 PM PDT

Now I get the TTK argument - from a totally average PVP guy

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:33 AM PDT

After using the Vigilance Wing for a few days, I now am in the lower the TTK camp. Look, I know I'm in the minority here but I still like the game. Yeah it gets a little stale and the loot pool is pretty shallow but at it's core no other game feels like Destiny. I played zero PVP in D1 which is why I'm probably happy in the Crucible at the moment. But after getting my hands on an improved Vigilance Wing, it'd be great if they could just touch things up to the point where Vigilance Wing is. I mean they tried to balance things around Uriel's and Positive Outlook with 1.1.4 so I don't think they're really that far off from being in a good place. Now as far as team shotting, not sure I have an answer for that one. It's a team game and 2 guns should always beat one. Just one guardian's opinion.

submitted by /u/DSM2013
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Eye of another world needs a buff.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:35 PM PDT

I tested it with and without the eye. The scatter grenade, axion bolt and vortex grenade all took in the range of 1:09:12 to 1:09:25 (m/ss/msms) without the eye and 1:03:86 with it. Five SECONDS? For an exotic? I'm not requesting like instant recharge but at least a slight buff from 5 seconds reduction.

submitted by /u/ImpliedShrimpZ
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A Titan Races a Sparrow & Dawnblade - Come See Who Wins!

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:09 PM PDT

Link to the Race:

Different Titan Skating Styles:

If you're playing Titan on PC, you can map the jump ability to your mouse wheel. By doing this, your Titan can skate EXTREMELY fast.

Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if a Titan could actually beat a sparrow in a race. Myself and Element82 went to Nessus to test this out in various different scenarios.

Not to our surprise, the Titan won every single race!

Until Bungie addresses this, Titan skating will create some pretty interesting engagements on the PC platform. My advice: if you see a Titan skating towards you, keep strafing to throw his aim off!

submitted by /u/patelk_44
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Finally got all the Vanguard ornaments and completed the set with the same shader :D

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:24 PM PDT

Destiny 2 - Prestige Nightfall The Pyramidion (359,752)

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:52 AM PDT

Legend Of Acrius Seals

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:41 AM PDT

Can I just do the castellum repeatedly to get the seals?

submitted by /u/Swagamemnon0803
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39 60k+ runs.. No sniper. Anyone else?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:07 AM PDT

Is anyone else having this problem? I've legitimately come here for help, guidance, and trying to find if others are having my problem.. 39 prestige Nf completions at 60k or higher and the d@$? Gun won't drop. Anyone else having this issue?

submitted by /u/Acidbart07
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Is it possible to recover a dismantled prophecy weapon?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:36 AM PDT

Title pretty much. I dismantled my jack queen to up the power level of my BD. Was ignorant and newbie at that moment, and would love to have it back to pair with autumn wind/vigilance Wing on pvp. Is it possible ?

submitted by /u/Pretito
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Should I buy Destiny 2 + Expansion Pass for 50% off?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:50 AM PDT

$67.79 CAD which is $52.50 USD. For me it seems worth it because you get both DLCs and the game cheaper than what the game would cost normally.

submitted by /u/Ja7z_177
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Clash capping at 50, and Supremacy capping at 100 is my least favorite part about the new patch.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:37 PM PDT

Clash ends up being unsatisfying, and supremacy ends up being a tedious, frustrating grind. I hope they adjust that, and soon.

submitted by /u/Seanofnarshe
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