Disclaimer: You may notice that this patch is a little less stable than the previous one. We want to deploy it now, however, to get as much testing as possible. We do have a pretty good amount of fixes and changes with this patch though, such as thralls regenerating health.
Ceiling TilesWith the help of the Testlive community we found out that there was a problem with certain types of ceiling pieces: Whenever you upgrade from a sandstone ceiling it will get a different collision box which will cause any placeable on top to lose its connection and be considered a floating placeable.
This is now fixed so that they have a unified collision on all tiers. With this fix going live now, anything placed on top of sandstone ceiling tier 1 tiles will have been lost. If you have lowered your placeable far enough into the ceiling, it should be fine. To add, all ceilings and wedge/triangle ceilings have this unified collision as well. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this fix ensures floating placeables will no longer be an issue.
The Purge
This patch contains a sizable update to the Purge, changing around which activities grant Purge points, how fast you accumulate these points, and how dangerous the Purge is. We've also fixed Purge NPCs spawning beneath and inside buildings.
The purge is currently set to activate between 18:00 and 22:00 on your server's clock.
Purge creators now do a lot more damage to buildings. As an example, a Frost Giant does 67 points of damage to a player, but will do 30x to 40x that against a building. Up against a 100k T3 structure, a single Frost Giant will need some time to destroy everything, but a 10k T1 structure will be knocked down in around 10 seconds.
The Purge now has 6 difficulty settings:- 1,2 are used around the southern river (can be resisted with T1 buildings)
- 3,4 are used in the center of the map and the swamp (can be resisted with T2 buildings)
- 5,6 are used in highlands, frozen areas and volcano (you should have T3 buildings to resist them)
There's also a new server commands for controlling the Purge: - "PurgeNPCBuildingDamageMultiplier" is a Purge damage modifier per difficulty level. The default setting for this will be 5x on levels 1 and 2, 20x on levels 3 and 4, and 30x on level 5 and 6. Currently you can not override these values from ini file due to an engine limitation on arrays in ini files but we are looking into a fix.
Secondly, we've created a damage modifier for player weapons. This is to prevent regular weapons like swords, spears and arrows from doing too much damage against a building when wielded by players. From now on you'll have a hard time breaking into someone's base with a normal sword. The consequence of this is that orbs, explosive jars and trebuchets will be more important for sieging and raiding again.
- The new server setting "PlayerBuildingDamageMultiplier" modifies in % the amount of damage a player does against a building. The default setting will be 0.01%.
Purge iteration 2- Changed which activities grant purge points
- Changed the rate at which you accumulate purge points from 60 minutes to 15 minutes
- Passive players will get a purge at least 1/week while very active players can get purged once per day
- The purge is now better at analyzing the player base and finding spawn areas
- Purge NPCs can now correctly detect and attack placeables (e.g. wooden barricades)
- Purges should no longer spawn inside buildings
- Purge NPCs now do considerably more damage to buildings and higher tier Purges can be very dangerous to sandstone T1 bases. You should be careful with rushing too fast to the North...
Friendly Tip:Server admins should add the following to their ini files to avoid unconscious players dying from thirst or hunger after being offline for extended periods of time:
Patch Notes
Optimization- Sanitized replication ranges and AI LOD for some crafting stations and corpses
- Optimized stamina & health regeneration code
- Weather system tickrate optimizations
- Optimized basebpcombat blueprint
- Fixed logspam due to land claim
- Fixed game items being kept alive indefinitely (reducing memory usage)
- Optimized populations in certain areas
AI- Both thralls and NPCs can now regenerate health over time
- Archer NPCs now switch to melee weapons if pressed into melee
- Thralls on PvE servers should no longer attack players from other clans on sight
- Thralls have realized the futility of chasing the sandstorm if their owner takes damage
Bugfixing- Fixed cinematic intro text cut-off in several languages
- Fixed a potential crash in character creation
- Fixed a problem whereby players on private servers would not be able to equip items or attack with DropEquipmentOnDeath=False
- Server admins can now ban players again
- Fixed a bug with Steam achievements
- Fixed punch in air after placing last building piece, explosive jar, thrall etc
- Owner tag should no longer disappear from placeables
- Sandstone foundations sometimes failed to place in the world due to landclaim. This has now been fixed.
- Fixed not being able to harvest corpses with ritual tools
- RCON system should now work correctly
- Encumberance icon should no longer disappear sometimes
- Your character should no longer punch the air when placing down the last item in a stack
- Fixed missing spawnable camera in Cursed Wall cinematics
- Player should now be able to correctly save text on the Wall Sign
- Tweaked global corpse limit per player to avoid clogging up server data
- Fixed a problem with characters falling through ground
- If you fall under the map you will now be correctly teleported away to a safe location
- Fixed lifetime of corpses after reloading
- Attacking while holding block key now correctly breaks block
- Fixed a server crash related to summoning players
- Fixed a crash related to deleting a clan with online members
- Fixed a crash in the sky/time of day simulation
- Fixed a bug where you could duplicate NPCs by knocking them out
- Fixed a crash in the building system
- Resource nodes should no longer spawn in a player's base after patching to a new version
- Fixed a crash issue related to loading in unconscious bodies
- Servers should no longer crash when trying to generate a new player corpse
- Fixed player spawning under the ground in local play
- Fixed a server crash related to building
- PvE servers should now be listed under the PvE filter again, as intended.
- The "inventory is full" message should no longer trigger
Improvements- Added new purge default settings for singleplayer
- Outdoor world bosses now have significantly more hit points
- Outdoor world bosses drop keys 50% instead of 100% of the time
- Gaseous orbs are now enabled again and do finite amounts of damage (instead of % damage)
- Player thralls have been buffed with respect to both hit points and damage output
- Player character and human NPCs can now be damaged inside protection domes
- Kicking now pushes you back if you are blocking with a shield
- Removed the "Always Attack Towards Target" gameplay setting, as this setting is inactive
Known Issues
- Resources will disappear after one hit in an area near the swamp. So if you're harvesting near there, you'll only get one hit in. There is also rubberbanding in that area, so just be aware. This only occurs in this small area though.
- Some servers appear to have low performance currently. We're investigating at this moment.

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