True Dota 2 - Does Riki get revealed when silenced?

Does Riki get revealed when silenced?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:50 PM PST

How/What beats Shadow fiend mid this patch

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

As in what hero or doing what as a hero helps you in beating a shadow fiend in the middle lane as in in a true 1v1 fashion and not just gank the shadow fiend, how do you beat the hero in lane and what hero is good at it

submitted by /u/SkadiGaming
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Dealing with naga teamfight

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:30 AM PST

Naga has been weak for so long that I've rarely had to play against it (and even when i did it was usually radiance splitpush naga), now after the recent major it is getting picked like crazy. Song+meteor hammer plus all 4 of her teammate ultimates just seems impossible to play around, once song goes off the teamfight is lost. I'm pretty bitter about getting wrecked by it right now, but something just seems wrong with a hero being able to 'pause' the fight and get her team into whatever perfect position they want to unload everything at once.

Is there something I am missing about how to counterplay this ult? I know the preferred thing would be to avoid 5v5 fights but sometimes they still happen at our highground etc.

submitted by /u/drumhax
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Why does nobody skill Electric Vortex on Storm Spirit before Level 8?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:01 AM PST

It's such a good value point to secure kills when your supports are ganking early on - Why do so many [good] players ignore this skill and go straight 2-0-4-1?

Am I missing out on something?

submitted by /u/MightyKartoffel
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Looking for help/advice in ~3k Pubs

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:25 AM PST

Hello guys,

Iam not sure if this is the correct sub tho. Let me start with, that my friend and I are on the Edge of insanity and think about buying an ancient account to see if we really are that shit. On the other hand we are both broke as fuck, so that wont happen.

Jokes aside .. We both had around 3k mmr at the rework of the ranking system. And lately the games are so insanely bad, like almost every single game is just a new joke itself. We both have a good behavior score. "normal" or what it is.

See our Dotabuff profiles here:

My friend was at my place from last thursday to sunday. We played many matches and swapped at each 3 deaths. So obviously we are not playing perfect then. But what we wittnessed in these games, my god I dont know rly.

Matches like this: We have good stats with monkey King and try to carry as much as possible. But our "real" cores are just so much worse. In farm, positioning, item building and what not.

Let me get this clear, we are both 3k scrubs (actually he dropped to 2,3k and iam at 2,7k ..). In my opinion we play pretty good for the rank we are in. Obviously we are not 5k players. I would we have good game understanding, even tho we cant fully make use of everything.

Every game its the same, you win team fights, our team get back in jungle and farm. Telling them to push doesnt change anything. Cores not buying bkb in my team, Enemy team has: Shadow Shaman, Lion, Pudge, Sven and Invoker, my Carry phantom assassin didnt buy a BKB 45 min in the game, because she wants damage items. She blinks in, gets hexed, and dies the same second. How can there people be just so bad? I, or rather we, really try to improve. I play pretty much everything, but are more comfortable in the Safelane or mid Core, because Iam somewhat good in farming for the 3k Ranking. My friend plays mostly Pos 4. Roaming or Offlane.

What can we do to improve? How can we get people to push lanes/towers instead of pure farming? Please take a look at the following Match:

I played Pangolier. Our PA sold her BKB because she said 5 seconds remaining duration is to short. She didnt even know that you cant refresh BKB anymore. It was changed in September 2014 ffs. 2014!! Acc. to her Dotabuff she is playing regularly since Mid 2015, meaning she doesnt even played before the patch. And every single game there are things like this. I dont want to just rage and blame at my teammates. I also want to improve myself. I truly think I dont belong in this ranking. And since 1 played around 700/800 ranked matches and always held my 3k ranking, iam sure that iam not wrong. But currently I cant figure out what to do. We try so many things, we dont go in games like "oh another lose, ok here we go". We try, we tell our team not to flame but try to win. We gank, we ward, we support, we carry, we lose mmr. Nonstop.

I know getting better and you get mmr. But I have the feeling we already are playing alot better than like 1 year or 6 months ago. I feels like we lose games, and get even worse teammates, and then we lose games again. Like I said, we are not 5k players, and mistakes are made enough, but they are rarely ever that gamelosing.

We had a Shadowfiend who got attacked by a storm 2 times with full hp, and he literally went afk because "why fight, cant do anything", whole game long. We had an offlane who went together 30 deaths in aroung 30-35 minutes. And they flamed non stop other people. Yes you mute them, you still lose. Cant comprehend that feeding.

Please we ask for helpful advice. Sorry for the not that good english, not my native language. Editiing might be done later, iam at work currently.

Maybe if someone has the time and joy to analyze a few matches of me or us, we would be thankful. If not its ok too.

Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/nebola77
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Something you maybe didnt know

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:03 PM PST

So I was watching my friends game and I saw that there is some weird interaction between Naga Sirens song and Zeus aghs upgrade. If Naga sleeps an enemy which is not bkb'ed and Zeus puts his aghs thunderstorm on top of that enemy it does do dmg. I was rly confused because sleeped targets should be invulnerable right? So yeah maybe you allready knew that but for me that was new.

submitted by /u/Xepax
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In response to the SF Euls meta post

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:01 AM PST

Disclaimer: I am only a 4K scrub, so take this for what its worth, but here is some advice for those who are dismayed at the pervasiveness of low MMR SFs rushing Euls and not contributing to the game.

I'll try to offer a solution here. First of all two things: 1) the Euls builds can be perfectly fine in the right situations and executed properly, and 2) you won't be able to get people to stop picking SF and going magic dmg builds instead of right click builds. The only person whose actions you can change are your own. Maybe the toad will make changes that cause him to stop being picked as much, or to make the euls builds not viable, maybe he won't. All you can do is try to adapt. When people pick SF in your bracket, assume they are going to go that build and are going to play in the way the OP described in his post, if that's what you usually see. The only thing you can do is play around it. If you are playing pos 1 and your mid picks SF, make sure you get something that can do enough physical damage, and can siege towers, because even though magic SFs still can kill towers decently effectively, let's be honest: they probably arent going to in that bracket. If you are playing pos 3 in that bracket make sure you have something that can frontline and has some lockdown. You'll have to set up kills for your cores. Even though the SF should be able to solo kill people with euls every time his ult is off CD, he won't want to unless he has like one more item to set up the combo for him, like blink or SB. Even then it's a coin toss as to whether he'll be able to pull it off. The earlier he is able to get active on the map, the better. Try to play around him and set up kills for him. If you are playing support, for the purposes of this specific case there are two categories: ones who can setup kills (i.e., lock enemies down or slow them enough) for your cores and ones that can't do that by themselves. In the former case, you want to try to get vision up as aggressively as possible (use smokes and/or ask a teammate to come with you to do this if you don't feel safe! Even if you die, as long as you accomplished something, getting vision down in this case, it's not so bad unless you are dying off cool down basically), and then spam ping this shit out of enemies under your vision until your SF follows you to them and you can help him secure the kill. In the latter case, you want to stack as much as possible for the SF and help him get his items as fast as possible, because no matter how bad he is, if he's 10k networth richer than the next hero in he game, it's a lot harder to lose, and perhaps as importantly: if he gets his first items before the enemy cores do, he'll be a lot more likely to kill them and start snowballing out of control. As a core in this meta you want to be able to get online and start being aggressive as soon as possible, whether this means pressuring towers or getting kills (ideally ones that result in more map control and taking objectives). As a support your job is to help your cores get to this point ASAP, and/or prevent the enemy cores from getting to this point for as long as possible. When he's on his missions to do the euls combo follow him around and try to help him finish off the kills when he inevitably fucks up the combo, and save him when enemies rotate to kill him. It's OK to die for your cores if it keeps them alive. It's your job even, a lot of the time. Try to get vision down as you're walking around with him as aggreively as possible. It's kind of a 'if you build it they will come' thing. If you have vision of an area, people will instinctually play in that area. You want to put vision down, as a general rule of thumb, in the area where you are trying to take an objective. Want to take a tower? Smoke with someone and go ward the cliff next to the tower, or wherever you think the enemy will come from as they are coming to defend. Want to take rosh? Ward the high ground areas/jungle entrances near the pit and put sentries down so you can always see people approaching. Even though he won't know it, this will cause your SF (and rest of the team) to play in the right parts of the map. They will subconsciously gravitate towards where they feel safe, and having wards in an area makes you feel safer being in that area than an area with no vision. So if you have offensive wards, your SF will (in theory) be more likely to play there, and thus be in the position to safely kill heroes, and transition those kills into objectives, than if he is just afk farming his own jungle every time his ult is on CD. Obviously this is nowhere near a complete guide nor should everything I say be done in every situation. Every game is unique, but if you actively try to think about these things as general guidelines throughout your games, your chances of winning will increase.

submitted by /u/WhyCantIGetAGoodName
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Am I the only one that hates our current Shadow Fiend meta?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST

I'm in the 2.5K trench and cringe when I see a Shadow Fiend on my team. Most of the time they go for EULs/Shadow Blade/Aghs, leaving them with zero right click. This leads to "newbie CM" syndrome, where my hapless mid dies over and over trying to get that perfect raze off next to a gaggle of deadly heroes.

Pros make it work with perfect raze efficiency and lethal combos. My teammates, on the other hand...contribute to his <50% win rate. At least enemy SFs give me easy gold with a sentry here or there.

Does anyone else experience the same thing?

submitted by /u/nychubris
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Battlefury Slark

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:39 AM PST

I've seen some high level players going for this item.

Is this build only viable against lineups where getting a shadow blade isn't useful (against tanky opponents where it is hard to burst someone down, or like my pubs 5 tanky cores)

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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Can anyone convince me to change my Chen build?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:29 PM PST

Hello friends,

I'm a 3.5K try hard who really enjoys Chen. I spend a lot of my time watching 6ks play the hero and just about every time I see a 6k play the hero they go for Medallion into Ags rush. I just was hoping someone would have insight as to the strengths of this build.

I have almost a 90 percent win rate on Chen and in all of my games I go for HotD and Arcanes into Pipe, Greaves, or Drums depending on what we need and most of the time I will end up with Pipe, Greaves, and Drums eventually. I almost always go for the XP talent, plus 7 armor, plus 1000 creep health, and hand of god heal however I adjust them depending on the game.

I under stand that having ancient dragons, thunderhides, and the golems can be really strong late game but I feel like aura stacking with the Hellbear, Purple Satyr, and Alpha wolf and 2 Centaurs is really strong for timings pushes and late game dropping the satyr and hellbear for a couple Hill Trolls to kite BKBs is really strong and I don't want to spend 4K gold to lose those auras or disables.

However, Rodjer from VP is better than me at the hero in every way so their has to be some strength to the Medallion Ags build that I'm not seeing.

submitted by /u/grayson_13
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What should I build in SF in magical build?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:27 AM PST

I'm a noob with SF, I'm still learning the magical build, so help me out plz. First I usually build Aquila,Pt,Euls,Blink, and either bkb or linkens ( depending on the enemy team). But what to build after that? Should I switch to physical build for late game potential? Or go with agha and octarine? I honestly think octarine is not a good item for sf, I mean, he already has 40% cd reduction, if I go for 25% again, the effect will multiplicative, and hence, it won't be that efficient, as far as the spell lifesteal goes, I will build agha anyhow, and so I'll have spell steal with so anyhow, just razes, doesn't seem good enough, or should I build kaya early on? I'm in legend 3 tier, if that helps.

I know, some may suggest not to even build magical, but I'm having fun by doing so, and he has great early game potential so, why not? If that's ur answer, hold back on ur reply plz, that doesn't help, Thank you.

submitted by /u/Misanthrope-_-
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Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:32 AM PST

Is it really possible to climb MMR if you always play as a party?

Confession time, I haven't solo queued a game of dota in YEARS. I only ever play on the weekends with a buddy of mine, maybe 6-8 matches. That being said, we've had stretches where we'll win something like 20 out of 25 matches but then promptly go on like an 8 game losing streak with just shit teammates and loads of flaming (and matches where we're just straight outmatched). Is that just hitting our ceiling or the nature of always queuing up as a group?

submitted by /u/Obi_Wan_Gebroni
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Region Lock Servers

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

So whats your opinion on this, would it be good for dota?

submitted by /u/highclassscrub
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How/Where do I learn to get better?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:11 PM PST

I've been out of the game for a while. I've fallen behind on some things. For example, supporting in this meta (and ever since it's become roam-heavy). I just don't understand how to do it well. Everytime I try, I fall behind very hard in levels. I end up underfarmed and underleveled.

But the thing is, I don't know where to go in order to get better and to learn. It seems like there's nowhere to just ask people for the gist of how things works.

I'm here to ask people for resources on how to improve? I know people often say to watch pros and watch replays. But I was wondering if there was any other resource. I like to be straight up told WHY something is done, rather than to try and hope to figure it out just from watching replays. I'd like to be able to ask 'why do they do x' and someone tells me why.

Any discord? Particularly good forum? Any guides online anywhere?

Thanks guys. Just looking to improve in general.

submitted by /u/Armonster
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