Smite - So this happened last season...

So this happened last season...

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

Hel fan art Card

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

Classic Ricochet but more...

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:15 PM PST

I miss Terra

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:30 AM PST

Sigh... I loved her kit from the first time I played it. She quickly became one of my most played gods with over 3k worshippers. I've carried games from solo with her with top damage with gem of iso. I've hit a 5 man root into a Vulcan ult which was so satisfying. The different ways to smash her stones in different situations was always fun.

But now she's absolutely worthless. She's an ult. That's it. A mediocre slow and a telegraphed stun is all she brings to the table now. Her heal is awful except for when taking an objective, even then it's just an extra health pot. Hell stone of Gaia does the exact same thing.

I understand that she was very strong for a long time. But she needed the root. There have been countless posts recommending adding the root back but only in the center or if you are also hit by the dash. But it looks like Hi-rez doesn't care about her anymore which sucks because I know a lot of people like myself really enjoyed her. Bring back my bae.

submitted by /u/TheDivisionAgent007
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[Suggestion] Window that can show us rotation of Exclusive Skins in Godlike Chest

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

Kuzen-bro skin concept (probably been done before)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:01 AM PST

So i was in a hardware store the other day

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:00 AM PST

I had too much fun on this piece - Hel Fan Art

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:00 PM PST

Reminder: Start Playing Ranked Now for the End of Season Rewards

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

75 wins for the limited god skin.

150 wins for the border.

If you spent a lot of time grinding last split to get those ranked rewards (or even just the Morrigan skin), you probably didn't enjoy trying to churn out 75/150 wins for those. Most of the players who don't care about the borders that much stopped at 75, and that's still a good amount of games to get through, even if you win half your games.

But if you start now, even 150 wins is less than one win per day. 75 wins, from today to January, is, like, two wins a week or something (disclaimer: did not do the math).

If you know vaguely what the Conquest map looks like, grab an equally skilled friend and go try to win a game every day in Ranked Conquest. Wins in Bronze count just as much as Diamond.

Have two friends? Boy, do I have the gamemode for you. Ranked Joust is great for groups of 3. Go tweet Trelli and ask him what's good in Joust. And if your qualifiers go badly, well, guess what? Wins in Bronze count just as much as Diamond.

Have crippling anxiety about letting teammates down/your teammates always let you down and you just can't carry them hard enough? Don't have friends? Want to learn how to follow up on threats of "1v1 me m8"? Play Ranked Duel. Don't know who to play? Just grab someone high on this tier list and go nuts. That's what I did last year, I don't even know how to hit an auto and I got Masters. Cernunnos was broken, guys. Duel is broken. Grind Duel.

Worried the god that gets the skin won't be one you play? I mean, it won't be the end of the world. It's a skin you can use when you get that god in Assault/some random MotD. And it's one win a day, if that- much less impactful when it's all spread out over the year rather than trying to cram 75 wins into two weeks.

tl;dr start grinding ranked now and you don't have to worry about grinding it once they release the concept art in the Fall Split again

submitted by /u/Florina_Liastacia
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Got excited to see I had a 46 hour booster. Got sad to see it wasn't actually a 46 hour booster.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:32 PM PST

Can someone explain why Mages = Mid, Warriors = Solo, etc...

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST

Super noob question here, but since I'm learning Conquest as a new SMITE player, it usually feels like certain god classes being assigned to specific roles feel a little bit arbitrary and "expected" and less tied to their design? I could be totally wrong and I'm just wondering WHY mages = the mid role, why warriors = the solo role, etc.

The only ones that make inherent sense to me are ADC = hunter (high attack speed builds = fast burst damage on lane pushes), and assassin = jungle. I just don't understand what mages and warriors offer that restrict them to those roles so much. And as a side note, why is it so important that the support protect the ADC moreso than the mid in early game?

I'm basically looking for an ELI5 on why these roles exist and why these classes got assigned these roles.

EDIT: Tysm for all the helpful responses, everyone. It makes a lot more sense now :)

submitted by /u/okteej
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Official SMITE Magazine #42 is Live!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:55 PM PST

Hello everyone,

The staff at the Official SMITE Magazine are happy to bring you issue #42!

In this issue, we will be featuring the newest warrior, Achilles! Check out his "Who is" article going over his abilities and play-style.There's also quite a bit of theory-crafting in this issue as we look at the new season 5 items and offer some build tips for all you solo laners out there.

We also have an In Theory article with a kit concept for the Chinese, god Kua Fu, The Sun Chasing Giant, as well as some diary entries from a certain God of Love...

Finally, we are very excited to start cranking out content for all of you SPL Esports fanatics. Check out part 1 of our Season 5 SPL Roster Analysis. This article is the tip of the iceberg for our coverage of the SMITE Pro League 2018!

Thanks to our amazing community members who helped put the issue together, and thanks to all of our readers for checking it out! Enjoy!

Bill "Gozii" Bouchard

Editor, Official SMITE Magazine

submitted by /u/Gozii55
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Today I learned Nike can "heal" to full health.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:44 AM PST

So I never realized that Nike's 2 was an 'indefinite Hp5' buff. With stone of Gaia her hp5 is about as strong as being healed by a terra/syvlanus. So you can 'heal' to full health out of combat or trade auto's with somebody while you're being healed.

and if you're around someone with sovereignty. You'll have 80 + 2% health regen.

Just thought I'd share in case someone else wasn't aware of her insane sustain in lane.

TLDR: her 2 doesn't have a time limit and is a more powerful healing tool than I suspected.

update/clarification: The hp5 on the 2 is passive so the ability doesn't have to be activated to receive the "healing", the hp5 is always present.

submitted by /u/bruno4ao
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NShadow's Season 5 Duel Tierlist!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:32 PM PST

Hey everyone! Just updating those that have been interested with my Duel Tierlist for the start of Season 5. We're a decent amount into the fray here and I think now is a good time to compile one.

As always, this list is highly subject to change, and is adjusted every day. For the highest level of accuracy, check out the tierlist itself for exact locations of gods in its current state. The youtube video gives some more insight into this season's meta and how that meta has affected the overall balance of these gods.

Thanks, and hope you enjoy!

submitted by /u/_NShadow
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Game suddenly froze, we can chat and use alt-tab and nothing else. been this for 2 hours. help

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:51 AM PST

Team Rival S5 Roster Announcement

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:29 AM PST

God wishlist illustrated, pt. 2

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:39 AM PST

Space Station Gaming minor league team announcement

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:20 PM PST

Can we get a list of what the new vgs on console will be?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:25 PM PST

Edit: I mean what the mapping on the buttons will be. It would be nice to get them down before hand instead of figuring it out after the update.

submitted by /u/tjacotj
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Arachne lvl 2 is now insane/broken

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:47 PM PST

1) Put 3 webs on speed for mid to take while you start at red with another web already up by the time it spawns and get the 20% dmg buff.

2) Take purple to hit lvl 2.

3) Gank duo lane to get a kill or force a back while the enemy jungle is still worlds away. No one can even dream of hitting lvl 2 before you.

4) Proceed to steal purple and possibly red knowing that anyone trying to box you is providing a free kill.

5) If mids are still up take those on your way to blue and hope it's still there. If not your speed should be up by now.

update: So this post is to point out that arachne has a unique agressive start that can do some serious damage.

It's been pointed out in the comments that you can also go a safer route and put the webs at blue to get your solo to lvl 2 first, proceed to do speed, and then focus on duo side of the jungle + mids.

submitted by /u/bruno4ao
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Never Juked So Hard In My Life

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:28 PM PST

I'm not able to play smite

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:24 PM PST

I'm not too sure if this is the place to ask. Every time I launch the game the resolution is complete trash and i'm not able to click anything in the menus. I've tried safe mode and it did not work. I haven't tried reinstalling yet since it would take forever with my garbo internet. any suggestions? or should i just try reinstalling.

submitted by /u/theoneatu
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How is the new soul gem?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:12 PM PST

I'm a console kiddy and can't try out the resent change to it, but it sounds like something I would build alot.

Also I know I said new, but I ment more the buff to it

submitted by /u/Squidzbusterson
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Friendly Fire is now turned on, How do you now play your team fights?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:42 AM PST

Happy Hump Day! Free skin codes! Act fast!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:33 PM PST

Happy hump day!

Cleaning some house. Try your luck at a free skin code! Better act fast!

Sweet Tooth Sol

  • PCSSTE6B14EC80112
  • PCSSTE8764A180112
  • PXSSTE6C0BC280119
  • PXSSTE8EF38A80119

Grove Keeper Xing Tian

  • PCXTGKE8E78380112
  • PCXTGKE6F99F80112
  • PXXGCE6EAE7C80119
  • PXXGCE91071B80119

Not fast enough? Already claimed? No worries. Im doing a Groovy aphro and Titanium ronin AND a playmaker ne zha skin givaway over on my channel you can find here: Just find my newest vid, hit that like button and be a sub! Don't forget to tell me if you play on console or pc!

submitted by /u/jeremyian23
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