Pokémon GO - I think there should be a way to tell, from a distance, when people are at a raid.

I think there should be a way to tell, from a distance, when people are at a raid.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

Like how gyms spark and stuff when they're being attacked. Just a shower thought.

Edit: Where're the Devs at? Let's get this ball rolling! :)

submitted by /u/atreestump1
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[Art] What you wish to find at nights vs. what you actually find.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:49 PM PST

Dragonite is enjoying the snow in England (My first one)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:54 PM PST

[Idea] search bar in pokedex

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:28 AM PST


Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

Suggestion - Lucky Eggs Change Function after level 40.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:50 AM PST

After hitting level 40, instead of being functionally useless, what if Lucky Eggs actually increased your...Luck? Then they'd be an actually useful item again.

For example a lucky egg could provide 30 minutes of:

  • Slightly increased catch rates

  • Lower flee rates

  • Higher quality items from Pokestops and Raids

  • Better chance of 10k Eggs from Pokestops

As it is now, you get four useless eggs when you level up to 40, and they keep showing up in gift boxes but end up feeling worthless.

submitted by /u/get88
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Since the weather feature has been implemented I have definitely seen an increase in the spawns associated with whatever the current weather is... except dragon types. I created a poll to see what the general consensus is.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:25 PM PST

I want to add that I love the weather feature, I am simply curious about the occurrence of dragon types. Poll

Edit to add that there is a spawn point next to the creek extremely near my home that periodically (pre-weather) would spawn dratini. Since weather was added I have not seen one dratini spawn there.

submitted by /u/anh52782
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Why Pokemon GO needs league teams instead of static teams

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

I think more than anything, if Niantic wants to insist on having turf warfare and setting us against each other in the search for coins and balls, we need "leagues." Non-changing sides really hurt gameplay- ask any MMO veteran, especially PvPers who've experienced the difference between faction warfare vs. guild warfare. Mystic, Valor, and Instinct don't need to be replaced, but "league teams" should use different themes and rotate.

For example, there could be a season called "Grass wars." For the next three months, people join Team Bulbasaur, Team Chikorita, or Team Treecko. These teams would be for a limited time and take over the gym systems- bulbasaur people can take a gym for their team, earn coins, and if they raid their, deal damage as a team and get bonuses based on bulba-power. After three months, there's some token prize (badges? shirts? shiny of the winning team's mascot spawns?) and a new theme enters the scene.

The idea is to fight stagnation and break up monopolies without forcing people to reroll. MMOs like World of Warcraft have servers that are heavily one-sided, and people don't need to be in the same part of the country to play. When players get frustrated with their meta/lack of raid balls, it gives them a reason to quit. Leagues, instead, give them something to look forward to: a new season to maybe be on the winning side. It also lets friends (new and old) be on the same team if they weren't already.

For those on the dominant teams, fighting for the right just to get into a gym is also frustrating and causes same-team griefing through multi-account shaving. Having shifting teams decreases this by shuffling the population around so no one team should be dominating for too long.

The original teams should still exist for unique flavor (quests!?) and maybe even be used for a few days between seasons. It's too late to scrap them, and asking people to leave their current teams would cause too many issues. Having something that changes and is temporary could solve a lot of issues, not just with the game, but in social circles.

Edit: I don't mean the teams should be random. They should be chosen by the players. People could join with their friends or enter into a friendly competition if they want.

submitted by /u/Dengarsw
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An ancient relic

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:32 PM PST

[Idea] Niantic releasing previous Legendary Pokemon, except instead of Premier Balls we get Repeat Balls.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:28 PM PST

It's both a simple yet awesome way to make people excited for old Legendaries. Newer players will initially still have the old catch rate because of how Repeat Balls work, but once they catch one it means future Legendaries will become that much easier to catch, enticing them to not just stop at 1. For those that don't know, Repeat Balls give a 3x-x3.5 higher catch rate than a Poke Ball if the Pokemon has been caught before. This makes that 2% become a 6-7% base catch rate, meaning with a Golden Berry, medal, and all that jazz, you're looking at about a 25-40% chance to catching the old Legendary.

Older/competitive players would gladly make use of the Repeat Balls to catch those high IV Legendaries and not have to stress themselves out over getting RNGed as often. It can send anyone to tilt city to have a 100% Legendary run from them just because RNGesus went "lol, no". It's also hard to say no to being able to use Pinaps to get more candy.

Overall though, it should get people excited for older Legendaries and willing to catch them all over again. Of course, since it's Repeat Balls it means that any older Legendaries that were caught with Premier Balls become a sort of badge of honor/bragging rights. It also becomes an incentive for players to keep spending raid passes even when there's nothing new because the older stuff got that much easier to obtain.

submitted by /u/PootisSpencerHere
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Shiny Pikachu Needs More Soda for the Party

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:09 PM PST

[Idea]Lets discuss 10ks and nests + my reasoning

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:55 PM PST

I've seen some people talking about the possibility of a certain 10k Pokemon nesting now that their shiny forms are available. I think, for balancing regions, we can agree this is probably a bad idea. However, this got me thinking on if they should bring some 10k species over to the nesting pool. Here are what I think should be able to nest.

Grimer Lets be real, its a pointless dex completion. Grimer is already stupidly rare in some biomes and frankly I don't see the harm in letting it nest. Not to mention, Muk was in the raid pool a while back so I don't see the issue in letting it nest.

Porygon Another dex completion Pokemon that MAY be relevant in the far future. Porygon is damn near impossible to find in the wild if you're in the wrong biome. Even if you are in the right one, which I was for a year, they're still rare. All of that for essentially.... a trophy Pokemon. Now this is one of the few trophy Pokemon I can see them objecting to, mainly because in the handheld games it was notoriously difficult to get. However, Porygon will soon be a two stage evolution that will require 125 candy minimum. Considering its current spawn rate, that is a ridiculous requirement. Also, this is GO, where despite Natu being found on less routes than Mareep it manages to be more common. Speaking of an electric sheep...

Mareep It has some meta relevance since Raikou isn't obtainable anymore and isn't particularly bad. However, I don't think its too good to not be nestable. Jolteon is still superior in many and is WAY easier to obtain, so I don't see the big fuss other than making it a dex completion Pokemon.

Sudowoodo I'll be honest, I just find the idea of a group of Sudowoodo nesting hilarious. I can see people being against this because it would be a waste of a nest slot, but Girafarig exists sooo......

Slakoth Slaking is way too nerfed to be meta relevant, hence why I think Slakoth being a nest Pokemon isn't game breaking. From personal experience, it isn't even that rare in most biomes, so I think making it a nest Pokemon wouldn't hurt its rarity or upset the "meta" (if you can even call it that).

Trapinch I can only see this thing being blocked on the grounds of making dragon types easy to get, which I think is ridiculous but I can understand the concern. Going over that, Trapinch and Flygon aren't meta relevant enough to be a concern in my opinion.

TL;DR A lot of Pokemon are given artificial rarity to extend the game's play-ability. I think its dumb and a lot of filler 10k Pokemon should just be allowed to nest while still keeping them in the egg pool.

submitted by /u/Gontron1
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Woke up to an abundance of snow in the UK! This weather usually makes the country come to stand still but pikachu is partying on!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:04 AM PST

[Video] 9x 10k Egg Haul on Community Day with Daughter - 2 new entries to the Pokedex

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:14 AM PST


For anyone interested in egg hatchings, Check out the 9x 10k Egg Hatching my daughter and I did on Community Day. Always a surprise when you get some new pokedex entries

submitted by /u/LTPUKnowMe
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[Bugs] "Gym is under attack" when it's not

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:14 PM PST

There's no Battle Animation or anything but I can't throw a Mon into it cause of that Error. Somebody else was able 2 but I'm getting that Error. Pokémon in Gym aren't decreasing Motivation either so the Gym isn't under attack

submitted by /u/VorePredReshiram
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[Bug] Is anyone else getting the "GPS signal not found" error today?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:45 PM PST

My PoGo app was working fine this morning but hasn't been able to detect my location since about noon PST and keeps giving me error code 11.

I haven't changed any location settings in my phone so that shouldn't be the issue.

Thanks for any ideas you guys may have.

submitted by /u/Shes_so_Ratchet
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GO+ issue lately (even Go-tcha)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

Every time I turn on my GO+ or go-tcha to catch/spin. Pokémon stop spawning and only Lured Pokémon or incense pokémon appear and GO+ will catch those. I tried turning GO+ off and spawns were normal. Is this new bug or something? It really hurting grinding cause lol

submitted by /u/hitman1007able
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[question] Trading in Pikachu

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:30 PM PST

Has anyone had the error pop up saying he is an event Pokemon and cannot be selected?

submitted by /u/Cordflakes
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How do y’all feel about Gengar?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:34 PM PST

How does everyone else feel about Gengar's Stats? His attack is strong but I think his max CP is to low and I also think his HP is really low. He's one of my favorites and I'd love to use him more, he's just not squishy enough to do much. He'll hit you hard, a lot like how Alakazam will, but they both die after basically being hit once or twice.

submitted by /u/MrRoutine
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What is the longest you've had a pokemon stay at a gym? This is the longest time for me.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:32 PM PST

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