Learn Dota 2 - When and how many times should I "sacrifice" myself as a support? |
- When and how many times should I "sacrifice" myself as a support?
- Melee
- Bloodseeker items (thirst of exjxoisdo or whatever its called)
- What’s the point of desolator anymore?
- Tips for Juggernaut?
- Requesting replay analysis:
- Broodmother - Radiance and Desolator
- Break 2k get Crusader 3, break 2k again and get Crusader 4?
- QoP vs Invoker/SF
- For you perfect last hitters --how many hours of practice did it take you to get to 82/82 in lobby?
- What should I do as support if my team doesn't push lanes or take objectives?
- Can someone analyze my replays?
- Lets talk about stacking
- Is Nature's Prophet Viable Right Now?
- Dota 2 Offline LAN for gaming day.
- Sharing some Techies tricks: farming both offlane camps with one Proximity Mine etc.
- How to solo offlane?
- Anything worth learning in Turbo mode? Is there a way to see MMR brackets for Turbo?
- How does bristleback passive work against non-projectiles or indirect attacks?
- How to get supports to ward without being a turd McMuffin
- Problem setting up mic.
- What's your opinion on Clockwerk pos 4?
- How could I have won this?
- How could I have done better in this game as Bristleback?
When and how many times should I "sacrifice" myself as a support? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 01:39 PM PST Hey everyone, I just finished a game where my team won fairly confidently. I played SS in safe lane and ended the game with more than 10k building damage (second most on our team was 2,7k), 2 kills and 25 assists. I was pretty pleased with myself but the high number of my deaths started bugging me. I died 15 times in a 39 minutes long game: 3 times before level 6 and we killed the offlaners 5 times, our carry didn't die in the process. 1 time died while warding and 2 times got killed while pushing. I hated these because my ulti wasn't on cooldown so these deaths delayed pushes. The rest was pretty much the same thing over and over again. With my ulti on cooldown I hexed one hero and/or shackled an other and the remaining 2 or 3 pinged and focused me down before my teammates finished them. I didn't feel bad about dying like this while I was playing as I felt it helped my team to survive and/or kill others (the rest of my teammates went 10/9/6 Jugg, 5/4/14 LC, 14/2/22 Riki, 17/5/21 Zeus) but after watching the replay I'm not so sure. Should I sacrifice myself like this or I play in a more passive way to avoid giving them easy kills? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 05:58 PM PST What the best melee fro beginners. i am really good wiht ranged. but i need to get better with melee [link] [comments] |
Bloodseeker items (thirst of exjxoisdo or whatever its called) Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:40 PM PST I recently received this item and saw it sells for like 500 dollars. is this real or a troll? [link] [comments] |
What’s the point of desolator anymore? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:26 AM PST With an item such as assault cuirass, it seems like a much better item than desolator overall. Desolator reduces enemy's armor by 6. AC reduces enemy's armor by 5 and increasing your own armor as well as your allies provided they are in range of the aura. Also the attack speed greatly benefits most carries who would usually buy desolator. Heroes such as PA and lifestealer, are they better off just skipping desolator? It's an expensive mid game item that does only so little. If I'm not mistaken AC and desolator's effect both will affect towers. When and why do I choose to buy desolator? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 09:08 AM PST I am a low >1k MMR scrub and I want to try and solo climb to 2k MMR because I can't find other people as bad as me to play with. In the past I never really played much comp because I mostly played a ton of heros in casual and never really improved in any of the heros. I can name 15+ heros I played in casual but I was shit at all of them. I'm trying to limit my pool of heros so I'm playing Juggernaut as a carry to try and climb. I usually start with 2 iron branches, 1 tango, 1 healing salve and mango. I then go for boots and ring of aquilla early game. Then I go for Phase boots and Magic Wand. Then mid game I go for Battlefury and Sange & Yasha. Then I build MKB and Butterfly late game. Some situational items I get are Blink if I have trouble engaging or Manta style. I usually begin jungling right around when I get Phase boots. I seem to struggle against heros like PA who usually gets lots of early picks on my supports and can get six slotted really quickly and outcarry me. I try not to engage with her until I get MKB but there have been games where my whole team gets shut down by her quickly because she already is six slotted and I can't do anything. I sometimes seem to be behind in farm then their carries even though I farm pretty much the entire mid to late game and sometimes get kills. I got a few questions on Juggernaut:
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:59 PM PST First of all thank you for last replay analysis learndota , I learned so much. So.... Last day I played engima offlane with bristleback overall we won the game but I think I did lot of mistakes .. Can someone please point out those at what minute mark , It would be so helpful. Dotabuff link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3767014927 [link] [comments] |
Broodmother - Radiance and Desolator Posted: 06 Mar 2018 11:13 AM PST It seems there's some fairly standard items that Broodmother players can go such as MoM, Medallion (into Solar), Orchid (into Bloodthorne), BKB and Desolator. However I've seen a lot of Radiance Brood recently, just wondering what are the conditions in terms of draft or gameplay where you'd go Radiance as your first main item? Also can you skip Desolator (I have tended to do that in preference of a faster BKB or late game Bloodthorne / AC)? If so under what conditions (i.e. if your carry / mid is doing well and you don't need the extra damage maybe)? [link] [comments] |
Break 2k get Crusader 3, break 2k again and get Crusader 4? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:42 AM PST So I recently broke 2k (finally getting out of the 1k trench) and as soon as I broke 2k with exactly 2000 MMR, I got Crusader 3. I then lost a few games and climbed my way back last night and have 2012 MMR and then I got Crusader 4. I have no idea how this system works, but I feel like I should just intentionally lose my next game and then win to see if I get Crusader 5 /s Do people know if the medal gains are based on recent win rates or if its just random? There's obviously more going on than just a correlation with MMR. Link to my OpenDota in case people want to see: https://www.opendota.com/players/149855981 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:59 PM PST Coming back from about a year long break...seems like I can't win these match ups anymore. Previously was very easy to push these guys out of lane, and right now it seems like they both just heal through any harass I dish out and eventually get their damage and it's not a lane I can contest at that point. Really quite frustrating. [link] [comments] |
For you perfect last hitters --how many hours of practice did it take you to get to 82/82 in lobby? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PST I'm guessing I've spent 5 hours total drilling last hitting in lobby, no items, on a variety of heroes. So far the best I've done is 70/69 in 10 minutes on dark willow. I feel like I'm stagnating in the ~65/65 range with my best heroes, like DW, underlord, AM and PL. Should I keep drilling, should I switch heroes, or what? [link] [comments] |
What should I do as support if my team doesn't push lanes or take objectives? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PST I'm close to reach 2k and I'm continuing to play support because it's the easiest role to spam at my rating (noone wants to support at 2k, of course). I've followed the advices I read in this sub and I'm spamming position 5 with a stun, like Vengeful and Shaman. My problem right now is that people don't push the waves, don't kill the towers, but go teamfighting as we are playing csgo deathmatch. So ,as support, what should be my line of thinking: do I just follow my cores and go fighting where they want or I just afk pushing the objectives by myself? Is it dumb to play fast heroes like Windranger as support and then transition into a split pusher later on ? [link] [comments] |
Can someone analyze my replays? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PST I'm an guardian 0 scrub looking to improve.While watching my replays to improve, I just can't get into the right mind set to realize my mistakes. Nyx Assassin game Match ID:3763746695 Lich game Match ID:3762337167 Dark Seer game Match ID:3762238217 If you do analyze my replays, I give you my upmost sincerity and thank you for investing your time helping me. If not just ignore. If you don't know how to watch my replays with match ids, go to watch tab, then go to replays and at the top right corner write the match id [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 11:00 AM PST With the score screen showing how many stacks each player has at the end of the game, has there been any analysis done of correlations between stacking and winning? Just wondering if the data backs up the hypothesis that a team that stacks more has a better chance of winning, all things being equal. [link] [comments] |
Is Nature's Prophet Viable Right Now? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:00 PM PST I don't really know how to play NP well. He seems really item dependent and also the jungle aint what it used to be. I really want to play more NP though. Should I wait for him to be buffed or is he fine as is? [link] [comments] |
Dota 2 Offline LAN for gaming day. Posted: 06 Mar 2018 05:34 AM PST Hey guys. I have asked this in r/Dota2 but nobody has been able to help out. In my quest to find a way for me and a couple friends (5v5) to have a local LAN game, I discovered this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1bk62c/dota_2_offline_lan_dedicated_server_guide/ Would anybody be able to tell me if this still works in Dota2 in 2018? We have really bad connection in Zambia, and local lobby still requires connection to Valve's dota server for the host machine. Since we have DC's quite often the game on the host machine bombs out and reconnecting is impossible. I have also found the following: http://dota2offlinelan.blogspot.com/ I have read up on RevLoader but it does not appear to be trustworthy software and I also don't want to disable Steam UAV to run it. Anyone have experience with Revloader? Any help or suggestions would be welcome! [link] [comments] |
Sharing some Techies tricks: farming both offlane camps with one Proximity Mine etc. Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:01 AM PST |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:56 AM PST Lets say ure solo offlanink vs a double safelane. The support harasses the shit out of you, and the pos1 gets all of his farm. You can't deny any creeps, either. 10 mins later, the kerri gets a lategame item. What you do? How do you avoid such scenarios and survive solo offlane? [link] [comments] |
Anything worth learning in Turbo mode? Is there a way to see MMR brackets for Turbo? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 08:05 AM PST Is there anything worth learning in Turbo? Also, does winning or losing in Turbo affect your unranked mmr? [link] [comments] |
How does bristleback passive work against non-projectiles or indirect attacks? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:30 PM PST E.g. maledict, substrike, penitence, etc Not sure to turn my back on these spells or does it not matter [link] [comments] |
How to get supports to ward without being a turd McMuffin Posted: 06 Mar 2018 02:08 PM PST 1.5k trash here, recently I have been playing as offlane carry more, and in the last few games one of the contributing factors to our defeat (there are many others to be considered, like my own incompetence, but one thing at a time) was that we had no vision anywhere. I couldn't know where was safe to farm, who we could gank, if there was a teamfight we could win ect. I would ask the supports (without being a douche about it) to ward every now and again, but would not get any response. At one point I asked the bounty hunter if he would ward if I bought the wards for him. No response. How do I get the supports to ward without sounding like Im flamming or coming off as a dick? If I cant convince them, should I just ward instead or save the gold? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 08:09 AM PST Hi, was about to post this on a 'weekly noob thread' as this is answerable there but can't see on the main dota sub. Anyway, I have problem on my mic. I have 'voice_loopback 1' enabled and whenever I hear myself I sound like a mumbled demon with all the static noises. I use an ordinary in-ear earphones. Is it a problem with the mic itself? Or just needs to tweak some settings? Looking for some way to fix this before I buy a headset. [link] [comments] |
What's your opinion on Clockwerk pos 4? Posted: 05 Mar 2018 11:54 PM PST I recently started playing Clockwerk and I just wanna know how players feel about Clockwerk in their games. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Mar 2018 01:01 PM PST https://www.opendota.com/matches/3767623205 I was the storm, I think I did great this game and put the blame entirely on the trash of a PA, but ignoring the PA, how could I have won this myself? [link] [comments] |
How could I have done better in this game as Bristleback? Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:26 AM PST Ok so I had what I consider to be a decent game as Bristleback in my last game of Low Priority. In order to improve my game and learn from my mistakes I'd like opinions on anything I could improve on in order to make me a better player. I feel as though I itemised well during this game and split push at good times during the game. The Ursa proved to be a problem in the match. [link] [comments] |
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