World of Warcraft - Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:08 AM PST

Weekly healing thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Ally races from a different perspective

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:17 AM PST

Suramar, City of The Nightborne

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

Can those "The X race we really need" posts stop?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:17 AM PST

It's pretty much spam and karma whoring at this point, everyday I see at least 5 of those on front page. They're boring and don't require any creativity whatsoever

submitted by /u/GundalfNP
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When people ask me why I have such a good memory

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:53 AM PST

I goofed my chi torpedo in PvP and the enemy DK decided to... Save MEEEEE!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

Wanna buy some.. Azerite?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:43 AM PST

In the age of mass consumption and MMORPG degradation, WoW is doing great

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:59 AM PST

Always a lot of talk about WoW being on a decline but I think considering the era we now live in where most, if not all games explode and then burn out, WoW is doing great. Also, the MMORPG genre has been rather stagnant for years now so for a game this old to still be active is quite amazing. This game's longevity is truly underestimated. I think we've always been on a decline but it's been a slow burner and the community we have right now can keep the game afloat for another decade I bet. Cheers.

submitted by /u/Boosers
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M Garothi Worldbreaker but typing /cast for all my spells

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:27 PM PST

Exploring the ruins of Stormwind City in Siege of Orgrimmar: Hidden Azeroth

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:03 AM PST

Paladin class hall portal

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

The Allied Race We Really Need

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

Blizzard added 28 new WoW-Specific profile pics for, probably after the request that was done yesterday.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:56 PM PST

Free 60x day subscription

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:03 PM PST

I accidentilly ended up with an extra subscription that I never used before I stopped playing WoW, and it's been sitting in my emails for a few months now so i thought id give it away.

The answer to this question with the highest number of upvotes on 1st of march will recieve this subscription.

Why do you deserve the 60 day subscription? Edit: Gametime for US

submitted by /u/Zathewarkam
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A simple achievementr has made me so happy

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:14 AM PST

So I just want somebody to share this with really;

I started playing WoW on and off a few years ago so I've never really done anything major that I've been super proud of...

Until now.

I just got Broken Isles Pathfinder; Part Two (Flying in Broken Isles) and i know its not a big deal because its been achievable for so long and almost everyone has it. But I feel so happy to have achieved something awesome in this game.

submitted by /u/CamsGraphics
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Monk Only: 100-110 in 3-6 hours

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:04 AM PST

I was doing my quest chain for my Brewmaster artifact weapon, and I came across a step that took me to Pandaria, to a town in Valley of Four Winds called The Imperial Granary. The area is usually filled with little low level guys running around, but during this quest it phases and it's full of legion packs of 3-7 mobs per pack that are scaled to your level. I noticed that they have very low health (because you are supposed to be in Brewmaster spec) and they spawn within seconds of dying. As I was killing them, I noticed that I was getting around 3k exp per big mob and around 2k exp per small guy rested (half that for regular exp).

I relogged to reset my XP/hr tracker, and as I ran around killing them, I was getting around 1.9 million exp per hour. That is 3-4 levels per hour. So, basically, you can just get to this point and not hand in the quest and just keep killing them until you reach 110.

Note: I strongly suggest getting the legendary boots, which automatically turn you into a wisp after killing mobs so you don't have to mount while running around, and I also strongly suggest getting the Six-Feather Fan trinket, as it can blow everything up around you on your first hit.

Needless to say, you should be in Windwalker spec (get your ww artifact first), spec into Rushing Jade Wind to aoe everything down (everything dies in seconds and does almost no damage to you), and you should be using your Infallible Tracking Charm heirloom trinket if you have one to do extra damage to demons.

Beware, if you hand in the quest for that town, the legion mobs disappear and you cannot come back.


submitted by /u/beef_tenderline
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8.0.1 Battle for Azeroth. Alliance Kingdom Kul Tiras Overview [Alpha]

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:04 AM PST

The race we *really* *really* need!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

Loot Rules for Transmog Runs - Legacy loot setting coming for Battle for Azeroth

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:03 PM PST

This is probably bothering me a lot more than it should

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:33 AM PST

I need to stop playing wow right before going to bed

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:23 PM PST

Last night I dreamed that Kil'jaeden was in my living room, sitting on my couch, regretting all the bad things he had done for the burning legion, waiting for me to discuss with my wife if we should forgive him or not.

It was bizarre.

submitted by /u/ludeviance
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The Transmogger's Manifesto

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:58 PM PST

WoW's transmogrification system is great in the abstract, but a bit of a mess in practice. Making the system more open seems like the easiest way for Blizzard to increase character customization, which World of Warcraft sorely lacks compared to more modern games -- no new art or animation required, mostly just changes in the database.

Here are my suggestions to Blizzard.

  1. Allow any and all armor slots to be hidden. It's already possible for characters to run around naked (by taking off gear), so the transmog restriction doesn't prevent anyone from seeing characters in their underwear. Most players wouldn't do this anyway -- the goal is to allow strategic hiding of slots when a particular look calls for it. If it's just not possible to allow all slots to be hidden, at least allow it for all slots other than chest and legs (head, shoulders, shirt, tabard, wrists, hands, waist, feet).

  2. Allow all gear qualities to be included in the transmog system. It's very frustrating to see vendors selling white gear with appearances that aren't available on other items and thus can't be used for transmog. Removing this restriction would make it exciting when you come across the random armor and weapon vendors in the world who might have an item you haven't collected, and would also be a modest gold sink. Also, it's just cruel that Worgen can't transmog Lord Walden's top hat.

  3. Just give up on not allowing silly things in the transmog system. WoW is often a silly game, which is surely why many people like it. Why give players silly items if you don't want them to be used? If I want to transmog my sword to a fish, what's the big deal? There are plenty of silly things that are allowed, so let's just get rid of the arbitrary restrictions.

  4. Remove holiday transmog restrictions and find better ways to accomplish the same goals. Some holiday items do legitimately help increase excitement for the holiday, such as Christmas hats and sweaters for Winterveil, but that could be accomplished by encouraging their use during Winterveil rather than restricting it outside of the holiday. For example, you could put holiday items in the back of the appearance sorting normally, but move them to the front during the holiday. The current system more often ruins the excitement of the holiday items by restricting them -- witch hats should be usable year-round in a game where wizard hats are; sunglasses only being allowed for a couple weeks in November makes no sense; and why can I wear a tuxedo only around Easter?

If you are worried that it will be off-putting to see characters running around wearing Christmas outfits in July, social pressures would keep that from becoming too rampant, and most people wouldn't want to in the first place. Worst case scenario, someone in your LFR group has a stupid outfit, so what? That is certainly possible already. On the flip side, someone might come up with an outfit that perfectly utilizes a Winterveil hat and puts it in a different context, and we should be allowed to do that.

I have heard a rationale that there is some goal not to punish people who aren't able to log on during holidays by depriving them of full-time transmog appearances, but that makes little sense given the overall system. There are items like the drops from the Headless Horseman that can be transmogged at any time, and the entire elite PvP transmog conceit involves locking appearances to specific achievements at specific times.

  1. The current stated intention for artifact transmogs post-Legion is to restrict these to the spec they came from. This is a mistake. Restricting them to the class is reasonable (hunters wielding Ashbringer would be a bit weird), but my subtlety rogue shouldn't be restricted from using assassination appearances. Fury warriors should be able to use arms appearances, and destruction warlocks should be able to use affliction appearances. It might be weird for a balance druid to have the guardian bear form, but the system could restrict this based on weapon types (e.g. don't let balance druids transmog fist weapons).

  2. Items that require reputation to get should be usable across all characters on your account who can wear them, once you have the rep on one character. Grinding the same rep on multiple alts is purely un-fun.

  3. The legacy loot mode that was recently announced is a very welcome change. I don't have much to say about it other than that the sooner it can get to live servers, the better.

These are my suggestions. I've attempted to limit them to practical things Blizzard could do without a lot of new art or engineering work. I'd love to hear thoughts from the community and discussion of other issues with the transmog system that my list doesn't cover.

submitted by /u/longknives
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Playable neutral races are cool, and they really should add more of them.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:16 AM PST

Imo at least. The lines have been blurred so much over the years that introducing Horde and Alliance only races just seems silly to me. Having more options is always good too; being able to choose whether you're Horde or Alliance on one race is neat, like Panderans. Sure, when you make the character you already have an idea of where you want to go, but story-wise it's neat to have the option to pick either side.

In my perfect world this game would have some true neutral races you could play and just roam around and be an adventurer on either side, or fight either side, or both sides at once for the grins. I understand that'd be a real pain in the ass to implement though.

IDK how many people here played Rift, but they introduced a system where you could pay to have a race of the opposite faction be a part of your faction. For example, like a dwarf deciding he doesn't give a shit about what the Alliance are doing so he defects to the Horde. Something like that would be pretty cool too imo, considering we already have Horde and Alliance races being chums and adventuring together in tons of quests.

submitted by /u/Vomitbelch
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It would be really cool if Undead got to turn into a ghost upon death to get back to their body, similar to Nelf Wisp. The visual could look like one of the Syvanas Lamenters

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:12 AM PST

So I got into the Well of Eternity as my NB with heritage armor and it changed my race to night elf. It looks amazing.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:53 PM PST

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