True Dota 2 - Why do pros say TB is the best carry atm?

Why do pros say TB is the best carry atm?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:01 PM PST

Just short and simple I cant understand that hero, why is he considered so good? Whenever I play him, and I feel like I do a decent job with him I just end up being some zero impact carry. I never get to rat and whenever I teamfight I just feel like im doing no damage. What am I doing wrong here?

He obviously is good, im not saying he isnt. Im just wondering if anyone can give me some insight on how to use him correctly.

submitted by /u/I_fap_to_Winston
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The most misplayed heroes in low mmr..?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:06 AM PST

The following list and reasons is my opinion as 4.7k player. Wanna hear your inputs too....

1)Antimage - They never know how to lane with AM, flash farm, split push when they should, don't know when to pick him.

2)Mirana - No idea how to itemize or knowing what role they're trying to play.

3)Legion commander - Max your damn Q, stop jungling her, learn how to lane her, she rapes so many 2v1 lanes.And stop farming and thinking like you're the team's hard carry. You're the disabler/anti carry/ pickoff hero.Target selection is the single most important factor that separates a good LC from a bad one.

4)Nature's prophet - Where do I begin, you can't go glass cannon dps and expect to live. Use your treants to push in lanes and hit towers. Use your GLOBAL teleport to be a constant threat on the map and be pushing lanes. Learn the different builds on him and what they're good at. Go offlane! Micro your treants to wreck the idiots you're lanning against. They do just slightly less then a support hero's damage.

5)Treant protector- Stop going aghs. It's not good. You need to use your insane base damage and good stats to beat the shit out of whoever is lanning against you. Ruin his lanning phase, be inn his jungle constantly putting deep wards, use your ulti and living armor to win fights and look to end early. Not drag it out long enough to make aghs useful.

6)Drow - The point of this hero is to win your lanes and mid game with the global damage aura, take all their towers and end the game around or before 30 mins. Basically you always play around your team and your team plays around you but I see low mmr dros doing stupid plays like running into the enemy jungle to look for solo kills and die half the time and completely miss the timing of the hero. Also pick her when you have ranged heroes to benefit from aura!!

7)Sniper - Most people pick this hero because they're bad and think his range + shadow blade will make up for them being bad. Worst part is they're usually right. His strong lanning and damage/kiting potential with shrapnel is completely ignored.

8)Every position 4 hero like tusk/pudge/Night stalker/ Spirit breaker. - Basically they stay in lanes where they don't do anything for way too long, miss easy kill opportunities, don't roam nearly enough, can't identify where they should be at any given time, can't land their skill shots, gank by walking/charging through 2 wards, itemize like they're playing carry...etc

I left out the almost never played heroes like chen, brood etc since you can't expect a low mmr player to even begin to know how to play them.

submitted by /u/BurnsyCEO
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Melee or Ranged?: A brief analysis of which barracks to focus during a push

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:25 PM PST

Which barracks should you attack during a base push?

It's a decision every Dota 2 player has to make every single game. The general consensus for years has been to always go for the melee barracks first, move on to other lanes, then finish the game off with the tier 4 towers and destroying the ancient. This has been the case in Dota since even before backdoor protection was added, simply because the amount of melee creeps outnumber the amount of ranged creeps. However, recently, there have been so many changes to lane creeps and the buildings that spawn them that perhaps the decision to attack which barracks is not as straight forward as some might think.

For example, ranged creeps now give more gold and experience, their damage increase throughout a game is more significant, creep waves increase in size as the game progresses, the ranged barracks has lower armor/hp, doesn't regenerate, and controls whether super siege creeps spawn, etc. The overall game has also sped up and wave clear/farming techniques have become more efficient so the added melee creeps may not push/impact a lane's equilibrium as much as before, and additionally, the windows for breaking a base have become much tighter. There used to be a time when taking a single lane of barracks meant the game was ostensibly over, but modern Dota has progressively challenged all of these preconceived notions, and in turn provided a much more entertaining game to watch.

Enough words, let's math

For this analysis, we're going to use a vanilla carry/building hitter hero, Jugg, with pretty standard item timings. Assuming 30mins into the game he has Phase, BF, Manta, Butterfly, he hits for about 250 dmg every .46s, or about 550dps. A ranged barracks has 12armor, translating to a 62.5% damage multiplier, and because of the armor type, the damage is reduced further by 50%. So this Jugg at 30mins would be doing 171.8dps to the ranged barracks, and be able to bring it from 1200hp to 0 in about 6.9 seconds. By the same calculation, the melee barracks would take 12.5s. Seems short right? Seems counter intuitive, but recall that T1 towers have 1600hp and 17 armor, with +3 armor coming in every time there's an enemy hero around. More generally, the ratio of EHP for the ranged vs melee is about .56, so a quick rule of thumb when deciding ranged vs melee is 1:2. Putting that to work, we can see that the ratio of gold given for ranged vs melee is .7, assuming a last hit, and .66 assuming no last hit, so in terms of gold given, it's slightly actually more worth it to choose the ranged barracks.

What about gold denied?

After a barracks is taken, the amount of gold given by your creeps is decreased. 30 mins in, each wave gives around 286 gold, and with super melee creeps, it drops down to 196. With super ranged creeps, the number drops down to 254, and thus the ratio of amount of gold denied for melee vs ranged is 32/90, or .35. Thus in terms of denying gold to your opponents, its more worth it to kill the melee.

Now let's get to the good part

What effect does destroying a rax have on the creep equilibrium? Since the creeps slightly increase the amount of hp/damage dealt over time (every 7.5mins of game time), let's continue with the assumption that the push is taking place 30mins into the game. At that point there are now 2 extra melee creeps and 1 extra siege creep. Thus for a normal non-siege creep wave, the EHP of the wave will be 3637, calculated using 5 melee creeps each with 2 armor and 1 ranged creep with none. The dps for the wave is 173, assuming the melee creeps deal constant damage (damage ranges) and the ranged creeps also deal constant damage, albeit with a 1.5x multiplier because of damage types. Thus the time for each wave at 30mins in the game to die is 21s.

This is strange. Our intuition tells us that the creep wave should take about 30s to die. And you can test this out in a lobby, creep waves with no rax taken on either side constantly take about 30s to die, regardless of how many melee creeps are in them, so where did we go wrong in our math? It's because the damage a ranged creep does is constant throughout the 30s, whereas the melee creep damage decays. In other words, because the ranged creep dies last and does the most damage, there is a 35% discrepancy between the naive calculation of all the creeps taking damage at the same time, and what happens in reality. So in fact, the dps of the wave instead of being 173, is 121. And the percentage of dps taken up by the ranged creep is actually 40% instead of 27%. Interesting.

So armed with this knowledge, how does this affect which barracks we focus on first? After a melee rax is taken, the EHP of the wave is increased to 4810, and the naive dps calculated from summing the damage found on the wikipedia is increased to 345.6. That clocks each wave dying at around 13.9s, but testing in client shows its between 16 and 17 seconds, whereas killing the ranged rax pushes that number up to 23s. Taking the difference between the time it takes for the normal wave and the super wave, we're left with a "time difference ratio" of 7s/13s, or about .54. So obviously taking either rax will push your lane into the enemies', but the difference is close when compared to the EHP ratio of the buildings. Taking the melee rax will effectively push the lane twice as far, but again, the ranged rax is half as hard to kill. (After testing in client, the extra ranged creep added at 40mins actually doesn't change the creep equilibrium timing significantly)


So in conclusion, there still isn't a definitive answer (what is in dota) but here's some cliffsnotes. Generally a carry will need 12s of undisturbed right clicking to kill a melee rax, and about 7s for a ranged rax. The three objectives claimed from destroying a rax is a mixed decision. Gold earned skews towards ranged, gold denied skews towards melee, and the effect on creep equilibrium is a toss-up. (Comparing to the time required to take) But whenever it's a close decision, it's almost always correct to get the ranged rax first.


I'd love the hear the communities thoughts on this subject and experiences of taking melee vs ranged. Team coordination is huge aspect of the decision and it's probably not worth sacrificing for this analysis, and also I haven't taken into account the regeneration on the melee rax. In my experience though, the regeneration is often enough and high ground pushes spaced out enough that if you don't get the melee rax all in one go, you're probably looking at a full hp melee rax next push. Thanks! I'll be sure to respond and read every comment you guys leave.

submitted by /u/hudsonbuddy
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How to pick a solid line up for a 5-man party? Really wanna improve my hero picking skills :p

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:47 PM PST

3.1k player here who really wanna outpick the other team (Shout out to my idols puppey and kuroky) yea it would be great if you guys can offer some suggestions

submitted by /u/quangluu3010
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How do you lane gyro? (early skill build and what to do in lane) And how do you wanna play mid to late game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:15 AM PST

I haven't been really as much pro games recently but I've found out a lot of people play gyro for some reason. I've been reading patch notes, noticed some buffs here and there, and apparently that was enough. His missile is actually pretty good now.

I want to learn this hero and from just watching a couple of pro games I'm a bit lost on how to build and play him.

Like the laning stage. more importantly what skill to max. I've seen alot of variations on dotabuff when it comes taking spells from lvls 1-7

And then, also comes the mid game. Do you build MoM or drums? are you supposed to be mid game oriented? or can you transition into the late game and still be able to manfight dusa?

questions like these. I would like some opinions and thoughts

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Picking KotL

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:36 PM PST

When should I ever pick KotL? I can't help but feel like dead weight for the first few minutes.

He doesn't have instant disables and is absolutely useless in early ganks without having to spend a point in mana leak.

Should I draft a pos4 with more reliable disables +/ space creation ability to compensate for KotL's weakness?

submitted by /u/punpun-onodera
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What's the point of clinkz?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:09 PM PST

Clinkz at the moment seems incredibly awkward to play. He's supposed to be a strong early ganker but if he has a bad lane he can't farm up enough items to contribute anything whether you go the medallion build or the orchid build. He's weak in lane and is susceptible to ganks and nukers and overall he just feels bad. Am I doing something wrong or is Clinkz just not in a good spot?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Why item cooldown in backpack is slower?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:42 AM PST

I noticed my items cool down timer is slowed when its in backpack? is it how its supposed to be? My starting TP was in my backpack from the start and by 0:00 it was still in 40 sec cooldown.

submitted by /u/V1CT0R_
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Will this tri lane mid meta ever end?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:17 PM PST

I'm pretty sick of watching it. I'm still legend trash so I don't experience it in my games, but seeing it in pro games makes me mad nonetheless. I just wanna see some 1v1's, and supports stacking camps or zoning offlaner, not zoning mid laner. Do you guys think IceFrog will try to revert this mid meta, or do you think it's here to stay?

submitted by /u/iKnowButWhy
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Offlane Invoker

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:36 PM PST

I've watched topson QW Invoker and I was wondering its effectiveness as an offlane initiator as tornado+emp+meme hammer seems like a good AoE disable.

submitted by /u/arbinoy
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