True Gaming Fast Travel. Why not just make it fast instead of instant?

Fast Travel. Why not just make it fast instead of instant?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:44 AM PST

Perhaps you've seen this video about 'hyperlapse video'.

This has sort of been on my mind since playing Witcher 3. I liked how when riding Roach you could just hold shift and stick to a path. Through extremely clever and totally original use of a nickel I would just jam my shift key down. It was good, not perfect & required a bit of attention to stay on the right path and make turns. Also, technically not fast travel.

Why not do something like a hyperlapse? Plot a path (auto or manually) Speed up the journey. Show and simulate the game world. If a dangerous encounter occurs, pause the game (for those that might go grab a drink or take a shit). And give the option for the player to break the fast travel if they see something interesting in the world around them.

Has this been tried in some games? How was it received?

submitted by /u/thefonztm
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So I played Luigi's Mansion blind a while ago. It was a pretty great game.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST

Funny story actually. When I was like 4 or 5, I never could get past the tutorial. But since one of my fans on my YouTube channel wanted to see me play it, I figured... ah, what the heck. For him, I'll give it a go.

It was one of the most charming games I've played in a very long while. Not kidding when I say I was enchanted by what I was playing. There were some bumps when it came to learning better the controls, but I absolutely ADORED the variety of portrait ghosts, especially Madame Clairvoya and Melody, and it felt... different. I'm generally used to platformers and party games and to a lesser extent, RPGs i.e Paper Mario. Granted, I wish Bowser wasn't the final boss for the umpteenth time, but I guess fighting him as a ghost was pretty cool. I feel like the point where I went from liking the game to loving it though was when I found this bud and kept coming back to water it. It really had me curious what would happen if I were to make sure it was okay. And the Blackout... HOO BOY that was terrifying. But it was also a real rush! Kinda like Star Fox Assault... anyone else have any experiences with Luigi's Mansion? Kinda curious.

submitted by /u/Aaran24
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What's a great game to introduce someone to your favorite genre?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:43 AM PST

I was listening to a podcast yesterday that talked about engaging/welcoming new players to an established multiplayer franchise (Gamers with Jobs for the uninitiated).

It got me thinking about how I would love to try some new genres of games. I play a lot of first person shooters, rpg's, and some platformers. However, with many games introducing mechanics on a regular basis to keep a particular genre 'fresh,' I'm hesitant to try new things for fear of being overwhelmed by both learning the basics of a gaming archetype along with all of the new mechanics involved. I've never played a grand strategy game, MMO, flight simulator, etc. What is a good game that does a great job of introducing new players to a type of game?

Example: I love Final Fantasy Tactics, but I would never recommend it as the first RPG/JRPG for a new player. It does a poor job of introducing concepts and has a steep difficulty ramp if you're not accustomed to that game type.

submitted by /u/djkinz
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Is saying a game is only fun with friends a valid criticism?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

I've often heard, when someone says a game is fun with friends, that "anything is fun with friends." This is meant as a criticism, essentially saying that the game isn't really fun in itself--it's only fun because you've brought your friends. Most recently, I've heard this about games like PUBG or Sea of Thieves.

But is this a valid criticism? Does this actually say anything about the quality of the game?

I can think of several things that are more--or only--enjoyable when you do them with someone you like, from going out to eat to having sex. And no one thinks it's a criticism of sex to say it's more fun when you do it with someone you like instead of strangers or by yourself, right? No one blames the restaurant if you have more fun there with friends then you do by yourself.

Somethings are platforms for having fun with others and perhaps we should judge these types of experiences not based on how much we enjoy them when we're alone, but how well they perform their function as such a platform.

EDIT: Oh well. It seems that gamers want to game alone and if a game isn't fun alone, then it is bad. Huh.

Another example would be sports--would it be a valid criticism of basketball to say that it isn't fun to shoot hoops by yourself, but it's a lot more fun to play ball with others, and even more fun to play with friends? This is why I think we have to drop the idea that a game is lacking if it's less fun by oneself--outside of video games, that's a perfectly normal and acceptable thing for something to be less fun alone. I mean Disneyland is more fun with your friends, but no one thinks that means Disneyland is boring and you just need your friends to distract you from that.

submitted by /u/phreakinpher
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Sorry but Assassin's creed origins soundtrack is little disappointing

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST

I wish that they made the soundtrack more Ancient Egyptian or desert like. Ik that the music is amazing and everything but it lacked from Egyptian instruments which would have improved the ancient egyptian atmosphere. I really miss Jesper kyd. He made soundtracks for the first 3 games which are considered the best in the series in terms of soundtrack. I wish that he returned back to compose acoustic he'd have made it more eastern style like what he did with ac1. Ubisoft also made eastern style music for other games like anno 1404 and prince of persia series.

This music would have made great ost for ACO I know it doesn't sound that catchy but it'd have improved the atmpsphere

Another thing I hated about it is the lack of ambient music during free roam especially while exploring temples, pyramids, etc. That made the gameplay little boring and empty. This is just my personal opinion. Sorry for terrible English

submitted by /u/Yosuf_19
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Anyone here with ADD?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:18 PM PST

For a while I've been feeling burnt out on gaming. A recent post in this sub about Luigi's Mansion reminded me of when I binged the fuck out of Luigi's Mansion and some other Gamecube games. I stayed in my room for 8+ hours. Later on in high school I binged the fuck out of a couple Xbox 360 games. I was a huge gamer in general for my whole life but now that I think about it, my adderall might be the reason for that. After high school I was still a pretty big gamer but I don't remember when I stopped taking ADD medication. I think 2017 is when my burn out began and that's also when I went to a psychiatrist to see if she thinks I have ADD anymore. Do y'all think adderall might be the reason I was able to game consistently?

submitted by /u/samuraialien
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