True Dota 2 - Zeus may be the biggest winner of 7.08 (in pubs)

Zeus may be the biggest winner of 7.08 (in pubs)

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:34 AM PST

Nerf to bkb is an indirect buff to him, and nerfs to SF and Tinker makes him stronger in the midlane. Currently, he has a 57.59% winrare in dotabuff, up from 56.63% in 7.07. I know this isn't a huge leap, but winning close to 60% of games is quite ridiculous.

submitted by /u/RLDy
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Update error - Dota not able to complete update

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:34 PM PST

Each time try to update, i receive this error: An error occurred while updating Dota 2 (content file locked) :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\downloading\state_570_373301.patch

Help? When i try to delete the file in steamapps it says file is in correlation with bitdefender. I open bit defender to check file and it says no virus found but still will not complete update. I've tried verifying game files, clearing download cache, and command prompt msh blah blah. Anyone have this experience?

submitted by /u/deephope16
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Thoughts on euls for omni?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:58 AM PST

I feel like the main problem I have with omni is that I either have no mana, I'm too slow, and I don't have a stun. Wouldn't euls solve all three of those problems? It gives you more save potential too. I had a game yesterday where I couldn't kill a sniper because he was the same movement speed as me and I couldn't catch up.

Or do you just simple go blink soulring? Each of those items just got needed but do they really need to be replaced? The added stun of euls is nice, and the stats are decent.


submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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Thoughts on Huskar?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

I just noticed that he has a high win rate in every bracket (55%+).

What makes him strong ?

submitted by /u/ace-s
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(Replay Commentary) Guide to roaming Night Stalker up to 4k MMR

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

In the link above, I played Night Stalker as a roaming support. The average MMR of the game was around 5k. I am not myself a good Night Stalker player, but I managed to find success in playing him. So, I wanted to share this video and talk a bit.

I believe Night Stalker is viable in every lane up in our pub games. If you're thinking of climbing as a support, this video might help you. His presence is very strong. The hero absuses his night vision, which is extremely hard to deal with for the opposing team. I predict Night Stalker can be the hero that you can easily grind up your MMR up until 4k bracket; pub players don't understand how to play against him. Night Stalker will make a crucial difference to the game even as a support.

In the video, I point out things that I did right and wrong, and what was going through my mind at each stage of the game. I appreciate feedbacks of any kind. Thanks!

submitted by /u/profHam
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Is soul ring worth it on Storm Spirit?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST

It gives storm mana he needs early game to farm but it doesn't build into bloodstone anymore or give him the most useful stats. Is it still worth getting?

Just wondering since bottle gives such poor value for mana for the cost. Is it better to skip bottle and get by with a wand, second null, and ferry clarifies for jungle or a soul ring instead or something?

submitted by /u/howardbanjo
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Let's talk about Lina builds

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:08 AM PST

Since Lina got a small buff I want to start picking her again, I think while she doesn't fit into current the midlaner meta, she definitely fits the fast paced always ready to fight part.
So I tried making myself an ingame guide to have all my item choices prepared and was hard pressed to find items that wouldn't situationally be good on her. Even early game she has tons of choices, so I'm gonna just throw out a few questions since I might be missing some neccesary items or can rule out some bad ones.
My ingame build

  1. When do you go bottle or skip it?
    Same for wand. I noticed I kinda don't need it anymore if the enemy is low on harrass and a raindrop+clarity is enough for mana. Skipping wand aswell leaves me at no health regen, is this super greedy/risky or ok to do since your fight is seldom over longer periods and very burst heavy.

  2. How necessary is bloodstone?
    I personally prefer Euls and phaseboots for great early game gank, I have seen people get euls before bloodstone aswell. Linkens or sometimes BKB seems necessary for both builds, so personally I don't think bloodstone is that necessary but last time Lina was meta it kinda was.

  3. Any items that you should never get on Lina (not including basher etc.). I feel like dagon and meteor hammer are really bad on her, Kaya and veil feel viable but not the greatest and not sure about drums. Anything in my build that you would just delete since it is actually never good?

Anyway hope Lina comes back and kudos to anyone that was still playing her in the last couple months.

submitted by /u/sapador
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Can't win with Tinker

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:04 AM PST I can't win with Tinker.Can you guys tell me what is wromg with my Tinker?

submitted by /u/eeve5
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What makes support Naga so competitively viable?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST

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