True Dota 2 - Why is OD meta again?

Why is OD meta again?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:32 AM PST

OD doesn't look he received some important buffs besides the level 15/level 20 talents. His most important items were in fact nerfed (Force Staff/Hurricane Pike now take longer to do the push distance and cooldown was nerfed ; Blink Dagger was also nerfed).

So why has he become meta again, being the 2nd most popular mid right now at >5k and a consistent 50-53% winrate across all brackets?

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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Meteor hammer for farming?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

Meteor hammer is a crazy wild item. Good stats, good regen, the first item with an AOE STUN WHAT?? . I've seen the item get picked on a lot of heroes but I can't help but feel that it doesn't justify itself when only used for fighting. I have very little experience with the item in practice, so if you have used it a lot please chime in.

Personally, I think that the meteor hammer has a lot of potential when used for its farming capability, but at the moment it's a little weak since it takes 10 seconds to fully apply its damage (even after that tasty CD reduction). During that time, most heroes could have gradually beat down a creep wave anyway. It farms stacks pretty decently tho, being able to drop your damage all at once and then run away definitely saves you the HP of having to actually fight the creeps. I think that if the time to apply damage was reduced, the item might become too good. There's a very fine line between an item with amazing stats and buildup with a niche and a total OP pub plague.

But heeeey idk, what are the meme hammer pros' opinions on the state of the item? Throw em down in the comments so I can heckle em.

submitted by /u/Hobo124
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This is why tower aggro reset don't always work

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 05:44 PM PST

I was watching singsing's stream and saw this happen, and started wondering why aggro resets sometimes doesn't work.

I found this on dota 2 wiki:

"On the other side, if an enemy unit (hero or non-hero alike) is ordered to attack its own allies (hero or non-hero alike), the tower immediately switches aggro to another unit, using the priority system mentioned above. This as well does not require the attack to start, the order alone is enough. Enemies can de-aggro the tower only once every 2.5 by using this technique. This behavior is also equal to that of lane creeps. When the tower already started its attack on a unit, it will finish that attack, even when aggroed or de-aggroed with these techniques. This means it is impossible to cancel the tower's attacks by changing its aggro. Its attacks only cancel when its current target cannot be attacked anymore."

You can't de-aggro more than once every 2.5 seconds.

I've always wondered about this but never enough to google it, figured others have had the same question as well.

Did you know about this? Do you think it's a good mechanism? Obviously not even high-level players know about it, which makes it feel like a pretty detrimental mechanism.

submitted by /u/saddl3r
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How to play HotD mag?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:30 PM PST

Icex3 loves playing this Mag that goes soul ring HotD. Max empower and farm the jungle while empowered creep is spamming waves. Thing is, I find soul ring is not enough for RP combos.

I believe he still goes for arcanes too. Obv icex3 is a god but I'm interested in how you can get away with so much greed and be effective (I luckily won both games I did it but I felt like I was costing the team too much early).

submitted by /u/Latios09
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Question about Rubick VS Morph

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:11 AM PST

If Morphling uses his ult on Rubick, does he gain whatever spell he has stolen? I guess not since Morph doesn't allow the use of ults, but it does work with Doom's Devoured spells for instance. Anyone know?

submitted by /u/BootySniffer26
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Pos 3 heroes that win games?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 07:57 PM PST

Hey guys, just wanted to know your thoughts about what hero can win the game from the offlane. I'm about 4K MMR. I don't mean going to the offlane and trying to farm with a carry. But rather what offlaners do you think have the highest impact in 4K pubs? And can potentially "win" the game by themselves?

submitted by /u/SuperPingu
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How does courier item order work?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 10:23 PM PST

Like when the courier comes with my blink and clarity, then the clarity goes into my inventory and my blink goes into my backpack

submitted by /u/pewpewmaster
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Is Courier bounty and death timer due for a change?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST

I feel like this is in line with how changes to the early game have been heading towards. Removing heavy early swings that place the laning stage more on rotations and lane choices, which can mainly be seen through the changes putting more emphasis on denies and less on kills, but can be seen through older changes like essentially removing low level Rosh strats, and nerfing early tower advantage. This made me wonder why the early game courier kills are still a thing. I can't think of anything that tears down a teams early game faster than a near 1k gold swing and denying item deliveries for 2 minutes.

That isn't to say there is some merit to having it in the game. It's interesting seeing some mind games between trying to set up an early courier kill, the other team trying to avoid it, and some of the team play to recover from a dead courier. I can't really say this extends much out of the pro scene though, but even there it feels like it often just a gamble to flip the early game.

Maybe a contrived comparison, but it kind of feels like courier rewards and death timer are the early game Roshan kill of this current iteration of DotA. Obviously to a lesser extent, but it seems like the most "swingy" early game mechanic left that isn't oriented around drafts. I suppose this has already been changed already in a sense that walking courier has been sped up, but I feel like something more could be done. They could give the courier a varied respawn time related to game time like heroes do, or something like a courier buyback option, where it loses flying for a certain amount of time. I think the early game is the main point here, the late game courier deaths carrying items can be played around, where as early game use of a courier is almost mandatory.

Curious what people think about this mechanic, if nothing else it's a great talking point to rile up the old players who hate change. I don't really care about how some heroes could be impacted, they can be buffed accordingly, this is mainly about the mechanic itself and it's placement in the game.

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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Centaur Warrunner support?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 10:36 PM PST

Think of it kind of like support slardar. He has a 2 second stun level 1 and can trade hits well with other offlaners. If you skip passive you have an incredible ganker that outputs insane damage. And yes he functions on the offlane just fine but does he really need the farm? Centaur only really needs tranquils and blink and he's set. A vanguard or a blademail is nice but what does it really accomplish? Once you drop your combo all you are is just a melee creep until your abilities are off cooldown and then you go and combo again. Enemies have no incentive to hit a blademail centaur so why would they even bother? It seems like he would be much better in a utility 4 position (again, like a slardar) rather than an offlaner. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Armlet Spectre?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 05:56 PM PST

I like rushing radiance on Spectre but there are reasons to get one mid major mid game item beforehand. This could be the classic vanguard, drums + aquilla, a super urn, etc. I have thought about armlet a bit on this hero. It is only 220 more gold than vanguard.

With vanguard you build ring of health to have better sustain in lane (+ 5 regen). If you save 75 more gold you can get helm of the iron will (+ 3 regen, +5 armor). Then you scrap together small things like the gloves of haste, blades of attack, and the recipe.

At the end of the day instead of +5.5 health regen and 50% change to block 70 damage you have:

  • 4 health regen

  • 5 armor

  • 25 attack speed

  • 9 damage

When you turn the armlet on you get:

  • +31 damage

  • +25 strength

  • +4 armor

  • -54 health/s

I believe this paves a decent argument for armlet. It allows you to farm jungle down to 0 health and then armlet toggle. If you haunt in on an enemy with your team you can burst them down with armlet right click. Bonus hp on haunt illusions. If you take +5 health regen talent at lvl 10 the health drain from the armlet is no longer significant and if you get heart after radiance you essentially have +1500 hp from the two items. If think this item would have the potential to be a core item if only dispersion reduced the incoming damage from armlet drain (even more op if that damage was dealt to neutral creeps).

On Dotabuff it has 57% winrate on a very small pool of matches. I tried it one game as an offlane Spectre with mediocre results: 10 min armlet, 22 min radiance into an eventual loss.


submitted by /u/trollwarlordpicker69
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True implications of some ideas I've always thought about

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 05:51 PM PST

Hey there! Truth is, I'm a pretty terrible player (around 3.5k) so I wanted to receive feedback on a couple of ideas about Dota 2 that I've always thought could be good, but I'm not too sure how game breaking they would be:

  • Illusion rune acting the same as Manta: activating it would apply a basic dispel and disjoint projectiles.

  • Rubick being able to steal spells from allies, maybe as an alternative to the lvl 25 telekinesis cd talent?

  • Leavers being forced to wait until the match they just abandoned finish until they can queue again.

  • Team/support oriented items (like wards or smoke) receive a new, special flag as such and, when purchased, give an increase to the passive gain of gold to the buyer for X minutes (X being the replenish cooldown of that specific item), so that when this cooldown finishes the buyer has recovered the same gold he invested.

Please, rip them apart and give me all kinds of feedback. Maybe they truly are terrible!

submitted by /u/oumine
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