Fallout - A Fallout game where your whole family make it to the vault, but you don't.

A Fallout game where your whole family make it to the vault, but you don't.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:21 AM PDT

The prologue could be a dark and sad one:

You start pre-war. Idyllic life, home, family, and community. You, as well as your whole family, have been granted access to the nearest vault for when, or if, the bombs drop.

Saturday, October 23rd, 2077.

Everybody is home. Your mom and baby sister are in the living room. Baby sister's playing with her toys whilst she watches cartoons. Mum's doing household things; you know, folding laundry, polishing - them sort of things.

You're in the garage with dad, fixing up his old car that he recently gave you. "I know it's not much, but it will help you get around, and you'll be able to visit every weekend, your mom would love that." He would too, he's just not comfortable showing too much affection.

You need more oil, and dad asks you to go to the Red Rocket to pick some up. It's 15 minutes away, but it's a nice day and you have no issue taking a brisk walk down. On your way you pass neighbours who have general dialogue greetings, perhaps 1 or 2 multiple choice conversations that offer some more insight into your family. The old lady who lives next door, who you've known your whole life, asks if you're excited for college. Little things like that; enough to paint a profile, but not thrown in your face or unrealistic.

You get to Red Rocket, pick up the oil, and head to the cashier. As you stand patiently behind the customer in front, blabbering on and on about God knows what (happens all the time to me IRL), the radio in the background begins to announce something startling. Blabbermouth in front is cut off, and the cashier turns abruptly to turn the radio up. A concentrated silence falls across the store... the bombs are dropping.

Sirens ring, and the streets fill with panic. You need to get home, quick. As you run, you see military personnel ushering people along, others are hiding under desks, shutting themselves indoors or looking for immediate shelter as they have no other option. You do, but can you get to your family, and in turn, to the vault in time?

The answer is no.

As you get within viewing distance of your house, you see your family being forcefully ushered into a van (it's to take everybody from the street to the vault). Mom is pleading to wait behind for you, whilst dad holds her shoulder and tries to calmly reason with the driver. It's too late, and they need to leave, now.

As the van drives out of view, your player can be heard breathing heavily, gasps of panic and pain as he understands the situation around him.

From here forward, you find some kind of shelter. You survive the bombs, like few others did outside the vaults, but far from unscathed.

The first few hours of gameplay could be the character slowly becoming sick from the radiation; Distorted view, skin slowly eroding, and constantly vomiting. Then suddenly, it becomes too much, the haze too thick, and you pass out.

This is the start of the true gameplay. You awake after however long (weeks, months, years?) and you are a non-feral ghoul.

Did your family make it to the vault? Are they still there? Alive, or dead? Were they experimented on? How could gameplay differ playing as a ghoul?

Edit: Thanks to everyone who has commented so far!

With regards to the Ghoulification of the protagonist, I agree having the option would definitely be better.

I also agree that this would work more as a DLC than a full-fledged game. It would make for an interesting insight into the pre-war life and transformation of a non-feral ghoul - and even feral for that matter - and would give them a more human, personal and relatable feeling, reminding us that they were once a regular human like everybody else.

Mrs. Blabbermouth would definitely make a future appearance if I were making this game. She'd be a non-feral ghoul you come across in the queue of a trade outpost, blabbering, again, about the post-war weather, whilst holding up all the other wastelanders wanting to buy some Nuka Cola and Cherry Bombs... (Whether you kill her or not.. I'd leave that up to you!)

submitted by /u/Dream-Brother
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A Fallout game that starts on the ISS and you get to see the world get nuked

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:11 AM PDT

Somebody is instructed to kill all the other astronauts but you manage to get to the only working escape pod and get back to earth, also there's an experimental moon vault that you were supposed to oversee

submitted by /u/VectoriousHD
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I was in the ER a couple weeks ago. Nurse got a big kick out of this. She is also a Fallout fan.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:55 PM PDT

Would anyone else like a Texas Fallout?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:53 PM PDT

Please for the love of god, do not bring Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. That is not a Fallout Game.

submitted by /u/ACorruptMinuteman
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[LEGO] Come Take A Trip Down To Takahashi's Power Noodles Stand! Right In The Heart Of Diamond City!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:17 AM PDT


Fallout 4 is my first fallout game I've played and so far I am really loving it! Before I bought the game I was always interested in Takahashi's Noodle Stand for whatever reason. I wanted to build something different for Fallout 4 as we've gotten alot of Red Rocket gas stations (No Prydwen yet ;) That's for another day) As obvious this isn't done yet, I still have some more stickers i'd like to make for Takahashi and other things like the tarps which I plan to do in real life.

submitted by /u/Icebrrgh
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A fallout game that starts 100 years before the nukes drop and you get to be a regular dude

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:30 PM PDT

making either good or bad decisions. maybe even go to work. possibly get diseases. beat the diseases. go back to work. who knows.

submitted by /u/hobolincoln
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Best Buy sent a wrong B.E.T.A. code for a platform I already had one for!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:17 AM PDT


Please enjoy! Assuming it's for PC

submitted by /u/Rustyfaw
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Fallout 4 1.10.98 PC Patch Live

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:40 AM PDT

No idea what's in it though. Can't see any patch notes anywhere. Nothing obvious on Steam and Bethesda Devnotes hasn't updated. Guessing they'll turn up eventually.

I await the F4SE update with much anticipation <3 For those less patient I would suggest disabling Steam updates immediately.

submitted by /u/warthog2k
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Speculation on Fallout's tweet coming this Friday.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:33 PM PDT

Lately, the Fallout's twitter has shown us all of the Fallout 76 footage from E3 in a higher quality. All of these tweets have been coming out consistently this week from the first that came out this Monday, Tuesday and then so on. They have all been in tune with the E3 event. Meaning tomorrow's tweet will be about the nukes and after the nukes, on E3 they talked about the B.E.T.A. My thoughts make me think that Friday will give further information about the B.E.T.A. This also coincides with the fact people have been getting their codes now.

Just speculation though.

submitted by /u/TemOLantern
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Everyone is wondering where Fallout 3’s 10 year anniversary remaster is, but just imagine how good the TWENTY year anniversary remaster will look

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:24 PM PDT

Bethesda is playing for the long term

submitted by /u/kabobkilla
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I still prefer Fallout 3.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:19 AM PDT

It was my first fallout, yes but it's not nostalgia that is the decisive factor here. This game is so brutal and fucked up. Almost every location in the game is weird, horrifying, twisted, sick etc. That weirdness is missing in the next two games. Even Raiders don't feel intimidating or scary in F4, they're just another bunch of npcs. Tenpenny Tower, Andale, Grayditch, Republic of Dave, Old Olney, Canterbury Commons, Underworld, the Mall, Paradise Falls, Little Lamplight and Big Town. Jesus, I had all those desirable negative feelings when playing the game. There's something special about F3 and I wish it was remastered or redone. Shame it won't.

EDIT: No this is not me moaning about 76, 4 or NV. This is me appreciating 3. Calm down.

submitted by /u/gietek
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A Fallout game with the protagonist living in a Vault other than a Vault-tec vault

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:47 AM PDT

Now as everyone knows Vault-tec is the most famous Nuclear bunker company in the fallout universe, but what if there was a different company that was smaller than vault-tec that operated in different places

They could be like the Vim! of nuclear bunkers and they could have a completely different prospective on the life underground

They could be a more normal version of Vault-tec, where there aren't deadly experiments

To make thins interesting the story might have the player and his family living in the vault happily, but a sabotage attempt from before the war done by Vault-tec could set off a terrible chain of events on the vault later on after the bombs dropped

Like for example, Vault-tec could have set up a gas leak to occur in the Vault which wipes out most of the Vault's inhabitants with only the exception of the Player

It would definitely be interesting to see how a different Company might affect the game, this could mean that the vault boy and the iconic vault suit wouldn't be there but it would still be intriguing in my opinion

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Mohhh777
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Why Paladin Danse WHY

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:32 AM PDT

If you don't know what happens to Danse spoiler alert. Anyway before I had gotten very into the game I would just grab some quest to let them sit well when Danse asked me to go talk to the turd in the blimp I'd figure yea yea whenever I get around to it. PD is my favorite and he disappeared and I looked everywhere for that turd. I had to look up where he could've gone and lone and behold that damn mission has a time limit on it and it doesn't even tell you! What in oblivion is that crab sack about? I was so pissed as I was pretty far into the game when I went touring about for my beloved friend. Then to see what happened to him just pissed me off, I didn't get a chance to do anything. When I went to the police station they hung out at that chick just is so mean to me blaming me for things I didn't do, hey lady I didn't do anything. Why would the fallout gods be so cruel to time a mission not to tell you! WHY!!!!

Anyone else get screwed over on that? I pay tribute to Danse by having his sexy pin up painting on my wall gotta love that male pin up aw yea. About time they made something for the ladies.

submitted by /u/Lycan_of_skyrim
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A Fallout Game with a nautical theme.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:45 PM PDT

2077, the SS Refuge sets sail at the rush from Wilmington North Carolina, the third and final of Vault-Tecs experimental line of vault ships. Sixty years go by and while floating in the North Atlantic the main reactor begins to break down. The tutorial level would have you, the child of the ships youngest passenger on sailing, clear out ghoulified crew members while trying to save the reactor, you are successful, but only temporarily, the damage fries the navigation.

The reactor is beyond saving and must be shut down within a few days or risk explosion, the Overseer/Captain decides to beach the ship. The nearest land, post Atomic Europe (I would suggest Britain for language issues). The equivalent of the vault door opening would be your ship hitting the beach, your initial mission find resources for your vault/crewmates.

The ship keeps the sense of Americana, but Europe would open up the Fallout Universe nicely. Perhaps meet the man who voices Mr Handy.

submitted by /u/EmperorOfNipples
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When I Leave Vault 76

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:28 AM PDT

In Fallout 3 does anybody remember the deathclaws of old Olney sometimes jumping into the air? And what I mean by that is they were going sky high and landing a minute or 2 later

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:34 AM PDT

Also this was on Xbox 360.

submitted by /u/Grahminator
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Pre order emails are being sent out for Bethesda.net orders!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:45 AM PDT

Yes Man Companion Hybrid HoverBot

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:18 AM PDT

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share this Yes Man Companion Hybrid Hoverbot I made as I bit of fan art for fallout new vegas, I hope you enjoy it! https://skfb.ly/6zUJH

submitted by /u/Bordiken
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I have a pitch for Fallout in Canada.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:45 PM PDT

With the "what if your family made it to a vault, but you didn't?" thread doing so well, I though I'd toss an idea I had a few years ago

So a few years ago I thought of doing a mod I called Project Watchtower(Hendrix reference) when F4 was about to drop. The basic idea was a mix of the beginning of VB's prison storyline, the long dead fallout live action movie and the a question I always had "What happened to Canada after the great war?"

The basic story pitch and what would act as the tutorial is: You've just been renditioned and labeled an enemy of the US in January 2077, rightfully or wrongfully is up to your view point and how you play the lead character. My original pitch idea was, you were someone who hacked into vault-tec and accidentally discovered the social experiment aspects of the Vaults, but that wouldn't fit someone who wants to play the dumb bruiser type, so let's keep it ambiguous or one of the options for those who'd want to go that route. After being processed (facial customization, name and SPECIAL stats) you're given a introduction to the Warden who will explain that this is an underground prison (and you can later find out by digging around it was made by Vault-tec using a design similar to their vaults to handle both the US government's undesirables and a dumping ground for those who knew to much about vault-tec that the company didn't want leaking) and you will spend the remainder of your lives here. You'll be shown to your cell and given your own vault style prison jumpsuit with the # on it's back then as the door to your cell closes. insert title card here. Cut to the next day at chow time: You'll be put in the mess hall where you can get info and talk to people and find some there are political prisoners, others terrorist and other people who know to much or have dirt on someone important. One of them, a Communist revolutionary, tries to be your friend that you can either choose to accept or push them away. Either way, you are then treaded to a Fallout 3 style time skips but instead of pre-set events you instead get small open events like one where the revolutionary is jumped so you can either help them fight off people, sneak away and try to escape while the brawl happening and wardens distracted or attempt to hack the security system to either help or escape. This will help determine your base stats by gameplay instead of selecting from a menu, however you can go back and change it on the finalization screen. No matter what you choose you'll still catch some blame each time leading to a scene where it's early October 2077, you'll be brought in front of your fellow prisoners and punished by being tossed into an experimental cryopod. They say as they turn it on that they'll thaw you out in a month, but if you know fallout, that won't happen.

Instead you're dumped out 5 years after New Vegas' ending with the cryopod implementing it emergency release fuction before it loses power. After recovering you find yourself in the ruins of the prison vault, it's clearly been a while since it's been functioning properly. Between the radroaches and raiders who have set up camp you find as you scavenge around, you get a handle on combat. If you follow the path of enemies You'll see a stair case up to where the Raiders come in and out but a story event (the raider base above is under attack) will cause the staircase to become broken forcing you to go to the processing area you initially entered, that's been long abandoned. There you find a skeleton of guard, underneath fallen rubble with a Pipboy, it's a 3k model based on the Mk4 variant though slightly tweaked with more military look and feel as well as prototype features. That's your key out similar to fallout 4. But unlike fallout 4, as you come out instead of a nice quiet serene view point, you're treated to a reveal that you're in the middle of a raider base camp that's been built around the prison vault and it's under attack by the NCR in patched together vertibirds, it's your choice to help a side or run and leave them to their own fight.

And that's how you start the game, from there:

  • If you ran: You're free to roam what you discover is the south west Canadian country side.

  • If you helped the raiders: Are welcomed as an honorary member of the Red scare Raiders and their plans to securely take over the area and force the NCR back.

  • If you helped the NCR: You'll be taken back to their base as a potential recruit in the NCR Army's expansion efforts up into Canada.

Other details I was thinkin about:

  • Make the native Americans/first nation citizens of Canada a faction onto themselves, having reclaimed parts of the land after the war and wanting little to do with non-natives/first nations people.

  • Make Canadian non-first nation locals immediate distrustful or refuse to talk to you if you wear US &NCR related stuff due to the annexing before the great war.

  • Nukacola is rare in any variety the north and they have their own soda of choice and bottlecaps that come with them, making nuka caps worth more to some and less to others and vice versa.

  • Bow and arrows and other various hunting weapons along with a hunting focused arsenal for those who like to play the survivalist role. Canada also has a history of less of a gun culture than America.

  • Wendigo instead of Deathclaws, I understand they're staple of the series but lizard based mutants surviving that far north? that's a bit hard to buy. Also When in Canada do what the Cunucks do and fleshing eating white maned beast that are 8 feet tall, sound like a blast to fight. You can even make it a story thing.

What do you think? too ambitious of an opening? This was just me bsing, I'd be open to change also I'd be willing to let anyone else who has an idea on how to expand on this or make this reality run with it. Just a reference to my screen name somewhere in there even if it's a Croatoan Mystery type thing where you find a place empty with one word on a tree stump.

submitted by /u/Nijata
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Change weapons back to the old form

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:50 PM PDT

Who else would like for the gauss rifle, assault rifle and 10 mm pistols to return to the form they were in in fallout 3 and NV and not the new wired ones in fallout 4. Leave thoughts below and yes I have seen that they will be the same in 76.

submitted by /u/Centurioniscancer69
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Fallout 4 story in a nutshell

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:47 PM PDT


submitted by /u/lamseal
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Sneak Peek of upcoming Creation Club content on bethnet

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:24 PM PDT

Here's the link. For anyone who despises links, here's a rundown:

  • A new big energy rifle, the Solar Cannon.

  • The Charleston Condo, a spacious four-floor interior living space that you can customize.

  • New Pip-Boy and Power Armors skins: Patriotic flavors, and a bundle of all the colors in the rainbow.

That's it for the bethnet post, but here's some new entries added to the Creation Club manifest file with the last update:

 ccBGSFO4008-PipGrn.esl ccBGSFO4015-PipYell.esl ccBGSFO4009-PipOran.esl ccBGSFO4011-PipPurp.esl ccBGSFO4021-PowerArmorSkinBlue.esl ccBGSFO4027-PowerArmorSkinGreen.esl ccBGSFO4034-PowerArmorSkinYellow.esl ccBGSFO4028-PowerArmorSkinOrange.esl ccBGSFO4031-PowerArmorSkinRed.esl ccBGSFO4030-PowerArmorSkinPurple.esl ccBGSFO4032-PowerArmorSkinTan.esl ccBGSFO4029-PowerArmorSkinPink.esl ccGRCFO4001-PipGreyTort.esl ccGRCFO4002-PipGreenVim.esl ccBGSFO4013-PipTan.esl ccBGSFO4010-PipPnk.esl ccSBJFO4001-SolarFlare.esl ccZSEF04001-BHouse.esm ccTOSFO4001-NeoSky.esm ccKGJFO4001-bastion.esl ccBGSFO4063-PAPat.esl 

That's the pipboy/power armor skins. SolarFlare and BHouse are probably the Solar Cannon and Charleston house, respectively. But what could NeoSky.esm and bastion.esl possibly be? My imagination continues to run wild. (whatever they are, the fact that they weren't previewed means they're probably not coming with the next batch of content)

submitted by /u/HoonFace
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Why would people leave vault 76?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:04 AM PDT

I know humans are curious and want to explore and venture out but I feel like a lot of them would want to stay in the vault assuming it's safe and they have food and water? Or at least go out to trade and explore/get resources but use it for sleeping/defence?

submitted by /u/mixand
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Question Regarding C.A.M.P. Fallout 76

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:23 PM PDT

So Bethesda uploaded the video, from E3, surrounding the C.A.M.P. I'm very interested to see how they implemented this because my first immediate thought was, well what if there are 4 of us? Are we all going to share one C.A.M.P? If so, how is that going to work if we're all building together and one person decides to go play on his own? Will it just save all changes made by everyone to his own C.A.M.P? Are we going to have to place individual ones? What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Andrew1286
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