True Dota 2 - What is the advantage of putting the core in the offlane?

What is the advantage of putting the core in the offlane?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:02 AM PST

Trying to figure this out, but I can't seem to put it together. Wouldn't it still be advantageous having your carry in a lane that is easily pullable and closer to the tower?

submitted by /u/Pandapoppin
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Is it ever good to focus on farm instead of objectives when ahead?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

When I say focus on farm I don't mean just jungling and doing nothing. I mean split push, cutting waves, taking stacks, etc. But when would you ever want to focus on farming when you're ahead in a game. I get that some heroes like Invoker and Anti-Mage need core items to function but on a hero such as Sven or Luna would it ever be better to just splitpush while your team is taking fights and objectives to get your core items quicker? Or is it really only something you should do when you're behind or if you aren't able to end the game early.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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How good is radiance WK?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:42 AM PST

I have never tried to build it on him myself, but how good is it compared to other WK builds, and what items would you get with it?

submitted by /u/Akira1912
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Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:58 AM PST

So here I am trying to learn Meepo and binding the hotkeys that would work for me and the main issue I ran into was Unit Specific Hotkey option. Its only use is that u're able to change the QWER per a specific hero but not the control groups. What i mean by that is that when I change the hotkeys for Meepo (and the control groups for him) I always manually have to set back the keys that I had for (let's say) Arc Warden. Is there any kind of a workaround for this?

submitted by /u/thedragocosic
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I want to learn playing storm spirit and I need help understanding the hero

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:46 AM PST

Storm is the only hero that I can't play reliably in mid. I can play all of the other mid heroes except storm. It's like alien to me. Please send help

submitted by /u/arefuez
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What are you supposed to do in the offlane against a dedicated tusk support?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

And lets assume that your team isn't that good and cant capitalize on the numbers advantage they have elsewhere on the map as the enemy tusk babysits top. Assume for this example that you as the offlane have to pick a hero who scales into late game as a strong core or carry because your lineup demands it or because your teammate's other lanes go very poorly at the start for whatever reason.

How can you do anything against orb of venom, ice shards, and snowball? Once tusk hits level 2, you can't go anywhere near the creep wave for XP or you are stunned and sharded and the carry joins in on wailing on you and you are dead. and a smart carry will keep the equilibrium by his tower so you have a 0% chance of getting anything out of the lane. And what happens is that, assuming your team is playing evenly in the other 2 lanes, the tusk will leave to help, and you'll be massively underleveled to even contest a super fed carry at that point. even if one of your other lanes is winning, the enemy carry is getting ultra farmed in gold and xp.

Even a hero like omniknight who can somewhat stay in lane depends on if you need your offlaner to be a strong core who scales late instead of strong support where you can do okay as omni but do nothing against a super fed enemy carry. Omniknight might be okay for the lane but bad for the game.

submitted by /u/SoupisOverrated
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Bristleback Off

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:12 AM PST

Is bristleback the best offlane hero ? i have the most success with him when im going offlane

submitted by /u/Barksdalee
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how to offlane 7.09

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:49 PM PST

honeslty just asking. I'm usually offlaner but ever since patch hit offlane felt so incredibly hard. There are so many defensive trilanes and the usual offlaner doesn't have a good time at all it seems like. I'm used to playing initiation heros like clock / es / slardar and such, but with the change it seems forever to even get to level 6. You can't even touch the creeps or get near them to leech exp. The supports just hound you.

I wonder if anyone know, preferably from the same skill bracket (4.2k mmr)

submitted by /u/evanthebouncy
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