Fallout - The Prydwen Arrival on Survival Mode is Nuts

The Prydwen Arrival on Survival Mode is Nuts

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

Say what you will about the Brotherhood in Fallout 4, but they know how to make an entrance and not being able to fast travel lets it really sink in.

Just killed Kellogg with Nick, and am planning on heading back to the Castle via Hangman's Alley, which essentially means I'm following in the Prydwen's wake.

The moment the BOS arrive, the Commonwealth turns into a war zone; three Vertibirds overhead at once, minigun fire and lasers everywhere, Paladins jumping out of exploding helicopters, people getting blasted left and right.

It's such a good part of the game that I think gets overlooked. It reminds me of the arrival of the Enclave in 3, but better. The feeling of something big and menacing descending on the largely-peaceful, cleared, quiet Commonwealth. It may be violent, but it only gets loud when Maxon shows up.

submitted by /u/xPLASMAx21
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Is there a Prydwen settlement mod?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:02 PM PST

I want to turn it into a Danse floor.

submitted by /u/JustYourAverageDovah
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What’s some new Fallout factions that you would like to see in future games?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:50 AM PST

Children of the Long Water: A coalition of moderately armed gatekeepers that patrol the Mississippi River. Their purpose is to ferry caravans across the river and regulate trade from the East to the West. They live on big ass barges and pole boats. The oligarchs are rich and greedy, but the organization is large and many of the enforcers are average joes who want to keep the river and it's surrounding areas safe.

The 87th Tribe: A group of escaped tribals from Caesar's Legion that fled east. They're a small group, but they operate a lot like the Inglorious Bastards. They love killing slavers and sending messages with their corpses.

The Stoneborn Fleet: The small militarized island of Grenada wasn't hit by nukes in the Great War. The island has a decent sized navy of pre-war ships, civilians fish to keep the island fed, and Grenada occasionally sends envoys all across the Gulf Coast. Their motivations are mostly unknown.

Any other ideas?

submitted by /u/coldhandds
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What Fallout 4 did right

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:40 PM PST

Many times I hear about how Fallout 4 messed up where previous games succeeded and how many missed opportunities the game had. In your opinion what did Fallout 4 do right? For me the combat and the exploration was amazing. When compared to 3 and New Vegas, Fallout 4's combat was smooth and not as clunky as previous games. Also the exploration was much better imo. I loved the atmosphere of 3 and New Vegas but wandering around empty areas only to come across a small building you can't get into didn't do it for me.

submitted by /u/HardyV2
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What unfortunate series of events have you had playing fallout?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:42 AM PST

So back when I was playing a lot of fo3, I got to a point where exploration was my main focus. I was strong enough to do anything. So clearly I had to go explore that vault surrounded by mirlurks and deathclaws, surely there had to be something interesting I there. I went through the vault, took in its madness, and left with the treasures. Seeing that one particular item couldn't be dropped, I just held onto it waiting to figure out where it went. I didn't wait long, I stopped by rivet city to sell my junk and got the option to sell that quest item. Yeah cool, I did it and leveled up for it.

Since I was exploring, I got the wasteland explorer perk. Now with all these map markers, I looked for a place I've never been to before. Agatha's cabin, off I go then. I find the sweet old lady tucked away and start conversation. She tells me she wants me to fetch something for her... Something from a vault... With music... She wanted me to get the item I had JUST sold in order to even find her little shack. I thought to myself that I'll just convince the old man to give me it back, or that I could explain to her what happened. No, the only dialog option was to say "Fuck you, I sold it." and she got angry then shooed me out the door. Clearly the game expected me to not go into that area prior to being told to, based on how she spoke.

I felt so bad, I couldn't believe the string of events. I could have leveled up any other way or sold my stuff to any other merchant but I picked the one guy to botch that quest up. What unfortunate series of events have you had playing fallout?

submitted by /u/DustyPoodle
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[FO3: PL] PSA: If you revisit Desmond after Calbert asks you not to plant the jammer you receive new dialogue and a chance at some caps.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:35 AM PST

So a week and a bit ago I noticed something awesome with the Holy Light Monastery and now I think I've found another awesome, not so easily found detail. This time it was sort of by accident!

Before all this... after Desmond asks you to place the Jammer on the Ferris Wheel you can talk to him again and ask for some new information on the jammer, how Calbert controls the tribals and a recap of your instructions. (Normally you'd just go straight to the Ferris wheel so this info in itself is also easily missed)

I noticed these options but never selected them because I wanted to do another quest first that I had forgotton. So I reloaded my save at the front door and went on my way.

Now I came back to do this quest later, spoke to Desmond and went off to place the Jammer. Calbert gave me a warning like he usually does but then I realised I'd forgotten to check out those other dialogue options with Desmond!

Close one!

So I went back to Calbert mansion, spoke to Desmond and I saw this option pop up along with the other dialogue option I was looking for!

What an absolute coincidence! You have to return to Desmond at this exact moment to get this dialogue. Would have completely missed this.

Next he will say this

Which will lead to these dialogue choices

Taking the top one and succesfully passing the speech check will grant you 250 caps.

Absolutely never knew this! There's probably tons of other moments in the game with strict requirements that I've missed but the gems I do find are really fun.

submitted by /u/Phazon2000
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The Best Loading Screen Quote in any Fallout-Themed game

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:10 AM PST

What simple game mechanic you've only discovered late in the game?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

I learned late in my 1st NV playthrough that you could repair your weapons and clothing using another one in your inventory (same category if you have the jury rigging perk).

I was carrying and collecting a lot of the same weapons so when my current broke, I would throw it away and use another one.

submitted by /u/rzpogi
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What’s the canon ending of New Vegas?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:16 PM PST

Just wondering what other people think it is. If I had to guess it'd be the house or NCR ending.

submitted by /u/goatcruz
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Is there a Fallout 4 (Xbox one) mod for multiple companions.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:38 PM PST

I've had this game for the better part of a year and finally went past the minute man/settlement setup part of the game. The hardest part of the game is picking which companion to take with me.

submitted by /u/Theotherjeffh
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What would be the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats for characters outside the Fallout universe?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:40 PM PST

Any characters allowed. Just pick a character from whatever game/show/movie/whatever and give them S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats! Bonus if you also explain why.

submitted by /u/CattyNerd
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Cosplay pip-boy question

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:03 PM PST

I do cosplay and love putting on my 111 jumpsuit for conventions. So, just wondering which version of the pip-boy should I invest in for these things- the party-city model, the GOTY edition, the Bluetooth one, or some fan-made foam one?

submitted by /u/MiracuMAHt
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If you could create a custom faction for the Fallout universe, what would it be?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

I love how the Fallout series has a diverse array of interesting, cool and unique factions. I love the NCR's devotion to old world morals, with all of the problems that they brought, the selfless Followers of the Apocalypse (I'd try so hard to join them if I were a wastelander) or the dickish but badass Brotherhood.

I'm no Fallout lore expert, so I couldn't make a good, realistic faction for the world if I tried. But I'd love to hear what you guys think. They don't have to be large factions, they could be small groups or gangs, even towns or settlements. Whatever you like!

submitted by /u/OknataSkeltro
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Deacon's origin revealed! (Okay, not really

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:17 PM PST

He was a runway model. How do I know? Because every time he leaves my line of sight, he changes clothes. I counted half a dozen outfits in just a couple minutes.

Never noticed this on previous playthroughs, but then again I never spent much time with him as a companion. (I usually main Curie)

submitted by /u/Jigokubosatsu
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I have a problem that Google cannot solve.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:50 PM PST

I have a problem that Google cannot solve. My inventory in Fallout Classic is all grey, all icons are present, on a solid grey background that has replaced the inventory screen. I'd upload a photo but that is not an option here. I've reloaded saves, visited merchants, everything I can think of. Nothing has solved it.

submitted by /u/FirstClassRejekt
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[Question] Need help with my Fallout 3 installation

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:41 AM PST

I hope you guys can help me with my issue. I have the goty edition of Fallout 3 on Steam. I could only launch the game after I installed games for windows live of the microsoft page. Before I couldnt even launch the game. I read that this is the cause of Windows 10 and I am okay with this. But a lot of textures are missing in my game and are replaced with big red exclamation marks. I am not that lazy and got me the mod of the sidebar, which disables games for windows. Disabling it had no effect on the exclamation marks though.

I had the exact Problem when I first played the game, but when I logged on windows live the exclamation marks were gone and I could play the game as usual. To my own surprise that is not possible anymore, because when I attempt to click the LIVE button in the main menu nothing happens. It loads for several minutes without doing anything.

I might be a dumbass guys and I hope I didnt miss anything super obvious. I just want to enjoy the game again and hope you guys have some experience with this issue.

submitted by /u/Kennyonice
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What does the Fallout community think when it comes to Skills or Perks?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:17 AM PST

To all Original Fallout fans, what do you think of Fallout 3?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:25 PM PST

There's a Fallout soundtrack playlist on Spotify.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:44 AM PST

One of the best things I've found. Great driving music because I already know all the words!

submitted by /u/Zapp---Brannigan
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Which real life US-President is Tandi most similar to?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:36 AM PST

Based on the policies implemented by Tandi, which POTUS does she resemble the most?

submitted by /u/SP00KYF0XY
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I Kinda want to try Fallout 3 again?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:30 AM PST

I played FO3 like three or four years ago, it was my first Fallout game and have never gone back to replay it. I finished the game, but didn't do any dlc. Since then, I've played 4, NV, 1, 2 in that order.

Dude ugggggh I love NV so much, I know this subreddit is just a bunch of people sucking NV's dick, but idc, its sooooo good. So whenever I want to replay a Fallout game, I kinda just choose to start another play through in NV out of instinct.

I kinda want to go back and play Fallout 3 again, just because it's been so long. It was my first Fallout game so I'm sure that a bunch of shit went over my head, and I remember the atmosphere being really creepy. It made me feel like I was so alone, in the game and in real life, it just made me so uneasy.

And honestly I want that feeling again. It's like the feeling of walking in the Divide for the first time, or walking through that haunted house in Nuka World... like any moment you could get your sphincter obliterated by some unseen entity. THAT WAS FALLOUT 3 ALL THE TIME.

But yea, I guess this isn't really a question, I just wanted your opinions on Fallout 3: what locations I should visit, what dlc I should get ect.

Also where tf and who tf are the companions because I don't remember having a single one besides Sarah Lyons (again, I was a Fallout noob). ;3

submitted by /u/coldhandds
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