True Dota 2 - Crystalys rush on Wraith King

Crystalys rush on Wraith King

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:14 AM PST

I noticed that there have been alot of people(from the average pub player to the high ranked ones) that have been buying Crystalys as their farming item on wraith king instead of a midas.

Simply, Your crystalis crits proc the insta kill passive and also give you skeleton charges.

I started experimenting with this build and it is amazing.

What I usually do is that when I get my Crystalis, depending on the situation, I either give the lane to one of my supports and I start jungling or I push the lane and take their tower.

Efficient camp clearing:

I pop my skeletons and only kill one of the creeps(large ones) on every camp while my skeletons are cleaning up the left overs, as long as you give them vision of the next camp you are going to next, they are gonna follow you.

If you are efficient enough, you can actually clear all the camps before the creeps respawn.


Boots > Magic wand > Treads > Crystallis > Blademail/radiance/armlet/blink...etc.

submitted by /u/ace-s
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I need help with some counter pick drafting

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:11 PM PST

Imagine you are drafting and the enemy team first picks one of those heroes how would you respond with second and third pick ?

Phantom assassin



submitted by /u/luigi2597
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Any cool unorthodox support, or unorthodox lane combos?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:47 AM PST

blah blah blah

submitted by /u/OrganBreeder
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how to transfer dota account configs?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:15 PM PST

Anybody knows how to transfer the configs for different acount, since mine doesn't save even when i transferred the 570 folder

submitted by /u/gznster
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Is it really worth sitting mid as a roamer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:46 AM PST

I play (or try to) a lot of riki and bounty hunter, and I always find myself struggling on determining where to place myself. Often I'll come mid, harass a little, but never enough to truly get a kill. And then by the time I rotate to another lane the enemy has a level advantage over my pos 2 and will just come to dominate the lane. So my question is, am I doing something wrong? It feels sometimes like I have no impact at all.

submitted by /u/Whores_anus
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When to use dk ult for farm?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:45 AM PST

Most of the time dks just ult when any fight or when trying to pickoff but somtimes i see farming ults too even without stacks for the dk can someone tell me when to ult other than for kills and fights,towers?

submitted by /u/shadowpanda571
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Doom support help

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:27 PM PST

I've played a decent amount of offlane doom and he seems incredibly strong at the moment but I don't quite get how he works as a support. He doesn't have any hard lockdown although I see how much harass he can get off on the enemy offlaner/mid. But past the laning stage I don't see what you can really do with an underlevelled and underfarmed doom. Can somebody clue me in on how/why this is done?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Good mids vs a drow lineup?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:48 PM PST

Who'd be a good mid vs a drow lineup such as drow, qop, viper, pudge, and enchantress? I assume someone who comes online early. Not really sure the strong mids that fit that description right now.

submitted by /u/Fortune_451
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Ranged basher vs Pango

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST

After a frustrating game as sniper against a pango who would run across my team, or on my team and nobody could do much about it, occured to me to get a basher and cancel his ult, since all the times I could shoot him a lot, but he would use shield an just tank up.

I know its only 10% chance, but sniper with treads, maelstrom and 40 stack speed at level 15 can easily make the odds on his favor.

So, bash works to disable his ult, amiright? Anyone tried this shit?

submitted by /u/Vereador
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reasons to have aquila/basilius off post 20 mins?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:23 PM PST

hello friends

i understand toggling aquila/basilius off during laning phase so that you don't push your wave with the +armor on creeps, and toggling it on when pushing early so your creeps last longer under tower/against enemy creeps, or even using it like EE to make last hitting harder, but is there any reason for it to be off like post 20 minutes? i often see streamers with it off and am curious if there is some reason why or if it is just an oversight

thank you

submitted by /u/kotkvo
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