Smite - Dear Paragon players, please git gud.

Dear Paragon players, please git gud.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST

We need more players in ranked conquest and I'd be happy to see you guys there!

submitted by /u/frostyribbit
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Daisy Despair Syclla

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

The changes HiRez has presented regarding the new way we will gain FP will not actually help players - Math inside.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:46 AM PST

This will be a continuation of this thread from a few days ago which has sense fallen off the front page and people seem to have given up on. Many of us in the thread found the response unsatisfactory, and I made a brief statement regarding how the new system is both flawed and will do almost nothing to actually help players obtain FP. Since all responses to St3alth's final statement were ignored, I figured I would go in detail about how we should not just accept their response on the matter.

The Change:

Taken from St3alth's post here, the change they settled on was to return the old system of awarding 10 per win and 5 per loss with no season ticket, and 20 per win and 10 per loss if you do own the season ticket. In addition to this, for every minute past 20 you gain 1 additional FP with a cap set when the timer reaches 60 minutes.

Why this isn't good enough:

In the original thread, the OP was nice and disregarded all of the time it takes to even get in and start a game of Smite. Queue Time, Match Accept, God Select, Loading into the game, and then the Pregame Timer are all things you have to get through to start playing a match of Smite. A conservative estimate for how long it would take to get through all of those would be 5 minutes.

To make it clear how much this "improvement" will really help I am going to include a link to a table that was made with how long it would take to obtain 70k FP under a perfect system with the new algorithm, as well as include a more realistic estimate: Here.

So from this we can see that the average player would only have to put about 1100 hours into the game if every game they played ended at 10 minutes. Oh, wait, average match times in nearly every mode are closer to 20? Add another 800 hours. This highlights one of the largest issues with this system: the most efficient method of grinding FP is for every game to end at 10 minutes and it's not even close. In fact, games ending just after 20 minutes give the worst FP per minute spent in the game period.

Unforeseen Consequences:

As stated above, by far the most efficient way to grind FP would be to surrender every game you are behind at 10 minutes (and hope that the other team does the same when you are winning). Winning a 25-minute long game (so 30 minutes total) will only provide 5 more FP than surrendering out of two 10-minute long games (also 30 minutes total). If you lose that game? You are down 7 FP compared to surrendering out of two. If there is a reasonable chance you will lose it would be in your best interest to F6, you have more to lose than to gain by not. Given how obscene the grind for Demonic Thana is, this could serve to create even more friction within the community between grinders and casuals. The solution to this is easy - it has to be a linear increase through all time values. But clearly 1 FP per minute is not enough as that is what sparked the outrage on the original thread.

Edit: As /u/Kindralas has pointed out, this analysis was based entirely on an assumption of a 5 minute wait time per game. As wait time increases, the disparity between the bonus FP gained by a 10 minute game versus one that goes longer becomes diminished. No matter how long the wait time, however, a game ending close to the 20 minute mark will always be the worst case scenario in terms of FP gain. In my experience is when most non-conquest modes end on average (Conquest is by far the mode that gains the most benefit under this system and it is good that players will finally not feel as "punished" for playing it). That is something to keep in mind as the wait value of an individual person can vary wildly based on the modes they play/time of day they play/etc. I have updated the table with 10 and 15 minute wait times so that this change can been seen.

Does this even matter? It's just a skin:

When it comes down to it, no, the average player is not entitled to be able to earn all of the rewards from the Season Pass. HiRez has the power to set the prices for their product at whatever they want - but that doesn't mean doing so is in their best interest. When they advertise the rewards of the Pass as being earn-able through being a dedicated player, it can motivate people to play more to unlock them. When it's this insane though? The opposite can happen - people won't even bother. If they were to release Demonic Thana as a direct purchase for 48,000 gems, some people may be upset and wonder what they were thinking, but there wouldn't be the same level of outrage over it. There would be no expectation of it being obtainable any other way. The fact you are using that skin as an advertisement for buying the Pass knowing the average dedicated player won't even come close to obtaining it without dropping a large amount of gems doesn't seem to be sitting right with the community. At least call it what it is - a skin that if you grind hard as a dedicated player you can buy for essentially half off in a year.


HiRez, if you want to actually reward your dedicated players and not just rake in some cash from the whales, this change isn't enough. The community is already weary of the route your monetization is going with the price increases to chests, team badges, and continued lack of direct purchase skins. While I can't say your proposed changes aren't an increase in FP gain over last season, it is nowhere near a large enough increase to justify Demonic Thana being at 80k. Chances are nothing will change, I would honestly be surprised if this post even got noticed by anyone. This is just me venting some frustration on the topic. If you did make it to the end of this, thanks for taking the time.

Tl;dr: The fastest you can realistically get Demonic Thanatos is having every game be a 10 minute surrender, and that will still take you over 1100 hours/4600 matches. If the game makes it to 20 minutes, you are gaining almost half as much FP/minute as you would have gotten for winning at 10 and nearly 1900 hours of grinding. The changes hardly changed anything.

Edit: Surrendering at 10 being significantly more efficient depends on how long your own average wait time for a game is. The values I gave above assumed 5, which is optimistic. The table has value for 10 and 15 now and the difference isn't nearly as large between ending at 10 and other values.

submitted by /u/MyMMRDied
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It's 2018. Can Rat get a new acorn please

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:45 AM PST

Just 1 more acorn at least please. Old rat was fun with his different build paths. New rat is boring. He is locked into only having 1 options for 'boots' where as every single other god in the game can have a choice of 4 or no boots at all. Rod of tahuti was removed because it forced mage to build it and removed build variety. Can Rat get the same treatment please. Just add at least 1 acorn. Balance the 2 acorns then maybe add another. No other good in the game is locked into 1 item like Rat is. #makeratgreatagain #mrga

submitted by /u/PurpleDanks
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What if Guardian's Blessing gave passive xp that was only active if you are at least 1 level below all of your teammates?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

This would help keep supports a bit less underleveled and the restriction keeps the xp gain from being abused by other roles. Supports seem to be a bit behind in Conquest. Gold is fine but levels so far have seemed pretty low and I've heard others voice the same opinion. With this change, Guardians would probably still be a lower level than everyone else but a bit less so.


submitted by /u/pzea
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New player from paragon and having a blast

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

I'm in about my second week or maybe week and a half in and I've already had some amazingly fun matches. In paragon there were times where if you lost an inhibitor (Phoenix) in monolith then there was such a rare chance of you coming back that it was almost useless to try. In smite it's so much different. Having the Phoenix respawn and the Titan be able to regen health is so awesome because it allows for the amazing comebacks that are so satisfying.

Another thing I've enjoyed is obviously in game voice chat which was not in paragon but it allowed me just last night to win basically a 3v5 just because of the coordination and the skill of us three combined out weighing the numbers disadvantage.

My favorite moment of all though maybe my favorite in any game was an 86 min match I played with two of my friends. Super super intense and I believe the only team wipe came at the end when we surrounded them in our jungle and then were able to finish them game. I ended up with 42 kills and 30 assists and one of my friends ended up with 56 assists which is just insane and was so much fun that we couldn't help but shed a few tears from amazing of a match it was.

The one gripe I have so far is the matchmaking occasionally. I'll end up as a lvl 27 player going against a full team of people who are level 100+ and while I do my best and can usually manage to do sort of decent. I always get out played, which is to be expected as obviously I don't know the best ways to farm when to get buffs and so on. Now I've heard this has been a problem for a long time and it is annoying but it's not big enough to turn me off from this game. Absolutely amazing experience so far and I love seeing the feedback and responses from HiRez as we haven't had that in paragon for months so it feels great. Thank you so much for accepting all of the refugees from paragon and can't wait to learn and play with you guys

submitted by /u/MarshmelloMush
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More Players, Incoming From "GIGANTIC" After News of Shutdown

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:53 PM PST

I, myself, had just started playing SMITE a little while ago. I came from "GIGANTIC" to this game, as a means of taking a break until GIGANTIC's next update.

The update was yesterday, and along with it, came news of the game shutting down on July 31st. I'm convincing others to come give this game a try, as I'm really loving it!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that on top of the Paragon players, it seems GIGANTIC players will be joining the community soon!

submitted by /u/A-BRAVE-KNIGHT
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Early game XP values for new (and old) jungle mains.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:46 PM PST

We should have new starting gods.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:08 PM PST

Players coming from gigantic and paragon have an awful selection of starting gods to choose from imo. I think it's time Hi-Rez to make changes to the starting gods.

First off, I want to define what I believe is a starter god. Mechanically easy to use. Straightforward kit (does not have a lot of combos, e.g. Ullr). Defines the conventional role/class the God belongs too. Early and/or mid-game relevancy.

The first three points are fairly understandable. The fourth point is debatable. The reason why I believe starter gods should be early/mid-game is because new players don't understand god/character progression yet. They don't realize what makes a god strong in the early game and strong in the late game. So giving them a god that's strong in the early game will allow them to not worry about god progression and lane mechanics, etc. It is also pleasant for these players to see the effectiveness of these gods early on. Giving them a god like Morrigan might put them off when they see how little damage she has in the early game.

Let me explain the current problems we have with the starter gods we have right now.

Ra's ult and one are too difficult for new players to consistently hit at a distance. In other words, he's not mechanically easy to use for beginners. I'm sure many of you understand the first few times you tried to ult someone and whiffed.

Ymir is has way too much damage for newer players to understand the role he is meant to be played. This will incline players to build him with more damage and ignore their role (excessively using abilities for kills instead for peeling). I know this quite well because I played damage Ymir for the first 50 hours of my time in smite.

Thor is all around too difficult to use. His combos require AA to achieve the most potential; a far too advanced concept for newer players, especially when it comes to the mechanics of his one. In addition to that, every single ability other than his three is either inconsistent or too difficult for new players to hit.

Guan Yu's early game is too difficult to work with, especially in conquest where its early game is more important than any other game mode. I can relate because I was put-off by this god when I first tried him and still am to this date.

Neith imo is the most suitable hunter for beginners. No problem here. She has a reliable escape, skill shots aren't too difficult to hit. Her ultimate is most easiest ultimate to use out of all the hunters. She's also an early game god, which is perfect for beginners.

Here are some of my suggestions for starter gods. Keep in mind, I picked these gods according to the points I listed above. Feel free to include some gods you believe are easy, or argue why you disagree with my choices.

Solo/Warrior: Nike or Wukong. Not too many difficult combos with these two gods. Skills are easy to use. Relevant in the early/mid game. Very safe and easy ultimate abilities to use. Wukong's 3 is a bit too difficult for new players to use at first, but the simplicity from the rest of his kit compensates for this.

EDIT: Chaac is also being recommended, I do believe he is also fairly easy god to use.

Jungler/Assassin: Nemesis. She is the easiest assassin to learn imo. No other assassin compares to her low skill floor. She's easy to use, excellent mobility, skills shots are very easy to hit. Her ult is almost unmissable, meaning the only way to miss it is if enemy players group up and you hit he wrong person.

EDIT: Bastet and Fenrir are common recommendations I read about as well. Do consider this as well.

Mid/Mage: Poseidon or Change. Very easy to use. Decent mobility on Poseidon. The cleanse of Change makes her a very forgiving god to use. Skill shots aren't too difficult to hit. No difficult combos to use for a beginner.

Support/Guardian: Geb or Khephri. Geb has the lowest skill floor out of any guardians, Khepri is a bit more difficult to use. Their kits are peel orientated, giving players an idea of what guardians/supports are expected to do. Abilities aren't difficult to hit, especially geb. I do lean more on Geb being the starter guardian, however Khepri wouldn't be a bad choice imo.

EDIT: It seems a of people disagree with these choices. This is because this might warrent players away from picking support since these gods might appear "boring" to them. Another suggestion is Athena, which I believe can work as a starter god since she is more of a hybrid between initiation/peel.

When the time comes to implement these changes, Hi-Rez could make the current starters free until certain date, then any account made after that date will not receive Ra, Ymir, Thor and Guan for free. Instead, all accounts present after the changes will receive the new starter gods for free. All accounts that were made before this date can keep the current starters.

If you guys have anything to say, feel free to say so. Your feed back is welcomed. Cheers.

tldr; we need new starting gods, the current ones we have aren't suitable for new players, here are the gods I suggest... blah blah blah

submitted by /u/Balor1916
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Evolution of Cosmetics through the years, future stuff and a conclusion for all of this

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:14 PM PST

Okay, first of all, this thing blew out of proportions. I can't say I started it, since HiRez's marketing team is technically the one to be at fault here, however I did point to it, and now we should try and finish it. This thing has been going well over than it should've and it is time to conclude it with HiRez and get over it.

WARNING: Long post. Like seriously, a long post. If you don't like reading or don't want to, skip it and write your angry comment (that is either against GreedyRez or GreedyMe) below. Or read only paragraphs you are interested in. I don't care.

Also, when Season 5 ends I'll repost this and see what I've gotten correct and what I haven't. Yea, I'm that much of a douchebag.


Okay, to start things off and simple, we are gonna talk about availability of skins in general.

Now, since I was the only one pathetic enough to count at the time, I only have data available from mid Season 3 and end of Season 4.

As it can be seen in 3.13, Smite had 600 skins. 38.5% of those were mastery skins, 28.83% of those were either Exclusive, Limited, or Clan skins, and 32.67% were direct purchase. At the end of Season 4, however, we had 863 skins in the game with 31.98% being mastery, 40.56% of those being E/L/C, and only 27.46% skins direct purchase.

That means that in a span of year and a half we've seen 11.73% increase in unavailable content and 5.21% decrease in direct purchase skins.

And even then, if we look at patch 5.1, we already have 9 new exclusive skins and 2 limiteds with 3rd coming in 5.2. We had 11 skins in a patch and none of those will be available after their respective event ends.

If we assume that we will have a stable increase of 4 E/L skins per patch and 1 direct purchase, at the end of the season we'll have 45.55% E/L/C skins (4.99% increase) and only 26.52% direct purchase skins (0.94% decrease).

How HiRez hid this one: More freebies in events. That still require purchase of paying things though. So no, Ullr is not "FREE", even though you can legally say it fucking is.

Season 5 end mark assumptions:

  • 988 skins

  • 45.55% content is E/L/C

  • 26.52% content is direct purchase


Well, it is time to adress the elephant in the room.

According to this post from the all old Smite patch where they only started to add chests, these are following facts that were provided with them:

  • Costs are 200 Gems per chest.

  • The lowest gem value you'll get out of the chest is 300 Gems (Ward Skins)

  • You will NEVER get something you already own, thus increasing the chances of obtaining rarer items.

  • Treasure Chests only contain items exclusively available via Gem purchase, meaning no items that can be purchased with favor are included.

Hoewever, slowly and steadily, HiRez rolled more expensive chests with much less items that fitted the following descriptions:

  • Costs are 200 or 400 Gems per chest.

  • The lowest gem value you'll get out of the chest is 200 Gems (for 200 gem chests) or 400 (for 400 gem chests)

  • You will NEVER get something you already own, thus increasing the chances of obtaining rarer items.

  • Some chests containing recolors as Loverboy Cupid have been added meaning that tehnically you can buy a chest and get something worth 9500 favor.

And granted, chests weren't that bad (even though there have been some reports of same chests giving same items in almost same order, implifying that the weights are extremely against you, but let's not look at that) and they were acceptable because when you got almost all items from one 55 item chest, you'de have 40 items on other and so on.

And then, in Season 4 came the revolutionary roll 3 pick 1 item chests. Because they've been proven that they are worse than normal chests mathematically, everybody forgot that they were practically a scam by one of these rules:

  • Costs are 200, 300, or 400 Gems per chest.

  • The lowest gem value you'll get out of the chest is 200 Gems (for 200 gem chests and 300 gem chests) or 400 (for 400 gem chests)

  • You will NEVER get something you already own, thus increasing the chances of obtaining rarer items.

  • Some chests containing recolors as Loverboy Cupid have been added meaning that tehnically you can buy a chest and get something worth 9500 favor

That's right. For the first time ever (intentionally, at least) you could get something worth LESS than what you payed for (VP's from 300 gem chests). That means that you are actually losing gems by buying expensive chests that have more items and are worse than non expensive ones! I can't wrap my sentence enough about this: "YOU ARE BUYING MORE EXPENSIVE CHESTS FOR MORE WORSE ITEMS!"

How HiRez hid this: They didn't. No need to, everyone jumped at these chests like they were God's gift or something. This was played more than well.

As always, by that logic let's apply this to all chests that release until end Season 5:

  • Costs are 300 Gems per chest.

  • The lowest gem value you'll get out of the chest is 200 Gems

  • You may get a skin piece (look at events) multiple times

  • No favour items (we can have that in 6th season)

Came this far? I'll admit, my head's hurting from writing all this so I bet none of you feel any better. Here's a little something for yall.


Oooh boy, strap in for an awesome ride to this wonderland.

In the recent times we've seen HiRez increase the number of events going at once, some so far as to having 4 active events at one point in the game.

Now, events aren't a scam per se, but they are fucking expensive for collectors to deal with. Summer of smite? 3200 gems. Season Ticket (more on that later)? 1200 gems. Celestial Voyage? 1600 gems. Return to the Underworld? 1600 Gems. You get the gist.

I'll be honest though: I have nothing against events. I actually think they are the single best way to put E/L skins in the game. What worries me is the upper part on increasing amounts of E/L content, which is getting absurd with the amount of events going on at once. Like calm down, we'll buy it, don't make it all popout.

How HiRez hid this: Buying items gives you "FREE" stuff like jump stamps and other "quality cosmetics". I still think these are fair tho.

Post Season 5 prediction:

  • New skin shards, buy chests or collect from events as rewards and reedeem as a whole new skin!

  • At one point in the game we'll have 6 active events

This is just a clarification that the skin shard is just a joke, and should not ever, like ever ever ever, be even considered to be added.


Since this post is only looking at negative sides of things, let's look at something positive, I'll try to list as many as I can.

Let's see, we have... Ah, 4 free chests! That change is fucking awesome and may be the best change in S4. You can get all cool stuff just by playing (Season Ticket flashbacks). What else... There was this Bacchus event, I guess. And gem storms. Even though the last one was a long time ago. And... Daily login. Which was once almost replaced by daily quests which were impossible to solve. Comment if you remember this.

Nevermind that, HiRez really is generous when it comes to questions like this.

Season Ticket

Now this has been a long time coming in this post. Let's start this shit fest.

As some of you may know, there have been some small posts about the new Season Ticket, and how it may be unfair. I wouldn't know. Anyways, I want to point towards one thing that nobody pointed at: Season Ticket became a payment thing.

Now, I know, everyone's saying: "S2 and S3 were better than S4 and S5 season tickets", and yes, they most definitely were.

Howeeever, there is this one bad thing about S5 ticket that neither S2, S3, or S4 tickets contained: A need to buy FP to get all rewards.

Let me remind you. S2 and S3 tickets were simple - pay 400 gems and play healthy amounts of Smite to get all rewards. S4 was almost the same, only with the "pay 400" gems part being extended by three times. It was free, I guess.

But now, for the first time we have a Season Ticket that you need to pay 400 gems x3 to get all rewards (levels 1 - 31) but a need to buy the final reward. Or play unhealthy amounts of videogames. I don't know if I've been clear enough: You need to pay something that was already supposed to be available. Now some will say, the Archon Demonic is clearly for paying players, and yes, currently it is, but why then brag how you can get all rewards just by playing. It is a fucking lie. Not legally a lie. But a lie nonetheless.

How HiRez hid this: FP store. It was the easies solution. Put recolors in the store and 2 rotating cool skins that. It is actually a good idea but not worth the badges and other stuff that has been shoved under our noses.

Post Season 5 prediction:

  • Season ticket still costs 400x3 gems

  • You can now choose between items, no linear progression.

  • Few awesome rewards that you have no chance of collecting all by simply playing*

Came this far? Awesome, enjoy a 🎂 on me. (Again, I'm poor, donate here)

All in all what I wanna say is that this became too far. It is now a point in which we as players need to find common paying grounds with HiRez that aren't too expensive but still bring HiRez a satisfactory amount of money.

I'm litterally off to sleep so if anyone comments about that gem thing, I'm sorry, we can talk tommorow.

Don't @ me about my predictions for S6.


submitted by /u/Draco9990
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Ranked will be turned on tomorrow at 5am Eastern Time.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:42 PM PST

Can "Double Everything" Weekends Now Include FP?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:51 AM PST

It would be perfect to implement it into the roster as everyone is a bit irritated with the FP price of Demonic Thanatos.

submitted by /u/DeathNinja93
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Reddit banner

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:34 AM PST

I think that banner should be new season based, not swc based, I think the SWC hype is already gone.

Don't hurt me, that's just an opinion :(

submitted by /u/memorymemory
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Quick suggestion for new players to avoid toxicity

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

First of all, it doesn't matter if you are an ex-player from another similar game that got shut down or if you found out about smite and decided to give it a try, you are all welcome and a much needed boost to our favourite game.

Smite's player base, as in every moba, is pretty toxic. Most of us play to win and want a fair match where both teams are equally skilled. If that is not the case, then the game becomes a waste of time and can lead to frustration. Here's some bullet points on how to avoid toxicity.

1) Say in lobby "I'm a new player" It helps a lot knowing that you will most likely need help. There's no shame in being new.

2) If you don't know what to build, just ask. Most of the players at least know what pros have been building so you will avoid the famous Deathbringer 1st item joke.

3) You can mute players that annoy you and also report them at the end of the match. If you press TAB during game you will see a speaker icon for each player, press it and he's gone. At the end of the match, there's a reporting icon in a similar position.

4) Most of us tryhards don't really mind if you directly add us as friends and DM us for any questions related to the game. Tryhards will usually be focused in their own game during game, but it doesn't mean they won't be nice after it.

5) Twitch and YouTube are filled with learning content for SMITE. The more you learn the better you become so if players bm you, it won't be due to lack of experience.

submitted by /u/diogofd8
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MLCSt3alth is a monster - Legends never die

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:03 PM PST

Can we talk about how outdated the tutorials are?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:42 AM PST

I played the conquest and clash tutorial due to "bonus rewards". And I chose Neith and it said to buy deaths toll. But the weirdest part was probably playing on the old map. I just feel like with a new season they should update the tutorial and make it more in-depth.

submitted by /u/boredhuman91
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Hi Rez advertising? What year is it?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:59 AM PST

I got a penta kill in arena last night

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:45 PM PST

Im basically brand new to this game as I just started playing after I heard the news about paragon shutting down.

As the title says I got my first penta but was wondering if that's impressive or not because it was only in Arena.

submitted by /u/Dopenhagen_Mint
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Y'all ever been talking shit to Hercules and accidentally taken a Janus portal into an absolute cluster fuck?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:02 PM PST

Zyrhoes best stream moments

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:16 PM PST

How are people supposed to get 7k FP points in 2 weeks?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

in the season ticket store you can get ragnarok fenrir or baron frostchild for 7000FP. and it said here that they will be rotated every patch (2 weeks). for someone who really wants the ragnarok skin paying half an oddysey to get the skin and only getting to lvl 6ish on the ticket looks impossible

submitted by /u/ScytheVX
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Rip FP Tipping in 2018

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:06 AM PST

new player - from paragon here - question -

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:44 PM PST

Whats with the early game in this game? Why are gods doing 3 shot moves within the first 3 minutes of the game?

The balance seems hilariously bad, some gods are WAY too strong early game

submitted by /u/platelamped
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Broke up with an online friend today :( FeelsBadMan

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST

I just felt like venting that this happened because it made me feel kind of shitty but I feel it was for the best.

I play on Xbox, and I guess this kind of behavior followed for both PC and Ps4 too. Sometimes when you're solo queue'ing you meet another player who you feel is pretty good and y'all wanna queue together. Happened to meet this guy about a week ago.

The guy's usually pretty salty when we lose and even when we win because of some bad teammates. A fraction of the time the problem will be on him losing his lane or something, but he usually won.

Now for this next part it's important to note that him and I are Diamond IV and III respectively. I usually play support/solo, two roles notorious for the dependence on the synergy between your lane partner. Incidentally, my playstyle usually involves playing aggressively to kill opponents or to save teammates at my own risk. The result is a very polarizing earlygame. I play this way because my lategame is usually better than others' and getting a free win from the good earlygame saves time and effort.

I had a couple bad games (lost 2/3, dominated the one game we won), but he just leaves and says I'm bad after the third game.

I told him I honestly didn't want to play with him because he was so salty and he went on about how it was no loss because I sucked. Whatever.

In any case, I felt like shit afterwards and blocked him. At least I won my next game.

Anyone else have similar stories?

submitted by /u/FriedChckn
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Ravana's base model should look like this all the time.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:25 AM PST

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