Diablo - Cheaters of the game, question for you...

Cheaters of the game, question for you...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

I see a lot of videos with high ranked clears. A lot of times from known botters, bot clans, bounty bot clans, botting for rift keys for fishing, known hud users, clans that ran exploits over and over again... it's gotta be like a 10 to 20 level advantage. And you didn't earn it.

Why do you feel proud of your clears?

To me, it's like you posted a video of someone slam dunking a basketball and claimed it was you. I'm just seeking to understand. Is it a self-esteem issue?

submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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Anyone want to play vanilla D2:LOD online?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:15 AM PST

Just looking to play with regular humans, no bots, no rushing, no cheats or whatever. I actually never finished Act 3 and I'm willing to try online (which I've never really played before) and I'd love to finally beat the game maybe with some decent people!

If you'd like to start a character from scratch with me on classic BattleNet, not these extra servers: i don't really understand what they are or how they work, then let me know!

I don't like to rush things, I enjoy the story and checking items, etc. But I'm not slow and I know how the game works. I've been playing it on and off for years only restarting each time.

If this sounds like something you'd like then let's connect and play. I usually play around 8pm EST.

We can connect through Discord

Edit: wow did not expect this many people! Looking forward to playing with you guys. HMU for discord invite!

submitted by /u/ThePeachinator
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Should I start Diablo 2 now or wait for a potential Remastered version of D2?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:29 PM PST

I am very conflicted.

submitted by /u/bkhong
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Greater Rift 20 as Demon Hunter

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:55 AM PST

I'm a noob. I started playing the game last week and my friend helped me run bounties all the way to level 70. I've since been working on the chapter objectives to get my first full set of gear and then I have a low level character I've been playing through the campaign with.

I have the first 4 pieces from finishing chapter 1-3 but one objective for Chapter 4 is reach Greater Rift 20 solo. I get practically insta-killed against mobs at this difficulty and while I can do some damage to them it seems to take way too long to kill them.

Since this season's set reward is Natalya's I've been trying to model this build and guide for my character.


The non-set items I have are a mixture of legendaries and rares. My current stats are

Health: 412,000

Damage: 370,000

Toughness: just below 5,000,000

Recovery: 211,000

Are my stats just too low to complete this difficulty? Do I need to gear up? Or am I just still too inexperienced to properly beat GR20 mechanically?

submitted by /u/Exception1228
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Could someone translate this Sean White D3 tweet?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:01 PM PST

The Darkening Returns - January 2019

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - 02/01/18

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 246 of Thursday Help Desk.

This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Is it possible to play original Diablo 3?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:06 PM PST

I was wondering if it was possible at all to play the original Diablo 3? Like Patch 1. Where legendaries we're impossible to find and not even that good when they were found. And inferno act II was near impossible to complete due to the damned wasps.

submitted by /u/SHRAwzAc
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