Pokémon GO - [Humor] Niantics employee of the Month

[Humor] Niantics employee of the Month

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

New avatar items are identical to design from handheld games! [Photo]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:46 PM PST

[Art] Beware the tall grass...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:27 AM PST

Daily or weekly quests would make Pokemon Go so much more fun

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:54 PM PST

Hear me out I have been wanting quests to be implemented in the game for a while now I think it would greatly benefit the game if players had some sort of weekly goal to achieve even if some are able to do it in a day or two. There are just so many ideas to make quests interesting to do in fact here are some examples for some weekly goals:

Catch 100 Pokemon and receive 50 Pokeballs. Battle and take over 10 gyms and receive a free Premium Pass. Feed Pokemon in a gym 50 berries and receive 50 Revives. Spin 50 pokestops and receive 20 Ultra Balls.

Like even just small quests like that would make the game more fun to do. Even if they had small daily quests I would love that idea even if the reward was small. Whether the goal would be to spin a certain amount of stops, battle a certain amount of gyms, catch a certain amount of pokemon, just having a goal to try to accomplish would spice the game up a bit.

What do you guys think? Should Pokemon Go have quests for us to accomplish either daily or weekly?

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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What's the highest CP wild Pokémon you've caught? I just caught mine at 3,155 CP.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:01 PM PST

[Photo] This sign was added close to the beginning at the most popular quad-lure spot in my city

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:53 AM PST

Anybody prefer to see a Pinkan berry Valentine’s day event?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:26 AM PST

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I decided to recap all pink Pokémon that could see an increase in their spawn rates

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:19 AM PST

Niantic offered an incentive to come back... anyone else?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:56 PM PST

Fast compare and transfer the pokemons

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:28 AM PST

[Humor] How to catch Mewtwo

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:08 AM PST

Trainers, new avatar items are now available to purchase after you earn Battle Girl, Jogger, or Fisherman medals!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

[Humor] What are my chances?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:45 PM PST

Pokémon Go Plus on Apple Watch

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:30 PM PST

Niantic's support email is garbage.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:06 PM PST

Am i right? I somewhat remember that when i asked that legendary raids are impossible for small cities (like me), they literally responded to me with most primitive tip for new players: "Legendary raids are not same as gym battles. You need to gather with friends to beat them and then catch them with Premier balls." I can't find it, but even if i didn't found it, trust me, they all always are responding with these type of stupid answers. Let me know if you also had similar experience with their support email.

submitted by /u/Elevatorisbest
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New trailer featuring Hoenn Pokémon

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:19 AM PST

Just uploaded on the official Pokémon page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMobkagZu64

A beautiful one!

submitted by /u/7Kushi
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[Complaint] Seven months 'in the works'... GoPlus Connectivity issues.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST


This "Known Issue" has been "In the works" for over seven months now.

I came up with a plan some time back, having my Go Plus connected to an old iPhone with a wonky touch screen while playing on my primary device. I asked support if this would be allowed and was told that being logged into two devices at once would be seen as cheating and my account could be banned.

Meanwhile, we have big names within the PoGo community that regularly and publically violate the ToS without care or remorse and Niantic gives them things like paid trips to Japan and direct access to Niantic employees.

I just want to be able to play the game using the product I paid for.


edit I do appreciate everyone's advice below, but to keep y'all from wasting your time, here's my usual routine for sometimes getting my GoPlus to connect:

1.) Try connecting normally. Fails.

2.) Go into PoGo settings and eject the Plus.

3.) Go back to the map screen and hit the back button to bring up the in-game exit dialogue. Confirm to exit the game.

4.) Force close PoGo though the task manager.

5.) Open Bluetooth menu. Unpair the device.

5a.) At the same time, reset the Plus by pressing and holding the button until it is steady blue, then pressing it again until it flashes white.

6.) Turn off Bluetooth on my device.

7.) Go into the App Settings. Find PoGo. Force Close from here and clear the cache.

8.) Repeat the above for Bluetooth Share and Bluetooth Test under System Apps.

9.) Power off my device. Wait a minute. Power it back on.

10.) Open PoGo.

11.) Open Bluetooth settings. Repair Plus with device.

12.) Open PoGo settings. Attempt to pair Plus with app.

Works about 50% of time time.

I've done this since launch (in various forms, using all the various tips I've been given over time) with my own two different Pluses, a borrowed Plus, and even a Go-tcha. I've tried changing the batteries and different brands of batteries. I've paired the Pluses with other phones, with varying degrees of success (Samsung devices seem to be the least reliable).

It's seven months later, my Plus doesn't work as advertised, but hey! I can buy some skins for my avatar I've unlocked!

submitted by /u/TheUncleBob
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A new wave of ex passes has just been sent out

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

As the title says a new wave of ex raid passes has just been sent out, but only 2 days before the actual raid.

submitted by /u/DragonMaster141
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[Question] most 100% IV Pokémon caught in the wild ?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:54 PM PST

How many of you have caught more then one 100% IV Pokémon in the wild (excluding raids)?

I have only caught one, a geodude, in my local grocery store.
Has anyone caught more then one?

submitted by /u/Gnostic28
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There was an attempt to evolve Wailmer.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:45 AM PST

Walked my Wailmer for a month looking forward to the day I could evolve it. Surely it would be a rewarding experience. What could go wrong?


submitted by /u/JCShroyer
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There should be more avatar customization

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

At the very least, something about height, weight and age. I mildly look like my avatar, but how do people feel who don't look anything like it? Also, there should definitely be a neckbeard feature, easily the most reoccurring physical trait I see among players

submitted by /u/theorangemisfit
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[idea] I know no one else in my area who plays same with alot of people i am sure. So how about when you solo a raid if your team owns the gym the pokemon in the gym help you.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

It would give solo players a better chance to defeat higher level raids but not too much higher as the team's would never be ideal. As well as maybe give a little something to each trainer who's pokemon helped but maybe not that last part.

submitted by /u/ggouge
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[Question] Lv40 Trainers, how did you handle your lv40 bonus of 176 items dumped into your inventory?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:06 PM PST

I'm 220,000 XP from joining the ranks of the Lv40 club. Have to admit for some time now watching that xp bar approach the end has yielded some warm feels of satisfaction. That was until, I started getting curious what the Lv40 rewards looked like.

Sure I'd heard the jokes about turning 40 and getting 4 lucky eggs; as if what's the point. I was curious what did the entire haul look like.

OMG! 176 items. WTH am I gonna do with all that? My bag is already maxed, I already have separation anxiety when deleting evolution items because they just feel like such a waste; there should be more value and excitement from finding one (or 7day spin) than just deleting it into oblivion. Not to mention I'm an casual raider who hordes those rare candies (dropped 3 at a time, bah!) for the dream of an EX Mewtoo Raid that has never developed. What am I gonna do???

What did you do when this substantial 176 items windfall came crashing down upon your inventory? How'd you handle it?

submitted by /u/RichardsST
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Will these ever have more uses?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:31 PM PST

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