Fortnite [Meta]Loot Flair

[Meta]Loot Flair

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:24 PM PST

Good News Everyone! We've got a flair set up for folks to tag their pictures either asking about weapon/trap perks or wanting to show off their latest bit of kit. We ask that people make liberal use of this flair in their posts.

Additionally many of our filters in the drop down on the side bar stopped working due to a change Reddit made on the back end. I've done a rebuild that should help address that and included filters to remove loot posts and shit posts. Other filters will be added in the future as time and need allows.

Let us know either here or in mod mail if you have any questions. Thanks as always for making /r/fortnite awesome!

submitted by /u/lurkeroutthere
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Please add auto pick up so we don't have to spam 'E' to pick up building materials.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:51 PM PST

V.2.4.0 Delay Update

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

We hear your concerns regarding bugs that you are experiencing since V.2.3.0, especially those regarding building. It's taking us longer than expected to fix these issues and we're working through some major ones. If we're unable to fix them today the v2.4.0 release will be delayed. Once we have a better idea of when the patch will arrive we'll update everyone.

In order to help make building feel better we'll be reverting to the building bar system that was present in V.2.2.0. We intend on finding a more permanent fix to make building and item selection feel more crisp in the future. We've also added some tools to help us better diagnose in-game issues when new bugs do arise.

Be sure to check the patch notes again because we've added more items to the "Known Bugs" section. In addition to that, we've also created a "Fixed Bugs" section to inform every one of the immediate fixes we've done that delayed this patch.

Note: We have bugs that will come in with the v.2.4.0 release, see the Known Bugs section at the top of our notes for a full list. Please continue to let us know about anything new you find once V.2.4.0 does release

Thank you for your continued patience.

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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We don't need shorter missions. We need more compelling ones.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

A big problem with the missions is that they are too easy and they do not encourage proper teamwork. The game doesn't really need 4 people. The unskippable timers on missions like evac the shelter and retrieve the data are there to serve as time to "build the base" and "gather materials" but most people don't need to do those things, and they definitely don't need that much time.

The missions need to be much more challenging, and they really need to skip timers entirely.

Imagine a mission where the whole team spawns in a cave. You can't go backwards, and the only way forwards is to mine your way out with the pickaxe. Well as soon as someone starts mining, Husks start spawning behind you. Since there's nowhere to run, some people have to pickaxe while others have to kill the husks. You get resources from the pickaxed debris. That mission could be 5-7 minutes long and be an intense time the entire way out. Nowhere to run, forced teamwork. Now imagine that mode if it gave a 2 minute break after every husk wave. Suddenly everyone is farming or everyone is shooting. It's not really teamwork anymore. It's just 4 people all doing the same thing. This is why Soldiers excel in this game. There's no rush on gathering or building, so they have plenty of time to do exactly what constructors and outlanders do.

The missions lack teamwork, they lack challenge, and they aren't compelling enough to keep people wanting to play them. That's why people want the timers reduced. It's not that the mission is fun to begin with and they want to skip to the fun part, but that the mission isn't fun and they want to skip any excess time possible.

submitted by /u/CradleTrader
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Epic: can you add more material recipes?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:54 AM PST

Currently, the only two recipes are blast powder/duct tape. It would be a nice thing to add a mechanic to create crafting materials via other materials. this could even work as quest rewards in some areas, like Canny and Twine (because let's be real, I'd rather gain a recipe to craft sturdy mechanical parts instead of a RARE Hero for doing some 58+ missions). Examples could be like:

  • 12x Wood = 1x Planks ( and progressing further will give recipes that lower the cost)
  • 8x Wood + 10x Stone = 2x Coal

  • 10x Metal + 2x Simple Mechanical Parts = 1x Sturdy Mechanical Parts (and similar systems to upgrade ores, twine, etc.)

  • 22x Metal + 1x Twine + 2x Quarts Crystal = 1x Powercell

This reduces farming (which I'm pretty sure everyone admits is the not-best part of the game) and also lessens inventory size needs. It's a win-win that Epic doesn't lose money on.

Anyone else interested in seeing a system like this?

submitted by /u/Kangarou
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Please! Cut down on time waste

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:09 AM PST

There's so much excess time in this game that is just not needed. It's stopping me from enjoying the game because I know I'm having to wait around every mission.

  1. Once a mission objective is finished allow us to leave
  2. Don't force us to wait on the Balloon drop. If we happen to be ready before 7/8 minute mark allow us to vote on start.
  3. If I save all the survivors and still have 10 minutes left I don't want to resource for that long. Stop wasting my time.

It's awful game design, I've never experienced a game making me wait around for so long in my entire life. It's soooo boring, games aren't supposed to be a drag, they're supposed to be fun.

Edit: Just because some of you find it fun to do other stuff during wasted time doesn't mean we all do. Just a pointer there.

submitted by /u/TheyCallMeGreg
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Fortnite missions (matchmaking) compared to college group projects

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:54 PM PST

  1. Requires you to work together with people chosen at random

  2. Grades you based on the work of all members, regardless of differences in talent or effort

  3. There's always 1 person who does 90% of the work

  4. The members doing the 10% remaining work get to do other fun things while the dedicated person toils at the bulk of the work

  5. Prepares you for the real world by teaching you that everything falls apart if you don't work hard, while other people can slack off knowing you'll take care of it

submitted by /u/DocRyan88
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StW Rocket riding. It's cool, fun, and very unpractical. But still fun.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:16 AM PST

Too Much?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST

Shoutout to the two Outlanders last night

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:32 AM PST

I was putzing around with a friend doing a RtD. Two outlanders load in, and as I'm building the single box base around the drop zone(first real mission using Megabase), they came in with two llamas, and then a third a few minutes later. You rock, and I love you.

I'm sorry. I tried to friend you, but I hit return to Homebase by accident before I maybe consider this a missed connection ;) Regardless, you made my day.

submitted by /u/HypnoGame
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Just wanted to share a pic of my work in progress (Homebase) lol

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:15 PM PST


It's taking me aaaages

submitted by /u/him921
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Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:56 AM PST

Increase the rewards significantly of the defense missions. If you have the option of getting 15 rain in a Evacuate/cat4 mission, or getting 15 rain in a build the radar mission... where do you think most people will go. Double the rewards of the harder missions please.

Also, the difference between a level 52 mission and a level 100 mission, the rewards need to significantly be larger higher up. 18 rain vs getting 12/15, its no wonder no one plays higher missions.

submitted by /u/SKuDD3r
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Plz stop blocking off my traps!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:35 PM PST

Like seriously it's getting very annoying to know that all those resources are being wasted almost to the point where I feel like just not even setting up traps anymore. You wanna out up a low wall around the objective, ok that's fine but when I open up a small entry point for the husks to get in so they can be decimated by the traps I set up plz don't immediately and repeatedly close it back up, don't they realize this is rendering my traps completely useless? What do you guys think about this?

submitted by /u/CloudLifeSmiley
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Can we get a better chat wheel?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:20 PM PST

I know not everyone has a keyboard on console, but I feel the options are lacking. When people say Ready? there is no option for yes or no except to say OK. Like it would be great to have Yes, No, I need materials (for constructors), Gathering materials or llamas (for outlanders), I am clearing, Mini boss just as examples.

Edit: With the party issues that occurred last week we couldn't use a keyboard for team chat.

submitted by /u/ASimpleSpud
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Pickaxe progression redundant?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:32 AM PST

The pickaxe gets stronger in the next zone w/ skill points, and the environment gets proportionally tankier WITHOUT giving more materials.

Going into a lower level area scales the pickaxe down.

Theres literally no progression other than visuals for resourcing. Why even have this type of system?

Edit: just disappointed about my twine pickaxe. All those 150% damage upgrades just to simply "keep up"

submitted by /u/Arman276
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Stop destroying other players' structures without saying anything.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:11 PM PST

Chat is a thing for a fucking reason. Sorry for swearing, but I am so sick and tired of starting to build and people ripping it down for a box. Stop! God damn dude. You're just being rude and toxic. Say something. You aren't keeper of the game, you don't get to decide everything. Jesus.

submitted by /u/everythinghurts25
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When will mission selections get reworked?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:07 PM PST

Tired of triple duplicates and a 6 hour refresh time.

Always three evac or repair the shelters on at once, taking up space for the missions I actually need to do

submitted by /u/Arman276
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The worst kind of trolls

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST

So I joined a Canny valley storm 2, Me and this random Constructor build the 2 atlas up.

It was already 15 mins in, we seen these other 2 doing mini quests and farming. They joined a lvl 70 mission at 33. We boosted their lvl bit.

Anyway we both asked if they were ready, and our reply was no we are doing all the mini quests and farming the map then we will start.

Both of us were like what the f? Not to mention the whole time we were spammed with friend requests and join party.

So we gave them the option we said we are ready and don't have 40 more mins so we will start it in 3 mins or watch it crumble.

These 2 keep spamming vulgar hateful comments well not contributing anything the build. So the other guy message me and said we should just open it up and start the mission and see what happens...

So we did. They came running and started spamming team chat with comments that got blocked.

We said you could have done this in private mode. No one is here to take an hour on one misson.

So we let them die about 4 times and we did the mission our selfs...

So later after it was done I got on party chat with this Constructor and found out he was in his late 20s like my self and was wondering who these other 2 people were.

We decided to join the party chat they sent us from before... We joined. It was two 8 year olds lolz,

I'm not even joking stroking each others egos super hard, telling us off and how they can do what they want, take as long as they want.

Couldn't believe what we heard coming from their mouth on top of the N word multiple times horrible. But I made a new friend with the Constructor so that was good. This type of thing seems to be getting more common, I so can't wait till it's free to play an unplayable #sarcasm

submitted by /u/FortniteHero88
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Epic continues to ignore my ticket after 22 days

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:02 PM PST

The title pretty much says it all but to add detail to the issue, here's my story:

I had been playing Fortnite with no problems on my laptop since the game launched last year until the first launcher patch on January 2018, it was a patch that crashes the launcher on startup "An Unreal process has crashed: UE4-FortniteGame" error.

After a some research and workarounds how to fix the issue which doesn't seem to work, I decided to ask help to Epic support to shed some light on the issue, unfortunately my first ticket was ignored. To be fair, my first ticket was filed on the time that a lot were also complaining so I figured it must have been the queue so I decided to file my 2nd ticket but still no word from Epic.

It has been a whole frustrating month that I can't play the game and Epic ignoring my tickets has been nothing but unacceptable, so in one last effort to get the word to to their support crew I'm posting this on reddit in hopes someone could read it or at least get some help from the community on how to fix this launcher crash.

submitted by /u/Kirdge
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Daily Llama Thread 01/Feb/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama Percent
Ranged Weapon Llama 28.57%
Weapon Llama 15.13%
People Llama 11.76%
Melee Llama 9.24%
It's a Trap! Llama 8.4%
Super Ranged Llama 4.2%
Super Hero Llama 4.2%
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama 3.36%
Super People Llama 3.36%
Legendary Troll Stash Llama 3.36%
Super Melee Llama 2.52%
11x Upgrade Llama Bundle 2.52%
Upgrade Llama (Seasonal Sale Freebie!) 1.68%
Six Pack Llama 0.84%
Triple Llama 0.84%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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(bug) guys... the camera is the other way

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:34 AM PST

Just got my 8th Deadly Blade from a Storm Llama. Is this just bad luck?!?!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:10 PM PST

I've recycled 2. Threw one in the collection book. And I also have a Deadly Blade Scorpion so that's 8 Deadly Blade Crash, 9 total of this sub class ninja.

I don't know if it's because I tickle the llama every time, but it seems to me it might be.. and I ALWAYS tickle my llama for good luck. Doesn't seem to be good luck anymore.

I got 3x or might've been 4x in a row, and just now was 2x cus I had just posted about getting a 7th one.

Anyone else getting a bunch of DB Crashes?!

submitted by /u/Crayonology
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Shoutout to possibly the nicest person I've ever met online.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:42 PM PST

TL;DR: FlyyLazer1 of PS4, thank you. You're the nicest person I've met on PS4.

So, I was engaging in some trades today, and got scammed. I only lost a purple SMG, so I wasn't too mad. 5 minutes later, I friended another guy on PS4. His name was FlyyLazer1. He traded a legendary sword for a SCAR. When he heard I got scammed, he either said he felt sorry for me. He gave me an epic founder's pistol, an epic Pistol(not sire what one) , Legendary Pistol (again, not sure what one), a blue firecracker, a blue burst and an epic sniper. He offered to do a few missions as well, but at that point my internet shit the bed. I quit, and left feeling like there was hope for gaming with people like this kid around.

As a side note, the guy who scammed me, have a nice trip to hell. Say hi to Satan for me /s

submitted by /u/cianmuldooner
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Bought the event shop legendary survivor, didn't receive it.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:54 PM PST

anyone else get this bug?

I purchased it but didn't receive one in my armory.

submitted by /u/pokisan
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Fotnite save the world

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:41 PM PST

Hey guys I'm new to fotnite pve and was wondering if anyone was willing to help me get some better guns on Xbox one add me @ARCH ReZa

submitted by /u/ARCH_ReZa
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