Skyrim - I made this in my welding class

I made this in my welding class

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:36 PM PST

Me as soon as I get bored of Whiterun.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:23 PM PST

Skyrim? Or Portal...?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:44 AM PST

A while back a poster made a post about Skyrim looking like Iceland. Well, I just flipped this picture of Ireland on it's side, and ... it's the same damn country. Skyrim is for the Niamhs!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:33 AM PST

Is that fucking Skyrim!?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:52 AM PST

Found this gem the other day!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:06 PM PST

The Queen of the Night Sky

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

Going invisible on my low end skyrim

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

Khajiit needs no basket

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:26 AM PST

I am destroying Skyrim

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:24 PM PST

I walked out of my house I've been building for days to discover some heavy snow and fog. I think to myself "I'm not taking this" and whip out clear skies and shout that foul weather away. Then I realize I am destroying the ecosystem of skyrim. Every time it rains, snows, or is even foggy I shout it away. I'm going to cause a drought at this rate or atleast make it warmer or something.

submitted by /u/SirNotSoSocial
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The Hall of the Vigilants may be destroyed, but they killed this vampire so hard, her face came off!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

An archer doesn't stop the Dragonborn.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:05 AM PST

Why Interesting NPCs is the best mod

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:20 PM PST

Who is Deep-In-His-Cups, and how did he get here?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:17 PM PST

This one has a lot of potential. So fun

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:09 AM PST

I am finally getting to try role-playing Skyrim for the first time and it is messing with my head.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST

Oh sure, I jumped right into the game in 2011, had a computer that could kinda run it ok. And hot damn, did I love it: minmaxing my character (stealth archer, duh), learning all the game mechanics, getting into the lore, crafting, reading.

In fact, I played multiple characters, and by the time the DLC was out, I was mostly playing in god mode and running mods to see what crazy shit was out there. Skyrim was and is my favorite game, now even moreso than Morrowind and Oblivion.

But I had a long time of illness and lack of money and time, and I got away from the game. For Christmas, I got a $500 gaming computer, and I saw that the special edition had come out and I was so fucking excited. I got the game installed, made a dummy character to get all the kickass mods installed and marvel at the incredible look of the game on a REAL system, and then I stopped.

I just stopped.

So, here I am, looking at my favorite game, which I've played OVER AND OVER, and I'm paralyzed. This thing looks and runs and feels better than I could have imagined: What kind of character am I going to play? By now, I've done every superficial runthrough possible, I thought: taken both sides on everything, made a char with each kind of magic, weapon, or build that was viable, including the unarmed "just punch fucking dragon in head with stahlrim glove plus beeg punch perk" build.

But none of that felt like enough for my first playthrough seeing this game pretty much perfected. And as I thought, I realized how fucking lame and RESTRICTIVE my playstyle had been. I played Altmer mages and Orcish two-handers, Dunmer sneakers, and Imperial con artists.

So, this time, knowing everything I know, I decided I was going to create a REAL character, one with a real identity for me and ideas and feelings, and it has been like getting punched in the gut.

I chose the alternate start mod, and I'm scrolling through the races, and realize that in 6 years, I've never EVER played an Argonian. Why? Well, they're a fucking slave race in this world, and some part of me must have been pretty god damn Stormcloak about it. So I start shuffling these presets, and by the time I'm done, I have this thin, angry, female Argonian, rough as hell. All of a sudden I'm thinking, "WTF must it be like to live in a world as this person with The Lusty Argonian Maid, Volume 378,425 out there?" Being an Argonian woman in Skyrim is about oppression that makes Ulfric look like even more of a whiny piece of shit.

She's staring at me. I know what's going to happen: this character I have created will become the Last Dragonborn, and how fitting that she LOOKS like a dragon. And since I've picked the alternate start, I scroll through, and there it is: "You are an Argonian slave working the docks in Windhelm".

Holy fuck.

She stares at me with red eyes, in sack-cloth, her only wealth a few coins hung from each of her two horns. I name her "Stars-Come-Crashing". I'm going to unmake this entire world for what it has done to me and to my people. Wait: Or am I???

After all this time, I have never yet thought of this game on this level of depth. I was a great DM back in my D&D days. Why did I never do this on the computer? Too caught up with game mechanics and the gratifying gameplay feedback?

Thinking about this, DEEPLY, has been like a whole second Skyrim that I've never played. My name is Stars-Come-Crashing, and I have known nothing but slavery and oppression and violence and being as far from home and comfort as is possible. My name is Stars-Come-Crashing, and I do not know why or who named me, because I was taken from my home so young that I remember nothing but the Nords, and ice, and toil.

I snap out of being the character, and think: This could go any way at all, holy shit. The world of Skyrim in this time of civil war is set up for gratuitous violence, for easy kills and the casual accumulation of ridiculous wealth and power by the main character. But if I were IN the world, IN the character, I wouldn't know that. Would I even WANT that?

She is so much like me. She has no idea what is even possible in this world now. She's been slavishly bound to the routines that the world of Skyrim simply... compels.

  • Swab the decks. Go into a barrow and kill Draugr.

  • Serve the master. Align with a faction and slavishly do their quests.

  • Struggle to stay alive. Kill everything you see that's not an NPC to get richer.

It's the same trap, and it's the same trap that our lives in /r/outside put us in. What if all that I (she? Stars-Come-Crashing?) want/wants is to see Black Marsh for the first time? No, there's no mod for that, just like in real life. I have no idea what she will do, who she will meet, what she will choose. I have always started off in that damn cart. Now I'm in a hovel in the shittiest racist shithole in Skyrim. This poor Argonian is going to run into the Thalmor, the Blades, into legend, and how will that bend, fold, or snap her mind? How can this POSSIBLY turn out? I have no fucking idea.

It's MY mind. It's my mind that's snapping, and I can't leave my hut.

How many days will I wake up and go out to work on the docks before a day comes when I leave? I am role-playing Skyrim for the first time, and it is messing with my head.

submitted by /u/midlifefuckingcrisis
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No wonder he got killed by wolves.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

Cherry blossom mod pic I took back in July

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:46 PM PST

What if Partysnax and Dovahkiin had a child?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:13 AM PST


submitted by /u/AfemaleKing
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Aura Whisper at different levels...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:15 PM PST

Farewell sweet Lydia

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:12 AM PST

"The Solitude of my childhood is but a husk of its former self."

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:56 PM PST

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