Skyrim - I made something for each of my daughters

I made something for each of my daughters

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST

I was on holiday near Bethesda in Wales and it looked like Skyrim IRL. Coincidence? I think not!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:58 PM PST

Been working on this for the past couple days, let me know what y’all think.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:54 PM PST

I bought this phonecase to prove my loyalty to the Night Mistress.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:42 PM PST

I think he needs to go to the dentist lol

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:57 AM PST

The headless horseman and me contemplating a cemetery

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST

New player here - just did a complete 180 in Markarth.. now I hate that place. (Wall of text)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

I've been sorta playing by the beat of my own drum. Aimlessly wandering around, completing dungeons, and whatnot. I happily purchased a house the other day in Whiterun, pimped it out, apparently some girl lives in my bedroom now - life's pretty good in Skyrim.

I decided to go visit a new city and make a second home there. I saw the farthest city away was called Markarth. Cool name. A couple hours worth of spelunking and general barbarianism later, I arrive at the gates. As I enter Markarth I roam the streets and think "damn, this is one neat looking city, I like it a lot". The slums under the river aren't too appealing, but hopefully my house will be in the upper portions of the city away from the river. Immediately I run up to the throne room and ask to buy a house.

I'm met with some disappointment, no I can't just buy a house, who do I think I am? So, I agree to go kill some bandit leader. I return successful and all talks of a house are not even an option. I turn to the right hand man, go and kill another bandit for him, and still.. no house.

I figured I need to prove myself, and wander the city looking for quests. I stumble across some creepy abandoned house and this demon tells me I need to bring back someone to sacrifice at it. Alright.. I guess. I find the guy, chain him up, and beat him senseless.. but at this point I'm starting to get a little sick of the place. This is nasty, why am I beating this dude up with a rusty mace? To make matters worse, the next job I take sends me to the crypts, where another demonic voice promotes cannibalism to me. Then this woman comes out and tells me how much fun it is to eat my siblings. I've had enough with this place, I don't want a house here anymore!

I decide to get to the bottom of this. I go visit the treasury, one of the few houses I haven't entered yet. I talk to the leader, he says I've been snooping a little too much. I mean, I didn't think so, but you're the boss buddy. Some thugs come in and kill his wife and I high tail it out of there not understanding what's going on. I meet some guy at a shrine and he's plotting to throw out the corruption. Sure bro, lets burn down this city.

So I get some solid information going, figure out a few shady murders, walk out on the streets, and boom I'm in a fistfight for being a snoop. I beat the guy up and he tells me he works for long nose. I go to long nose and he admits to it, so I kill him. I run back to my bro in the shrine room to tell him I have it all figured out - and he's dead! The guards standing over his body don't even give me a second to prepare as they bum-rush me. (Wanting to loot my friend), I kill all three, (get some nice loot), and get out.

Leaving the shrine, a guard accosts me. He somehow knows I murdered three other guards in there (yet conveniently leaves out the part where they killed my friend). He also says I've been conspiring against the city, which at this point is indeed truthful. But, not wanting for the entire barracks to unload on me I agree to go to prison.

Not wanting to waste any time I steal the key off the orc guarding the door and say hi to the leader. He tells me to go hear a sob story then kill some other worker with a shiv. "No buddy," I tell him, "you're the linchpin to this whole operation," and I stick a pickaxe in his head. (Exactly what the other guy told me not to do, but hey, it worked).

I run out of there, dodging spiders, dwarf-mech-things, and booby traps.

I leave through the door...

And the treasury guy who threw me in prison in the first place is there. He thanks me. He gives me my stuff back like I'm some sort of hero. This low-life corrupt sonuvabitch, acting like it's all ok. Hell, I might as well waltz right up the palace steps and buy a house now!

Nope. This place was grosser than Riften. I'm out.

tl;dr - Markarth looks cool. I go visit. Turns out it's filled with demons and cannibals and corruption. I kill the leader in rags and his accomplice actually thanks me and invites me to stay. Nah.

submitted by /u/Chaoss780
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I love Skyrim

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:30 PM PST

Giant ruby with a book for scale.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:59 PM PST

One of these is not like the others

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:04 PM PST

How many times have you started your "opus" game?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:55 AM PST

I'm just about to start my 10th, at least. Some just a straight grind, some with hacks, some with mods, no mods, pacifist, destroyer. This one, total mercenary. It's all about the looting and gold, baby! Restoration loop, here we come!

submitted by /u/rockyisthebestpup
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Even after all these years, the soundtrack to this game is one of the best I've listened to.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:18 PM PST

I purchased this game alongside Skyward Sword back in 2011, and despite all the games I've played since then, the OST for Skyrim has held up for me up to this day. I have a dedicated playlist that I solely listen to during my study periods. The atmosphere that Jeremy Soule was able to capture in this music is just amazing. If I listen to a certain soundtrack, I'll suddenly transport myself to that time I sneaked across a dungeon with little to no ammo, or when I just paused for a few moments to gaze up at the sky.

submitted by /u/Non-Polar
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A quest to steal all the cheese in Skyrim

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:30 PM PST

What is This Bug!?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:22 AM PST


Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:28 AM PST

Are you always one race, or do switch it up like some madman?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

Dunmer 4 life! I never use the flame cloak type spell you start with, but still, Dark Elves look badass.

submitted by /u/GrizzledTheGrizzly
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So I've been playing around with the model sizes...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

I love how good this game looks modded

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST

How to get rid of bounties?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:53 AM PST

I accidentally smacked a chicken in riverwood, so now I get attacked every time I go. How do I fix this?

Edit: nevermind. Got it

submitted by /u/lord_of_the_memes66
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Skyrim's Giant Problem! Never Change Bethesda.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

[Question] If the Dragonborn marries Camilla Valerius, do Sven or Faendal have any comments about it?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:48 AM PST

That would be awesome.

submitted by /u/Marlex31
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Mjoll and The Thieves Guild

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:09 PM PST

So, I just got into Riften and i'm a bit confused. Can you have Mjoll The Lioness as a follower if you're apart of the Thieves Guild? Can you marry her if you're in Thieves Guild too?

submitted by /u/DovahSardine
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My first skyrim video and first video ever on youtube i would hope anyone can give me some feedback :D

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:36 PM PST

New to the youtube seen was just hopping anyone can check out my video and if you have any tips id love to hear them thanks. also fairly new to skyrim as well so any general game tips id love to hear.

submitted by /u/fearfulknight
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