Elder Scrolls Online - Please be thankful when somebody makes you gear

Please be thankful when somebody makes you gear

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:29 AM PST

I had a person in my guild ask for a full set of light Julianos gear. Granted, he did not offer any sort of payment but our discussion implied he would give me the mats. I said I will make it and he can send me the mats after, mostly because he seemed to be an experienced player in the game and I have seen him pop up in the discussions for the past couple of months.

He said "I will make it worth your while. I will give you the mats"

Shipped it all off to him. Made to spec. Even upgraded it all to Epic.

5 minutes later, he sent me 22 Ancestor silk and 2,222 gold. With a note saying "I am poor. All I can pay". This is 40,000 gold in just Ancestor silk, before you even factor in the cost of upgrading. The cost of the trait was negligible, so not an issue.

Did not even say thank you.

I would have made it without being given any mats or gold. All I want is a damn bloody thank you that I went out of my way, spent almost 1000 mats (or maybe it is more than that?) and built to your specification.

Yeah, I should not be so trusting. I don't give a shit about the mats. Surely I can trust people to say "thanks!"


submitted by /u/CulturalWeekend
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How long for a bounty over 100k to decrease to zero..?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:29 PM PST

Strength of the Macuahuitl. Thanks ZOS for adding such a cool weapon type.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:46 PM PST

I can't walk...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST

Where the DPS gap really comes from (?)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:33 AM PST

This is written from the perspective of a CP 225 who has been testing out DPS using combat metrics on dummies and real world fights. High CP players, or players in good trial groups are pulling 25K-40K+, but alot of people are stuck around 10-15K and being told that they suck.

I am writing this post to counter some of the elitism and the negative thinking that comes with it. Here are my thoughts and discoveries:

1) You are going to test out rotations that you read on alcast or deltias and find you are still lacking a huge amount of dps. Instead of 30K, you might be only getting half of that. Don't despair, there are reasons for this beyond "you suck."

2) Gold your weapons. This makes a big, noticeable difference, more than any other single factor I tested If you are using purple weapons, you may be losing 25% or more dps.

3) Penetration is the "X factor". When you are a low CP, you just won't have enough of it. Sadly it is a hidden stat; apparently ZOS decided to keep this hidden, possibly to obfuscate combat mechanics. (addons can fix this, get them!) I have noticed that in world content, even without applying dots/buffs, I can get 20K+ on single targets without trying. On the large target dummies, even with all my buffs and dots, I will be lucky to break 12K (with survivability morphs). No one has explicitly said this, but if you are trying for a good dps parse prior to CP300, you should probably put a ton of points into Mighty. Of course you will be giving up on DD and crit buffs and your solo, world performance will suffer. The game is designed so that there is no way to max penetration, crit, and damage buffs early on. Sub optimal penetration has the effect that you will be quite good against easier content, but still struggle on veteran content. I suspect it is done this way to meter progression. There is no fast track. A CP400 player has tons more power than a CP200.

4) Not having BIS gear is a big source of low DPS. Try to follow the meta, your sets dont have to be BIS, in fact its virtually impossible to have BIS gear without completing trials and VMA. Some of the bis weapons have a HUGE, significant factor on dps. For instance, the maelstrom bow's synergy when combined with the correct morph of volley (endless hail). I strongly believe that endgame players forget how important this gear is.

5) Weaving really isnt worth that much, but you should be weaving for skill/passive activation and/or stam return. You can test this out on a dummy. L2AnimationCancel is an elitist thing to say. No doubt this separates good from great players, but its not why you are low in dps.

6) You chose survivability morphs of your skills because you have been playing solo and in unreliable PUGs. Choosing the correct morph of skills has a big impact on DPS. Choose the wrong morphs and you are unwittingly giving up alot of dps.

7) Crafters are going to be gimped early on. Frankly, there aren't enough skill points pre CP300 if you play the game for enjoyment as opposed to explicit skill point farming. I maxed all my crafting skill lines and invested a lot of points there. I am still developing all the combat passives. When you slot the right skills to get passive bonuses, and then add them all up, it is a big source of dps. 3% here, 5% there, another 3% here... all adds up!

8) Rotation is important, but power derives from a combination of factors that take time to develop. You should strive to be the best, but the reality is that the synergy of choosing the right skill morphs, correct CP allocation (and having enough CP), the right mundus stone, good gear with divines, gold weapons, and unlocking all the passives has a bigger affect on your dps than does your rotation.

9) Top builds assume potting and trial buffs. These builds are made for someone who constantly pots, has BIS gear, and who expects to have trial buffs active. If you dont have these things, you might need to modify the build and rotation.

10) Probably most important is that experienced players forget just what it was like early on in the CP progression. Because CP is account wide, rolling a new toon doesn't allow vets to experience what low CP entails in the current game. With enlightenment, being low CP represents a very small period of time for long term players, so they probably just don't remember. A high CP can faceroll and still get higher DPS than a lower CP who is executing perfectly. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise; they are just being elitist.

The TLDR; version of this post is to tell people that DPS elitists suck. Its probably not your rotation as much as it is a combination of factors, primarily not having enough CP points. Do all the things you can to improve your DPS, but don't listen to the haters. It takes time to develop into a dps powerhouse.

submitted by /u/Chris00008
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What is this thunder effect/aura?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:06 PM PST

Tamplar magicka dps

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:57 PM PST

Will people think I am healer or I have to heal in dungeons? I'm not good at dungeons stuff and have no idea how to heal, I just want to dps as a mage, any advice?

submitted by /u/Gaiore
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[PSA] A request to those asking for World Boss help

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

For the love of Mara, please please please if someone offers help, and they are already on the way to the boss and the boss is dying quickly or is already dead, take two seconds to type "it's dead" so they don't actually waste time going there for nothing.

Thank you.


I was hoping this would be common courtesy but it seems it isn't

submitted by /u/howellq
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Essence Thief?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:38 PM PST

What is the general consensus on this set? Seems really good, is there a long hidden cooldown keeping it from being worth it?

submitted by /u/Arkavien
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[media]Ultimate SPC Championship 2018 (server event)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:57 PM PST

I just burned a month's worth of RNG whilst fishing...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:49 AM PST

So, I was fishing in Deshaan, and managed to pull three rare fish, back-to-back-to-back (or perhaps, fin-to-fin-to-fin?). I guess there's no point in farming vMA any time soon...

submitted by /u/CGPsaint
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[PS4] What happened to White River Braids?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:23 AM PST

Hi folks,

I'm still new and I don't know much about the Crown Store items rotation, but I haven't seen the White River Braids hairstyle around.

Is it gone forever? Do you think they'll feature it in the CS again? Is there any other way to acquire it - guild merchants, trophy, anything?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Roswynn
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LF Easy Nightblade Build/Guide

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:33 PM PST

One of my usual companions has recently started ESO and settled on Nightblade as his preferred class (he really loves rogues, bounty hunters, etc.) As many have pointed out, NB is probably the least newbie-friendly class in the game and he seems to be struggling a little bit. All the builds and guides that I seem to be able to find are either outdated or aimed at someone who has mastered the game already. Is there a good resource for "basic" or "traditional" Nightblades, or can anyone recommend a build/rotation? Specifically we're looking for a simple(ish) rotation with DW weapon line and no PVP skills needed. He's already deep in Dark Brotherhood so that's a go. Stamina or Magicka is negotiable, he mostly just wants to do his job well. We have access to 6-trait crafting and he is currently CP 220. Thanks!

submitted by /u/luckygiraffe
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[Discussion] New player seeking class help

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:22 PM PST

Hello all! I'm a new player and I am having a little trouble deciding on a class. I'd like to try to get it right on the first time so I don't have to fall behind my friend by making a new class. I think everything looks so fun but I'll try to list some preferences. I love using melee weapons. to be more specific swords. Like on archeage I loved playing a darkrunner with a nodachi. I like the idea of having good single target and AoE if possible. Also I don't mind using magic but i'd prefer to not need a staff. Any help would be appreciated in helping me pick a class and I hope that the information given can help!

submitted by /u/Skitt_EXE
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Who else loves to farm mats in the dark?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:56 AM PST

There's something special about my fiord, jailbreak, windrunning, tonic chugging, sprinting orc going across craglorn in the dark farming ore, maple, silk, insects.

The landscape is lit up like a Christmas tree. Very soothing and the perfect way to end the day 😉

submitted by /u/bayazninefingers
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Anyone here play stam sorc?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST

What are your thoughts on the current state of the class?How does it compare to other stam meele classes( In pvp and pve)? Are you happy with it? and would u recommend it over mag sorc

submitted by /u/Lanoris
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Just came back

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:58 AM PST


Played the beta and early launch but left soon after to go back to gw2.

Anyway I've heard good things about the game now. I have the mirroring expansion and paid the monthly subscription to give the game a good chance.

Not sure what to do though. I start in the expansion, does the old content not matter? Should I go back and do the original content first? What should I be doing to get most enjoyment out of this.

submitted by /u/Sparky-Grass
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[Discussion] Quest order - Main story, faction or Morrowind?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:48 AM PST

What order do you recommend playing the main story, faction and Morrowind quests? I'm thinking Morrowind first up but would like some input.

submitted by /u/krelmajf
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[Guide] "The SnakePlar" Healsthefeels End-Game PvE Healing Guide

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

What makes a good guild?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:58 PM PST

So I've been thinking about starting my own guild. I've got a house w/ all stations, test dummy, etc...

I've joined a few and they all have either dissolved from ppl leaving the game, gotten dramatic or can't group up for events like normal trial runs.

What keeps you in the guild your in? What kind of guild events do you look forward to when joining one? Do you prefer guilds that are more strict about scheduling trials? It's kinda annoying to schedule something like trial runs and people are inconsistent about showing up

I really don't mind meeting a couple ppl and learning trial mechanics from scratch, running normals and eventually doing vets, I just wanna know how to make a guild worth joining for vets and new ppl.


submitted by /u/mhutch312
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These new boss mechanics are....interesting

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:19 AM PST

[Discussion] Weapon/Spell Critical

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:43 PM PST

I know that this "Critical Rating" increases percentage chance of Critical Strike. But why is it in regular numbers (3000,4000, etc.) and not +%? Because it is increasing Critical % chance it should be easier to understand with % instead of normal numbers.

submitted by /u/CiceroTheBackstabber
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Decisions, decisions...

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:41 AM PST

Hi folks,

I've been playing ESO for the last month and I'm loving it... but I'm also having a difficult time. It appears I can't stick with a character long enough to level them fully, and I can't finish my zones' questlines. There's always something, I swear...

First I decided my character concept was best as a bow stamina nightblade. Then I decided NB was too dark and bloody for her so I rerolled a bow stamina sorcerer. Now I'm finding out that with the choices I've made I'm not very effective, though. I'm still lvl 20, so it's not really the end of the world, but I'm always discovering something new that I should've done instead and the temptation to restart is strong.

Hence, questions:

1) Weapon attacks and skills are based off weapon strength and non-weapon skills are based off spell power, alright (that was a big question mark for me earlier). This means, for instance, if I wanna use Silver Bolts a lot I need stamina, sure, but also spell power. I still seem not to be able to shoot leveled mobs dead with it, even with repeated uses, with stamina almost maxed out. Should I drop everything into stamina? If I heavily invest in spell power enchanted jewelry and potions is that gonna change? Or would it be better to try and max out weapon crit?

2) Relatedly, I might reroll this chara and develop her differently. Here's the crux of the question, though: if I put everything into magicka, she'll be great with her non-weapon skills (so class skills, guild skills, armor skills, etc), but she's bound to suck with all weapons, staves included. If I put everything into stamina, her weapon attacks and skills will rock, but her class skills, for instance, will be sub-par, barring those few that either use stamina or don't relate directly to a stat (example - if a skill gives you major ward it always gives you major ward, no matter how high or low your magicka or stamina are). How do you people solve this? Way I see it, not only you're choosing a magicka or stamina build, you're also forever renouncing either weapons or most class skills... but that's not what I'm seeing in reality. There are magicka builds out there who, given a weapon, outright demolish a mob. For instance.

3) Stealing... I regularly see other players trying to steal, being caught, and being swiftly executed on the sport by the nearest guard. Now, I don't like stealing from friendlies. But it appears it's the biggest source of income in the game. So I could steal from people who deserve it (example, Headman Bhosek in Port Hunding). How many times should I expect to be caught and have to run away as fast as I can or die, before I get remotely good?

... That's it for now. I don't know, it seems to me that the game starts easy and very customizable, then becomes harder and more restricting the more I level - so I invariably decide I borked something and reroll. What do you folks think?

submitted by /u/Roswynn
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