Seed with hub city with alot of POIs, not in wasteland. 7 Days To Die

Seed with hub city with alot of POIs, not in wasteland.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:51 PM PST

I have been playing on Navezgane for about two months, ive built a port city on one of the islands in the larger west lake, i built shipwrecks underwater, a tunnel going from the north end to the south end of the island, farmland, skyscrapers, lots of stuff, but im getting bored of it.

Im looking for a new map to start on. Id like to find a seed where there is a large city in one biome, i hate the wasteland cities because i cant rebuild them. I have zombies turned off and im playing the game as if im rebuilding society after the apocalypse. Would be cool to have a medium to large sized city with lots of POIs, most buildings mostly intact, in a desert or plains biome (forest is okay too i dont care, but anything besides wasteland) im asking for a lot i know but i just found out about what seeds are and im really intrigued. Hope someone can help. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/ramenboy18
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New player with a question for you guys...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:00 PM PST

I always thought that the radiation zone near the edge of the map, was the end. Like a No play zone. Is it? Or will the radiation suits actually protect you in that area?

submitted by /u/K_parts
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Where to find mods?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:34 PM PST

I was wondering where the best place to find some single player mods is? I saw some on Nexus but I've also heard of a mod launcher? Is that a separate site? Also, what are some good single player mods that you would recommend? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Chief_Country
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Navezgane Print Friendly Map?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:44 AM PST

Does anyone know of a printer friendly Navezgane map? I'm thinking black and white with POIs marked clearly.


submitted by /u/cjroberts63
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What was this electric/shocking sound?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:08 AM PST

I was looting up in Perishton by the Poppin Pills, and I heard a zombie nearby start going crazy and then a "ZZZZZZT" sound like something being shocked by electricity that kept going for a bit and then stopped around the same time I stopped hearing the zombie(never could find him). It was clearly an intentional game sound and not a glitch or something, and was definitely something being shocked.

I'm further in the game than I've been before, but I've never heard anything like this. It was storming outside. Can things get hit by lightning? Are there electrified things in POIs? What was this sound?

submitted by /u/midwestcreative
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Has anyone found a seed with a city similar to this one? Has what appears to be a train/sibway station and a large Highway off the ground

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:05 PM PST

Anybody got a server?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST

I'm bored of playing alone and not a big fan of the big servers cause everything has been looted already. I guess just looking for a small group of people to play with

submitted by /u/ChuxofChi
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Starvation mod - Machete!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:59 AM PST

So i have figured out that you need to have done the quest to be able to craft a machete. Done the first, second and third quests where you need to kill 10, 50 and 250 zombies with a knife. Takes a bit of time but hey i really want to be able to make that machete.

Now for the final bit of the quest i need to kill 10 rabits and chickens. Ok the hard part here is catching them. Kill 10 snakes. Getting bit is a bitch but ok that's doable. Kill 20 zombie dogs. And finally kill 5 zombie bears with a knife. WTF. Do you really hate machetes that much? Are they so op that you need to lock them behind this kind of quest?

Fuck that, fuck the machete, i am going back to guns.

submitted by /u/CountMySpikes
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Water flow, and getting underground water without flooding your base?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:57 AM PST

So I've been wondering... I saw a video from a15 about making an underwater base but it was in cheat mode and not during actual gameplay. I read a comment about somebody that tunneled sideways into a lake and nearly drowned and almost lost their base underground. I'm curious how water actually works here, because I didn't realize until embarrasingly too late in the game (metaphorically speaking) that when you fill water bottles you're actually depleting the water. It wasn't infinite.
I see there are buckets in the game, but I don't really know what the point would be. In Minecraft if you get a 4x4 going it can sustain itself, but in here I don't think that would work. So... what would? Short of having to make a trek every few days with buckets to refill a reservoir or tank (in which case I'd just take my jars to the same water supply and save some time), what can I do?
I have an underground tunnel and a farm. I have an above ground fortress but most of my "stuff" is below ground. I'm not terribly far from a lake, and I have a sideways tunnel that lets out above ground onto a road right next to a lake. I could quite easily make a canal of sorts below the waterline and let water in. Then what? Can I make a retaining pool and only open the water below that so that it doesn't overflow? How would it work? Would it continuously refill from the outside lake or would it choke in the bottleneck of the canal?
Not a real deal breaker, but I'm at the phase of gameplay (coming up on day 70 horde) where I'm confident I can survive the horde nights and am working on my base interiors and cosmetics. I've actually put up some walls and paint and now I'm thinking about amenaties. Flowing water, you know?
Anybody pulled that off yet?

submitted by /u/rodentmaster
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PC P2P Saves

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:47 AM PST

I just saw a few posts but wanted to make sure before a friend and I invested too much time: if I make a peer to peer game and set the option to save all inventory, we should we be good and save all our progress given I shut down the server properly?

submitted by /u/crambosho
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My latest seed. Kekistan

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:56 AM PST

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