Pokémon GO - [Idea] Ultra Battery Saving Mode: BW Graphics, almost no UI to just track steps, spin stops and catch pokes

[Idea] Ultra Battery Saving Mode: BW Graphics, almost no UI to just track steps, spin stops and catch pokes

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:54 AM PST

These are the DracoDragonite badges I’m giving away at my community day event this Saturday in Knoxville!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:13 PM PST

[Discussion] Would you do more raids if all raids were able to be done solo?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:34 PM PST

In my experience I would, yea its fun meeting new people etc. But it can be a hassle to organise and siting round for half an hour just for a 5 minute raid is a bit of a chore at times.

submitted by /u/bn1990
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It's Time The Community Takes A Stand Against Niantic's Non-Stop Lies Regarding EX Raid Invites

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:23 PM PST

On Feb. 20, after a noticeable delay, Niantic finally released EX Raid invites for Feb. 26. This would have been the second wave of invites after Niantic's Feb. 7 posting of improving their invite system, specifically stating:

"the number of Gyms that meet the necessary criteria for an EX Raid Battle will increase"


On the EX Raid wave for Feb. 17, Trainers noticed that S2 Level 13 cells were used to determine which gyms were selected. This significantly increased the number of gyms that had EX Raids compared to the S2 Level 12 cells that Niantic used before. Given their statement on Feb. 7, Niantic apparently kept their word.

For the Feb. 26 wave however, Trainers immediately noticed that Niantic reverted back to S2 Level 12 for EX Raid gym selection. The effect is a REDUCTION of eligible gyms from the wave before. If you do the math, gyms hosting EX Raids were reduced by 75%! For those of us raiding in hopes getting an EX Raid invite based on what happened on Feb. 17 - it is highway robbery. Our chances of landing an invite were significantly reduced and Niantic was just playing us for fools.

This is unacceptable. Did Niantic think we wouldn't notice? Why are they now reducing the number of gyms that can have an EX Raid when they promised to increase it? S2 Level 13 was great for the community. Why are we being punished again for following their guidelines?

I am urging the community to let Niantic know that we are aware of what they are doing and we know when they are lying to us.

Ask refunds if you have to and let them know on social media that we will not put up with this any longer.

I don't know how it works, but can we file a complaint with the BBB or other agency?

submitted by /u/KidFlash
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The pokemon size mechanics are a nice touch

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:21 PM PST

Who would you battle with, and why?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:19 PM PST

[Small Rant] Can we just move all the EX raid complaints to its own sub?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:19 PM PST

I'm unhappy with the system same as everyone else, but every time of passes gets sent out this sub and TSR get flooded with the same posts complaining about the raid and it's really annoying. We should have a separate sub for EX complaints so interesting, funny, and valuable posts on the main subs don't get overrun.

And while we're at it people really need to learn how to search a sub before asking the same question every time there's an update to the game (i.e. why is ditto coming up when I search evolve).

Just my opinion.

submitted by /u/Ragnar702
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[Discussion] The Greatest Lie ever told?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:02 AM PST

Im torn: is it "I am a passenger" or "Don't join yet I'm two minutes away"?

submitted by /u/Doctuh
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We stumbled into this unplanned theme gym...

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST


The Sunkern was in there when I found it. I added the Sunflora. The rest dropped in over the next two days or so. I was impressed - I don't know if I've ever had an unplanned gym theme work so well. :D

submitted by /u/TheUncleBob
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I know some of you probably have a full team of these, but I got my first Rayquaza today.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:55 PM PST

https://imgur.com/vpNhHHh I live in the burbs and so there aren't many gyms or stops around me, however there is a park 5 minutes from my house that I frequent on my days off. I missed Groudon, and whenever Kyogre would pop up I seemed to be the only one who would be around. I vowed that I would capture a Rayquaza before he's gone in March and today it happened, with the help of 5 random people in their cars. :) Just wanted to share it with you all, and I was really stressing when he popped out of 4 of the 9 premier balls I got from beating him.

submitted by /u/killerstellar
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Rural Pokémon go

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

Recently i've not heard anyone talk about the situation of rural players and i think that this should be one of the priorities to fix before anything. Me being a rural i don't even bat an eyelid when a new legendary is released cos i know im never gonna get one.

submitted by /u/lucrando13
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Top Pokemon of each type across all gens with Bulk/DPS/TDO/Effectiveness and Raid Score calculations

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

  • Wanting to know how the current Pokemon pair up against their peers, I decided to create this spreadsheet. Little did I know how much work this will actually require. But it's finally done and I'm happy to share it with everybody.
  • What this spreadsheet accomplishes: it compares the stats of all Pokemon, of each type, across all generations.
  • In my calculations, I paired up all the types in separate spreadsheets vs a "Target Dummy" Pokemon. Basically, a made up Pokemon with 150 attack, 200 stamina and 200 defense. I set this target Mons type to be weak vs the attacker, in order for them to be SE (didn't add 2x SE). The "Target Dummy's" move set was equivalent to Waterfall and Hydro Pump, but without Type Effectiveness.
  • Weather bonus was set to Extreme and Dodge settings were set to None.
  • I didn't add a final top category for each type, because I considered that everyone can decide for themselves how to view the stats. Some people prefer glass cannons and thus would consider DPS%/TDO% a higher factor than let's say Bulk, and vice versa. If I would really have to make a ranking, I would base it on the Raid Score category for overall usefulness and Total Eff for best Dps.
  • If you see ** next to some Pokemon's names, it means that their stats have been nerfed. I nerfed all of the Legendary Pokemon, which would have had their CP above 4K, just like Niantic did.
  • I included all of the Pokemon of each type, above 2000 CP.
  • If they have only one *, it means that their quick move can not be learned by them in the main series games, but since Niantic added moves that some Pokemon can't learn (eg. Rhydon with Mud Slap), I decided I would add moves to some Pokemon that would not get STAB otherwise.
  • Three *** means that their stats were nerfed and they have a move set that they can not learn in the main series games.
  • Clicking a Pokemon's name will take you to their respective Bulbapedia page.
  • I'm not sure how to handle Pokemon that have several forms, with different stats yet, so I guess we need to wait and see how Niantic implements them.
  • Please let me know if everything loads correctly, since I used a Function that links up several spreadsheets, it might error out sometimes. And also let me know your thoughts.
  • I don't really know how to use a photo editor, so I can't really make a picture version, but if anybody can, feel free to use this sheet.
  • Shout out to /u/Zyxwgh for letting me use his calculations.

So here is the spreadsheet

  • Remember, most of this is speculation, since we don't know how Niantic will change things up and add other moves, or change stats, or change formulas etc.

  • Here is a spreadsheet I quickly put together with Mega Evolutions and all the different forms of Pokemon. I'll probably try to make a "just for fun" sheet which includes them.

submitted by /u/SokaDrake
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[Complaint] Our EX wave is for passes at 1pm on a Monday. Who would ever think that is a good time to schedule a raid?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:13 PM PST

On top if it, we still only have a 45 minute window. Our discord is full of people saying they can't go because of work, school, etc.

I just don't understand Niantic and why they keep the EX system.

submitted by /u/Shipoffools1
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Time Spent in Raid Countdown?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

176 raids x 2mins waiting in the lobby = 352mins / 60 = 5.86hours spent just waiting for raids to begin. I wouldnt say i was even a hardcore player/raider and that's still a ridiculous amount to have to wait just to participate in an activity*.

Do the math and share your time spent just waiting.

*This doesn't include abandoned/failed raids where we had to start again for late comers, errors etc. of which i'd say theres been at least a dozen.

submitted by /u/grevls
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Isn't it messed up that the raid system encourages people just driving while catching the legendary as they head to the next one?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:32 PM PST

I hadn't watched Trainer Tips in a while and found 2 videos of him just riding in cars doing raid after raid... I mean, I get raids give Niantic money but at what cost? I thought the spirit of the game was going new places and stuff but it seems this raid system just encourages spoofers and people to drive around for maximized exp and candies.

submitted by /u/RojoGDL
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[Question] - Is Articuno worth it?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

I'm debating whether it's worth it to drop 40-50 rare candies (bulk of my stash) and 70-80k of stardust to get an Articuno to about 2400cp. It'd be nice to have for Rayquaza raids, but after this month, I don't know how much utility it will have.

Any thoughts or decisions other trainers have made would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/kuningas51
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My EX harangue.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:50 PM PST

So after actively trying to earn an EX pass, I finally received one today. I was the very last trainer in my group to get a pass, as this wave will be their 4th or 5th Mewtwo.

I want to really be excited because I've been waiting since summer to finally catch Mewtwo, but I've been through so much anguish and pain from this heinously anus system that I'm still upset, and please understand why. I raided at least a half dozen times at my local Starbucks gym since the last EX raid happened, which many other of my peers have gotten passes for but instead, I got a pass for a random gym downtown I only been to once.

So now I have to take off work (not paid btw) so I can drive all the way downtown and hope that enough people will show up in the middle of a Monday. I really don't understand why it took me THIS long to get a pass either, let alone for a gym that I only visited once. Why not my local gyms where I have gold badge?

The point I'm trying to get at here is that even after finally getting an invite, the multiple punches to the get have tainted the experience for me. All the copious time and money I poured into the game on raid passes, at least $300 spent. It literally took me doing 42 gym raids in a single day in order for me to get a pass, and that's just ridiculous, but if anyone else is curious who hasn't gotten a pass yet, that's apparently what it requires.

This whole EX system has been a nightmare and a shit stain on this game's reputation. I just can't believe that Niantic which has made the same game I enjoy so much can be capable of such terrible moral judgment, but then I realize that they are money hungry whores my anger turns to sadness.

submitted by /u/compoundbreak791
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Rayquaza Hardest Moveset Duo'd l Dragon Tail Outrage (No Weather Boost)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:50 AM PST

It took a lot of work to get all the Articuno candy and great RNG, but it was all worth it in the end!


submitted by /u/iBkellzz
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Perhaps It’s a Hidden Feature? Or Maybe Just a Bug

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:24 PM PST

I have been playing PoGo since 7/7/2016 and have caught 13,500 pokemon. In that entire time there have been two instances where something strange has caught my attention, but only after it was too late.

The first time was summer 2017. I was catching garbage pokemon with pokeballs and had gotten into a rhythm. With one particular pokemon, I instantly started twirling the ball and released RIGHT as I realized there was something PINK glowing in the background. It was some sort of pink object or "glob" chilling on the grass, under the tree (the game's background art). I tried tapping on it as quickly as possible but I was too late since the camera had already panned down to focus on the shaking ball. I will never know if that was a hidden feature Niantic had hinted at.

The second time was only just last week. Again, I was in a rhythm and hardly paying attention. I look down and realized the pokeball hadn't started shaking yet. It was open and the inside of the pokeball was showing. EDIT: It had already landed on the ground and was open (it's not like the game froze with the ball in midair). It just looked like a black void BUT in the middle was something PINK sticking out. Right then the ball snapped shut and shook three times.

I have no idea what happened both those times. I know Niantic has said there are hidden things in the game we still haven't discovered yet. Perhaps this was one of them. And if it was, then it is extremely rare since it's only happened twice (that I actually saw). Has anyone had something like this happen?

submitted by /u/Technic235
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It's Time the Community Takes a Stand Against All the Blatant and Rampant Cheating Niantic Refuses to Tackle

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:40 PM PST

This game is just incredibly unfair and a lot of people are going to downvote this because they love their cheating but enough is enough.



It hasn't died. Several cities still have scanners running feeding players perfect IV mons, lvl 35 spawns or even lvl 35 perfect spawns. There's an entire business behind the scenes of people traficking botted accounts for people to scan with or bring to their raids, but more about that on the next point.


Multi-accounting and account-sharing

Look, we get it. Maybe the EX-Raid time and date does not agree with your schedule, maybe you couldn't make it to the Unown that just spawned which you just noticed because you're cheating with your scanner. Maybe there's not enough people to raid with at all times so you bring 2-5 more phones to raid by yourself. However, all of these are design flaws in Niantic's game and all you're doing is rolling with it or enabling it by giving all your shekels to them when you should be either boycotting or not being complacent with their system. Some people go as low as to purchase pre-leveled accounts just to immediately jump into raiding.



Out of everything else on this list, this is the most bile and damaging item. By breaking the golden rule of the game which limits people to GO places, all game balance is thrown out the window. Resource? No problem. You can restock your bag with Pokeballs and berries with a snap of your finger. Don't have to worry about weather, traffic, parking, time of day or anything. All that time and energy is best put on purchasing passes to raid all day and never run out of revives since it's so easy to re-stock. Spoofers even save money due to being guaranteed 50 coins every day and golden gyms by dominating the entire gym portion of the game all around the world for the past year and a half+.

There isn't a single aspect of this game that isn't broken by spoofing. They can just get rares all day, hoard gyms and raid to their heart's desire on top of holding PvP and trading back due to existing and having exploited all these sub-systems for so long.

submitted by /u/RojoGDL
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Got my first shiny and didn't even know it.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:29 PM PST

[Bug] Sign In Cycle?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

So I started my PoGO account with my Yahoo email address that was my Google Account.

Recently, I added a Gmail address to my Google Account. Since then, Pokemon GO just tells me I have been signed out, and need to sign in again. I enter the password, it loads for a second, and tells me I have been signed out, and need to sign in again.

If I purposefully use the wrong password, it will tell me the password was incorrect, but any time I use the correct password, it just tells me to sign in.

It still lists my login email as being the Yahoo one, and will not let me change it, not that I think switching it to Gmail would help, but if Gmail was made the default somehow, I could maybe see it wanting that one.

I am frustrated, and just want to play Pokemon GO again.

Please help.

submitted by /u/Onlyhereforthelaughs
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[Humor] Nani?! I know I'm not the first but it was below freezing!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:30 PM PST

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