Fortnite A Drawing of Sarah and Kyle that I made a while ago

A Drawing of Sarah and Kyle that I made a while ago

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:13 PM PST

Lost: Reward if found!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:37 PM PST

Honey, did you buy something new for the living room? I hear Vindertech centerpieces are all the rage nowadays.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:08 PM PST

The only reason the PvE is half as popular as it is is because there's no other game like it. If there was, this game (PvE portion) wouldn't even be talked about

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:18 AM PST

The concept for the PvE mode is amazing. Hop in with three friends, resource, build a mega base, then defend from waves of zombies. It's perfect and is something I didn't realize I needed until I had it.

Now add in the countless grinding, the nonstop updates that seem to break the game more than fix it, more and more nerfs to guns and traps to make it even MORE of a grind than it really is (seriously? Why make it more of a pain to make guns from schematics? What's the end game for Epic with that? It's not like you can pay real money for materials like ore) and then add to it the unbelievably confusing system of XPs and leveling up, I feel like they're just trying to see how much they can get away with.

I don't mind the loot llamas. Getting VBucks isn't too difficult to get w/o paying for them. But when getting anything higher than a Blue schematic feels like finding the Holy Grail, then add to it the now nerfed weapon/trap durability so the schematics are even more of a pain to make from the already hard to find resource/ores at some stages of the game (could easily spend an entire match looking for ore and only come out with 2-3 if you're lucky), I just don't get what they're trying to do.

TL;DR: What is the point of making the game more of grind in terms of materials? Are they gearing up to let you buy materials with vbucks? They just keep making the game more and more complex/"grindy" for what seems like no other reason than "look what cool thing we just added! but don't look at the secret nerf we also put in..."

submitted by /u/RollChi
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Tickets & Event Llamas Right Now

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:49 PM PST

Forgive me if there's already another thread out there on this. I looked but didn't see anything...

So I get that we now have the ability to make missions more difficult in order to increase post match gold and get event tickets. I also get that Epic "increased" these rewards recently. My question is WHY is increasing the difficulty the ONLY means of getting event tickets (after completing the mini-quest objectives)? What was wrong with how it was prior to the Valentines event?

Secondly, these event llamas can go fuck themselves. I've been able to griiiind enough to get ~ 11 (although I could be off +/- 1) and have received one Epic sword with possibly the worst fucking perks I've ever seen. Everything else has been heroes or survivors. A few of them had literally zero event related drops.

Yes, I know rng is rng...but shouldn't there be an increased chance of actually getting a fucking event weapon since that's kind of the point? Are you guys just sadists that enjoy people grinding to get event tickets for an event llama that has a decent chance of dropping NO event items?

IMO this current system blows. Completing a match should award tickets. Increasing the difficulty should reward more tickets. It shouldn't be the only means of obtaining tickets.

Sorry for the rant. It just seems like the more I play this game the more I get fucked. Maybe I should just hope my inventory gets deleted so I can get a god roll Nocturno or Siegebreaker...


submitted by /u/Scrotas_Crotum
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Please epic add some in game report system to report afk and other stuff.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:48 AM PST

Sorry in advance for the poor quality. Who else finds this soul destroying but also satisfying?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:09 AM PST

easiest nocturno fix

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:50 PM PST

the easiest way for them to fix the nocoutrno debacle would simply be to give the whalefounders another exclusive weapon and apologize. management over there seems pretty inept. these folks couldnt manage a mcdonalds. ffs

submitted by /u/rockhardjesus
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Was it official canon that we're getting reroll? It is now

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:22 PM PST

Is spring it on event tomorrow or did it get pushed with BR

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST

Sorry if this is a crazy question.

submitted by /u/Bungeegummm
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Some Problems with Save the World

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:42 PM PST

I been playing save the world for a few months now. I like the game, and I want to see it grow big to be like Warframe. I am in late Plankerton, and I see a few problems with the game:

  1. Progression nearly solely revolves around Llamas. Like sure, the quest gives survivors or heroes here or there, but that ain't enough. There is literally no other system that distracts you from the rng grind; leaving you painfully stuck. No way to gain heroes, survivors(that are worth using), or descent amount of xp to level up(characters that you may not even like for the sake of progression). So people like me where much of their enjoyment comes from a sense of tangible progression have difficulty finding satisfaction.

  2. Quests and Missions. The game is kinda repetitive. There isn't much different from the core game play loop of building a fort, and defending this point. Every missions is like this. Quests are often go to this exclamation point, and offer little deviation. it's stupid easy. Warframe is similar, and mostly boils down to defend this point. Yet there are other missions like Capture, exterminate all enemies on the map, power a mobile defense point, ex. I just wish for a bit more variation in Quests, and mission structure.

  3. Grind Vs. Reward. The first point plays heavily into this point. I think most would agree only the super llamas are worth getting at a certain point. Unless you have a transformation key, or need quick xp, upgrade llamas are not worth it. The game feels very grindy. When we get a weapon roll, and it is crap. We can't re roll. Its hard for the player to get things they actually want in the game, and we end up blindly grinding for potentially only miserable tears, joy, or any combination of both. It's just blind grinding.

  4. Lag, Certain Things Not Loading(like player Names, or the map updating), and Disconnects. This affects Battle Royale too, and there is nothing much to say. It's a problem.

Minor Issues:

Quest Rewards: It's cool to get legendary heroes from events, but reskins of previous heroes are often disappointing. (Personally, I got a lot of outlanders, and I hate playing them. so seeing Love Jonsey being a reskin disappointed me because I have that subclass already.

I had my eye on Fortnite for a long time. Since it was first announced, and I read about it in Game Informer Actually. I want this game to be really great(especially cause I bought the game with the knowledge it will be free soon). Anyone agrees, disagrees?

submitted by /u/TakarieZan
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Are we still getting patch 3.0.0 tomorrow?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:29 PM PST

Are we still getting the update tomorrow? Like the timeline said?

Or are we getting another delay> (Not complaining) Just wishing for an update before we get one last minute.

submitted by /u/Katzena
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I just can't help posting this. REALLY?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:57 AM PST

Save The World Matching and Quest structure is fucking garbage.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:26 PM PST

I've been playing this game since release and i have yet to understand Epic's reasoning behind this PvE and Quest line. Tell me why i click "play quest" and 80% i join something completely different or even better, someone's fucking storm shield? like what the fuck is this matchmaking, story mode is so unstable and all over the place that it's unbearable to play and this has been happening for MONTHS now. How the fuck am i suppose to play and complete missions when it's constantly glitching and players are disconnecting and reconnecting. Not to mention fucking leechers that literally contribute nothing to missions but somehow are rewarded equally? makes no sense. Epic you're not EA, be better than this.

submitted by /u/YourLocalJerry
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I too have found the prime location!!time to try and solo this !ill I'll post results

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

Epic- Why no response? Account help needed

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST

I began Fortnite on PS4. I enjoyed the free BR mode so much that I wanted to support them. I actually purchased the Limited Edition version of the game for around $150 and gave away free codes to friends so they could enjoy the game as well. I made many other purchases for loot for my characters.

However, I have switched over to PC for most of my gaming. And because I did not create an Epic account on my PS4, all of my purchases are supposedly now on a "ghost account" and I am unable to link this account to my PC account. Why? No idea.

I have reached out to Epic with numerous email requests. Each email is replied to my an auto email saying they will respond "as soon as possible". Yet, still to this day after 6 emails, no actual response to correct this problem.

Epic Games, you made a great game and we all enjoy it. But I spent A LOT of money trying to support you but now I can't benefit from that loot on my PC account. At this point, it is limiting my desire to spend more money (which I am willing to do) on new loot simply because I do not see my old loot and accomplishments on my PC account. Please provide me and the rest of this community with a solution!

Reddit users, Thank you to you all for yourhelp.

submitted by /u/BoSoxMD
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Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:55 PM PST

Is it normal that lowest settings are taking more CPU than epic settings?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:05 AM PST

Can we see also see the items that teammates need to destroy to complete quests?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

For instance, if I have a daily quest to destroy firetrucks, the firetrucks will appear with a yellow outline. It would be great if the items that teammates needed to destroy to complete quests were similarly outlined so I can help them out while I'm doing my thing (especially if team isnt on voice chat). Maybe this could also lead to another personal quest that rewards you for destroying items that teammates need to complete quests? Does an option like this already exist but I just dont know about it? Thoughts?

submitted by /u/EvenG
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Audio laggy / bugged PC?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST

Anyone else having this issue?

submitted by /u/SmiteSheerio
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So, when is PvE getting interchangeable accessories?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:40 AM PST

How is the matchmaking for this game?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

I planned on getting the game and was wondering if the game was only playable with a "pre made" team.

submitted by /u/destiny24
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Lag in missions can also be caused by applying friendly xp boosts

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:52 AM PST

Just ran into a game where I spammed xp boosts for a friend while in a mission and everyone else reported that they were experiencing lag spikes every time I applied the xp boost. Hopefully we don't see people abusing this to troll players off cliffs.

submitted by /u/Swanky_Llama
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