Overwatch - OWL Season 1: Stage 1/Week 4/Day 2 Discussion Thread

OWL Season 1: Stage 1/Week 4/Day 2 Discussion Thread

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:12 PM PST


Streams: Twitch | overwatchleague.com | MLG.tv

Schedules: Official | Liquipedia | Over.gg | GosuGamers


Group Play matches will be 4 Game Sets. The map order is as follows:

1st map: Hybrid

2nd map: Assault

3rd map: Control

4th map: Escort

Tiebreaker: Control


Stage 1 Week 3 will run Wednesday January 31st - Saturday February 3rd.

Season 1 match start times will run as follows:

Day Start Time
Wednesdays 4 PM PDT
Thursdays 2 PM PDT
Fridays 4 PM PDT
Saturdays 11 AM PDT

Broadcast Talent

--- ---
Host Chris "Puckett" Puckett
Analysts & Desk Soe "Soe" Gschwind
- Jonathan "Reinforce" Larsson
- Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson
- Alberto "Crumbz" Rengifo
- Brennen "Bren" Hook
Casters Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles
- Erik "Doa" Lonnquist
- Mitch "Uber" Leslie
- Matthew "Mr X" Morello
- Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat
- Robert "Hexagrams" Kirkbride

Overwatch League Teams

Atlantic Division Pacific Division
Boston Uprising Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem Los Angeles Gladiators
Houston Outlaws Los Angeles Valiant
London Spitfire San Francisco Shock
New York Excelsior Seoul Dynasty
Philadelphia Fusion Shanghai Dragons

Matches & Results

DISCLAIMER: Times are approximate and are subject to change and/or delay.

Matchup Start Time Result
Fusion vs Fuel 2 PM PDT 4 - 0
Excelsior vs Dragons 4 PM PDT 4 - 0
Spitfire vs Dynasty 6 PM PDT 4 - 0
submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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Wishing you prosperity in the Year of the Dog! �� Lunar New Year returns February 8.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:00 PM PST

I work in a makerspace and just helped a kid create this masterpiece...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:31 PM PST

[Fan-Made] D.VA "Thug Life" Highlight Intro

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

A bad case of team tunnel vision

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:33 AM PST

Why does the most powerful enemy in this game not have a red outline?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:26 AM PST

Dear people who hate Mercy: she got nerfed, so please stop harassing her players

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:50 AM PST

Just to cut this off quick no I am not a Mercy Main. I'm a tank main (emphasis on Rein)with my only healer pool being Zen, Moira, and sometimes Lucio, so please leave your "witty" "lul salty mercy main" cracks at the door.

When I'm tanking I'm not picky about my heals so long as I'm getting them, it's also lead me to be a bit more sympathetic to Mercy Players even when the hero evolved into Moth Queen.

Now the nerfs have come. Whether this balanced her or sledgehammered here well see in a month or so.

But, people who despised Mercy? She got nerfed. You got what you wanted. Now can you kindly fuck off with all the "lul Mercy One Trick" harassment.

Past 3 days of my games second somebody picks her or somebody Spies a player with a lot of Mercy hours comes a chorus of " get off Mercy she's trash now," or "lul, about to feel the Sr drop miss mercy main," or the clever "garbage one trick get off or I'll report." Whether they have hours on other heroes is irrelevant. :/

Look I'm not gonna say Moth Meta wasn't oppressive, and the devs heard everyone's cries. She's nerfed, now non mercy healers can play whatever they want, and precious little DPS snowflakes don't have to ree at Mercy undoing their Q kills anymore.

You literally all got what you demanded of Blizzard, now dial back the Mercy hate, because at this point yall are being vindictive and twisting the knife in deeper.

I know it's hard to believe because it doesn't fit the "screeching boosted Mercy one trick" narrative but there are people who actually LIKE playing Mercy and no they don't use her to get boosted. They also have been dealing with a metric ton of toxicity from people because they hated Mercy, and now that they finally got the nerfs they all clamored for, they're immediately going for Mercy players' throats like hungry petty wolves.

Tl;dr: you literally got the nerfs you demanded of Mercy, now stop harassing her player base.

submitted by /u/Phantomskyler
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Had fun at work with the POTG snapchst filter, now my coworkers think im a weirdo

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:28 AM PST

Not sure if this is much but finally reached gold after 6 seasons of bronze and silver

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

I have never felt more disrespected in my life.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:44 PM PST

New Contenders Logo

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:04 PM PST

Mercy's nerf (balance) makes her a choice, rather than an expectation.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:51 PM PST

And It's probably the best thing to happen to support mains honestly. I feel like when I support I can play whatever support I want, even if there isn't a Mercy on our team.

I'm seeing a TON more Lucio's recently, and that's awesome too because I love seeing a good Lucio. They usually know when to speed boost a rein in for some total destruction, and pair that with an ana and/or symmetra; it makes for some hilarious, and fun, QP games too.

submitted by /u/BrostFyte
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Can we talk about how ridiculous it is that someone can leave and cancel the match AFTER a point has been taken?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:59 AM PST

I was playing a comp match last night at VI and we took point A right away. I was playing Winston and already had 8 elims as I was I was about to jump through the choke to point B. However, right before, a member of their team left and we got the 10 second countdown that the match was ending. How is this fair? Shouldn't we be getting some SR?

submitted by /u/GuysBNDudes
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The possibility of African Overwatch severs

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:04 AM PST

Hi I'm an Overwatch player and live in southern African. I don't know if im the only one but I have a hard time having fun playing overwatch due to bad connection. I have to play on EU servers as it's the closest to where I live and all my games are around 200 ping . It's not unplayable but I'm just trying to find out how come there aren't any african secrets ?

Big games like call of duty, counter strike and Other FPS games all hare dedicated servers for souther African and there is a significant community who play those games . So I'm just kinda look to hear if getting support for souther Africa is a possibility if we bring enough attention to it .

submitted by /u/nhikaV
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Torbjorn: Always Late to the Party

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:09 PM PST

"D.va was never a StarCraft pro": the retcon we missed

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:19 PM PST

UPDATE: Michael Chu has clarified his tweet on the Blizzard forums:

"Misconception probably wasn't the right way to describe it, more like something that we haven't clarified properly. I think the best I can do here is give the backstory (har har) on how we got here:

Going back to when we announced D.Va as a hero, we had been experimenting with using different methods of teasing new characters. We thought it'd be fun to use the StarCraft WCS site and slip D.Va in as she had a background as a pro gamer (this all happened before she was officially announced). At the time, I actually worried that it would be taken as canon, but I was hoping elements like the fact her preferred race was listed as "random" and the fact she couldn't have competed in the current series would help defray that. In hindsight, yeah... pretty confusing.

D.Va is absolutely a world champion professional gamer which was what got her recruited into MEKA in the first place. However her best game wasn't StarCraft (which was what I was attempting to clarify). We imagined that she was most known and specialized in a game with a skillset that was closer mapped to the skills that she (and the other MEKA pilots) utilized while piloting their mechs.

That said, D.Va has definitely played more than her fair share of StarCraft (as she references in some of her lines in Overwatch) and a slew of other games. Bonus fact: StarCraft is one of D.Va's father's favorite games! And he was pretty good at it.

Ultimately, I totally recognize that with the way we initially teased D.Va and since we didn't specifically say otherwise in her official backstory, the distinction was pretty unclear."


D.Va's top game isn't StarCraft, it's something closer to the meka-skillset. StarCraft is one of her favourite games & she's pretty good at it.*


"It's a common misconception, but D.Va wasn't a StarCraft pro before joining MEKA."(c) Michael Chu, lead writer

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this tweet. D.va was presented as a StarCraft champion - she had her own fake player profile on the official site (now removed). But after checking out her bio on playoverwatch.com I noticed that all mentions of StarCraft were indeed retconned. This is really odd, as D.va was described as StarCraft pro by the lead concept artist himself (Blizzcon 2015).


She was later advertised as a fictional StarCraft pro in Heroes of the Storm.


She has multiple interactions with heroes from the StarCraft Universe in HotS and has a (removed? never heard it in game) quote about playing StarCraft with her dad.


With so much evidence, this is really unsurprising that this "common misconception" rooted deeply in the fandom. I am actually not against minor retcons in a setting so young and undeveloped as Overwatch. But this change is so oddly specific, that I just don't see any reason for such a retcon. It doesn't conflict with any paradigm, like the canceled visual novel did. It doesn't give more depth to heroes' motivations, like new details of Morrison/Reyes relationship recently given by Jeff Kaplan. It is also a piece of common knowledge about a hero (D.va is known even outside the Overwatch fandom as a "korean StarCraft girl pro"), so they couldn't just retcon it with a straight face and think that nobody would notice.

So, what happened?

submitted by /u/magepie11
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[Request] Please add an in-game description of balance changes.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:21 AM PST

I've played 4 games of competitive last night, and 3 of them had people going crazy over the Mercy not rezzing them while in Valk. Some were pretty toxic about it, until the Mercy shut them up by explaining the nerf.

This was in low-plat, so these guys are pretty much, like me, the average player, but they don't know about huge balance changes like this one ? And this was on PC, where we get a notification in the launcher for changes. Console must be even worse.

Truth is, I don't blame them. They must play Overwatch the way I play Hearthstone, in a more casual way. I never look at the forum or Subreddits, I build my decks based on my very vague understanding of the meta and what I see people playing against me.

But Hearthstone does something very important on this front. When balance changes are made, they are shown to the player as soon as they boot up the application.

I fail to see how something like this could not be applied to Overwatch. I mean, the technology to display notifications on the main menu is already there, the devs do it with every content release ; so just, please add one when major changes are made, or even just an in-game link to the patch notes. Thanks.

TL;DR : I would like Blizzard to add an in-game notification of the latest balance changes so that more casual players can be sure to not miss any.

submitted by /u/McManus26
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The whole D.va retcon thing made me realize how little we know about some characters, even popular ones

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:57 AM PST

Like Mercy. Super popular, but what do we actually know about her? She is a good person, she is smart, she is a doctor. We use to think she was responsible for Reaper being spooky, but that isn't true. Then we finally got Moira, and that seemed like the reason Reaper is spooky, but Blizz was like "nah, that's not the whole store ;)"


Also, Lucio who? And has Symmetra done anything since her comic?

submitted by /u/HeihachiHayashida
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Hey Blizzard, if you force me to backfill with less than 1 minute left, SHOW ME the entire enemy roster instead of forcing me to wait.

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:47 PM PST

I could easily optimize my pick instead of walking to the fight realizing I should have picked something else.

So stupid that you are not shown entire enemy roster during backfill.

submitted by /u/spicedpumpkins
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I'd like to apply to the Overwatch Basketball League.

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:46 PM PST

T-Mobile sponsors OWL yet throttles twitch..

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:58 AM PST

Anyone else find it odd that TMobile is a sponsor yet throttles twitch..? I kind of feel if your going to sponsor the OWL... You prolly shouldn't throttle your users when watching it...

Update #1 So we've learned from the comments that T-Mobile has this setting you can turn on & off in your profile settings in the T-Mobile app called "BingeOn" having this setting ON throttles your content but DOESN'T go towards your data cap. Basically if you have an unlimited plan, turn this setting OFF. My big problem here then becomes this setting being turned ON by default when I have unlimited data. Pretty shady..

submitted by /u/Everborn128
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Jack on Profit Flipping the Bird: "That whole experience was very hard on him. He's a very young player, he got a lot of pressure from home about it, and it really shook him.”

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:06 AM PST

30 seconds left in a comp game where we were stuck in spawn the whole time

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:31 PM PST

No Blade Needed

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:56 AM PST

Get out of my swamp

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:51 AM PST

The birth of Justice!!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

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