Civilization - A stave church! (seen on /r/pics)

A stave church! (seen on /r/pics)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:46 AM PST

Ha Long Bay on my Starting City

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST

40sw4rm's "Old World" 120x80 (TSL) ... ETA:9 Feb

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:15 PM PST

Minas Tirath

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:17 PM PST

Had surgery on my leg yesterday, now time to start the healing process.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:52 AM PST

Returned to Civ 4 recently, my rose tinted glasses have been ripped off

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:03 PM PST

Civ 4 for was the civ game i started with way back when, I felt for a long time that it was the peak of the series, and newer games should try to emulate it. I revisited it recently before Rise and Fall so i wouldn't burn out on 6, and while its still a great game, it has a lot flaws that i don't miss. Playing 4 Has made me appreciate 6 a lot more.

Stuff they got right in 4

  • Bigger maps- probably as a result of better graphics maps in 6 are much smaller than they were in 4, while the demand for better graphics will probably never make this possible again, the huge maps of 4 were really nice and gave a better sense of scale.

  • Production Speeds- Things took a lot less time to make, part of this is due to military units being worth less overall, but the timing of production to science feels much more natural in 4.

  • Random events- This is a controversial one, as a lot of people don't miss them, but i really liked the random events and missions that would occasionally pop up. They added a unexpected element that were sometimes annoying, but sometimes really cool and advantageous, it made me feel like i didn't have total control over my empire, which was a refreshing challenge. It also made game play feel more like a narrative, which is something 6 is trying to do, i would like to see these come back, but not everyone will agree.

  • Better quotes- This is purely aesthetic but the quotes in 4 are much more articulate and meaningful, Leonard Nimoy fit the more philosophical tone they tended to have much more than Sean Bean fits the comical tone in 6, I'm fine with silly quotes but they should have gotten someone with comedy chops and a cool voice, like Alec Baldwin or David Mitchell.

  • Map Trading, a simple but meaningful thing that 4 did that never came back was letting you trade maps. This let you get a view of the world without exploring it yourself, for a price. The AI always new how much your maps were worth even if they didn't know what was in it, so you couldn't cheat them much, but if you took the initiative and explored a lot you could sell your maps to the AI, which made you a nice chunk of change.

Stuff in 6 they got right (besides the obvious)

  • Combat- The combat in Civ 4 is atrocious, anyone who hates the combat in 6 should play 4 to get some perspective because it is infuriating. The death ball system has no sense of scale, the combat based on probability makes it feel arbitrary and unfair, cities being defenseless without units in them felt ridiculous. This is probably the worst thing about 4, thank god 5 changed up the formula.

  • Civs feel unique- All the civs in 4 feel the same, the leaders just get two traits out of a grab bag, and the civs just offer a unit and building. Giving both the civ and the leader a unique bonus in 6 gives each civ a distinct feeling, forcing you to play a particular way, often chasing one advantage or another, playing Pericles with Greece in 6 feels much more distinct than it did in 4. Giving each civ its own theme also really helps with that.

  • Cooler Wonders - a lot of the wonders in 4 do similar things, Stonehenge puts a monument in every city, Eiffel Tower does the same thing with broadcast towers, useful but kind of dull. Every wonder in 6 feels unique, and therefore more interesting.

  • Roads- Having to connect every resource to the capital was tedious, and made pillaging other cities all to easy, using traders to make roads feels more natural, and letting units use districts as roads does too. Trade routes in general were a big improvement made in 5 I'm glad they kept in 6.

  • Espionage- The spy system in 4 was janky, in order to defend against enemy spies you had to send spies into enemy territory to do counter intelligence against that specific civ, rather than just keep them at home, spies were also super cheap so it was easy to flood they enemy with operatives, while you were also constantly harassed, it was tedious and unfun, the modern system is much cleaner and diplomatic visibility gives you something to pursue.

  • Religion- Another advancement of 5 that 6 made better, the religion system was really simple and tied to tech, every religion is the same, and there is no benefit to spreading yours except to win religious victory. The custom religions and religious combat make for a much more dynamic in 6.

There are others i cant think of right now. I still loved 4, and walking down memory lane was fun but there is no question we've come a long way. It seems obvious that a newer game is better but there is a lot of Nostalgia pandering in this sub that i think should be discussed. Civ 4 got a lot right but i think the best days of the franchise are ahead of us.

submitted by /u/oxenolaf
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I recently figured out that I can play civ 6 through remote desktop while at work

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

Firaxis Livestream: Loyalty Deep Dive / Devs Play Mapuche [Fri @ 11am PT]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:06 AM PST

Rememinder! Civ R&F releases in one week

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Just a reminder that R&F releases in a week! A lot of us are hyped for it, but just keep your hype down if it's too high so you don't get too disappointed!

submitted by /u/MrCookie01
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Is this the new pornhub?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:34 AM PST

just asking, never saw so many amazingly well shaped canals and petras.

submitted by /u/Magos-Titanicus
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Turn 149 Science Victory on Deity

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:47 PM PST

Personal best "Wonder City" so far

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:13 PM PST

Can we get our world wars back?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:43 PM PST

In older civs due to alliances, vassal states and mutual protection packs would often lead to big blocks forming and then a huge world war erupting between multiple AIs and often the player somewhere in the middle. This happened rarely if ever in civ5, and now never in civ6 - all I get is the "join war" bs.

Anyone else miss this? I think the old vassalage agreements from civ4 worked very well there, in addition to giving an option to just conquering an enemy completely, and the MPPs were sometimes enough to break apart older friendships as 1 AI would declare on you and force his friend to intervene.

submitted by /u/FriendoftheDork
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Gotta love civ 6 starts

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:21 PM PST

Can we please stop posting all those horrible start locations where we start next to another civ/city-state?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:28 AM PST


Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:15 PM PST

Personally, I love the idea of emergencies. It simulates a summit of world powers coming together to fight off tyranny. However, there is one change I'd like:

You should be able to take sides in an emergency. If Philip nukes Stockholm, my options are to fight for it or to stay out.

What if I wanna help him?

What if I know everyone will fuck him up, and he's the only one supplying with luxuries I need?

What if Stockholm is a thorn in my side?

I think this system of taking sides would simulate the idea of World War and would make it all more immersive, instead of the beating up of one player we see. However, I think it's great, and I can't wait to play!

submitted by /u/AristocratesSR
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With the new expansion releasing next week, what balance changes to civs are you hoping to see?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:04 AM PST

With a game like civ, it's super difficult to have a completely balanced experience (and some don't want that). However, I think at a minimum each civ's unique abilities and traits should feel fun/impactful.

I just played through my first game as brazil (did a immortal cultural victory) and I am just EXTREMELY underwhelmed by Brazil.

The 20% refund on GPP is a complete garbage UA. It's also framed in a way that makes it seem better than it is. A flat 20% extra GPP would be great. But you get no boost towards your first GP of each type, making it useless for profits. Also, because the next great person often costs double the previous one, it would seem to be essentially a 10% extra GPP after your first one. And on higher difficulties, there are times that I never see a single great merchant or admiral even if i build a ton of banks or harbors, let alone two.

I think Brazil is weak enough to just straight up change it to 20% more GPP.

The carnival project seemed super underwhelming. I think district projects don't seem to be worth it overall. Once I had all my culture buildings, I was running the carnival project in every city trying to get the next great artist. It took forever even with 7 cities of mine spamming them. It was very difficult to guage if it was doing anything at all. So I also hope they can make district projects in general a little more worth it.

That aside, I do think their UU is absolutely amazingly powerful. A more powerful battleship that comes before steel made my game super easy.

What changes are ya'll hoping for?

submitted by /u/TBOJ
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You might not like it, but this is peak performance

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Are the extra Civ expansions worth it?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

I'm fairly new to the game, but I've had a great time so far. I was looking at the Civ expansions and the prices seemed high. I just want to hear what others think of them.

submitted by /u/Dovahkiin12012
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I miss winning over city states when liberating the city in Civ V. Maybe Civ VI could offer a few free envoys for setting them free.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

Last Chance to Get Civ 6 + 2 DLCs for $12!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:52 AM PST


Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:24 AM PST

A question from a clueless new player.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:12 AM PST

I'm brand new to the series. I've had Civ 6 on my wishlist for a while and jumped at the current humble monthly deal. 4 hours in, I've went from "oh god what even" to "okay this makes sens.. nvm, I still have no idea what is going on." In short, I'm enjoying the heck out of being bombarded by the depth of this game. One thing, however, has me bamboozled. I can't find anything in the game explaining this in layman's terms. Harvesting a tile. Say I harvest a food-based tile I don't need and it gives me a hefty 28 food in return. Where does this short-term boost go? Does it apply for one or two turns, speeding things up temporarily? I'm confused because food and production (or whatever the gears are called) aren't stockpiled the way gold is. Thanks in advance for reading this, I am but a simple man playing a complex game.

submitted by /u/Buddy_Jarrett
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Why still no production queue?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:15 AM PST

Did devs say why they don't want to include production queue? People want it, the ones that don't, don't need to use it. Why straight up refuse to put it in the game? I don't get it.

submitted by /u/0Artur0
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