Learn Dota 2 - What's your most obscure, situational or impractical tip?

What's your most obscure, situational or impractical tip?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

Here's mine: If you can ever get ahold of an enemy's item, it's better to stash it somewhere then to destroy it. This is because the gold formula for assists takes net worth into account. You'll get less assist gold if you destroy the item.

How about you? Lay on the esoteric tips!

submitted by /u/DONGPOCALYPSE
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When clearing enemy Camps/Ancients why kill all the mobs and not leave one left?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:07 AM PST

I understand that it's an extra amount of gold and experience, but if you have the opportunity to farm the enemy camp - say after a team fight - only the once. Why not leave a mob left? That way the camp won't re-spawn. You are potentially denying the enemy team farm this way.

Is there an obvious flaw in this logic?

submitted by /u/overcookedchicken
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OD meteor hammer???

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:17 AM PST

I've seen a youtube link with and OD using meteor hammer, but I've never tried it. Is it good? Astral then meteor hammer, can it do good damage? Or a no no?? Thank you

submitted by /u/jojirwr
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Every game I'm totally strong early game but then late game the enemy just totally destroys me.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:57 PM PST

Every fucking game we push all lanes out to the T3s early game in like 20 minutes. Then by 30 minutes we're just getting absolutely destroyed in every team fight, we just get stunned so hard and raped in the ass and it's over in like 5 seconds. Why does this happen to me every game?

This is kind of a rant, because this literally just happened to me exactly as I described.

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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How do people predict win at start of a game??

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:01 PM PST

I used to be able to recycle my items which then gave me a dialog box at the start of a each game to predict a win. The prediction would then show in all chat. Winning three times would give a hero skin of some sort etc..

I've wondered for a while now.. how do people still do this?? I see it quite regularly from other players but as far as i know, they removed the recycle feature a while back..

submitted by /u/VinTanky
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After SS and venge, what is the best support to push towers?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

I am trying to get good at 3 supports to spam and wind games. How do you win? Taking the ancient after taking towers. SS and Venge can do it even if the team wins a team fight and goes jungle.

The third best sup could be warlock, Jak or Lesh. Lesh needs a lot of farm. Warlock is up every 3 min. Jak is good in general. Could the best one be Jak? What do you guys think?

Edited: Readability

submitted by /u/monoeze
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Can someone please criticize me?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:00 PM PST


I think I was doing fine compared to my 4 teammates (I really question both of these archons [Riki and Pudge], and an Axe afk :( ), although I probably made a lot of mistakes too. I really want to improve more in these kinds of games, I mainly play as pos 1, and most of the time rely on my teammates who should be also doing well as I get farmed, but this ones different as I think they've all depended on me late game lol.

I'm probably a Crusader 1 for a reason so please point out all the things I should get better on.

(I also mostly do ranked parties, I rarely go solo)


submitted by /u/Ninmars
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Video example of what you MUST-DO every Chen game at every level of play

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:49 PM PST

WK Farming Items

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

can Midas be substituted entirely with Crystalys as the farming item? with crystalys' crit he gets an additional separate roll/crit the "insta-kill" part shared, thoughts? this is for the BM>Rad build btw which I'm still new.

submitted by /u/sammyshake
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Help Learning the game

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:44 PM PST

So I just started playing. I have a few years of experience with league of Legends so I'm familiar with most of the game mechanics. I would appreciate some insight as to what the meta is in terms of roles as well as what I should be doing in the early game so that I can be slightly less of a dead weight when I finally enter actual matchmaking.

submitted by /u/jmp0628
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How to improve when spamming heroes

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:56 AM PST

Okay so I've started spamming jugg and Sf, and out of 4 games I played a jugg I won 3 and won the one Sf game, but I still don't feel like I'm "learning the map" or anything , I thought spamming a hero was supposed to let you focus on other aspects of the game better .

How do I go about improving now that I've narrowed down my heroes to 2

I'm archon 4

submitted by /u/zekken908
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Is it ok to pull from behind the opponent's T1 tower in the offlane?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:38 PM PST

I'm in low mmr and in low mmr this is dual-lane country. As I was in the offlane I was pulling from behind the T1 opponent tower, crossing the river, going through their jungle, passing in front of my secret shop and connecting with my creeps behind our towers, and there I could take the last hits in peace. My teammate in the offlane was not happy with it. I said that I was denying farm and XP from their carry and it was fine to do so. (Also it creates a mess with the equilibrium and this is usually bad for a carry). But he said that it was causing me to lose XP. In my opinion, I'm causing more damage to their carry by denying waves and breaking the equilibrium. Who is right?

submitted by /u/roscocoltrane
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How do I lane against Huskar as OD?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:28 AM PST

I played against a Huskar as OD mid and he completely shat on me. He came at me with early harass and I couldn't trade with him effectively. I was completed zoned out because of the harass or got killed when I tried to man up and he snowballed into 33 kills. What could I have done differently in this game?


submitted by /u/sajmcal
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Help with Storm Spirit Mid Plssss!!!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:47 AM PST

Hey guys, so recently I've been playing a lot of storm spirit but I'm finding it really hard to hit my item timings for kaya + bloodstone. I usually get bloodstone around 20-22 mins which i think is really late and im often underlevelled. I get forced out of lane a lot after level 4/5 and the other mid just sits there denying every creep and getting every last hit. Really struggled against OD matchups and im just not sure what to do?? I find going to the jungle doesn't give much in terms of exp and farm??

submitted by /u/RayJay97
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Significance of the tinker ms nerf

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:31 PM PST

I just realized when my friend was playing Tinker yesterday, we were talking abiut his ms nerf and how it might affect his laning stage because u travel from lane to jungle/rune slower.

But we also realized that u cant double stack some camps now alone because ur too slow

Just found it cool and wanted to share

submitted by /u/galvanickorea
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Why is Gyro back?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:15 AM PST

So I've recently seen gyro being played a fair bit in pro an pub play. What has made this hero good now? He was bad for a long time. How do you play the current gyro?

submitted by /u/Constantdiarrhea
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Help in Roaming

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:31 PM PST

I mainly play carry and offlane but now I want to add another position in my cache; which is roaming. Am already at 3.8k and I just wanna know the foundation of roaming and how to be an effective asset to my team and a threat to the other team.

submitted by /u/Eucle
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